Emos vs. Real Suicidal Tendencies
18-03-2006, 04:37
I truly loathe emos. Why? I feel they decrease the urgency and importance of people with REAL clinical depression.
I feel that if a person were to be (and consequentially act) very depressed, and try to reach out to people, they would lash back at the person thinking it's an emo. I know from experience.
I am clinically depressed. Not to the point of suicidal tendencies, but I still frequently feel unnatural depression. Ironically when I set out for suicide and then changed my mind when I was there, I completely eliminated all my suicidal tendencies. But anyways, this is getting off track.
When I was suicidal, I considered reaching out to the people here in the forums, telling you of my clinical depression, but I was absolutely sure that I would be completely repelled and labelled as "emo" or something like that.
Now I'm curious, how have emos affected your attention to suicidal people?
Since I exceeded the limit for characters in the poll, I'll post them here:
Option 1: I take ALL depressed/suicidal people seriously
Option 2: I take most depressed/suicidal people seriously, but I keep my eye out for emos
Option 3: I'm a bit skeptical of depressed/suicidal people, since they're most likely emos, but I don't shut their claims off completely
Option 4: People should just stop whining and suck it up, especially since this emo thing is really getting tiresome
Pschycotic Pschycos
18-03-2006, 04:40
Thanks to emos, I've started to believe that depressed people are just bullshitting themselves. You're right, they've done nothing good.
Not-So-Bad Jerk Faces
18-03-2006, 04:40
When I meet an emo person, they kind of bug me because they're always insist on ruining everyones' day with their bleak fatalism.
Outside of that, I sum up my opinion with the Emo Song (http://emosong.ytmnd.com/).
18-03-2006, 04:42
It hasn't effected me at all. I never assume that a person talking about suicide is an emo. Though, that's probably because i consider all cries of suicide to be cries for help, whether real or not. If they're not real, the person is asking for attention, asking for someone to really try and understand how they feel, to see them. If it is real, they are crying out for serious help, psychological help, something to get them out of their despair. I don't care what the reasons are, i have never belittled anyone for their feelings.
Soviet Haaregrad
18-03-2006, 04:47
How lame, another 'let's make fun of emo kids' thread. :rolleyes:
Drama is easy to spot. Some people really are depressed.
Also being an actually depressed person, I picked number two.
18-03-2006, 04:48
How lame, another 'let's make fun of emo kids' thread. :rolleyes:
Actually it's a "how has the way you perceive and aid those feeling depressed and/or suicidal been affected (increased in ignorance) by emos" thread.
Soviet Haaregrad
18-03-2006, 04:55
Actually it's a "how has the way you perceive and aid those feeling depressed and/or suicidal been affected (increased in ignorance) by emos" thread.
A rose by any other name...
I call this one turdblossom.
It's silly to think dumb kids pretending to be suicidal is something new, Spooky Kids/NINnies all wanted to kill themselves too.
18-03-2006, 05:05
A rose by any other name...
Pointless thread ridiculing and complaining about emos =/= serious discussion about the effect of emos on the perceptions of others
It's silly to think dumb kids pretending to be suicidal is something new, Spooky Kids/NINnies all wanted to kill themselves too.
I never claimed it was new, I simply wish to discuss the repercussions of such a trend.
18-03-2006, 05:11
I understand in its entirety that suicide is a very real and horrible thing that rips families apart. I've seen the effects of real depression and attempted suicide from far too close for comfort. I've seen friends who have had horrible, unspeakable things happen to them, and the pain and suffering that they have been forced to endure.
But the emo movement seems to have trivialized suicide almost. Making it in vogue to try to "kill" yourself by taking three or four too many advils or something stupid like that. It has made suicide a fashion statement. And I despise anyone who would make a fashion statement of suicide.
I chose number two, I might add.
18-03-2006, 05:12
Pointless thread ridiculing and complaining about emos =/= serious discussion about the effect of emos on the perceptions of others
I never claimed it was new, I simply wish to discuss the repercussions of such a trend.
