NationStates Jolt Archive

Violent Revolution

Crest Falls
03-03-2006, 23:37
how bad would things have to get in your country before you would join or found a force for violent revolution? The poll is geared towards america, but people from other coutnries are welcome to input their own responses.
03-03-2006, 23:39
The poll is geared towards america, but people from other coutnries are welcome to input their own responses.

You see, I'd rather not since I can't relate.
Europa alpha
03-03-2006, 23:40
Im british. If i thought the revolution was winning, and it was left-wing id join up right now!
04-03-2006, 00:00
how bad would things have to get in your country before you would join or found a force for violent revolution? The poll is geared towards america, but people from other coutnries are welcome to input their own responses.
Define bad.

The Kooky Kos Kids and other Hippies have been Revolting since the 1960s - but while they condone violence, they can't stomache it, so it's been a relatively fruitless attempt.

OTOH, should a genuine theocracy develop, or the Fed cede police authority to the UN or other such shite, I'd be hip deep in blood.
04-03-2006, 00:05
I want to start one right now.
Call to power
04-03-2006, 00:05
as long as peaceful change can occur I will not rise up (I really don't like the idea of living in a war zone)

thoughts from a servant of the Queen of the U.K
04-03-2006, 00:06
It'd probably have to be more of a counter revolution. As in some other group overthrows democracy, oh there'd be violence alright. I'd be the serious looking guy handin out AKs while taking the best for myself. Yup.
04-03-2006, 00:07
the revolution doesn't have to overthrow democracy... it could overthrow the crappy democracy we have now and replace it with a better one.
04-03-2006, 00:08
I'm not a particularly violent person myself, but I suspect violence might be the only thing capable of stopping the system, given that it will never give up without a fight.
Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 00:10
how bad would things have to get in your country before you would join or found a force for violent revolution? The poll is geared towards america, but people from other coutnries are welcome to input their own responses.
Hooters runs out of buffalo wings and beer, and my waitress is ugly.

Those three events come together and I'm going apeshit on the government.
04-03-2006, 00:11
The US would need to become communist, fascist, or some other form of government that is extremely immoral. However, I would only join after all other peaceful means had failed and I had prayed like nothing before and was pretty sure it was the thing to do, though who can ever be even fairly certain until years after the fact.
04-03-2006, 00:12
I want to point out that I have lived through one.

Beat that, America!
Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 00:12
The US would need to become communist, fascist, or some other form of government that is extremely immoral. However, I would only join after all other peaceful means had failed and I had prayed like nothing before and was pretty sure it was the thing to do, though who can ever be even fairly certain until years after the fact.
/\ yeah, that too, but mainly the hooters thing for me.
04-03-2006, 00:13
the revolution doesn't have to overthrow democracy... it could overthrow the crappy democracy we have now and replace it with a better one.

Bravo to your feelings on our democracy, but I wouldn't rebel violently.
04-03-2006, 00:13
The US would need to become communist, fascist, or some other form of government that is extremely immoral.

Umm, too late for that...
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 00:13
Violent revolutions are bound to failure.
Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 00:13
I want to point out that I have lived through one.

Beat that, America!
OK, we haven't needed one in over 200 years. You're beat.
04-03-2006, 00:15
Violent revolutions are bound to failure.
Like the one in 1776?
Call to power
04-03-2006, 00:15
I want to point out that I have lived through one.

Beat that, America!

04-03-2006, 00:15
OK, we haven't needed one in over 200 years. You're beat.

Umm, half a millennium here, so there! :p
04-03-2006, 00:16
OK, we haven't needed one in over 200 years. You're beat.
Dude, lighten up. That was a joke.
Must it always clash with the hubris?

The "Beat that, America" was a joke. I have in fact lived through a violent revolution.
04-03-2006, 00:16
Umm, too late for that...

There are still some good things ... ummm ... murder is still illegal ... nope, even that's questionable.
04-03-2006, 00:16
If things got that bad, I'd be an ex-patriot not a revolutionary. I'm not about to throw away my life.
New Zealand looks nice.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 00:17
Like the one in 1776?
1 Monarch with an emasculated army and a nobility too resentful and weakened to be able (or even willing to) aid him.

The entire Government with its Army ready to crush any dangerous revolution in order to protect the citizenry.

Don't underestimate the power Government wields.
04-03-2006, 00:17
Is that a question, or are you using Victorian language to put me back in my place?
Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 00:19
Umm, half a millennium here, so there! :p
Meh, it's just too cold for revolution in Sweden.
Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 00:20
Dude, lighten up. That was a joke.
Must it always clash with the hubris?

The "Beat that, America" was a joke. I have in fact lived through a violent revolution.
I know. Believe me, I don't take this shit that seriously.
04-03-2006, 00:22
Meh, it's just too cold for revolution in Sweden.

