Theory of Evolution a Religion?
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 00:54
I recently heard that Christians are considering Evolutionism a religion. I mean i call it common sense but is Evolutioniusm a religion? and if so would that make all schools that teach it abusing the Seperation from Chruch and state(1962) law? And would it make College's Evolutionism churches?
29-03-2006, 00:58
Silly people have though of evolution as a religious position since the creationism movement got started. No-one's still giving them any credence.
Well, according to religion equals
Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion
A suppose you could argue the last one.
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:01
So is Chrisitanity different from Intelligent design which is different from creationism? ... Stupid Christians should just unite, then there need be no denominations... >.< I actually bitched out a 18 year old at my chruch group thing. I go there to laugh and argue. Silly Christians...
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:02
Well, according to religion equals
A suppose you could argue the last one.
You could try...>.< That dosn't answer my question though. :rolleyes:
So is Chrisitanity different from Intelligent design which is different from creationism? ... Stupid Christians should just unite, then there need be no denominations... >.< I actually bitched out a 18 year old at my chruch group thing. I go there to laugh and argue. Silly Christians...
Well, I'm not sure about intelligent design and creationism, but Christianity does not encompass all Creationism for the simple fact that other religions have creation stories.
29-03-2006, 01:04
first, there is no such thing as "evolutionism". That is something creationists use to make it seem like a religion. Second, evolution is a theory that is constantly being tested, modified, and reviewed. It follows the scientific method. Religions, by nature, do not.
The Theory of Evolution is not a religion. It is a scientific theory. It is not exclusive of religious belief. You can be a Christian person that believes in evolution. You can be a Jew, or a Muslim and believe in it. On the other hand can you be a Christian Muslim? No. They are exclusive of each other. Completely different on at least 2 counts.
Oh, and evolution and intelligent design are not mutually exclusive, but one is a scientific theory, and the other is a religious belief about why and how this scientific theory came about/works. One Belongs in a science class, and the other doesnt.
Now, you cant be creationist and believe in evolution, but thats because creationism and intelligence are mutually exclusive.
Sorry, only kidding.
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:06
So if it's not a religion why are college's tax-exempt?
Drunk commies deleted
29-03-2006, 01:06
Let's just make everything a religion. Atheism, evolution, alcoholism, porn, all religions now along with whatever you good folks would like to add to the list.
So if it's not a religion why are college's tax-exempt?
Probably because our nation sees some value in higher education.
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:07
How do colleges get away with being tax-exempt? They are so called "non-profit" but with tuitions so high how can they not be making money?
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:08
Let's just make everything a religion. Atheism, evolution, alcoholism, porn, all religions now along with whatever you good folks would like to add to the list.
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:08
Probably because our nation sees some value in higher education.
Don't worry i'll alert the president. We can only hope he'll make them pay tuition to the oil industry. God knows they need it. :rolleyes:
Drunk commies deleted
29-03-2006, 01:09
Why not? The church services should be interesting, but the pews are always sticky.
29-03-2006, 01:09
So if it's not a religion why are college's tax-exempt?
because they are non profit...all money that would be profit goes to funding research
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:09
Let's just make everything a religion. Atheism, evolution, alcoholism, porn, all religions now along with whatever you good folks would like to add to the list.
Wait athieism isn't a religion now? I know they don't have a chruch but...?
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:11
Why not? The church services should be interesting, but the pews are always sticky.
Hmmm... The United Pornist Church?
Drunk commies deleted
29-03-2006, 01:11
Wait athieism isn't a religion now? I know they don't have a chruch but...?
A guy on this forum once said "Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color." It remains true to this day.
29-03-2006, 01:11
United Sandwiches is a good name for a nation.
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:12
A guy on this forum once said "Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color." It remains true to this day.
Hmmmm... didn't really think about it that way... =/
29-03-2006, 01:12
Wait athieism isn't a religion now? I know they don't have a chruch but...?
atheism has never been a religion. It is the lack of a belief in god(s). There is no dogma, there are no attached belifes. It is just the lack of belief in god(s).
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:12
United Sandwiches is a good name for a nation.