*psst* They might not come into the light, but we've got serious emos here sometimes, watch out for 'em.
18-03-2006, 05:19
But the emo movement seems to have trivialized suicide almost. ... It has made suicide a fashion statement. And I despise anyone who would make a fashion statement of suicide.
Exactly my feelings and concerns.
Exactly my feelings and concerns.
Same here, I dispise people like that one guy on here that said he tried to kill himself 29 times. Pure BS... it really does make the whole topic a joke when it should never be.
Desperate Measures
18-03-2006, 06:54
I understand in its entirety that suicide is a very real and horrible thing that rips families apart. I've seen the effects of real depression and attempted suicide from far too close for comfort. I've seen friends who have had horrible, unspeakable things happen to them, and the pain and suffering that they have been forced to endure.
But the emo movement seems to have trivialized suicide almost. Making it in vogue to try to "kill" yourself by taking three or four too many advils or something stupid like that. It has made suicide a fashion statement. And I despise anyone who would make a fashion statement of suicide.
I chose number two, I might add.
I'd like us all go back to the Heroin Waif Look in our fashion statements. Who's with me?
Same here, I dispise people like that one guy on here that said he tried to kill himself 29 times. Pure BS... it really does make the whole topic a joke when it should never be.
He tried to kill himself 29 times and he's still alive??!
Anyone that incompetent should work for the Bush Administration.
18-03-2006, 07:44
In a fight between Emos and Suicidal Tendencies (http://www.suicidaltendencies.com/) I think ST would win hands down.
The UN abassadorship
18-03-2006, 08:30
He tried to kill himself 29 times and he's still alive??!
Anyone that incompetent should work for the Bush Administration.
Funny, taking a swipe at Bush, real funny. Why dont you people give him a break he's trying his best alright. But to answer this thing, emos are lame and boring but suicidical thoughts or pleas for help should not be ignored. Because when you ignore them and then they actually do go off themselves you'll feel like crap.
Funny, taking a swipe at Bush, real funny. Why dont you people give him a break he's trying his best alright. But to answer this thing, emos are lame and boring but suicidical thoughts or pleas for help should not be ignored. Because when you ignore them and then they actually do go off themselves you'll feel like crap.
If someone starts a war on what they know to be a falsehood, then they are not 'trying their best'.
Regardless, to return to topic (my apologies), if emos are having such an effect on people's perception of genuine suicidal tendencies, then they are incredibly irresponsible.
Stone Bridges
18-03-2006, 08:33
Ugh, I hate emos, I have one at my college, and he's always talking about how horrible his life is. He's upper middle class, has no disability, his parents live in the suburbs, have no real family or financial problems, almost a perfect life. He talks about killing himself all the time because his daddy got him a used car instead of a brand new one. Finally I had enough of it and handed him my swiss army knife and told him to just do it and get it over with. He's been quiet every since then.
The point is, most of these emos who say they are going to kill themselves, are only doing it to appear cool, and for attention. Challenge them and they will back down and shut up.
The UN abassadorship
18-03-2006, 08:42
If someone starts a war on what they know to be a falsehood, then they are not 'trying their best'.
Regardless, to return to topic (my apologies), if emos are having such an effect on people's perception of genuine suicidal tendencies, then they are incredibly irresponsible.
It wasnt a falsehood, it was necessary to protect America. Im convinced that if we werent in Iraq, we would have been attacked by now.
Lovely Boys
18-03-2006, 10:44
Funny, taking a swipe at Bush, real funny. Why dont you people give him a break he's trying his best alright. But to answer this thing, emos are lame and boring but suicidical thoughts or pleas for help should not be ignored. Because when you ignore them and then they actually do go off themselves you'll feel like crap.
