Moral Dilemma Round 5
26-02-2006, 23:20
You live in a small apartment building with 4 other people whom you do not know well. One night, you wake up and notice that the building is on fire. You have time to either:go and wake up the other tenants who may or may not have noticed the fire,or open your safe and remove your life savings of 10,000 dollars. If you do one, you cannot do the other in any way, shape, or form.
Edit: for the purposes of this thread, you cannot merely put the fire out.
Moral Dilema 6:
After 5 of these threads would it be right to kill you, or should we just throw you to the lions?
26-02-2006, 23:25
Moral Dilema 6:
After 5 of these threads would it be right to kill you, or should we just throw you to the lions?
Crucify him! Crucify him!
*nails Tweedlesburg to a tree and before wandering off to eat pretzels*
Save the money. Those other people have done nothing for me, while money has been very good to me.
Cheese penguins
26-02-2006, 23:37
10,000$ :d
The Letter A
26-02-2006, 23:43
I go to back to sleep. It's the middle of the night, I'm tired, and the firemen will probably take care of it...I hopre.:cool:
Crucify him! Crucify him!
*nails Tweedlesburg to a tree and before wandering off to eat pretzels*
How many more of these moral dilemma thread are we to expect? (Just so we can have some mental preparation...or run the hell away :p )
Call to power
26-02-2006, 23:51
put the fire out and go back too bed
27-02-2006, 00:15
How many more of these moral dilemma thread are we to expect? (Just so we can have some mental preparation...or run the hell away :p )
As many as I think of, or until I satisfy my boredom
or until somebody kills me :p
27-02-2006, 00:17
As many as I think of, or until I satisfy my boredom
or until somebody kills me :p
sounds like somebody needs a girlfriend (boyfriend?)
Just how strong is this fire? I'd definately warn the people and if the fire got to my place ,trust that the safe will keep the flames away. It's a safe, right? No fire will ruin my $10k!
27-02-2006, 01:17
No dilemma; this is the reason we have BANKS. And banks have INSURANCE.
Righteous Munchee-Love
27-02-2006, 01:37
Thus Reason killed Dilemma.
A more interesting question would be: You happened to notice the fire, knew the other four were asleep, and one of them had 10000$ - what would you do then?
Drexel Hillsville
27-02-2006, 02:01
How strong of a fire?
27-02-2006, 02:20
sounds like somebody needs a girlfriend (boyfriend?)
She's on vacation for the weekend thank you very much.
I, like any sensible person, would put my money in a reliable bank, eliminating the dilemma. Although realistically speaking, I'd be the one setting the fire in the first place...
27-02-2006, 03:01
How about, "Why didn't I buy a fire-proof safe?"
27-02-2006, 03:07
This isn't really much of a "moral dilemma" anyway. One answer is fairly clearly the "moral" thing to do, while the other answer is selfish and immoral. A true moral dilemma would involve a choice between two competing moral demands, forcing you to make a difficult moral choice.
How about this: You live in an apartment building and wake to find that it is on fire. As you run out of your burning apartment, you find a child trapped under rubble, already beginning to asphyxiate. You know that if you help her, you can get her out in time... but the building is collapsing all around you. Meanwhile, your neighbor three floors up, a prominent bio-chemist, told you last night that he was on the virge of a major breakthrough in treating cancer. You're not sure if he's gotten out or not... but you know that if you wait any longer, you won't have a chance to find out.
What do you do?
EDIT: This follows a sort of "standard" moral dilemma form, namely "would I sacrifice innocent lives to obtain a general good?" ... or, the even more general form, "does the end justify the means?"
Therefore, why don't we stop this endless parade of not-terribly-interesting "moral dilemmas" and just start a thread on the general moral question?
What about yelling hysterically while getting the money?