verge of mental collapse
Dear Nsers,
I feel like i'm about to have a mental breakdown, cause i'm so conciouses and nervous about everything. Just today my heart was thumping so fast and my thoughts were racing about everything, i'm becoming really paranoid about what people's perception of me. I'm afriad that my friends are gonna leave me, because I think people are talking about me(not sure though) and i'm afraid people are going to start disliking me cause people are talking about my past. I have really changed as a person and I wish people could actually see that, but i'm afraid my past has haunted me in a way. I don't know what to do i feel like i'm just gonna break down, because I can't do this, i'm very depressed lately and my stomach aches when i stress out. What should I do?
11-03-2006, 02:47
See a doctor immediately. IMMEDIATELY.
Also, none of what you are worrying about is true.Calm down, take a deep breath. Also, DO NOT DRIVE to the doctor. Driving is one of the most stressful things you can do (second to doing it whilst talking on a cellphone.)
Neo Kervoskia
11-03-2006, 02:47
The best advice I can offer is to shit your paints, dive in, and swim.
11-03-2006, 02:48
The best advice I can offer is to shit your paints, dive in, and swim.
Be serious here. This could be a serious problem.
I feel like i'm about to have a mental breakdown
Welcome to my world...... :(
Sersiously, see a professional about it.
I have gone to the shrink before but i hate talking to them.
11-03-2006, 02:51
Get help fast. I can't stress this enough. Go see a psychologist. There's no shame in it. If you were puking blood you'd see a doctor, its the same thing.
Neo Kervoskia
11-03-2006, 02:52
Be serious here. This could be a serious problem.
I am being serious. If it seems like there is nothing you can do, the best thing to do is to face it. Then eventually you'll see it isn't really all that bad.
11-03-2006, 02:52
I have gone to the shrink before but i hate talking to them.
Then go to another and another until you find one you like.
11-03-2006, 02:52
It doesn't matter. It is, right now, the best thing to do. Just don't go taking a ton of drugs. (medicinal or illicit.)
but what can i do when i'm in school and stuff and with friends, lately i've been trying to be quiet around them. Cause I feel like they don't want to talk to me, but then they do, so I worry about all the time when I should talk to them or not.
11-03-2006, 03:00
SEE A SHRINK! It will turnout good.
Also, your friends are just that-- friends! Don't worry about them not liking you anymore-- they (most likely) don't have any reason not to (unless you did something REALLY bad lately, which doesn't seem like the case.)
but what can i do when i'm in school and stuff and with friends, lately i've been trying to be quiet around them. Cause I feel like they don't want to talk to me, but then they do, so I worry about all the time when I should talk to them or not.
Just talk anyway. Excessive worry is bad for you.
11-03-2006, 03:07
He/She's right, you know!
11-03-2006, 03:44
I agree, I think it would be best for you to see a psychologist or psychiatrist without delay. I've seen a few psychiatrists in my day and can say that when all is said and done I'm glad I went when I did and my life is on track now. There's no shame in getting some counselling when things seem to be spiralling out of control.
Good luck!
Blanco Azul
11-03-2006, 04:03
Anxitey disorder.
Sounds exactly what happened to me. Go get treatment.
Don't they just give you pills?
Blanco Azul
11-03-2006, 04:17
Don't they just give you pills?
Yes, you do get medication. But you also have to work on coping strategies, likely with a psycologist. You will get over it, but you will have to work on it.
Lord-General Drache
11-03-2006, 04:24
Yes, you do get medication. But you also have to work on coping strategies, likely with a psycologist. You will get over it, but you will have to work on it.
Correct, it'd be with a psychologist. It seems that psychiatrists tend to do more of the "medicate your troubles away" thing, imo.
Sounds like a case of depression and anxiety to me. Go to a psychologist, give 'em a fair try. Be honest and open about how you're feeling, and hold nothin' back. They're both quite treatable, so don't worry about that.
I was like that last week, Spring break saved me from it though.
Breath deeply, take a hot bath with some candles, and relax
Tropical Montana
11-03-2006, 04:45
If you are a teenager, then just chill out and remember that what happens during your high school years ends up not being as important in the Big Picture as you think it is right now. Everyone feels some social anxiety and worry at that age. It's normal.
Don't go freaking out thinking there is something wrong with you. That will just add to your stress. You don't have to go to some expensive professional, either, most of the time. Many times just talking to someone who cares about you will bring you back to a good place. But you should talk to SOMEONE. Things can get out of perspective sometimes, and the only way to get back to reality is to bounce your thoughts off someone else who knows the situation. They might have a different perspective, or information you need.
Communication will help prevent a breakdown. Its not so much about who you tell as it is just hearing yourself saying things out loud.
So quit worrying about it, UNLESS.... your anxiety is so accute that you actually think you are having a heart attack or can't breathe. When it gets that bad, its time for some medications that will stop the feedback loop that keeps increasing your feelings of anxiety.
That's really all medical science can do for you. The rest comes down to how you talk to yourself and others. think positive. and if you can't think positive, think about those who have it worse than you.
Go volunteer in a food line. You will come back thankful for your wonderful, hectic life.
If you are a teenager, then just chill out and remember that what happens during your high school years ends up not being as important in the Big Picture as you think it is right now. Everyone feels some social anxiety and worry at that age. It's normal.
Don't go freaking out thinking there is something wrong with you. That will just add to your stress. You don't have to go to some expensive professional, either, most of the time. Many times just talking to someone who cares about you will bring you back to a good place. But you should talk to SOMEONE. Things can get out of perspective sometimes, and the only way to get back to reality is to bounce your thoughts off someone else who knows the situation. They might have a different perspective, or information you need.
Communication will help prevent a breakdown. Its not so much about who you tell as it is just hearing yourself saying things out loud.
So quit worrying about it, UNLESS.... your anxiety is so accute that you actually think you are having a heart attack or can't breathe. When it gets that bad, its time for some medications that will stop the feedback loop that keeps increasing your feelings of anxiety.
That's really all medical science can do for you. The rest comes down to how you talk to yourself and others. think positive. and if you can't think positive, think about those who have it worse than you.
Go volunteer in a food line. You will come back thankful for your wonderful, hectic life.
Thanks for advice
11-03-2006, 05:22
Don't they just give you pills?
Sometimes docs can give you pills, but it always depends on the circumstances. Sometimes Cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT) works better, depending on your symptoms. Other times, medication or a combination of both are effective.
I think the main point we here want to get across is a) talk with someone about this, and b) you are not the only one to ever have questions and concerns about your life. Chances are that every single person who has responded to you in this thread has been down the same road and speaks from experience.
11-03-2006, 05:29
first: if you are using drugs, particularly marijuana or any type of a stimulant, stop now!
second: if you honestly feel you can't breathe, or have chest pains, sudden onset of fear to move, speak or do anything, you may be having panic attacks, seek professional help.
third: avoid booze of all types
fourth: talk to someone, anyone, you can trust, doesn't have to be a shrink, try your parents, you might be surprised to find out how much they care and are willing to help.
fifth: try doing as someone suggested, go to a soup kitchen or the salvation army shelter or some such similar place and volunteer, you'll be glad you did and you'll find out you haven't got it so bad after all.
sixth: understand, meditate on the idea that life is 10% what happens and 90% how you react to it. Decide to react positively, no matter what.