Babe, a $480billion dollar deficit isn't 'doing well', its a pathetic loser holding on to the already disproven theory of keynesianism - 'just spend your way out of a recision!'. Interesting, he is slowly cutting spending, and voila, growth goes down - meaning NO FUCKING CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE FUCKING ECONOMY; the economy is STILL broken, the US tax system is still a pathetic mess, the government is still bloated with stupid duplication at state and federal level - so no, GWB isn't doing 'his best'.
As for emo's and suicide, I think the best thing I heard a friend say, "a person who is truely depressed and suicidal, don't run around drawing attention to themselves".
Lovely Boys
18-03-2006, 10:47
It wasnt a falsehood, it was necessary to protect America. Im convinced that if we werent in Iraq, we would have been attacked by now.
Yet another out of touching FUCKING AMERICAN; want to know why the world hates America - take a good hard look at 'The UN abassadorship' - there are 300million people in America just like him - out of touch, xenophobic, ignorant, naive little prick who thinks that the US is the 'symbol of democracy' and everyone wants to be like it.
18-03-2006, 10:50
Back on topic, I'm with Defiantland. I think I might have depression or bipolar, and although I don't really get suicidal, I feel like shit sometimes and sort of contemplate it.
Saint Curie
18-03-2006, 11:12
Yet another out of touching FUCKING AMERICAN; want to know why the world hates America - take a good hard look at 'The UN abassadorship' - there are 300million people in America just like him - out of touch, xenophobic, ignorant, naive little prick who thinks that the US is the 'symbol of democracy' and everyone wants to be like it.
Do you really believe there are 300 million Americans that are all alike, all the way you say we are? That doesn't seem realistic. Are you just mad?
It seems like Emo lacks the authentic, visceral passion of other emotional music, like the Blues.
Lovely Boys
18-03-2006, 11:16
Do you really believe there are 300 million Americans that are all alike, all the way you say we are? That doesn't seem realistic. Are you just mad?
Election results speak for themselves, or better yet, the number of Americans with there lack of passports speaks highly about the lack thereof desire to explore things beyond the borders of the US.
It seems like Emo lacks the authentic, visceral passion of other emotional music, like the Blues.
True; I go into a store, and they're playing that crap, which is more like some 14 year old whining because mummy won't buy them a hair tie or something.
If they want something emotional, lets start in the classical section with Brahms, Rachminoff and Tchnaikovsky, then move up from there.
Saint Curie
18-03-2006, 11:24
Election results speak for themselves, or better yet, the number of Americans with there lack of passports speaks highly about the lack thereof desire to explore things beyond the borders of the US.
I believe the elections showed that there is a substantial portion of the U.S. populace that are clearly divided. And there are sizable groups of Americans, myself, my spouse, and my friends included, that very much pursue and enjoy international travel, when resources permit.
Please understand, I'm not saying that there aren't many Americans that fit your stereotype, I just don't think your "300 Million figure" is reasonable.
To say more Americans should travel is fair, but you made a broad statement that 300 Americans were all "ignorant", etc. I don't believe that's fair. I work with people from four continents who all worked very hard to study here because they don't believe 300 million of us are ignorant or xenophobic.
True; I go into a store, and they're playing that crap, which is more like some 14 year old whining because mummy won't buy them a hair tie or something.
If they want something emotional, lets start in the classical section with Brahms, Rachminoff and Tchnaikovsky, then move up from there.
Its unfortunate that some of contemporary music has become so dependent on accompanying visuals and capricious styles. The most evocative composers didn't need videos...
I wonder, does Weezer count as Emo? I enjoy their sound, but I take their lyrics as something meant tongue-in-cheek.
Lovely Boys
18-03-2006, 11:35
I believe the elections showed that there is a substantial portion of the U.S. populace that are clearly divided. And there are sizable groups of Americans, myself, my spouse, and my friends included, that very much pursue and enjoy international travel, when resources permit.
Please understand, I'm not saying that there aren't many Americans that fit your stereotype, I just don't think your "300 Million figure" is reasonable.
