Let's talk comic books!
Cabra West
27-02-2006, 20:20
Yes, I'm bored.
No, I couldn't think of anything else right now.
Last weekend, I went to the comic bookstore (Forbidden planet, on the quays, southside, close to Ha'penny Bridge for you Dubliners out there), and I left with 4 additions to my collection:
Liberty Meadows - Books 4 (HC), by Frank Cho
Mutts - Book 10
Mutts - Sunday Afternoons, both be Partick McDonnel
Cinema Panopticum by Thomas Ott (http://bugpowder.com/lexikon/ott.thomas.html)
I love the weird and dark humour of Liberty Meadows. Always have, although I used to prefer University Freaks... I just can't seem to get that anywhere here.
Mutts is a bit too goody-goody for my taste, but there's always something that makes me laugh out loud.
Thomas Ott I didn't know before, but of all the comics I bought, this is definitely the best. Fantastic story, completely without words, fantastic graphics... it's dark, it's strange, it's brilliant.
What was the last comic you bought?
27-02-2006, 20:59
Däm Asterix singe Jung
I bought Ghost World (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1560974273/safalrasphilo-20) about a year ago. It's the only comic (or 'graphic novel', as it prefers to be known) I've ever bought, and I thought it was brilliant.
[NS:::]Anarchy land34
27-02-2006, 21:08
punisher #1 off of ebay
New Isabelle
27-02-2006, 21:09
I always loved Venom... and hated Spiderman for that matter...
27-02-2006, 21:12
I used to collect about a dozen titles including GI Joe, Groo the Wanderer, Elementals,Robotech amongst others.
Now the only ones I still pick up (mostly for financial reasons) are Knights of the Dinner Table and Dork Tower.
Economic Associates
27-02-2006, 21:12
Hmm last comic I got was the Omac project collection. Best one I bought though has got to be The Long Halloween. Best damn Batman comic collection ever.
The Sutured Psyche
27-02-2006, 21:13
Transmetropolitan Vol 6: Gouge Away.
Theres nothing like a story in which the hero is a misanthropic crusader for the Truth.
Righteous Munchee-Love
27-02-2006, 21:25
Last comic I bought was... well, Alita: Last Order is a manga, so I guess it would be... The Darkness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Darkness_%28comics%29) #11. Quite a while ago, indeed.
The first "League of extraordinary gentlemen" by Alan Moore etc. Never watch the movie.
28-02-2006, 00:20
Funny, I just bought 'Star Wars: Dark Force Rising' comic book today. It's the first comic book I've bought other than Calvin and Hobbes in a long time...
Cabra West
28-02-2006, 09:20
Funny, I just bought 'Star Wars: Dark Force Rising' comic book today. It's the first comic book I've bought other than Calvin and Hobbes in a long time...
I've got all the Calvin and Hobbes at home... love them.
I was thinking about getting the new Usagi Yojimbo, too, but the bookstore didn't have it yet.
Cabra West
28-02-2006, 09:20
The first "League of extraordinary gentlemen" by Alan Moore etc. Never watch the movie.
Hmm... I actually liked the movie.... but then again, I haven't read the comic.
28-02-2006, 09:27
I purchased my last comic book at the tender age of seven.
It was X-Men, without a doubt. If I remember correctly, it came with a pizza even.
Maybe it was the other way around....
Demented Hamsters
28-02-2006, 09:28
Hmm... I actually liked the movie.... but then again, I haven't read the comic.
Which is why you liked the movie. Anyone who's read the comic despises the movie. They took a brilliant, dark satirical graphic novel and, well, basically sodomised it.
It does have the same name as the comic. Here the similarities end.
Cabra West
28-02-2006, 09:42
Which is why you liked the movie. Anyone who's read the comic despises the movie. They took a brilliant, dark satirical graphic novel and, well, basically sodomised it.
It does have the same name as the comic. Here the similarities end.
Sounds like Hollywood all right ;)
To be perfectly honest, super hero comics never really appealed to me. I always found them to be too predictable, and not even particularly well drawn.
So, that really cuts me off from the entire mainstream American comic market... but then again, Europeans have some fantastic comic, too. Especially the French and Belgians...
Super man is such a dick!
28-02-2006, 10:34
The last Comic Book i got was either a Jurrasic Park one or an X-Men one, then i found out Basketball cards are more fun to collect.
28-02-2006, 10:55
I always loved Venom... and hated Spiderman for that matter...
Me too!
I named my cat Venom :D
The last comic I bought was the Associated Student Bodies series.
Upper Botswavia
28-02-2006, 12:20
James Fry, who is a comic book artist, is a good friend of mine. SUCH a good friend that I couldn't even tell you what books he has worked on, but there are a lot of them.
28-02-2006, 13:21
The last good comic I read was (were) the recent Ghost Rider limited series, written by Garth Ennis, the same guy who did "The Preacher" series.
Best art in any comic....ever.
Also, the recent "Marvel Zombies" storyline aint bad either.
Saint Curie
01-03-2006, 02:30
I liked "Preacher", "Real Adventures in the Rifle Brigade" and most volumes of "The Punisher".
"100 Bullets" is the only title I'm actively getting.
Great recent line by Nick Fury (formerly of S.H.I.E.L.D.):
"I'm going to have another drink, and then I'm going to bang every hooker in New York before somebody bans that, too".
-Nick Fury, "The Punisher: Mother Russia"
Last ones I bought and read were The Sandman Vol 8, 9, and 10 (World's End, The Kindly Ones, The Wake) and Excel Saga Vol 11.
I'll have to start collecting Ah Megamisama (ああっ女神さま) again soon.