Tell that to Gustav Vasa. (
Call to power
04-03-2006, 00:24
Is that a question, or are you using Victorian language to put me back in my place?

I was asking you to explain it more since it would be good to get a picture of what a revolution is actually like from a first hand account before we either set fire to some cars or orderly disperse back to our happy lives
Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 00:26
Tell that to Gustav Vasa. (
I would, but I lost my Ouija board and I don't speak Swedenese anyway.
04-03-2006, 00:27
1 Monarch with an emasculated army and a nobility too resentful and weakened to be able (or even willing to) aid him.

The entire Government with its Army ready to crush any dangerous revolution in order to protect the citizenry.

Don't underestimate the power Government wields.
It still worked, thus your point is refuted. Had you said "modern" violent revolutions, you might be correct, but, well, there's always Iran to consider there too.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 00:28
It still worked, thus your point is refuted. Had you said "modern" violent revolutions, you might be correct, but, well, there's always Iran to consider there too.
Seeing as the OP refers to a revolution against an entire modern State, it's quite on point. A violent revolution against the Government in this situation would be unthinkable, or at the very least quite inspired by extreme bravery, or foolishness.
04-03-2006, 00:28
I don't speak Swedenese anyway.

Aye, you are indeed misfortunate.
04-03-2006, 00:31
I'm not a particularly violent person myself, but I suspect violence might be the only thing capable of stopping the system, given that it will never give up without a fight.

In other words, you don't have the stones to do the fighting yourself, but will sit back and reap the benfits from those who do.
Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 00:33
Aye, you are indeed misfortunate.
I cry myself to sleep every night.
04-03-2006, 00:33
there would have to be a complete suspension of the constitution. congress disbanded, elections called off, no redress of grievances.

having the people put a moron in the whitehouse for a second term just doesnt qualify as revolution worthy
04-03-2006, 00:35
I cry myself to sleep every night.

English tends to make me feel soiled in a similar way, too.
04-03-2006, 00:37
I was asking you to explain it more since it would be good to get a picture of what a revolution is actually like from a first hand account before we either set fire to some cars or orderly disperse back to our happy lives
I was seven at the time, but I was incidentally at its epicenter. The way it began is endlessly contested (most agree that it was helped along by the CIA and KGB alike), but the Romanian communist regime started shooting or arresting and shooting people who were protesting. The army switched sides after it killed about 1,000 people, and then many people started arming themselves with help from the army - which resulted in many a brief period of chaos, and a hunt for supposed terrorists. We've had it all: the rush, the terror, the insanity, the rumors, the execution of a chief of state, the revolutionary government, a shitload of unsolved issues, shooting in the streets... And they co-incided with Christmas.
In the next year, we have had two attempted coups.
I have a lot of clear memories about out, most of which imply a feeling of rush.
Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 00:43
English tends to make me feel soiled in a similar way, too.
That's why English is a sexy language. It's not worth doing it if you don't feel a little dirty afterward.
04-03-2006, 00:49
Well, if a president ever refuses to leave office when his term ends, that would be a good sign that our government is unsalvagable except by violence.
04-03-2006, 00:52
That's why English is a sexy language. It's not worth doing it if you don't feel a little dirty afterward.

Not dirty, but filthy. Worth less. Denuded, and not in a good "up your bum" way.
04-03-2006, 00:52
Most likely Michigan would have to win and I'd have to be rather drunk.
Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 00:57
Not dirty, but filthy. Worth less. Denuded, and not in a good "up your bum" way.
So then this conversation in english has made you feel like that? Well, glad I could be of help.
04-03-2006, 01:01
So then this conversation in english has made you feel like that? Well, glad I could be of help.

If only I could blame you, but, alas, I have no one to blame but myself for debasing myself so much as to speak English with people who don't understand any other language.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 01:16
If only I could blame you, but, alas, I have no one to blame but myself for debasing myself so much as to speak English with people who don't understand any other language.
What exactly would lead you to hold such a negative view of the language?
04-03-2006, 01:54
If only I could blame you, but, alas, I have no one to blame but myself for debasing myself so much as to speak English with people who don't understand any other language.

Actually, you are speaking the language of every educated person in the world. Its more commonly used the Mandarine Chinese, Spanish or French.

Its the language of banking, science and programing.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 01:56
Actually, you are speaking the language of every educated person in the world. Its more commonly used the Mandarine Chinese, Spanish or French.

