NationStates Jolt Archive

Thoughtcrime and the Poisoned Libertarian Ideal

19-03-2006, 11:12
Hi everyone:

I've posted for your review an essay I wrote, "Thoughtcrime and The Poisoned Libertarian Ideal". I wrote it as the opening post of a blog that I started... that's why the references to blogging at some points in the article, but they're not central to the theme. Enjoy, and I hope it spurs some discussion.

Thoughtcrime and the Poisoned Libertarian Ideal

In Orwell's "1984", protagonist Winston Smith seals his doom on page two by committing the cardinal sin of opening a diary.

Thoughtcrime... the existence of unorthodoxy within the confines of one's own cranium... is the nucleus of all dissent, and the Oligarchical Collectivist regimes of Orwell's Superstates strive to contain it by asepsis. Memory must be malleable, the recorded past readily mutable, if thoughtcrime is to be averted by such devices as doublethink. No citizen must ever be able to refer to any historical record that might challenge what the State has to say on any matter.

To keep a rational, sequential record of one's thoughts and observations, then, is to engender thoughtcrime. Winston opens a diary, and this consummate act of rebellion lands him inevitably in Room 101.

I'm opening a blog here today. It's one of tens, maybe hundreds of thousands on the internet. For reasons quite different from Winston's, I find myself wondering whether anyone will ever read it.

Winston writes his diary to an unknown reader from some future era when, he dares imagine, the oppression of the present will have passed. In America today, where I write, there is no totalitarianism, not in the sense that Orwell imagined anyway. There is Oligarchy all right... but it isn't Collectivist. It's Capitalist, certainly, and Corporatist to a great degree. It's also Libertarian-- whatever that means. More on that later.

Winston couldn't have shown his diary to anybody, or they'd have ratted him out to the Thought Police. I'm publishing my blog here for all to see... as so very many in the present day have done. And perhaps the utter anonimity, the complete insignificance of any one voice in this vast and clamorous expanse ensures a tyranny of opinion as absolute, a monopoly of expression as complete as the Thought Police could ever have established. Whether you are the only one writing or drowned out by a hundred thousand others like yourself, the net result is the same.

The alternative social and political culture that has sprung up on the internet, in response to the hijacking of mainstream opinion-making by the corporate media in recent years, appears to have made a fetish of the Libertarian ideal across the board. Left and right wingers both seem to agree, very largely, on the paramountcy of individual rights and civil liberties. A very popular website among the politically inclined, , has acknowledged this burgeoning trend by defining a biaxial map of political opinion rather than the conventional left-right spectrum we're used to thinking in terms of. The Political Compass folks have a horizontal axis ranging from the economic left (socialism) to the economic right (neo-liberalism), and across the origin, a vertical axis from social authoritarianism to social libertarianism. Thus, Stalin is considered economic left and social authoritarian; Gandhi is economic left and social libertarian; George W. Bush's neocons would be economic right and social authoritarian, while economists like Milton Friedman are economic right and social libertarian.

It's my contention that the libertarian ideal as it exists today is a dangerously pernicious mirage. In America today, it has replaced religion as the preferred opiate of a good chunk of the masses, and in effect allows a corporatist, authoritarian status quo to maintain itself by invoking the mantra of individual liberty. It is our "freedom", remember, that we are told the terrorists hate.

Certainly, it's hard to argue with the libertarian ideal on the face of it. Who except inveterate red-staters would oppose the precepts of individual freedom, the idea that the State should play a minimal role which impinges as little as possible upon the lives and choices of private citizens? Shouldn't we all be free to do and say as we want, as long as we don't tread on the rights of our fellows?

We should, of course. What often slips through the cracks in our understanding of the world around us, unfortunately, is the essential antipathy towards social responsibility that the libertarian ideal implies. Yes, we should all have individual rights, but is the abdication of social responsibility desirable when the rights of some are curtailed perforce by the disadvantaged position they occupy on the social and economic ladder? Yes, we should all have freedom of choice, but is this even possible when many individuals have far less choice and opportunity than others because the playing field is so far from level to begin with? Whose responsibility is it to level that playing field? Who is capable of such, other than the State?