To say more Americans should travel is fair, but you made a broad statement that 300 Americans were all "ignorant", etc. I don't believe that's fair. I work with people from four continents who all worked very hard to study here because they don't believe 300 million of us are ignorant or xenophobic.
True, 300million is a hyperbole, but at the same time, there an awful large number of people in the US who are ignorant of the outside world; hell, I wrote a review of MacOS X 10.4 - links from osnews.com and macsurfer.com to my blog, and I had Americans claiming that New Zealand was located in Europe?! when did NZ become part of Europe?!
Its unfortunate that some of contemporary music has become so dependent on accompanying visuals and capricious styles. The most evocative composers didn't need videos...
I wonder, does Weezer count as Emo? I enjoy their sound, but I take their lyrics as something meant tongue-in-cheek.
Meh, Weezer is too mainstream for me; I have a varied collection, but when it comes to the whine feast that is modern music in clothing shops, I put in my ear phones, click on my ipod and listen to some Rammstein.
Saint Curie
18-03-2006, 11:50
True, 300million is a hyperbole, but at the same time, there an awful large number of people in the US who are ignorant of the outside world; hell, I wrote a review of MacOS X 10.4 - links from osnews.com and macsurfer.com to my blog, and I had Americans claiming that New Zealand was located in Europe?! when did NZ become part of Europe?!
An awful large number, but not a totality. A use of hyperbole like that creates a mischaracterization.
I really do wish more Americans would take an interest in geography and global affairs; not so much to satisfy other nations, rather because the self-absorbed view of many cripples the rest of us.
18-03-2006, 12:16
Talking about suicidal thoughts is too serious to ever assume that it may not be true.
Also - maybe I'm naive and give people the benefit of the doubt too much - but I don't think "emos" are lying in what they say. Perhaps a very few are, but I think the majority truly come to feel like they'd rather die. Whether they'd actually be able to kill themselves if the opportunity arose, I don't know and I don't think is actually relevant (I've been diagnosed with depression and I've been suicidal but I don't know if I'd ever have actually commited suicide).
If they are just looking for attention, that shows they need some help... And sometimes it'll be a mixture of them being truly suicidal and wanting attention which seems perfectly reasonable to me - if life is so desolate you're considering suicide, any way of trying to get help or support I can't really condemn.
Also, how exactly do you know that they don't have depression? You can't know for sure - you're in no place to diagnose them. If they're considering suicide, even semi-seriously, that is a sign of a problem that needs to be dealt with. I just don't buy the fact that all these people are making up how they feel. If it's disproportionate to their problems and they "shouldn't" feel this way... uh, that's what depression is. Disproportionate feelings when someone "should" be able to cope more healthily.
People here have mentioned themselves how they actually have depression and have been called emos and not taken seriously. Why couldn't it be true for other people called emos?
I truly don't think suicide is seen as fashionable or just taken up to be part of the "emo culture". It's probably more that people feel a certain way and find they can identify with the culture and want a feeling of belonging or feeling less lonely.
There's also the idea that "real" depressed people don't talk about their problems, which is a plain lie. Different people deal with depression and problems in different ways. I know some people who are truly suicidal and joke about it (another factor in why I think mentioning suicide always should be taken seriously).
1. Any mention of commiting suicide is serious. The fact that the idea would enter someone's mind and they would tell someone that they're feeling this way shows a sign of a problem.
2. You can't know how serious someones problems are. You can't know how people feel, or know whether they have depression. You can't know the motives behind mentioning suicide (if there are any apart from wanting someone to talk to). So you can't assume you know anything about the situation.
18-03-2006, 13:41
By the way, stop talking about Bush. You wanna discuss it, fine, but not here please. Stay on topic.
Talking about suicidal thoughts is too serious to ever assume that it may not be true.
Also - maybe I'm naive and give people the benefit of the doubt too much - but I don't think "emos" are lying in what they say. Perhaps a very few are, but I think the majority truly come to feel like they'd rather die. Whether they'd actually be able to kill themselves if the opportunity arose, I don't know and I don't think is actually relevant (I've been diagnosed with depression and I've been suicidal but I don't know if I'd ever have actually commited suicide).
