Is she insane?
Lunatic Goofballs
26-02-2006, 20:25
I don't favor the insanity defense. It certainly never helped me. :p
But when a woman cuts off her baby's arms, I really don't think there's much to argue about. How the hell can she be sane? What sane motive could exist for severing your baby's arms?!? Aren't some crimes automatically insane?
If I walked into a crowded mall on christmas eve and beat three people to death with a large frozen turd, wouldn't you assume there's some loose wiring in my skull?
Sanity does not decide guilt. The woman should be locked up.
So she's insane.... Lock her up in a mental institute instead of a jail then, but definently lock her up.
26-02-2006, 20:40
Oh my god...this is one of the worst things I've ever read. She cut the babies arms off and left it in the crib to bleed to death. Said the baby was dying in its crib. If she said the day before that she wanted to give the baby to God, then why didnt she stab the baby and make it a quick death? WHy cut the arms off and let it suffer so long? That is torture. Sounds like she wanted the baby to suffer before its death. Maybe she's not so insane after all. I think she should burn.
Stuff like this enrages me:mad: . I better not say anymore or I might go too far.
Edit: Look at her mugshot.....she is smiling. How obscene.
Lunatic Goofballs
26-02-2006, 20:43
Oh, I agree. I'm just saying that there are some actions that there are no point in arguing whether she's insane or not.
Some actions are automatically insane. But it seems that Texas is willing to argue that point to mistrial. Are they that desperate to kill her?
I'm pro-death penalty, but I think it's a given that she's insane. Being insane, she should be able to become sane so she can feel the grief and agony of what she did. Then she can spend the rest of her sane life being closely monitored in a facility where she can live a relatively normal life except for the nurses. :p
26-02-2006, 20:44
Some people try and fake the insane thing. I dont know. I'm too disturbed to make sense right now I think.
Lunatic Goofballs
26-02-2006, 20:47
Some people try and fake the insane thing. I dont know. I'm too disturbed to make sense right now I think.
I understand. When I read that, I was stunned I never heard about it before now.
SOme people do fake it. But even the ability to cut off your own child's arms and let it bleed to death to 'fake' insanity IS insanity.
So, all you have to do to get out of prison is do something really really disgusting and cruel? And you are automatically insane?
Sadly, this is the way it works.
26-02-2006, 20:49
No, shes DEFINATLY not insane. Sane people do that all the time. Hell, I'm doing it right now!
26-02-2006, 20:53
Holy Blazing Fuck. Sometimes I think you should need a liscense for having kids.
26-02-2006, 20:54
I understand. When I read that, I was stunned I never heard about it before now.
SOme people do fake it. But even the ability to cut off your own child's arms and let it bleed to death to 'fake' insanity IS insanity.
I think the act itself is insane. WHether or not she is or not I'm still undecided. Its easier to get off on an insanity plea when the crime is so heinous that the act itself is viewed as insane. Look at Susan Smith, she drove her babies off into the water and let them drown. She tried the insanity thing and despite a history of comparative behavior with this woman, she was found guilty of murder. Was she actually insane? Dont know. Do the details and methods of the two murders differ so greatly that it could influence a jury into thinking "god what a heinous act...she must be insane."
26-02-2006, 20:57
Did you see her face in the pic? that's a meth face.
I think she needs to be locked up regardless, but I bet she wasn't playing with a full deck, either she is mentally ill in some way or she was on drugs and mentally ill.
I wish the Punisher existed, then this ideal of insanity would be futile.
Soviet Haaregrad
26-02-2006, 21:20
I don't favor the insanity defense. It certainly never helped me. :p
But when a woman cuts off her baby's arms, I really don't think there's much to argue about. How the hell can she be sane? What sane motive could exist for severing your baby's arms?!? Aren't some crimes automatically insane?
If I walked into a crowded mall on christmas eve and beat three people to death with a large frozen turd, wouldn't you assume there's some loose wiring in my skull?
There's a difference, if you decide to beat people to death with frozen feces that's alot different then when god(s) tell you to beat someone to death with it.
When you start thinking divine beings are giving you commands, you're nuts. When you act on those, you need help, badly.
Desperate Measures
26-02-2006, 21:39
There's a difference, if you decide to beat people to death with frozen feces that's alot different then when god(s) tell you to beat someone to death with it.
When you start thinking divine beings are giving you commands, you're nuts. When you act on those, you need help, badly.
Yeah, divine beings usually don't need your help to get things done.
Desperate Measures
26-02-2006, 21:42
And what the hell is with these religions not letting people get help for depression? That's almost as sick as the crime this woman committed.
26-02-2006, 21:51
That isn't right. I say give her the firing squad :sniper: or lethal injection or something. tis not right to do that, wether a god told her to or not. Inoccent on the terms of instanity should not be an issue here, she's guilty one way or another. Either lock her up for life, or put an end to her 'insanity.'
Yeah, divine beings usually don't need your help to get things done.
Surely experience has shown that that's the only way they get things done?
Either way, the woman, regardless of her sanity, committed a crime and should be corrected appropriately.
The question isnt really is she insabe, as she clearly is. The question should be how small of a room should she be locked in for the rest of eterntity.
26-02-2006, 22:31
When you start thinking divine beings are giving you commands, you're nuts. When you act on those, you need help, badly.
Worked well for Joan of Arc...until she got cooked extra crispy
26-02-2006, 22:39
I wonder if Jack Thompson and Hillary Clinton will start a campaign to ban religions and God.... hmmm... I guess that unless they're first class hypocrites they will.
26-02-2006, 22:42
In civilized countries, I think, the violently insane are locked up until the psychiatrist says they're cured. Usually, this means never.