This leads us to the libertarian paradox. If the State intervenes to level the playing field, ensuring equal rights and freedoms for all, it curbs the rights and freedoms of the more privileged by virtue of its intervention. If it stays out of the game as required by the libertarian ideal, it effectively guarantees that some individuals will have more rights and liberties than others in perpetuity ... contributing to the maintenance of a hierarchical status quo that is anything but "libertarian". The fine line between asserting one's own individual rights and freedoms to the maximum extent without trampling on those of others, is a border that must be demarcated and consistently policed... but if not by the State, then by whom? And if the State does it, is it libertarian anymore?

The epigenesis of American Libertarianism, according to a psychologist I once knew, derives from the bizzarre upbringing common to many of the baby-boomer generation. Their parents strove never to deny them anything they might want or ask for, perhaps as a reaction to the privations they had themselves endured during the Depression and the Second World War. When they grew to the age of 18, their parents turned them out into the world with a sense of entitlement that no generation of Americans had grown up with before. A tendency to claim as rights what their forefathers might have recognized as privileges. To speak plainly, a vein of selfishness and irresponsibility quite unprecedented in American society.

The trend continued with each successive generation of Americans growing up to be protracted adolescents, by and large-- wanting what they wanted and wanting it now, and the hell with everyone else. Some had more power to act on their desires legitimately and legally than others. No one was willing to give an inch, and as conflicts inevitably arose, a Culture of the Victim took hold. Litigation grew into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Drifting on the currents of intense anti-Communism during the Cold War era, those who professed Libertarian beliefs began to drift towards more conventionally conservative viewpoints. Smaller government and fiscal conservatism were co-opted into the Libertarian platform. Coupled with the tendency to abdicate social responsibility and look out exclusively for number one, these political currents led us to the sort of Libertarianism that is prevalent in present times.

It is our very obsession with defending our individual liberties that traps us in the prisons within which we find ourselves encaged today. We've asked the government to lower taxes, and they have. Almost entirely to the benefit of the rich, widening the gap in distribution of wealth. We've asked the government to play less of a role in our lives, and they have, by cutting back on programs that benefit the underprivileged. We've demanded a smaller role for the government in the economy and they have obliged us again... allowing the corporations to become all-powerful, to establish a system of political patronage so that they own all the politicians we actually have a choice to vote into office.

Call the government on any of this, and its supporters will respond by taking a leaf from the libertarian book, and playing the victim. Class War, they will rage, as if there weren't already a class war being perpetrated on the disadvantaged by the privileged with the full backing of the government.

However, greatest fallacy of all in the Libertarian ideal lies in the completely warped perception, in the eyes of self-described Libertarians, of the alternative.

From the point of view of the form of government... the opposite of libertarianism, as reflected in the Political Compass map, is authoritarianism. However, from the point of view of individuals, it is collectivism. It is the right of individuals (guaranteed in the fourth amendment) to form associations and bargain collectively in their common interest.

Libertarians are inclined to be suspicious of collectivism, because of the implied sacrifice of individual liberties and freedoms in favor of collective interests... after all, you can't make looking out for number one your primary interest while bargaining collectively. Today's Libertarian, for instance, is more likely to chafe and complain over the inconvenience caused to him by a striking public-works union than respect the rights for which the union workers are demonstrating. This sort of frustration and antipathy was amply demonstrated by many New Yorkers who consider themselves Libertarian, during last December's transit workers' strike for example.

What they fail to realize is that the alternative to changing the status quo through collectivism... pretty much your only choice in a democracy, where numbers matter... is to accept the propogation of the status quo in perpetuity, however illiberal it might be. We can have a hundred thousand individual blogs here ranting about the Bush regime, and yet... if we continue to insist on the paramountcy of individual rights while Bush's supporters from red-state parishes continue to vote en-bloc as they did in '04, we're effectively ensuring that the government's illegal wiretapping of phone conversations and detaining citizens without trial for long periods continues. We hand victory after victory to collectivist single-issue voters on such battles as abortion rights, because to us, a gestalt of issues that each of us feels strongly about as individuals is more important. How libertarian is that?

The fact is, modern libertarianism in America is the Trojan Horse of the conservative defenders of an illiberal status quo. Until we realize that some things might be more pressing than making sure our individual liberties are sacrosanct... we will remain a hundred thousand anonymous bloggers spouting off ineffectually into the darkness.

From the age of libertarianism, from the age of Bush, from the age of no man is his brother's keeper... greetings!
Neu Leonstein
19-03-2006, 12:06
Very nice. I like it.

