NationStates Jolt Archive


Hazternic and Hofflech
01-04-2006, 21:31
awesome, i did the test and got my result, so now he and me is dating, he is a black skinned midget with glasses. neither of us is gay. thanks nation dates, you've made us gay!

April fools joke! got ya :p :p
01-04-2006, 21:32
Um, didn't get me......
Secluded Islands
01-04-2006, 21:35
hahahahahahahahahhaha lolzorz hahaha lol omg. ohh, good one...
01-04-2006, 21:37
Congratulations, you are the third person to post a thread about NationDates. You lose at life, Chuck Norris is on his way to Roundhouse Kick you into oblivion.
01-04-2006, 22:12
We just had a 4th too....Go admins.
Hazternic and Hofflech
01-04-2006, 23:50
Congratulations, you are the third person to post a thread about NationDates. You lose at life, Chuck Norris is on his way to Roundhouse Kick you into oblivion.
What? I did something bad? :headbang: