NationStates Jolt Archive

What type of rock is your favorite?

Sel Appa
09-03-2006, 03:53
Rock as in the hard thing that makes up mountains.

Poll loaded.
09-03-2006, 03:55
Igneous For Life.
09-03-2006, 03:55
Rock as in the hard thing that makes up mountains....

My penis.
09-03-2006, 03:56
I rock climb and I would have to say that sandstone is the greatest
Upper Botswavia
09-03-2006, 03:56
Diamonds, of course.

Although I wouldn't say no to rubies or emeralds either.
09-03-2006, 03:56
Unobtanium, hands down. :D
09-03-2006, 03:57
Whoah, this was actually about rocks! My first post was aimed at funny, but was on the munny.
09-03-2006, 03:57
Whoah, this was actually about rocks! My first post was aimed at funny, but was on the munny.

10 points for you :p
Sel Appa
09-03-2006, 03:58
See, I prefer granite. It so hard and makes mountains. And supposedly it can record events and replay them in the future (something I heard on some Ghost show a few years ago). And its multicolored and yet all the different parts are happy with each other. Also, it resists acid rain better than marble.
09-03-2006, 03:58
10 points for you :p

Your sig says "firt"
09-03-2006, 04:00
Your sig says "firt"
I wrote my sig so long ago.

I didn't even know what it said
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
09-03-2006, 04:02
Your sig says "firt"
Yeah, that's because it is a play on words. Firt is the technical name for the hatch out of which a sky-diver jumps, so if one doesn't suceed at "firt", then they have jumped without a parachute, or jumped backwards into the plane or something.
Sel Appa
09-03-2006, 04:03
Back to rocks...
09-03-2006, 04:03
Yeah, that's because it is a play on words. Firt is the technical name for the hatch out of which a sky-diver jumps, so if one doesn't suceed at "firt", then they have jumped without a parachute, or jumped backwards into the plane or something.

Is there no end to your knowledge??
09-03-2006, 04:03
10 points for you :p

Awesome, I'm going to redeem them for some merch.
09-03-2006, 04:04
Yeah, that's because it is a play on words. Firt is the technical name for the hatch out of which a sky-diver jumps, so if one doesn't suceed at "firt", then they have jumped without a parachute, or jumped backwards into the plane or something.

sure we can go with that...

I was leaning to me being stupid, but if you wanna bail me out go for it :p
09-03-2006, 04:06
Yeah, that's because it is a play on words. Firt is the technical name for the hatch out of which a sky-diver jumps, so if one doesn't suceed at "firt", then they have jumped without a parachute, or jumped backwards into the plane or something.

You're lucky I put my apple juice down, else you'd own me a new keyboard....The jumping backwards mental image is quite humorous....

(Is it just me or do the smilies keep moving? )
09-03-2006, 04:08
(Is it just me or do the smilies keep moving? )

it's you
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
09-03-2006, 04:10
Is there no end to your knowledge??
No, for my mind is as the Universe: infinitely large and relatively empty.

On the topic of rocks, I like quartz. I especially like to quickly query questionable quartz quarry contractors.
[/useless alliteration]
Bobs Own Pipe
09-03-2006, 04:15
I like a granite matrix laced with deposits of iron, all peppered through with tiny amethyst geodes. I have several of these, the smallest less than a kilo, the largest about 4 kilos. Where do I get them?

In the Laurentian mountains. They're fairly abundant, but they're all worn-down chunks of glacier-ground-up boulders. Ground up, moved around, possibly thousands of kilometers. And more than likely to have passed through more than one cycle of glacial advance and retreat. So as to where the stone actually originated, I haven't the foggiest.

But the small exposed amethyst geodes (more sort of red-purple than blue-purple with these rocks) look beautiful when they catch the light.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
09-03-2006, 04:15
sure we can go with that...

I was leaning to me being stupid, but if you wanna bail me out go for it :p
When on teh Internets, one has to be able to BS on their feet (well, actually I'm sitting in a chair, but, yeah) and learn to never, never back down from a position. Even if the ground has been shot out from under you and 5,000 experts are staring down their ball point pens at you, you can't surrender the fight. Doing so admits that the other person has a bigger penis.
Sel Appa
09-03-2006, 04:19
(Is it just me or do the smilies keep moving? )
They are...the fu one moved from the middle to the bottom left and the snipe rmoved up.
Blanco Azul
09-03-2006, 04:31
I have always liked Basalt.
09-03-2006, 04:56
I've always thought that the word "shale" sounded somehow... sleazy.
Secluded Islands
09-03-2006, 05:25
tigers eye is my favorite...
09-03-2006, 05:30
Limestone becuase it is a wonderful building material, local to Perth and has great insulation properties. followed by sandstone but that's just because my university campus is covered in the stuff which makes me so fond of it.
Daistallia 2104
09-03-2006, 05:54
Well, if you'll count it, obsidian.

If not, then flint.

Both are nice and useful as tools. Even today obsidian makes some of the finest blades, although now obsidian blades are used for surgey as opposed to hunting or fighting.
09-03-2006, 05:57
Salt. It is the only rock we eat.
Secluded Islands
09-03-2006, 06:03
Salt. It is the only rock we eat.

i sprinkle diamond dust on my potatoes...
Anti-Social Darwinism
09-03-2006, 06:16
Anything shiny, with facets, that can be mounted on gold or platinum.
09-03-2006, 20:38
I like flourite best.
09-03-2006, 20:44
Lapis lazuli, alexandrite, hematite, onyx, sugilite, tanzanite, sapphire, carnelion, lapis nevada, and malachite.
09-03-2006, 20:48
Volcanic = awesome.
09-03-2006, 20:48
Something called Orange Aragonite. Looks interesting.
09-03-2006, 20:59
Granite, because my favorite place on Earth is made mainly of granite.
Turquoise Days
09-03-2006, 21:13
Something called Orange Aragonite. Looks interesting.
Technically, that's a mineral, not a rock.:p
Ahh! The smilies are migrating! (who thought putting this :upyours: on the main page was a good idea)

Ehh, Obsidian is a rock glass, but it's close enough.
As for my favourite, I'd have to say Flint cos it makes really cool arrowheads, or Gneiss, cos of the metamorphic banding. (It is also sodding ancient in some places - gneisses are the oldest rocks on the planet)
09-03-2006, 21:22
Technically, that's a mineral, not a rock.:p

There is a difference?

From what I see a rock is a mineral. Unless you want to say that a mineral is a more specific kind of rock? I don't like the general choices given on the poll. So... Guess you could just go into a cave and say that all those rocks are your favorite seeing how caves make you feel so insignificant.
Turquoise Days
09-03-2006, 21:27
There is a difference?

From what I see a rock is a mineral. Unless you want to say that a mineral is a more specific kind of rock? I don't like the general choices given on the poll. So... Guess you could just go into a cave and say that all those rocks are your favorite seeing how caves make you feel so insignificant.
Geologically speaking, a rock is made up of crystals of minerals. If an object is all one crystal, it is a crystal, obviously. In the sense that a crystal of quartz is a crystal, but lots of little quartz crystals all stuck together is a Sandstone.

Definition #3 of the Rock link is the more correct one. The others are colloquial usages of 'rock', I feel