A few things though:

a) Milton Friedman is actually quite conservative on "Family Values". Although he never talks about it, yet someone calls him on hipocrisy.

b) I don't think that libertarianism has replaced religion just yet, especially in America and especially in the light of this whole culture clash we'll be witnessing over the following years or decades.

c) What about Anarcho-Communists, Libertarian Socialists and the like. They seem to aspire to the sort of collectivism that I feel you would support: A respect for individual choice and non-coercion, but a genuine push towards collectivist solutions.
19-03-2006, 13:02
Milton Friedman is an idiot.
19-03-2006, 13:16
We should, of course. What often slips through the cracks in our understanding of the world around us, unfortunately, is the essential antipathy towards social responsibility that the libertarian ideal implies.

Your entire thread is based on this flawed hypothesis. There is quire a bit written about the social benefits of economic individualism. You have simply chosen to forego or ignore it in favor of social collectivism - which you redefine as social responsibility. Libertarianism is about far more than economic policy;

Your thread is full of bias, prejudice and incorrect presumptions.

Here are some links which will help you round out your understanding of the many (including social) benefits of economic individuality;

The primary flaw of your logic - money has little to do with equality.
Vittos Ordination2
20-03-2006, 01:22
You are a good writer, and this is a good read, but I think there are some errors in your thinking.

First, a libertarian would argue that those who are economically disadvantaged do not have their rights curbed. You assume certain rights, when those rights are open to debate.

Second, libertarian views do not espouse an antipathy towards social responsibility. It actually states that, when government is removed, there is greater liability for individuals, which in turn necessitates social responsibility in order to promote one's own well-being.

Also, you state:

When they grew to the age of 18, their parents turned them out into the world with a sense of entitlement that no generation of Americans had grown up with before. A tendency to claim as rights what their forefathers might have recognized as privileges. To speak plainly, a vein of selfishness and irresponsibility quite unprecedented in American society.

You show your bias right here. You sound like an old man talking about how kids today have poor morals.

Are you seriously wanting to say that human existence does not bring with it the fullest of entitlements?

You want to say that baby boomers are selfish and want rights that would have been considered priveleges. Yet I am sure that, on the other hand, you will argue for a right to free healthcare. I would suggest you drop this idea that libertarians claim to have too many entitlements.

What they fail to realize is that the alternative to changing the status quo through collectivism... pretty much your only choice in a democracy, where numbers matter... is to accept the propogation of the status quo in perpetuity, however illiberal it might be. We can have a hundred thousand individual blogs here ranting about the Bush regime, and yet... if we continue to insist on the paramountcy of individual rights while Bush's supporters from red-state parishes continue to vote en-bloc as they did in '04, we're effectively ensuring that the government's illegal wiretapping of phone conversations and detaining citizens without trial for long periods continues. We hand victory after victory to collectivist single-issue voters on such battles as abortion rights, because to us, a gestalt of issues that each of us feels strongly about as individuals is more important. How libertarian is that?

This part kind of confuses me. You state correctly that democracy is a collectivist form of government rule. You also state correctly that the collectivist form of rule lead to an overzealous government bent on curbing our rights. But you seem to blame it on those who consider individual rights paramount.
Jello Biafra
20-03-2006, 20:50
To the OP: an interesting read. I agree with most of what it says.
20-03-2006, 20:56
It's nothing "new", nor specific to Americans. It's an old, old line - that the only relevant liberty is the liberty of the master, and for the oppressed to demand an end to their oppression is to crush that liberty.

Liberty and equality are inseperable; to deny one is to deny both.
New Granada
20-03-2006, 21:22
The "libertarian ideal," though it might sound dandy in fantasy, is itself a poison in the real world.
20-03-2006, 22:00
Yes, the so-called libertarians are just trying to sell increased capitalist power as a form of liberty.
20-03-2006, 22:07

i think the paradox of libertarianism was that while the ideas are great all the leaders of the movement are nutz.
Dissonant Cognition
20-03-2006, 23:18
B0zzy and Vittos Ordination2 raise good points. In addition:

Libertarians are inclined to be suspicious of collectivism, because of the implied sacrifice of individual liberties and freedoms in favor of collective interests... after all, you can't make looking out for number one your primary interest while bargaining collectively. Today's Libertarian, for instance, is more likely to chafe and complain over the inconvenience caused to him by a striking public-works union than respect the rights for which the union workers are demonstrating. This sort of frustration and antipathy was amply demonstrated by many New Yorkers who consider themselves Libertarian, during last December's transit workers' strike for example.

