Moral Dillemma Round 3
26-02-2006, 01:32
Last one for today:
You go to the photo store to retrieve the developed photos from your vacation. Upon getting back home, you realize that not only are the photos not yours, but they show strangers in sexually explicit situations. What do you do?
Secluded Islands
26-02-2006, 01:33
show them to my friends...
The Psyker
26-02-2006, 01:35
Copy, reurn to store, and than sue the store for the moral damage and psychological trauma suffered by those Shooking, Just Shooking depictiones they gave me. Just joking Id just copy and return them;)
Go back to the store and be like "wtf?"
26-02-2006, 01:37
Probably return them. Unless said strangers are really fit, in which I probably scan them for possibly future use (probably showing to friends) and then return them. I also give the dude at the developers a slap for screwing up so horrifically.
Wow. I said 'probably' an awful lot there didn't I.
Now, assuming I go to a photo store to get photos processed, which I don't, my situation will never apply to me.
[NS]Nation of Quebec
26-02-2006, 01:42
Phototcopy the pictures, then return them to the store and sue them for giving me pornographic pictures. Then, I'd sell the photocopied pictures on ebay.
The Psyker
26-02-2006, 01:43
Nation of Quebec']Phototcopy the pictures, then return them to the store and sue them for giving me pornographic pictures. Then, I'd sell the photocopied pictures on ebay.
Hay e-bay thats a good idea, wish I had thought of that like I did everything else you suggested;)
26-02-2006, 02:11
Go back to the store and be like "wtf?"
I agree.
26-02-2006, 02:23
My mommy says pornography si bad. Plus i much prefer videos. They go in the bin.
26-02-2006, 02:35
Reseal the package and return them to the store. ( shrug )
Tactical Grace
26-02-2006, 02:38
This reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld... :eek:
26-02-2006, 02:40
Scan em and make a paid pornsite:D
I would share them on the interent. Limewire needs some new porn.
I go back to the store, give them back the other pictures, and get my own pictures.
Alone time if they are good :D
Demented Hamsters
26-02-2006, 09:29
You don't have a "post them on NS" poll option.
Or a "stick them around the neighbourhood with 'Do you know these people?'" option, just to be annoying.
26-02-2006, 18:01
You don't have a "post them on NS" poll option.
Or a "stick them around the neighbourhood with 'Do you know these people?'" option, just to be annoying.
good ideas
26-02-2006, 18:21
1. Make copies
2. Sue store for psycological damage
3. Demand money from couple not to publish
4. Publish anyway and charge people to look at them.
In that order. ;)
26-02-2006, 18:59
If the people were good looking, have a good look.
Then I'd dig up my old cross (or grab some wood and carve one - I'm reasonably handy with a knife, and if the creation is less than spectacular, I can always claim that it was the work of a poor starving kid in Guatemala while I was doing missionary work. Truth be told, if I did any missionary work, it would be on a bed, but I need not mention that...), and with some leather cords tie it around my neck (it's always handy having cord around the house, whether for impromptu neckly decorations or random people on the aforementioned bed), and dig up a Bible (it's possible I buried one, seeing how I'm against actually burning books), and in a blaze of HELLF!RE!!! and DAMNAT!ON!!! demand to know how this FORN!CAT!ON!!! got into my pictures.
There's not many religious people where I live - but plenty of crazies who did too many hard drugs in the sixties - and think it still is the sixties - so I probably could pull it off...
Of course, I'd also have to leave a little note in the photos for when they are reunited with the proper person, "This is why my nudes are only done on digital".
BTW: to this world, welcome!
depends how hot the people are
26-02-2006, 19:01
Upload them someplace and send it to all ? :confused:
Infinite Revolution
26-02-2006, 19:41
i voted for option 3 but i would probably have a good laugh at them first and show them to lots of people before i gave them back:D
26-02-2006, 20:17
Eat them.
26-02-2006, 20:22
I don't have enough information to make an informed opinion.
Are the girls hot?
Divine Imaginary Fluff
26-02-2006, 20:25
Wow. I said 'probably' an awful lot there didn't I.You probably did.