I think there are a few "fakers" around there and once people meet *them*, they may think all emos are like that, or even worse, start thinking all suicidal people are like that.
If they are just looking for attention, that shows they need some help... And sometimes it'll be a mixture of them being truly suicidal and wanting attention which seems perfectly reasonable to me - if life is so desolate you're considering suicide, any way of trying to get help or support I can't really condemn.
Problem is people and society do not accept people who are trying to get attention. This is the main reason emos are so hated and it's pouring over into actual suicidal people. People hate emos for being attention whores, constantly whining about life and all that, that whenever a truly depressed/suicidal person finally comes out of their silence, they're treated the same way.
Also, how exactly do you know that they don't have depression? You can't know for sure - you're in no place to diagnose them. If they're considering suicide, even semi-seriously, that is a sign of a problem that needs to be dealt with. I just don't buy the fact that all these people are making up how they feel. If it's disproportionate to their problems and they "shouldn't" feel this way... uh, that's what depression is. Disproportionate feelings when someone "should" be able to cope more healthily.
People here have mentioned themselves how they actually have depression and have been called emos and not taken seriously. Why couldn't it be true for other people called emos?
I truly don't think suicide is seen as fashionable or just taken up to be part of the "emo culture". It's probably more that people feel a certain way and find they can identify with the culture and want a feeling of belonging or feeling less lonely.
Absolutely, especially the first part.
There's also the idea that "real" depressed people don't talk about their problems, which is a plain lie. Different people deal with depression and problems in different ways. I know some people who are truly suicidal and joke about it (another factor in why I think mentioning suicide always should be taken seriously).
I, for one, keep my clinical depression and suicidal thoughts almost completely to myself. And when I had finally decided to reach out, I knew that I would be denounced by emo-haters.
1. Any mention of commiting suicide is serious. The fact that the idea would enter someone's mind and they would tell someone that they're feeling this way shows a sign of a problem.
2. You can't know how serious someones problems are. You can't know how people feel, or know whether they have depression. You can't know the motives behind mentioning suicide (if there are any apart from wanting someone to talk to). So you can't assume you know anything about the situation.
You are officially the voice of reason and winner of the thread. (Sorry Andaluciae, at least you're second best)
Righteous Munchee-Love
18-03-2006, 13:50
Indulging in suicide fantasies usually helps me decrease my suicidal tendencies.
Just the same as with ecstatic dreams of manslaughter and aggressions because the bus is late.
18-03-2006, 13:58
Indulging in suicide fantasies usually helps me decrease my suicidal tendencies.
Just the same as with ecstatic dreams of manslaughter and aggressions because the bus is late.
Opposite for me... there's an almost masturbational tendency to start thinking depressive and suicidal thoughts, and it isn't helping.
18-03-2006, 14:29
I think there are a few "fakers" around there and once people meet *them*, they may think all emos are like that, or even worse, start thinking all suicidal people are like that.
Problem is people and society do not accept people who are trying to get attention. This is the main reason emos are so hated and it's pouring over into actual suicidal people. People hate emos for being attention whores, constantly whining about life and all that, that whenever a truly depressed/suicidal person finally comes out of their silence, they're treated the same way.
I think the way people view emos comes more from what you said about peoples' views on attention-seeking. Or, more specifically, the idea that people are just whining and moaning for no "good reason". It isn't attention seeking as a whole that is seen negatively (bubbly, talkative, "life and soul of the party" people are seeking attention, but that's rarely seen in a negative light) but it's more the idea of whinging.
People see emos talking about problems in their life and how it makes them feel and then conclude that they aren't "real" problems and they don't have any "good reason" to be depressed.