This statement does not consider the fact that collective effort can facilitate my "looking out for number one" as a primary interest. This is the principle of enlightened self-interest ( The free market is often characterized as being an individualistic entity promoting selfishness, however, the reality of the matter is that a genuinely free market is the embodiment of voluntary collective effort whereby individuals ultimately motovated by "selfish" ends end up benifiting each other via mutual trade; if everyone behaved in a truly super-individualist manner of greed, sitting on their piles of gold unwilling to work with anyone else for fear of losing money or whatever, the capitalist economy would quickly collapse into dust. Working with others in a voluntary and peaceful manner is vital to the success and justice of that economy.

This is also ultimately the motovation for the union described in the exerpt above. The union does not strike because of some collective altruistic drive. The union strikes because the individuals making it up believe they each individually have something to gain by such collective action. Every community, mutualista, collective organization or effort ever invented has ultimately been the product of selfish individuals who realized that they could achieve their selfish goals easier, faster, and cheaper if they worked together.

Second, and I speak from my own convictions, the fear of "collective" activities does not stem from the lack of desire to cooperate or work with other individuals (as stated above, my prefered mode of economics would not function if that was the case). Assuming that the collective effort is voluntary, I need not fear losing my own freedom either as my participation is a result of an expression of that very freedom. Rather, what is feared is the enhanced ability of the collective to exert coercive force in situations where participation is not peaceful or not voluntary, thereby destroying the very cooperative values at the heart of the legitimate effort. I do not support government social welfare programs, and believe that any such program that exists ought to be abolished. I have also spent much time living among the desparately poor in various areas of Mexico distributing food, clothing, medical and everyday supplies, laboring in the hot sun constructing buildings and performing other manual labor for absolutely no pay other than the knowledge that I have assisted my fellow man. I am I libertarian, and I am not opposed to standing shoulder to shoulder with my fellow human beings in voluntary collective effort. I am opposed to forcing my fellow human beings against their free will if they choose to not so participate. I am against the bastarization of the values of cooperation and voluntary collective effort that such force necessarily entails.
Vittos Ordination2
20-03-2006, 23:39
Dissonant Cognition is exactly right.

A good quote which I have posted several times:

"As society is only possible if everyone, while living his own life, at the same time helps others to live; if every individual is simultaneously means and end; if each individual's well-being is simultaneously the condition necessary to the well-being of others, it is evident that the contrast between I and thou, means and end, automatically is overcome."

20-03-2006, 23:42
Like every other utopia. Looks nice on paper, but it will never work.
Dissonant Cognition
21-03-2006, 00:23
Like every other utopia. Looks nice on paper, but it will never work.

From the beautiful democratic socialist nation of thriceaddict

Democratic socialism, however, is completely different. :rolleyes: ( :D )
21-03-2006, 00:23
No, but one can dream.
Neo Kervoskia
21-03-2006, 00:31
Princple is uselss if it cannot be realistically applied.
New Granada
21-03-2006, 00:41
Democratic socialism, however, is completely different. :rolleyes: ( :D )

Democratic socialism seems to be working pretty well in the real world.
Dissonant Cognition
21-03-2006, 00:47
Democratic socialism seems to be working pretty well in the real world.

Only if we redefine "socialism" to mean nothing more than "welfare programs," and even then there is plenty of debate over the issue. But for anything beyond that, the world consensus appears to be firmly in favor of some kind of capitalist market system.
New Granada
21-03-2006, 00:48
Only if we redefine "socialism" to mean nothing more than "welfare programs," and even then there is plenty of debate over the issue. But for anything beyond that, the world consensus appears to be firmly in favor of some kind of capitalist market system.

Scandianavian countries are social democracies, no reason to contrive something else and call it "democratic socialism."
Dissonant Cognition
21-03-2006, 01:12
Scandianavian countries are social democracies, no reason to contrive something else and call it "democratic socialism."

Mixed capitalist market systems with extensive welfare programs. Again, not what I'd necessarily characterize as "socialist," at least not by any definition of the word I normally hear used.

