NationStates Jolt Archive

Book Ideas

The Rogue Soldiers
02-04-2006, 02:34
Anyone who might know me from the Paradox forums (Mr. Capiatlist), knows I like to write. They also know I usually don't finish what I write (so don't worry Max). But my latest attempt finally floundered and it was entered into the folder where I keep all my failed writing attempts.

What I need:
Characters (diversify)

I know I've hit rock bottom when my best idea recently has been about zombies. :(

I hate zombies...

Stupid zombies...

Anways, anyone who intelligently contributes to the selected idea (I just need ideas, you don't have to write the book for me) gets their name in the cover. Given I publish, which is probably not going to happen.

Desperate Measures
02-04-2006, 02:40
Two countries headed towards an inevitable war. The hook? The leaders are Siamese Twins.
02-04-2006, 02:42
Anyone who might know me from the Paradox forums (Mr. Capiatlist), knows I like to write. They also know I usually don't finish what I write (so don't worry Max). But my latest attempt finally floundered and it was entered into the folder where I keep all my failed writing attempts.

What I need:
Characters (diversify)

I know I've hit rock bottom when my best idea recently has been about zombies. :(

I hate zombies...

Stupid zombies...

Anways, anyone who intelligently contributes to the selected idea (I just need ideas, you don't have to write the book for me) gets their name in the cover. Given I publish, which is probably not going to happen.

You are going to get alot of ideas for a dystiopia story. All of them will involve Bush or Commies.
The Rogue Soldiers
02-04-2006, 02:48
You are going to get alot of ideas for a dystiopia story. All of them will involve Bush or Commies.
The work that just ended was a dystopia of shorts, and I love dystopic works, as for Bush a commies... well...
I am anti-communist and anti-Bush... what does that make me? A Proud Reform Party member! :rolleyes:

Please, I tend to like to leave real people (and companies) out of my work... for legal reasons.

As for siamese twin psychos, I'll consider it.... :sniper:
As funny as it would be (or not be, I'm not known for having a great sense of humor), I don't know if I could get much out of it. Let us see what else people can think up... (that's your guy's cue)
02-04-2006, 02:58
i got an idea the other week from a thread here on NS. not that i remember what it was about but it was about blindness or what makes a girl pretty or do we all see the same thing or something...

what if we got hooked up with another civilization from another planet where the people were very much like us except that they could "see" the heat radiated by people's bodies and they based attractiveness on the quality of a girl heat signature.

if you went to visit that planet, on vacation lets say, you would be "blind" to a girls heat sig and perhaps you would be dating the ugliest girl in the area or perhaps the prettiest but you didnt treat her lke she was the prettiest. what attracted her to you would be the way she looks which is less of a consideration for them than heat sig is. kinda like dating the homely girl with the big breasts.

creating the vocabulary for an attribute that you cant "see" would be challenging and the social commentary on beauty could be very pointed.
The Rogue Soldiers
02-04-2006, 03:08
Yeah... as much of an interesting concept that is, and I bet it would do great in sales, probably be the next cult classic, I'm going to move away from social commintaries, because I am a naive, young, dumb**** who does not have the right to make social commentaries.

Kick a** idea though.
02-04-2006, 03:42
what genre?

weeellllll, i got this :

quasi-flashback thing where the first couple chapters are the story of this guy and this girl. this guy really likes this girl, and he's been in love with her since the 4th grade. flashback to 4th, 7th, 9th grades, return to reality. guy meets girl again at speed dating/dating crap like that. walking down street, gang fight! girl shot, guy cries, girl goes into coma, guy professes love while she's in coma, she wakes up, she knows, they marry. and then, the end says its a memoir.

its hard to understand but if ye likey, TG me. i'll give more details.

*based on a true story* too! hook! :eek:

title: the lost autumn
The Rogue Soldiers
02-04-2006, 03:53
My best areas of writing are in darker things.

So far, in the Paradox forums, similar ideas have been suggested, and they've suggested a modern-day LOTR...

Me writing a guy meets girl book? I know people who'd suffer angyrisms if they found out I did. And if it based on a true story, I'd need permission. And I am poor and cannot promise good sales or accuracy.
The Emperor Fenix
02-04-2006, 04:09
I'm actually writing something write now (OK OK, about to start writing something, maybe perhaps possible in the future) which might inspire you.