What can i say i'm a good guy.
atheism has never been a religion. It is the lack of a belief in god(s). There is no dogma, there are no attached belifes. It is just the lack of belief in god(s).
Yes. It doesnt even proclude involment in religion. Obviously any religion where you believe in gods are not accessible, but if there is one with no God you could be part of it. You could even believe in the existance of invisible leprachauns living under your hat. Athiesm doesnt have anything linked to it any any way except lack of belief in a god.
I think I may be getting too tired to post, because what I just typed looks slightly like a load of pointless bollocks...
29-03-2006, 01:17
I think I may be getting too tired to post, because what I just typed looks slightly like a load of pointless bollocks...
Welcome to discussing religion, particularly on the internet:)
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:19
Welcome to discussing religion, particularly on the internet:)
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:19
because they are non profit...all money that would be profit goes to funding research
Well what have they discovered with all this money?
29-03-2006, 01:19
The theory of evolution is not a religion because it is based on, and supported by, evidence. Religions are made up, and followed through faith. They require belief. If everyone stopped following a given religion, then it would cease to exist, like the ancient greek and roman religions that were superceded by christianity. Evolution requires no belief. Like gravity it continues regardless.
29-03-2006, 01:22
Well what have they discovered with all this money?
Pick a subject. Any university that is not a state school is a research university (in general). Look up harvard, yale, princeton, rutgers, boston university, boston college, northwestern, johns-hopkins et. al.
Colleges are expensive to run. Though most hardly non-profit....what you think the teachers do? Teach from the kindness of their hearts? LOL!
29-03-2006, 01:25
I recently heard that Christians are considering Evolutionism a religion. I mean i call it common sense but is Evolutioniusm a religion? and if so would that make all schools that teach it abusing the Seperation from Chruch and state(1962) law? And would it make College's Evolutionism churches?
A number of Christians point out with what zeal some evolutionists seek to "convert" others to their way of thnking, then conclude ( obviously incorrectly ) that evolutionism is a religion. They are projecting.
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:27
The theory of evolution is not a religion because it is based on, and supported by, evidence. Religions are made up, and followed through faith. They require belief. If everyone stopped following a given religion, then it would cease to exist, like the ancient greek and roman religions that were superceded by christianity. Evolution requires no belief. Like gravity it continues regardless.
You don't think that evolution requires a small amount of faith?
29-03-2006, 01:27
Colleges are expensive to run. Though most hardly non-profit....what you think the teachers do? Teach from the kindness of their hearts? LOL!
you do know that expense to hire employees is NOT profit, right? Under your theory, there are no nonprofit entities.
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:28
A number of Christians point out with what zeal some evolutionists seek to "convert" others to their way of thnking, then conclude ( obviously incorrectly ) that evolutionism is a religion. They are projecting.
I think they just want to put evolutionists under a false sense that "You know we're not that different, you and I." >.<
29-03-2006, 01:33
You don't think that evolution requires a small amount of faith?
Faith in what? Faith that there's genetic variation? Faith that the better suited have more kids?
The United Sandwiches
29-03-2006, 01:40
Faith in what? Faith that there's genetic variation? Faith that the better suited have more kids?
I don't know the whole idea. I guess i'm agnostic, although when i die i'll be staying and rotting in my grave thanks.
Faith in what? Faith that there's genetic variation? Faith that the better suited have more kids?
29-03-2006, 01:48
Your comment made no sense....and it sounded a tad racist on a subliminal level.
29-03-2006, 01:54
Your comment made no sense....and it sounded a tad racist on a subliminal level.
Huh? Better suited have more kids? As in, natural selection?
29-03-2006, 01:54
Your comment made no sense....and it sounded a tad racist on a subliminal level.
you have no idea what evolution, survival of the fittest, natural selection, and all that good stuff is, do you? Because that is exactly what he said. Genetic variation and reproductive advantage.
Though these don't constitute a religon or even a tax-exemption. :P
29-03-2006, 02:29
Well, I'm not sure about intelligent design and creationism, but Christianity does not encompass all Creationism for the simple fact that other religions have creation stories.
The rest of us tend not to try and have our creation myths foisted off as fact in science classrooms, however.
