29-03-2006, 21:41
Just a few questions:
Can you be a pro-jewish aryan?
and, um..., is being an aryan wrong? Morally, ethically, prinicipally? Anyway-illay?
I'm just wondering because i stumbled upon a little site, and it's sort of got me thinking.
Aryan-Nations (
I would like maybe some thought.
Because of the confusion, I'm on about aryan as in the german belief they were the one true race, and everyone else was inferior.
29-03-2006, 21:42
why can't they spell America right?
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 21:42
Simply being an Aryan? How can it be wrong? But the concept is flawed. There is no such thing as the Aryan race. There are the Germanic tribes and resultant nations, but the Aryan "race" as an idea was completely flawed.
Well, the Aryans were an ethnic group that invaded and later settled northern India in the 6th century BC, so it's possible to be one and be Jewish at the same time.:p
But seriously, stay well away from the Aryan Nations. They are a militant racist and anti-Semitic group.
29-03-2006, 21:44
its no more stupid than deciding that you are a decendant of the people of the ancient island of atlantis and that that makes you superior.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 21:45
Well, the Aryans were an ethnic group that invaded and later settled northern India in the 6th century BC, so it's possible to be one and be Jewish at the same time.:p
Didn't they originate from Iran or something? I believe the ethnic group has little to do with the Germanic ethnic group, which is the one Hitler hailed as the "Aryan race".
29-03-2006, 21:45
I would be considered a racial aryan being blond-haired and blue-eyed and somewhat taller.
But other than the racial characteristics, I try not to accosciate with the aryan political philosophy because, well, of pretty much what it is.
29-03-2006, 21:46
Being blonde haired and blue eyed is nothing to be ashamed of, obviously.
But by the same token, being far-right nutter is just WRONG!
Hating people just wastes far too much energy.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 21:46
I would be considered a racial aryan being blond-haired and blue-eyed and somewhat taller.
You could also be a Slav, which Hitler would've turned to soap.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 21:47
Being blonde haired and blue eyed is nothing to be ashamed of, obviously.
Do you have any concept of what "race" is?
29-03-2006, 21:47
The belief in being a superior person due to mythical ancestry is as rediculous as it sounds. if you view yourself as the better of an individual you automatically strip someone of the dignity of knowing that they are a human being just like everyone else. in thebest sense its condescending and the worst its wholesale murder.
Just a few questions:
Can you be a pro-jewish aryan?
and, um..., is being an aryan wrong? Morally, ethically, prinicipally? Anyway-illay?
I'm just wondering because i stumbled upon a little site, and it's sort of got me thinking.
Aryan-Nations (
I would like maybe some thought.
i think its not being an Aryan by blood that's wrong...its being the type of aryan that this particular site shows. all i got from this site was a strong pro-hitler and anti-Jew message...
Lunatic Goofballs
29-03-2006, 21:49
Aryans look as funny trying to recover from a wedgie as anybody else. :)
29-03-2006, 21:50
Aryans look as funny trying to recover from a wedgie as anybody else. :)
Wedgie? Please elaborate. I'm unsure if you are talking about a unknown brand of spicy potato wedges, sold in the UK.
Desperate Measures
29-03-2006, 21:51
Why can't the Aryan Nations learn proper grammar?
Desperate Measures
29-03-2006, 21:54
Oh and this is my favorite part:
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 21:56
"Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-eyed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked vastly different. Its history starts with the ancient Indo-Iranians, Indo-European peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, and India."
Precisely. Hitler referred to the Germanic ethnic group (which goes from Anglo-saxons all the way to Afrikaaners). Guess what; whilst the ideal "Aryan" possessed blonde hair and blue eyes, a lot of members of this group possess alternate colours, like red or brown hair, and green or brown eyes. The only thing they usually have in common is being tall, fair and rather big built. So no, it does not mean just having blonde hair and blue eyes. Slavs had these. Hitler hated them. Aryan was thought to mean Noble, due to being close to the German word Ehre, meaning just that.
"Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-eyed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked vastly different. Its history starts with the ancient Indo-Iranians, Indo-European peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, and India."
29-03-2006, 21:57
Do you have any concept of what "race" is?
Yes dear, I do. But as you said yourself, there is no such thing as an aryan race, it is just some nut's idea of which characteristics make up physical "perfection" - blue eyes, blonde hair, athletic.
Yes slavic people fell into this, but most of Hitler's theorums were flawed in one way or another.
My point being, if you read the whole post, that being someone who falls into the physical ideal of being Aryan has nothing to be ashamed of. However, anyone who believes in that crap needs immediate psychiatric help.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 21:58
Yes dear, I do. But as you said yourself, there is no such thing as an aryan race, it is just some nut's idea of which characteristics make up physical "perfection" - blue eyes, blonde hair, athletic.
My point being, if you read the whole post, that being someone who falls into the physical ideal of being Aryan has nothing to be ashamed of. However, anyone who believes in that crap needs immediate psychiatric help.
Read above then.
29-03-2006, 21:59
But as we appear to be agreeing that Nazi thugs should be laughed at, if given any attention at all, what is the point of pulling me up on an almost irrelevent detail?
the Aryan Nations National Director doesnt look very aryan himself. in fact i think he even looks a bit jewish...
29-03-2006, 22:01
Oh and this is my favorite part:
Is that allowed? I thought creativity was "negroid and decadant" (Hitler's description of Jazz music and the Berliner Ensemble)
29-03-2006, 22:01
Physicaly i am Aryan, Tall blonde blue, only thing is, is that i have Jewish ancescestry so i have a nose that looks suspiciouly Jewish.
Lunatic Goofballs
29-03-2006, 22:02
Wedgie? Please elaborate. I'm unsure if you are talking about a unknown brand of spicy potato wedges, sold in the UK.
This ( is a very impressive example of a wedgie. :)
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 22:02
But as we appear to be agreeing that Nazi thugs should be laughed at, if given any attention at all, what is the point of pulling me up on an almost irrelevent detail?
To clear up what Aryan means. It is not simply having blue eyes and blonde hair. They were idealised, much in the same way the ancient Greeks did so.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 22:02
Physicaly i am Aryan, Toll blonde blue, only thing is, is that i have Jewish ancescestry so i have a nose that looks suspiciouly JEwish.
And some sort of spelling disorder :p
29-03-2006, 22:02
To clear up what Aryan means. It is not simply having blue eyes and blonde hair. They were idealised, much in the same way the ancient Greeks did so.
Fair enough then.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 22:04
Is that allowed? I thought creativity was "negroid and decadant" (Hitler's description of Jazz music and the Berliner Ensemble)
We are talking about people who idealised ancient Greece and Rome's cultures. Yes, they were thugs and contributed little to culture, but they still embraced "Aryan" creativity.
29-03-2006, 22:06
And some sort of spelling disorder :p
You have to give me some credit, i changed it and i cant spell suspisciously
Desperate Measures
29-03-2006, 22:07
Is that allowed? I thought creativity was "negroid and decadant" (Hitler's description of Jazz music and the Berliner Ensemble)
Maybe it's the most creative uses of hate? Like, one guy says, "I hate Space Aliens." And another guy says, "Most Space Aliens are ok. It's the grey ones that I hate." And the Webmaster says, "Ooooh, that's creative."
29-03-2006, 22:07
They did to a degree - they didn't like the homosexual culture of the greeks, and they certainly did not like the theatre at all.
I fact, as far as I know, the only bits they did like were the orgies and the emporers!
29-03-2006, 22:07
"Arion", spelled without the y and a, if I remember right (and I'm on my slow-ass work comp, so I can't access, was either and angel or some other celestial whose primary function was singing. There are a few choral groups out there who call themselves "Arions". I suppose it relates to the word "aria", Italian for "song" -- specifically, one from an opera or oratorio.
