Google May Have to Turn Over Some Web Data to U.S.
Hitler Cakes
15-03-2006, 01:08
Google May Have to Turn Over Some Web Data to U.S. (
What do you think of this?
Parents should be the ones keeping their children from viewing pornography, not the state!!
Another case of unnecessary censorship to prevent something that the state has no right to regulate in the first place.
Anyway, what is so bad about porn :D ;)
Achtung 45
15-03-2006, 01:14
Stupid fascist government. Good thing I'm not a minor.
I say we all hurry up and type "Fuck you Justice Department!" in Google, right now.
Lazy Otakus
15-03-2006, 01:17
I say we all hurry up and type "Fuck you Justice Department!" in Google, right now.
Lol, that would be funny if enough people would do it. :)
The Tokari
15-03-2006, 01:20
This is not true censorship, the feds want statistical data regarding what words/phrases are being searched for and how many of those searches contain "objectionable" material. I'm sure they'd like to know who is also putting in the searches, but Google wouldn't turn that over without a big court fight.
As for what's wrong with porn; people born to into power have decided you shouldn't see it. Are you saying they don't know what's best for you? What's wrong with you?!
Achtung 45
15-03-2006, 01:31
I say we all hurry up and type "Fuck you Justice Department!" in Google, right now.
lol, I had a dream that they started regulating NS discussions and we all started posting "Fuck you Big Brother" or something like that. Yes, I sometimes dream I'm on NSG (once). Yes, that was random, but your comment reminded me of that.
The Lone Alliance
15-03-2006, 01:36
Guess I'm not using Google, oh and I Refreshed 'Fuck you Justice Department' about 20 times on the search.
I don't care...if Google's going to censor Chinese search results per the demands of the Chinese government, then they should have to comply with the US government's request if it's legal. Honestly, this attempt to portray themselves as defenders of the right to privacy is bullshit...Google should just give up the farce since they aren't convincing anybody who knows what they are really doing.
15-03-2006, 02:33
I don't think the US should try to catch up to China in matters of censorship and information access.
At least the Chinese people now have a Google, instead of the Chinese government just blocking the entire thing.
Anarchic Conceptions
15-03-2006, 02:37
I say we all hurry up and type "Fuck you Justice Department!" in Google, right now.
Your search - "Fuck you Justice Department" - did not match any documents.
I don't think the US should try to catch up to China in matters of censorship and information access.
Neither do I, but I hardly see Google as giving a shit about our rights.
At least the Chinese people now have a Google, instead of the Chinese government just blocking the entire thing.
Yes, and it's only a matter of time before they turn over some dissident to years of hard labor and enslavement to the state just like Yahoo did to a blogger.
And the only reason to do it is to boost their EPS...I have no problem with companies doing business in places that require them to comply with censorship laws, but those companies shouldn't try to hide behind a bullshit veneer of being the "good guys" that fight for our privacy.
Google May Have to Turn Over Some Web Data to U.S.
I thought that had already happened... o well
15-03-2006, 03:11
Your search - "Fuck you Justice Department" - did not match any documents.
Think the Justice Department censored all the rant sites around?
Bobs Own Pipe
15-03-2006, 03:16
I say we all hurry up and type "Fuck you Justice Department!" in Google, right now.
I've done it in quotations and without quotations, about 3 dozen times in the last couple of minutes.
You've got a movement.
Bodies Without Organs
15-03-2006, 03:30
Your search - "Fuck you Justice Department" - did not match any documents.
Ah, I see where you went wrong:
Results 1 - 5 of about 6 for "Fuck the Justice Department".
Glad to be of help.
Anarchic Conceptions
15-03-2006, 03:32
Ah, I see where you went wrong:
Results 1 - 5 of about 6 for "Fuck the Justice Department".
Glad to be of help.
What a difference you make.
what's the site where you can see what other people are googling?
The Ohio State Axis
15-03-2006, 03:43
The link just brings me to a blank page. But judging on what is being said, how will the feds know if the searches are being conducted by minors?
Heh. "Fuck you justice department" (sans quotes) in Image Search retrieves one result (Safesearch off). Whee... almost a Googlewhack. :D
Anarchic Conceptions
15-03-2006, 04:02
Heh. "Fuck you justice department" (sans quotes) in Image Search retrieves one result (Safesearch off). Whee... almost a Googlewhack. :D
16-03-2006, 03:14
So does this have anything to do with that huge porn sting?
16-03-2006, 03:15
So does this have anything to do with that huge porn sting?
*pleads the 5th*
16-03-2006, 03:51
*pleads the 5th*
The whole fifth, or just a few shots from it?
16-03-2006, 04:01
The whole fifth, or just a few shots from it?
*maniacal laugh*
No one is getting my porn da......I mean web data.
16-03-2006, 04:39
*maniacal laugh*
No one is getting my porn da......I mean web data.
I think the only authority you'd have on that would be if it was all YOU! :D
The Lone Alliance
16-03-2006, 18:32
Your search - "Fuck you Justice Department" - did not match any documents.
Take out the " " in the title and you'll get several pages on Justice Department
and Fuck. Mainly about the Justice Department fucking people over.