It is in short a mixture of Igby goes Down ( and Cowboy Bebop ( set in diary/newspaper article/goverment file form set in a future (!Cnv82Uvwyca0NSy5BtGUsyvjuaqFloW49cpu4fSDtWduuYdKUG3eDLlYtFt*kM35JEoTdCE7FqKYyNJG8gymSoy JruireHcpfWdHb*UR2uVc2NBIsBws/Space%20Pope.bmp?dc=4675522229299796471) which is neither dystopic or utopic, rather hundreds of states co-exist with varying degrees of success each with its own philosophy, which i feel is more realistic that some single minded or black and white future in which there are very few nations all holding extreme philosophies.

But then you could always do a remake of watership down with humans instead of rabbits, beause humans are cute and cuddly people will be able to empathise more than with crappy old rabbits.
02-04-2006, 04:31
My best areas of writing are in darker things.

So far, in the Paradox forums, similar ideas have been suggested, and they've suggested a modern-day LOTR...

Me writing a guy meets girl book? I know people who'd suffer angyrisms if they found out I did. And if it based on a true story, I'd need permission. And I am poor and cannot promise good sales or accuracy.

i give my permission :D .

so what. if you are published, you have accomplished something.
02-04-2006, 04:40
How about a historical novel with a twist? Two would-be lovers are reincarnated in various times and places throughout history, but never can get together until their last reincarnation in 2012, just as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts, leaving them the only two who can lead what's left of humanity into an uncertain future.

It's got it all: wars, pestilence, historical accuracy, apocalypse, scientific relevance, plus the star-tossed lovers hook. :)

Whadda ya think?
The Rogue Soldiers
02-04-2006, 04:52
I'm sorry, but leave the love stories to another author. :headbang: >blechhh< I'm no good with heartfelt stuff, This is not headed where I want it to go.... :(
02-04-2006, 04:54
Well, as a guy who once contemplated the life of an author, the best advice I ever received was the following; "writer's write."

Sounds disceptively simple, eh? The key is to always be writing, even if you can't think what to write about.

I'm far too lazy for that... so I don't write for a living.

So, I don't have any plot ideas for you. All I can say is, anyone who does this for a living, puts pen to paper every single day.

Can you do that? If so, just write whatever comes to mind, and look at it later.
02-04-2006, 04:56
Do a story that takes place 10 years from now. Have whichever party you hate take control of the country for that time, and make the story about the main character get perpetually fucked by the goverment. The person could come close to free themself but fail misserbly.
The Emperor Fenix
02-04-2006, 04:57
Well, as a guy who once contemplated the life of an author, the best advice I ever received was the following; "writer's write."

Sounds disceptively simple, eh? The key is to always be writing, even if you can't think what to write about.

I'm far too lazy for that... so I don't write for a living.

So, I don't have any plot ideas for you. All I can say is, anyone who does this for a living, puts pen to paper every single day.

Can you do that? If so, just write whatever comes to mind, and look at it later.

Thats actually great advice, i find that the main factor inhibiting my writing is the fact that i never actually get round to doing it (well not never but not as often as i should).
02-04-2006, 05:00
I once wrote a very popular short story in class about two old quarrelling ladies waiting on a bus, al la Waiting for Godot, but sillier. People wet themselves when they read it. You could go along with something like that...
The Emperor Fenix
02-04-2006, 05:02
Ever read Iain M Banks' State of the art ? That should give you some ideas.
02-04-2006, 05:05
Here, how about this...a few guys somehow, in some accident, become "unstuck" in time and space, and begin randomly floating about the universe. Somehow, they can float outside of the earths atmosphere, and witness all sorts of amazing events...possibly one could even include an aspect in which they pass through several alternate universes, in which various historical events happened differently. All over time and space. Maybe they become part of certain eras for a time. Just crazy experiences. Then, at the end, it turns out it was all some sort of psychedelic trip or some such...something like that, anyway.

I think it'd be cool.
The Emperor Fenix
02-04-2006, 05:07
Surely both that and Euts one would be a bit like reading a Lifetime made for TV movie ?
02-04-2006, 05:08
Thats actually great advice, i find that the main factor inhibiting my writing is the fact that i never actually get round to doing it (well not never but not as often as i should).