Anyone check on that possible connection? I find it odd that the real Aryans were Indo-Iranian and the swastika is a Hindic symbol of some sort, too.
29-03-2006, 22:09
Maybe it's the most creative uses of hate? Like, one guy says, "I hate Space Aliens." And another guy says, "Most Space Aliens are ok. It's the grey ones that I hate." And the Webmaster says, "Ooooh, that's creative."
hee hee!
Maybe they'll all paint pictures of eagles sitting on swatzstikas...
Or maybe some lovely Nazi emroidery
"Cross stich the Fuhrer competition!"
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 22:09
"Arion", spelled without the y and a, if I remember right (and I'm no my slow-ass work comp, so I can't access, was either and angel or some other celestial whose primary function was singing. There are a few choral groups out there who call themselves "Arions". I suppose it relates to the word "aria", Italian for "song" -- specifically, one from an opera or oratorio.
Anyone check on that possible connection? I find it odd that the real Aryans were Indo-Iranian and the swastika is a Hindic symbol of some sort, too.
Hitler believed the race conquered what was then India and moved into the North. One of the Nazi followers was an Indian woman I believe.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 22:10
They did to a degree - they didn't like the homosexual culture of the greeks, and they certainly did not like the theatre at all.
I fact, as far as I know, the only bits they did like were the orgies and the emporers!
Indeed. Hitler adored their architecture. He had an obsession with it.
Desperate Measures
29-03-2006, 22:11
hee hee!
Maybe they'll all paint pictures of eagles sitting on swatzstikas...
Or maybe some lovely Nazi emroidery
"Cross stich the Fuhrer competition!"
Ha ha! Who wants swastika flap jacks?
29-03-2006, 22:12
Ha ha! Who wants swastika flap jacks?
Jah! jah!
Das ist gut!
Desperate Measures
29-03-2006, 22:20
Jah! jah!
Das ist gut!
Guten Morgen!
(I'm only in my second week of learning German)
The Atlantian islands
29-03-2006, 22:22
Guten Morgen!
(I'm only in my second week of learning German)
How is it..I'm either gonna start it this summer or next year at college.
Do you like the language....? Is it hard to learn?
29-03-2006, 22:23
Hey, I don't know any.
I only learnt that because i walked in on my brother watching a porno movie!
I am abysmal at foreign languages. It is embarrassing, but they just won't stick in my head.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 22:24
How is it..I'm either gonna start it this summer or next year at college.
Do you like the language....? Is it hard to learn?
From my personal experience, it is tough, but it has similarities to English due to being from a common linguistic group (especially the vocabulary). It's still hard though, and I am good at languages. I love the language, though a lot of people dislike it.
Desperate Measures
29-03-2006, 22:26
How is it..I'm either gonna start it this summer or next year at college.
Do you like the language....? Is it hard to learn?
Well, actually I started learning two months ago but I'm only in my second week. I'm teaching myself. (Yeah...)
I do like the language and it's not that hard except when it comes to what is feminine, masculine and neuter. Mark Twain wrote a really funny essay about it.
The Atlantian islands
29-03-2006, 22:26
From my personal experience, it is tough, but it has similarities to English due to being from a common linguistic group (especially the vocabulary). It's still hard though, and I am good at languages. I love the language, though a lot of people dislike it.
Well, then, which languages do you find easy to learn?
Desperate Measures
29-03-2006, 22:27
Hey, I don't know any.
I only learnt that because i walked in on my brother watching a porno movie!
I am abysmal at foreign languages. It is embarrassing, but they just won't stick in my head.
Now, what you said makes all the sense in the world.
