is war better than peace
Sammy spa
01-04-2006, 16:48
one the one hand peace has no lose of life no sorrow or grieving but no advances either. you see war forces greate medical and technological breakthroughs without it we wouldn't be in space yet have the atom bomb or even have computer games as they are based on numeric code which was invented to decifer codes in the cold war.
01-04-2006, 16:50
You can develop better things in peace than in war. It just takes a little bit longer. Besides, war only dreates weapons.
one the one hand peace has no lose of life no sorrow or grieving but no advances either. you see war forces greate medical and technological breakthroughs without it we wouldn't be in space yet have the atom bomb or even have computer games as they are based on numeric code which was invented to decifer codes in the cold war.The cold war had surprisingly few losses for its scale and pushed technological advancements. You don't need war for that, just competition.
01-04-2006, 16:51
With a little competition, but still at peace, everyone wins
01-04-2006, 16:53
No, I don't think war is better than peace. Technology may develop more slowly, but it certainly doesn't stop dead.
The Infinite Dunes
01-04-2006, 16:53
one the one hand peace has no lose of life no sorrow or grieving but no advances either. you see war forces greate medical and technological breakthroughs without it we wouldn't be in space yet have the atom bomb or even have computer games as they are based on numeric code which was invented to decifer codes in the cold war.Very true. But does having computer games, the ability to fly into space make life any more worth living?
01-04-2006, 16:54
Very true. But does having computer games, the ability to fly into space make life any more worth living?
01-04-2006, 16:55
You can develop better things in peace than in war. It just takes a little bit longer. Besides, war only dreates weapons.
Radar was invented during World War II and we use it to monitor air traffic and weather.
01-04-2006, 16:56
Radar was invented during World War II and we use it to monitor air traffic and weather.
Radar would have been invented later though, and without all the suffering.
Gargantua City State
01-04-2006, 16:57
I'll say war is wrong.
If we didn't have all the advances today that war created, you wouldn't know any better. Maybe we'd have gone along more slowly, and not now live the sedentary lives that we do. Maybe kids would actually play outside. All technological advance is not necessarily good. I could live without nuclear weapons being around.
I say we've advanced enough due to war... it'd be nice to just go at a peace-time pace. And don't forget that the other countries we go to war with may advance as well (as indicated by the Iranian MIRV the other day). One day all these advancements are going to lead to giant steps backwards.
01-04-2006, 16:57
Radar would have been invented later though, and without all the suffering.
The military actually invented Radar. They've been working on it for awhile. War is sometimes necessary.
01-04-2006, 16:59
The military actually invented Radar. They've been working on it for awhile. War is sometimes necessary.
A person would have made it eventually.
But in my mind, war is only good to defend yourself, to destroy a threat, or to endsome sort of evil.
The military actually invented Radar. They've been working on it for awhile. War is sometimes necessary.Yes, but to further technological advancements isn't one of the reasons.
The Jovian Moons
01-04-2006, 17:05
Tough question. We need war to live in true peace, and look at Sparta. They loved war never had peace and were happy.
01-04-2006, 17:09
Yes, peace is better that war. We may advance slower, but on the upside, everyday living isn't a struggle for survival.
Tough question. We need war to live in true peace, and look at Sparta. They loved war never had peace and were happy.
The Spartans, yes. The massive slave population might have had a different say on the matter though.
No, Peace is better.
Hah! April Fool. More death and destruction is what the world needs.
01-04-2006, 17:11
The best thing would be competition, without war
Something like the cold war (without all those proxy conflicts)
01-04-2006, 17:12
So friendly competition. Very, very good state.
01-04-2006, 17:18
Necessity does breed invention, and war creates necessity yet..
But the tradeoff...millions of innocent people on both sides having their entire futures forcibly put in jeopardy...isn't worth it.
I agree with the person who says that competition is just as good as war for breeding invention.
01-04-2006, 17:28
Yes, but to further technological advancements isn't one of the reasons.
did I say it was?
did I say it was?No, but the implication was there, whether you intended it or not, through the context of the quote replied to. I thought I'd clarify.