There's an author who I admire, Stephen Pressfield who wrote the Legend of Bagger Vance (which I haven't read) and 4 novels set in ancient greece (of which I'm a fanatic fan of.). He has writen a book called 'The War or Art' (which I have yet to read) where he talks specifically with dealing with writer's block and just writing something down every day.

I suppose I should read the book before I plug it...
02-04-2006, 05:24
Okay, here it goes.

Two groups of space aliens, one race of communist-cyborgs, and a humanoid race that rules through a mixture of religion and imperialist doctrine (quite reminiscent of Frank Herbert's Padisha' Imperium).
These two groups have been at war for millenia, and arrive on earth hoping to colonize it at the same time.

Hell on earth and total anarchy ensue.

NATO ant the WTO join forces and attempt to hold on to Europe, succeeding in holding a small chunk of the north, the US becomes a graveyard of radioactive glass, and organized resistance to the invaders all but dissappears as the the entire continent (of north and south) america fall into a road-warrior/mad max esque land of principalities and private strongholds.

Switzerland goes turtle (like always) and involves itself only in the banking of ALL factions, accumulating vast profits and purchasing a space fleet which it uses to annex the moon.

China and Russia go to war with each other over who nuked America, playing the blame game.

Pakistan and India nuke each other, and are quickly conqured by the Communist-Cyborgs.

Iran and North Korea accidentally nuke themselves, proving once and for all that crappy third-world nations shouldn't be allowed to have, produce or even handle WMD's.

Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton Join forces with Saddam (recently escaped from prison) and Osama Bin Laden, then reserect Hitler and form an Uber evil form of Voltron. Then Subjigate the peoples of Africa, warring over the troubled continent with the Imperium. While all this is going on, they take their collective time to delay the release S.T.A.L.K.E.R yet again! is mistaken for a federation of extremly extremist Nations and nuked by everybody.

The anti-christ has to pop up and battle Pope Ratzinger for religious control of the entire universe. (while the Imperial cult/church assails both in an attempt to eradicate all heretics).

I've got loads more, email if u REALLY want it!
The Rogue Soldiers
02-04-2006, 05:29
Do a story that takes place 10 years from now. Have whichever party you hate take control of the country for that time, and make the story about the main character get perpetually fucked by the goverment. The person could come close to free themself but fail misserbly.
<pulls @ goatee>

I think I can make something like that work, but with V for Vendetta just released, it is iffy...

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Come out ideas! They are all stuck, I see half-images... I see... single, male, late 20's... smoking... 30-06... but no plot... hang on... hang on... nope... nothin': just a character who smokes.
02-04-2006, 05:31
<pulls @ goatee>

I think I can make something like that work, but with V for Vendetta just released, it is iffy...

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Come out ideas! They are all stuck, I see half-images... I see... single, male, late 20's... smoking... 30-06... but no plot... hang on... hang on... nope... nothin': just a character who smokes.
Then smoking gets banned/ he gets cancer....
The Rogue Soldiers
02-04-2006, 05:32
Okay, here it goes.


I've got loads more, email if u REALLY want it!
Sorry, but I don't like scientology. :p
The Rogue Soldiers
02-04-2006, 05:34
Then smoking gets banned/ he gets cancer....
I was going along the lines of the government assasin who hates his job, then goes on a rampage killing those who paid him to kill... :rolleyes:
The Rogue Soldiers
02-04-2006, 05:38
A-ha! A-ha! :D :D :D :D

I gots it! I gots it!

Half a second after making the last post...

The main character, late 20's, smokes. Living in a very PC USA. Was a government assasin, and was paid to kill certain political leaders so that the other party could create a single party state, where anything that is dangerous (including smoking) is illegal, based on the fact that if you are dead you cannot pay taxes.

And it goes into all kinds of aspects of life, right down to sex and owning a car. So our hero, changes sides, and begins to kill the people who set up our quasi-commie-nazi-barney the purple dinosaur Hilary Clinton wet-dream of a world in order to restore balance! And while he's at it, he'll get the girl, and it will be all tabou 'cuz sex is illegal.

Posi, you're a freaking genious!
02-04-2006, 05:39
I was going along the lines of the government assasin who hates his job, then goes on a rampage killing those who paid him to kill... :rolleyes:
Only clean cop in the force and decides to clean it up on his terms.

Your idea after is pretty good too.