29-03-2006, 02:33
Though these don't constitute a religon or even a tax-exemption. :P
29-03-2006, 02:56
Evolution is not a religion, its a theory.
You can see it working like watching tv. It's easy, take a colony of bacteria, use some kind of medicine to kill them, be careful so that just some of them survive, repeat that every twenty-odd minutes and you'll have resistant bacteria after two or three hours, the medicine won't work anymore.
Stop giving them medicine and you'll have normal bacteria again after two or three days.
--> It works. And without an "Intelligent bacteria designer".
Although evolution is just a theory, it is a very good, fact-based well working theory. There is no reason to challenge it like some christian groups try except for the membership boost that it would give these certain groups.
I don't know the whole idea. I guess i'm agnostic, although when i die i'll be staying and rotting in my grave thanks.
Don't pass not understanding evolution as being agnostic, it insults those of us who do.
Evolution has nothing to do with religion. There could be a god (or thirty) and evolution at the same time or no gods whatsoever and evolution. Like all scientific theories, evolution is completely indifferent to the existence of a deity.
29-03-2006, 03:47
I recently heard that Christians are considering Evolutionism a religion. I mean i call it common sense but is Evolutioniusm a religion? and if so would that make all schools that teach it abusing the Seperation from Chruch and state(1962) law? And would it make College's Evolutionism churches?WTF?
Pathetic. So if they can't get creationism accepted as science they want real science deemed to be religion also.:rolleyes:
Problem is nobody practices "Evolutionism" as a faith nor is it a tenent of any faith I know.
Is "Evolutionism" even a word ...?
29-03-2006, 05:12
Let's just make everything a religion. Atheism, evolution, alcoholism, porn, all religions now along with whatever you good folks would like to add to the list.
29-03-2006, 05:14
I don't know the whole idea. I guess i'm agnostic, although when i die i'll be staying and rotting in my grave thanks.Well, a few of us might collude on a pact to exhume you for some reason or another ... provided you don't object much.
29-03-2006, 05:18
I recently heard that Christians are considering Evolutionism a religion. I mean i call it common sense but is Evolutioniusm a religion? and if so would that make all schools that teach it abusing the Seperation from Chruch and state(1962) law? And would it make College's Evolutionism churches?
Well, this may help to elucidate for some while simultaneously hindering efforts to keep the attack on it up:
The Web site of our sister publication Science & Spirit features a story on Evolution Sunday, which was held on Feb. 12 to commemorate the birthday of naturalist Charles Darwin. Reporter Matthew Trumbull reports:
Stymied by a federal judge in their attempt to inject religious dogma into the public school science classroom, proponents of “intelligent design” were dealt another blow in the culture war over the origin of life on February 12, when churches throughout America opened their arms and embraced the theory of evolution. The brainchild of Wisconsin biology professor Michael Zimmerman, Evolution Sunday celebrated Charles Darwin’s theory of the origin of species by teaching evolution in more than 400 church congregations in forty-nine states across the country.
Yep, that issue was my *first* thread.
Gymoor II The Return
29-03-2006, 07:06
You don't think that evolution requires a small amount of faith?
Believing your own eyes reqires some faith. Existence is uncertainty.
I recently heard that Christians are considering Evolutionism a religion. I mean i call it common sense but is Evolutioniusm a religion? and if so would that make all schools that teach it abusing the Seperation from Chruch and state(1962) law? And would it make College's Evolutionism churches?
No. Religion is based on faith with no proof other that conjecture and feelings. Evolution is viewable through the history of the world. There is too much evidence to completely ignore evolution.
My beleife lies in evolution but I belieive God had a hand in it. You want to know how I know this.... It is a FEELING. No evidence.
29-03-2006, 16:28
i was searching google video, and this one caught my eye. and relevent to this thread ... watch it.
a lecturer denouncing evolution as a religion: 'lies in our text book
damn my comuter illeteracy
ull fiind it if you want to
I recently heard that Christians are considering Evolutionism a religion. I mean i call it common sense but is Evolutioniusm a religion? and if so would that make all schools that teach it abusing the Seperation from Chruch and state(1962) law? And would it make College's Evolutionism churches?