(This itself is bullshit. You don't need a "good reason" to be depressed - depression isn't logical and occurs (often) seperately from the situation surrounding. Depression twists circumstances into justification. And all problems are real - if they seem like a problem to the person and are causing them emotional pain in any way, it is a problem.)
They then apply this to anyone else who talks about problems in their life/talks about similar types of feelings and decides that they, also, don't have "real" problems and dont have any "good reason" to be depressed.
I, for one, keep my clinical depression and suicidal thoughts almost completely to myself. And when I had finally decided to reach out, I knew that I would be denounced by emo-haters.
Indeed. I dislike the fact that every time I mention anything relating to depression or suicide, I basically have to mention that I've been professionally diagnosed with depression and am not just moaning or being "emoish".
This actually brings up a point.
Some of the first people who I talked to about depression were over the internet, on a forum. Typically emo I suppose, posting on a forum about this kind of stuff. But - if we're talking about what a "true depressed person" would do - this was far easier than actually talking to people around me. It was less selfish in my mind than telling people close to me who'd get hurt. It was better than forcing people to listen to me (this way people could ignore it or reply if they wanted).
Also - another point - the same people who criticise people for asking for help or seeking support and advice (i.e. attention), also often criticise people who don't do anything about their situation or find it hard to talk to anyone.
You are officially the voice of reason and winner of the thread. (Sorry Andaluciae, at least you're second best)
The Elder Malaclypse
18-03-2006, 15:15
In a fight between Emos and Suicidal Tendencies (http://www.suicidaltendencies.com/) I think ST would win hands down.
Damnit, I was going to say that.
18-03-2006, 15:38
All seriousness aside for the moment, I give you:
The Emo Pistol
It's a Polish handgun.
Europa alpha
18-03-2006, 15:48
Here goes.
Ok lets stereotype shall we?
Redneck american inbred asshole
No-chinned posh inbred brit.
weak, pansy frog eating french dude
Are these true?
dont be an asshole.
Dont stereotype.
Emo's rock.
Most suicidal emo's are shunned by emo society or are so quiet about it, we dont notice. THESE ARE REAL emo suicides. We like them. They are often interesting.
18-03-2006, 15:50
It's a Polish handgun.
Don't feed the "Hun".
18-03-2006, 15:52
THESE ARE REAL emo suicides. We like them. They are often interesting.
Saying stuff like that just supports the stereotypes of you that you say you hate so much.
Plus, it makes you look like a jerk.
Europa alpha
18-03-2006, 15:56
Saying stuff like that just supports the stereotypes of you that you say you hate so much.
Plus, it makes you look like a jerk.
Well they are.
Quiet people are always interesting.
LOUD people are like :rolleyes:
I think i might have typed that a bit wrongly up there.
18-03-2006, 15:58
I truly loathe emos. Why? I feel they decrease the urgency and importance of people with REAL clinical depression.
So cos you're depressed and not emo, all emos are faking depression? You don't think some of them might choose that subculture because of depressive tendencies?
18-03-2006, 16:15
Well they are.
Quiet people are always interesting.
LOUD people are like :rolleyes:
I think i might have typed that a bit wrongly up there.
I'm hoping so. Otherwise you're saying that - when done by quiet people- suicide is interesting and you like it.
18-03-2006, 16:15
Ifreann, please refrain from posting pictures and suggesting the use of guns for anyone, joking or not.
Potato jack
18-03-2006, 16:23
Here goes.
Ok lets stereotype shall we?
Redneck american inbred asshole
No-chinned posh inbred brit.
weak, pansy frog eating french dude
Are these true?
dont be an asshole.
Dont stereotype.
Emo's rock.
Most suicidal emo's are shunned by emo society or are so quiet about it, we dont notice. THESE ARE REAL emo suicides. We like them. They are often interesting.
Had to laugh when I read that!
18-03-2006, 22:50
So cos you're depressed and not emo, all emos are faking depression? You don't think some of them might choose that subculture because of depressive tendencies?