Its the language of banking, science and programing.
Indeed, yet you refer to a diluted, internationalised version of it. English itself can be every bit as complex and beautiful as any of the Romance or purer Germanic languages.
04-03-2006, 02:03
Actually, Webster's English is more steamlined than Oxford English. And Oxford is what they tend to teach in non-English speaking countries.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 02:07
Actually, Webster's English is more steamlined than Oxford English. And Oxford is what they tend to teach in non-English speaking countries.
I know. It's still diluted a bit nevertheless.
04-03-2006, 02:12
Well, bad enough for a serious violent revolution to actually occur is pretty bad, and probably enough to get me to support revolution - if not that particular one.
04-03-2006, 02:55
Germanic languages sound like snorting through your nose. In my point of view all anyone needs to know are latin based languages cuz they pwn all :D
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 02:57
Germanic languages sound like snorting through your nose. In my point of view all anyone needs to know are latin based languages cuz they pwn all :D
I like the Germanic ones, but yes. Those are the Romance languages. ;) English is a fusion of those with Germanic, as well as Celtic.
04-03-2006, 03:03
vie la revolution!!!
04-03-2006, 03:11
No, English is a Tuetonic (German) language which has picked up lots of Latin influence.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 03:12
No, English is a Tuetonic (German) language which has picked up lots of Latin influence.
Hence Germanic at its core. It has significant Latin influences, as you say, as well as older Celtic and Romance language influences though too.
04-03-2006, 12:48
What exactly would lead you to hold such a negative view of the language?

Speaking it.

Actually, you are speaking the language of every educated person in the world.

Europa alpha
04-03-2006, 12:53
english is like this.

Celtic guys.
Rome invades.
Saxons invade.
Franko-Swedes invade. (William the Conqueror)

Britain gets pissed off and stops being intro-vert and as such pwns the worlds ass and invades everyone.

So now, because we are a great country, we are the language of the world.
So nerrr.

Stop revitalisation of dead languages, peace out.
04-03-2006, 12:55
Im british. If i thought the revolution was winning, and it was left-wing id join up right now!

What if it was moderate, centrist?

The armed militia of the Liberal Democrats roam the streets, spreading terror, demanding moderate reform in the fullness of time, with a discussion period to allow full consideration of propotional representation as an electoral system.

Would you give these terror mongers an inch?

They might even be Canadian Sikhs armed with ceremonial butter knives.

"I like the Germanic ones, but yes. Those are the Romance languages. English is a fusion of those with Germanic, as well as Celtic."

Yes, there is very little Celtic, though.
Europa alpha
04-03-2006, 12:57
What if it was moderate, centrist?

The armed militia of the Liberal Democrats roam the streets, spreading terror, demanding moderate reform in the fullness of time, with a discussion period to allow full consideration of propotional representation as an electoral system.

Would you give these terror mongers an inch?

They might even be Canadian Sikhs armed with ceremonial butter knives.

"I like the Germanic ones, but yes. Those are the Romance languages. English is a fusion of those with Germanic, as well as Celtic."

Yes, there is very little Celtic, though.

But the liberal democrats are so laughable, the idea of them organising a PARTY is funny, to see them organise a revolution would make good international tv
04-03-2006, 13:00
But the liberal democrats are so laughable, the idea of them organising a PARTY is funny, to see them organise a revolution would make good international tv

Are you suggesting my contribution was not serious!

Sir, I wish you Good Day!

The Similized world
04-03-2006, 13:07
Popular support, a proper power base & the goal to outphase democracy, would be sufficient for me.

I can't imagine anything would be enough to make me participate in an American revolution, though. That country is just too far gone.
Dogburg II
04-03-2006, 13:50
When they try to ban drinking.
04-03-2006, 14:09
Actually, you are speaking the language of every educated person in the world. Its more commonly used the Mandarine Chinese, Spanish or French.

Its the language of banking, science and programing.

I was under the impression that Mandarin and Spanish were the only languages more used than English.
04-03-2006, 14:20
I was under the impression that Mandarin and Spanish were the only languages more used than English.
I think they are the largest mother tongues, not the most spoken. Essential nuance.
04-03-2006, 14:25
I think they are the largest mother tongues, not the most spoken. Essential nuance.

Most spoken languages (
04-03-2006, 14:27
i'd join a left wing revolution/counter revolution against some daily mail people.
04-03-2006, 14:28
Most spoken languages (
Well, Mandarin is.
04-03-2006, 14:42
Well, Mandarin is.

Wow, I was right.

And I used a source to prove said rightness.

Drunk commies deleted
04-03-2006, 16:52
If only I could blame you, but, alas, I have no one to blame but myself for debasing myself so much as to speak English with people who don't understand any other language.
If it makes you feel better I speak Italian pretty well and a very tiny bit of German.
04-03-2006, 16:55
If it makes you feel better I speak Italian pretty well and a very tiny bit of German.

You'd think it would.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 18:17
Speaking it.
And is speaking it that horrific an experience for you?
04-03-2006, 18:22
Wow, I was right.

And I used a source to prove said rightness.

Well, you were not right about Spanish. And yes, it was a mistake on my part to include Chinese in the former category, but it was a lapsus more than anything.
04-03-2006, 18:25
And is speaking it that horrific an experience for you?

