Chuck Norris' illegitemate kid
Drunk commies deleted
27-02-2006, 16:19
A bouncer in Brisbane killed a guy with a single round house kick to the head. The dead guy made the mistake of insulting the Bouncer's mother. Considering the efficient and deadly use of the roundhouse kick, could this guy be one of Chuck's many illegitemate children?,5936,18260759%255E36399,00.html
Chuck Norris does not have illegitimate kids, for nothing happens if Sir. Norris does not will it so.
Righteous Munchee-Love
27-02-2006, 16:22
So Chuck does procreate with sub-chucks? :eek:
Secluded Islands
27-02-2006, 16:24
he doesnt even have a beard...
Drunk commies deleted
27-02-2006, 16:26
he doesnt even have a beard...
Give the kid a break. He's only three years old.
HELL NO!! If he were the seed of the Great Chuck, he'd have dealt with the judge and jury in the same manner as the guy who pissed him off in the first place. He's just some dude who WISHES he were Chuck.
Secluded Islands
27-02-2006, 16:35
Give the kid a break. He's only three years old.
proof = Coddington was overhead to say to Hutchings: "I f----- your mother."
see, chuck norris doesnt have a mother. therefore, he wouldnt have been upset at the remarks. plus, any true decendent of chuck norris would have killed all whitnesses...
27-02-2006, 17:35
No... they're Chuck CLONES!!
"He claimed in his evidence that Coddington did not flinch or move after he was struck, and seconds later turned to walk away but his feet twisted and he fell down."
That's pretty cool.
27-02-2006, 17:39
Alcohol + Roundhouse Kick = Death
The Beach Boys
27-02-2006, 17:56
I can't believe all these questions about what might or might not be true about The Mighty Chuck and his ways. all these questions are already answered in depth at all about His Amazing Chuckness (
if you aren't paying attention to the Truth of Chuck-thulu, you may find yourself on the wrong end of a Chuck Norris roundhouse
...oops! too late.
27-02-2006, 20:45
I always thought that Jesus was Chuck Norris's illegitimate child.