29-03-2006, 22:27
originally posted by Europa Maxima
but they still embraced "Aryan" creativity
wagner for example.
originally posted by Europa Maxima
but the Aryan "race" as an idea was completely flawed
pretty much. it was simply a creation of gobineau (what a name...) to try and justify social darwinism.
if you take being aryan at its (somewhat imagined) roots then no i don't think you could be a pro-jewish aryan, on the basis that existence was essentially seen by social darwinists as a struggle between species/races for dominance over the world. gobineau and others believed that the last remaining 'pure' races were the aryans and the jews since they were the ones that had intermarried/bred the least and were thus seen to be strongest. far from being untermenschen (sub-human) the jews were actually the biggest threat to the ayrans, this was the basis of the persecution of the jews in nazi germany, they wanted to eliminate the jewish threat. in this world view of conflict between races an aryan would have to be anti-jewish simply to ensure his/her own survival.
originally posted by Vetalia
Well, the Aryans were an ethnic group that invaded and later settled northern India in the 6th century BC, so it's possible to be one and be Jewish at the same time.
from north india and then travelled to germanic lands yes, but you still couldnt be jewish and aryan on the basis of purity, as soon as you became both social darwinism would then view you as neither (or as an abomination lol).
I, for example, am blue eyed, was blonde haired (it has grown darker) and have a slightly jewish nose. because i have both jewish and scandanavian heritage i would have been seen as an abomination by hitler or gobineau, possibly made worse by my gypsy ancestry as well. as such i can neither be classified as jewish or aryan because it requires racial 'purity'.
its no more wrong to be 'aryan' if by that you mean blonde haired and blue eyed than it is to be black, jewish, asian or any other racial background, what's wrong is the concept of aryan superiority. especially since aryans as a race are a complete myth.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 22:27
Well, then, which languages do you find easy to learn?
None. They all require constant effort. However, European languages (Latin/germanic based) are easier for us to learn than ones based on completely distinct linguistic groups, say such as Japanese. I enjoy learning French more than I do German though.
29-03-2006, 22:30
Now, what you said makes all the sense in the world.
I hope the mental picture is not too graphic...
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 22:31
From an individual's point of view, you could be both racially "Aryan" and pro-Jewish, but from a collective point of view this would make you a "bad" Aryan and hence an Untermensch.
Mythotic Kelkia
29-03-2006, 22:35
The Aryans have almost nothing to do with Germany and the Germans. The only connection is that they both speak Indo-European languages and could be said to have distantly related cultures, (note that language and culture is not the same thing as genetics), but even then it's a very distant link. Infact the Slavic language family more closely resembles the Indo-Aryan languages than the Germanic one does, but you'd never hear the Nazis admitting to that. Ironically the only true "Aryan" people in Europe are the Roma, aka the Gypsies - they originated in North India, and their language, Romany, is a descendent of Sanskrit. This confused the heck out of Nazi racialists until they came to the conclusion that the Gypsies where kicked out of India because they where lower caste, and therefore not "pure" Aryan. Thereby justifying their extermination.
The Genius Masterminds
29-03-2006, 22:36
What does Islam have to do with this? Why is Islam on that site?
The Atlantian islands
29-03-2006, 23:04
The Aryans have almost nothing to do with Germany and the Germans. The only connection is that they both speak Indo-European languages and could be said to have distantly related cultures, (note that language and culture is not the same thing as genetics), but even then it's a very distant link. Infact the Slavic language family more closely resembles the Indo-Aryan languages than the Germanic one does, but you'd never hear the Nazis admitting to that. Ironically the only true "Aryan" people in Europe are the Roma, aka the Gypsies - they originated in North India, and their language, Romany, is a descendent of Sanskrit. This confused the heck out of Nazi racialists until they came to the conclusion that the Gypsies where kicked out of India because they where lower caste, and therefore not "pure" Aryan. Thereby justifying their extermination.
Ha! Wow, I never thought of that....thats funny, you learn something new every day.
Europa Maxima
29-03-2006, 23:05
Ha! Wow, I never thought of that....thats funny, you learn something new every day.