It is a nuisance.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 18:27
It is a nuisance.
Is it its flow, modes of expression, vocabulary...?

Generally I feel that way about Greek, which I learnt as a second language. Its flow is easily broken and it lacks vivid expression.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
04-03-2006, 18:31
Wow, I was right.

And I used a source to prove said rightness.
No, BAD! Where the Hell do you think you are? These are the Internets, not the real world. More to the point, this is NSG, a place for neither sources nor being right.
Now go sit in the corner!
04-03-2006, 18:31
Is it its flow, modes of expression, vocabulary...?

Generally I feel that way about Greek, which I learnt as a second language. Its flow is easily broken and it lacks vivid expression.

It's subjective. I don't like the sound of it. I don't like the way I sound when I speak it. I don't like how it lacks proximity to the things I like speaking of. It's indirect.

It's ugly.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 18:38
It's subjective. I don't like the sound of it. I don't like the way I sound when I speak it. I don't like how it lacks proximity to the things I like speaking of. It's indirect.

It's ugly.
Indeed, it would be subjective then. The way it is generally spoken is abhorrent. It can be quite a beautiful language, especially if one speaks it with one of its more florid accents and styles.

I prefer French to it, although as English is my maternal tongue I do appreciate its potential grace.
The Similized world
04-03-2006, 18:42
It's subjective. I don't like the sound of it. I don't like the way I sound when I speak it. I don't like how it lacks proximity to the things I like speaking of. It's indirect.

It's ugly.Dunno about that, but it's lousy for angry rants. Swedish is better, though that isn't saying much. A proper earfull should always be delivered in Polish. That language is the verbal equivalent of a thorough beating, no matter what's being said.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 18:43
Dunno about that, but it's lousy for angry rants. Swedish is better, though that isn't saying much. A proper earfull should always be delivered in Polish. That language is the verbal equivalent of a thorough beating, no matter what's being said.
German still has an edge over it in this regard. Unsurprisingly, insulting a person in French amounts to little more than caressing them verbally.
The Similized world
04-03-2006, 18:52
German still has an edge over it in this regard. Unsurprisingly, insulting a person in French amounts to little more than caressing them verbally.I disagree. A Berlin accent is no doubt sufficient to convey anger, but it's entirely dependent on the situation. Polish, on the other hand, only comes in varying degrees of ear-torture. Even simple, peaceful talks of meadows & roses sounds like people are about to engage in physical violence.

I think German is too .. Hmm.. Straight forward to really sound rotten. It's sort of like comparing a mildly annoyed school teacher with an axe-wielding psycho.

... I have a feeling I just pissed off a whole lot of people.
Europa Maxima
04-03-2006, 18:55
I disagree. A Berlin accent is no doubt sufficient to convey anger, but it's entirely dependent on the situation. Polish, on the other hand, only comes in varying degrees of ear-torture. Even simple, peaceful talks of meadows & roses sounds like people are about to engage in physical violence.
So in this regard it would be the absolute opposite of French?

I think German is too .. Hmm.. Straight forward to really sound rotten. It's sort of like comparing a mildly annoyed school teacher with an axe-wielding psycho.

... I have a feeling I just pissed off a whole lot of people.
Oh, German, if used properly, can sound far worse than a mildly annoyed school teacher. Intonation of course is key.
06-03-2006, 22:22
Most spoken languages (

Is that first language, most commonly used, most learned etc etc?

Anyway, Russian is the best for insane rants, from my experience. I don't speak it, but from what I've seen, these people have turned swearing into an art form.

For intimidating people? German. I knew a cop on a K9 squad and he brought his dog to a BBQ one time. He used German for the commands and was showing off. He was ordering the dog around and got some of us to sit and roll over.
Forfania Gottesleugner
06-03-2006, 22:50
If Roe vs. Wade was reversed entirely I would be willing to take up military arms and fight in my own country. Period.
The blessed Chris
06-03-2006, 23:28
I am unsure. Were a socialist state to develop in Britain, I would rise up in a second, however no regime borne from an insurrection in Britain, discounting the above, would endure, so, not really.
Bubba smurf
06-03-2006, 23:56
Ok the maker of the thread wanted to here some opinions of americans when they revolt from the government. Seeing that you are european and many europeans are talking about how bad bush is you want to see how long it will take for the US people to overthrow him. I'm sorry to say I would only overthrow him to establish a more conservative on social issues and more agressive in the war on terror. Some social that I would help fight for is to end illegal immigration through more strict methods. Some of these methods would be mined fields and military on the border as isreal has done along some of its borders in the past. i dont know if they still do.
The other time i would revolt is if America lost its concervative christian values allowing wide spread abortion and gay marriage.
:mp5: Of course almost all revolutions through violence will fail just because the government has so much power. :(