At any rate, my comment was not intended to spark debate on the virtues of democratic socialism so much as it was intended to comment on what I think is a tendency to declare others as hopeless utopians while considering one's own views the Ultimate Truth From On High (yes, I am more than prepared to list what I believe to be serious problems with, and perversions of, capitalism as it exists in the world today).
Europa Maxima
21-03-2006, 01:59
I take it you are libertarian then?
21-03-2006, 02:20
Vittos, Boz and Dissonant all said exactly what I would have said. I cannot add to what they said, so I shall let their comments stand.
21-03-2006, 02:21
Democratic socialism seems to be working pretty well in the real world.
In small countries, with homogenous, obedient populations, and a long tradition of government control of the factors of individuals lives.
New Granada
21-03-2006, 02:23
Mixed capitalist market systems with extensive welfare programs. Again, not what I'd necessarily characterize as "socialist," at least not by any definition of the word I normally hear used.

At any rate, my comment was not intended to spark debate on the virtues of democratic socialism so much as it was intended to comment on what I think is a tendency to declare others as hopeless utopians while considering one's own views the Ultimate Truth From On High (yes, I am more than prepared to list what I believe to be serious problems with, and perversions of, capitalism as it exists in the world today).

Perhaps you should learn to use descriptive definitions instead of trivial normative ones.
21-03-2006, 02:28
Scandianavian countries are social democracies, no reason to contrive something else and call it "democratic socialism."

"Social democracy" as it is used today is not at all democratic socialism.
21-03-2006, 02:31
Were my brain as good as yours...
21-03-2006, 02:37
In Orwell's "1984", protagonist Winston Smith seals his doom on page two by committing the cardinal sin of opening a diary.

Thoughtcrime... the existence of unorthodoxy within the confines of one's own cranium... is the nucleus of all dissent, and the Oligarchical Collectivist regimes of Orwell's Superstates strive to contain it by asepsis. Memory must be malleable, the recorded past readily mutable, if thoughtcrime is to be averted by such devices as doublethink. No citizen must ever be able to refer to any historical record that might challenge what the State has to say on any matter.

To keep a rational, sequential record of one's thoughts and observations, then, is to engender thoughtcrime. Winston opens a diary, and this consummate act of rebellion lands him inevitably in Room 101.

I'm opening a blog here today. It's one of tens, maybe hundreds of thousands on the internet. For reasons quite different from Winston's, I find myself wondering whether anyone will ever read it.

Winston writes his diary to an unknown reader from some future era when, he dares imagine, the oppression of the present will have passed. In America today, where I write, there is no totalitarianism, not in the sense that Orwell imagined anyway. There is Oligarchy all right... but it isn't Collectivist. It's Capitalist, certainly, and Corporatist to a great degree. It's also Libertarian-- whatever that means. More on that later.

Winston couldn't have shown his diary to anybody, or they'd have ratted him out to the Thought Police. I'm publishing my blog here for all to see... as so very many in the present day have done. And perhaps the utter anonimity, the complete insignificance of any one voice in this vast and clamorous expanse ensures a tyranny of opinion as absolute, a monopoly of expression as complete as the Thought Police could ever have established. Whether you are the only one writing or drowned out by a hundred thousand others like yourself, the net result is the same.

At times I have a bit of a struggle seeing the comparison you make. You say that Winston Smith's diary is a way to commemorate a past that the State would erase, yet no one is trying to take away the past, and I have seen no evidence of any desire to edit your blog from anyone.

Or, maybe you're saying that the vast number of voices on the internet are collectively so deafening that it's impossible for any more than a few people to read what you have to say? If that is the case, then would you revert back to before the internet when those voices didn't have the soapbox of the web to preach from, when there were only a limited number of voices and the fourth estate controlled the information we received? Or are you saying that you have a right to be heard? I'm not entirely sure what's being said.
Jello Biafra
21-03-2006, 15:49
Scandianavian countries are social democracies, no reason to contrive something else and call it "democratic socialism."Social democracy and democratic socialism are two different ideologies; as you pointed out, Scandinavian countries are social democracies, however democratic socialism is a form of left-wing anarchism.
Dissonant Cognition
22-03-2006, 00:11
I take it you are libertarian then?

I consider myself as such, yes. (Edit: Then again, a couple of ( my nations ( are categorized as "Democratic Socialists." However, both of those nations employ a tiny or non-existent government (thus making the existence of nationalized means of production extremely unlikely), a couple of the lowest tax rates in the entire "world," and provide essentially no "social welfare" related services to their citizens. My nations would appear to be channeling the spirits of Proudhon and Tucker, to some extent.)