I might have worded that badly, and when I think about it, what I really hate is people's altered perceptions of suicidal people because of faking emos they've met in their lives.
So basically I loathe the emos that are faking depression, because they cause harm to those who actually are depressed and try to reach out to people whose views have been skewed by these fakers.
The Nuke Testgrounds
18-03-2006, 22:53
People should all just come together, get drunk, get high and fuck all night long like horny bunnies in hunting season.
An emo-free world is guaranteed.
Lovely Boys
18-03-2006, 23:54
An awful large number, but not a totality. A use of hyperbole like that creates a mischaracterization.
I really do wish more Americans would take an interest in geography and global affairs; not so much to satisfy other nations, rather because the self-absorbed view of many cripples the rest of us.
Hence, if the US citizen took an interest in travelling outside the Americas, and on world events, I think they would be alot wiser when they vote - voting for the 'wrong' US president, not only fucks up the US but the world as well.
Help the medicals out of their situation (i.e. help them to live)
Help the EMOs out of our situation (i.e. bullet throught the head)
Pathetic, "poor me" richy Emos don't deserve to breathe my air.
People with real medical issues need to be helped.
Seperate the two groups and "help" them as appropriate.
19-03-2006, 01:56
Help the medicals out of their situation (i.e. help them to live)
That's harder than you think, because you have to know there's a problem before you can even try to heal it, and most clinically depressed people confine their depressive and suicidal thoughts to themselves.
Even worse is how people bad-mouth and denounce emos, the real suicidal people will be afraid to come out, fearing they may be ridiculed and just aggravate their situation.
Help the EMOs out of our situation (i.e. bullet throught the head)
Pathetic, "poor me" richy Emos don't deserve to breathe my air.
Why are you so bitter? Certainly faking depression and suicidal tendencies is an outrageously execrative action, but it isn't so bad as to be punished with death!
These fakers should be re-educated on proper conduct in society instead of sent to death simply because of socially condemnable actions.
That's harder than you think, because you have to know there's a problem before you can even try to heal it, and most clinically depressed people confine their depressive and suicidal thoughts to themselves.
Even worse is how people bad-mouth and denounce emos, the real suicidal people will be afraid to come out, fearing they may be ridiculed and just aggravate their situation.
Why are you so bitter? Certainly faking depression and suicidal tendencies is an outrageously execrative action, but it isn't so bad as to be punished with death!
These fakers should be re-educated on proper conduct in society instead of sent to death simply because of socially condemnable actions.
I have been married to someone who is BiPolar and suicidally depressed for 13 years. I have a pretty good understanding of medical depression.
Emo "wannabees", generally over-coddled rich little whiners, who think depression, angst and pretend suicidal tendancies make them cool or part of some little clique deserve nothing but contempt.
I'm not bitter, I just see pansy-assed whiners making genuine mental illness look like a personal problem rather than the medical issue it is. Genuinally mentally ill people don't need to face any more stigma than they already do... especially when it is created by punks with an attitude. :mad:
19-03-2006, 07:15
I have been married to someone who is BiPolar and suicidally depressed for 13 years. I have a pretty good understanding of medical depression.
Emo "wannabees", generally over-coddled rich little whiners, who think depression, angst and pretend suicidal tendancies make them cool or part of some little clique deserve nothing but contempt.
I'm not bitter, I just see pansy-assed whiners making genuine mental illness look like a personal problem rather than the medical issue it is. Genuinally mentally ill people don't need to face any more stigma than they already do... especially when it is created by punks with an attitude. :mad:
Then we are in agreement.
Soviet Haaregrad
19-03-2006, 08:10
Do you really believe there are 300 million Americans that are all alike, all the way you say we are? That doesn't seem realistic. Are you just mad?
It seems like Emo lacks the authentic, visceral passion of other emotional music, like the Blues.
Listen to Saetia or Indian Summer and try to tell me that's not emotional.
Or I Hate Myself, who oddly enough, don't have any songs about disliking themselves.