It's true though. The "Aryan race" was the one of the most mixed up theories ever.
Just a few questions:
Can you be a pro-jewish aryan?
and, um..., is being an aryan wrong? Morally, ethically, prinicipally? Anyway-illay?
I'm just wondering because i stumbled upon a little site, and it's sort of got me thinking.
Aryan-Nations (
I would like maybe some thought.
Because of the confusion, I'm on about aryan as in the german belief they were the one true race, and everyone else was inferior.
Aryanism is racism by sheer violence. IE: before anyone condemned it for being criminal, they condemned it for being irrational.
But these are words wasted on you.
Free Mercantile States
30-03-2006, 04:45
LOL. Aryanists are f'ing morons. Reality check, you don't even have the right term. The Aryans had nothing to do with the Germanics. Blond-haired, blue-eyed people were/are not Aryan; I'm not sure what day of his history class Hitler missed, but they must have been covering the history of the Eurasian-descended ruling class of the Indian culture that day, and he later heard the name 'Aryan' and thought it sounded cool. Idiot.
Beyond that, all racial supremacy ideologies are heaps of pathetic, irrational, xenophobic garbage.
The Atlantian islands
30-03-2006, 04:56
LOL. Aryanists are f'ing morons. Reality check, you don't even have the right term. The Aryans had nothing to do with the Germanics. Blond-haired, blue-eyed people were/are not Aryan; I'm not sure what day of his history class Hitler missed, but they must have been covering the history of the Eurasian-descended ruling class of the Indian culture that day, and he later heard the name 'Aryan' and thought it sounded cool. Idiot.
Beyond that, all racial supremacy ideologies are heaps of pathetic, irrational, xenophobic garbage.
Whooo!!! Long Live Misinterpritations!
30-03-2006, 06:57
The Aryan race theory is one of the most enduring hoaxes perpetrated by pseudo-scientists/historians/academics.
There is no such thing as Aryan race.
There is no such thing as Aryan invasion theory.
Arya - a sanskrit word meaning a person of noble characteristics (not a white colored person as Max Mueller intentionally misinterpreted, to which he admitted in his last years). Anybody who follows the vedic way is an Aryan.
B.T.Swami ( is an Aryan.
Hitler and his fan club are not.
30-03-2006, 07:04
You can see how the theory was developed by Abbe Dubois, Max Mueller etc to formulate a master race theory to justify colonialism and evangelism.
Anarchic Conceptions
30-03-2006, 11:37
Why can't the Aryan Nations learn proper grammar?
Because grammar is a tool of the oppressive ZOG machine...
30-03-2006, 11:41
Wedgie? Please elaborate. I'm unsure if you are talking about a unknown brand of spicy potato wedges, sold in the UK.
He is asking for a demonstration.:D
So much for master race :rolleyes:
Even if you ignore the feeble attempt at trying to seem German by replacing the "c" with a "k", their spelling and grammar is pathetic.
Lunatic Goofballs
30-03-2006, 12:10
He is asking for a demonstration.:D
And I'm just the man for the job. :D
30-03-2006, 12:12
And I'm just the man for the job. :D
He'll never ask a question again.:D
He'll never ask a question again.:DYeah. Who says there's no such thing as a stupid question? :D
Von Witzleben
30-03-2006, 21:03
Didn't they originate from Iran or something? I believe the ethnic group has little to do with the Germanic ethnic group, which is the one Hitler hailed as the "Aryan race".
Yes they originate from Iran. But they were members of the Indo-European family.
31-03-2006, 05:38
Yes they originate from Iran. But they were members of the Indo-European family.
Iranians (the Avesta speaking ancestor of modern day Persian ethnicity) were a vedic tribe who allegedly migrated out after a split and a defeat with other tribes.
Their pantheon is a mirror image of the vedic pantheon. The vedic gods "Devas" are their demons while the vedic demons "Asuras" are their gods.