They want it to be a religion so they can argue against it more easily. That's why they say "Evolutionism" instead of "evolutionary biology", because they want to hide the fact that it's science.
29-03-2006, 16:53
i was searching google video, and this one caught my eye. and relevent to this thread ... watch it.
a lecturer denouncing evolution as a religion: 'lies in our text book
damn my comuter illeteracy
ull fiind it if you want to(That link worked for me, cheers...)
And he says that 'evolutionists' are selective... Sheesh.
I've never suffered a direct lecture from Hovind before and, with full appreciation that the following is personal opinion, I think I've found the person the word "smarmy" was invented for.
I have to say as soon, well as soon as a I heard of him I thought him a idiotic twerp, but seeing that video, even just the first couple of minutes just confirmed it.
And really "Creation Science"? Is'nt that an oxymoron?
29-03-2006, 18:37
I have to say as soon, well as soon as a I heard of him I thought him a idiotic twerp, but seeing that video, even just the first couple of minutes just confirmed it.
And really "Creation Science"? Is'nt that an oxymoron?
he is a moron not sure an oxy though .......
to diminish the works of darwin, he calls him charlie darwin, like so crazy uncle who gets pissed round xmas and tries it on with the turkey.
though for all those that didnt know dinosaurs shared the garden of eden with adam and eve. just imagine if a T rex had eaten that apple........
29-03-2006, 18:37
No, evolution is a word describing change over time. Most often, it describes how organisms change over time as a result of changes in their environment and random mutation and survival of the fittest. That's what it is and that's all it is. No one worships evolution. They study it.
29-03-2006, 19:07
I recently heard that Christians are considering Evolutionism a religion. I mean i call it common sense but is Evolutioniusm a religion? and if so would that make all schools that teach it abusing the Seperation from Chruch and state(1962) law? And would it make College's Evolutionism churches?
Depends on what you mean by "Evolutionism". By putting "-ism" on the end of the concept of evolution you have created an ideology, that is a set of ideas that define a way of thinking, in this case that 'things evolve' is the way of things.
A way of thinking could be turned into a religion, if it had rituals, rites, and put one in a relationship with God.
If you are referring to the Theory of Evolution, though, that is a different thing.
29-03-2006, 19:30
I recently heard that Christians are considering Evolutionism a religion.
That's sounds as stupid as the Chrisitians who think Intelligent Design is a science. :p
Perhaps they are the same people?
Perhaps they really aren't "Christians" but idiots in disguise?
Pay no attention to the idiots who claim to be Christian. Most Christians give them no heed. Neither should you.
Free Soviets
29-03-2006, 19:36
Believing your own eyes reqires some faith.
seeingism is a religion!
Hooray for boobs
29-03-2006, 19:37
Wait athieism isn't a religion now? I know they don't have a chruch but...?
atheism is just not believing in a god, however, buddhists dont believe in a god....:rolleyes:
29-03-2006, 21:08
atheism is just not believing in a god, however, buddhists dont believe in a god....:rolleyes:
Many Buddhists believe in a god, it's just not a part of their religion to worship an Almighty.
"God: The Buddha was not satisfied with the concept of one Almighty God (Ishvara, lit., the Supreme Lord) as in orthodox Hinduism. Buddha said that the ever-changing world goes on as per the rules of Pratītya-Samutpāda. Also, the hypothesis of God would raise philosophical problems, like why is the world ever-changing and full of sorrow (the problem of evil), and why at all did He create the world? If He created the world for any intention, this would be against His self-perfection. Yet at another instance, the Buddha had claimed that "the Supreme Reality is indescribable and inutterable". In this sense, it is better to call Buddhism agnostic. The existence of demigods is recognized. However, in practice, Karma had taken the place of God in Theravada, and the Buddha himself is venerated like God in Mahayana."
SO basically you could say *some* Bhuddists are athiests. And if someone can be an athiest and then a member of a religion, there is another reason athiesm isnt a religion. You cant be a Christian Muslim, or Christian Jew (except when using that term in the racial and cultural sense. Here is means the religion).