NationStates Jolt Archive

Are more conservatives disenchanted with GW Bush?

Daistallia 2104
20-02-2006, 17:59
I count myself as a libertarian with a moderate conservative streak, or vice versa.

I don't seem to be alone in my increasing disenchantment.

How many self identifying conservatives don't like GW?
20-02-2006, 18:00
Hate him. He's not conservative. He's an idiot. And a fluffle:fluffle: .
Plus he smells a funny colour.
Deep Kimchi
20-02-2006, 18:02
He's no more libertarian than Clinton, but then again, there isn't much difference between Republicans and Democrats in my eyes.
Stone Bridges
20-02-2006, 18:04
He's not a real conservative.
Daistallia 2104
20-02-2006, 18:04
Yeah, yeah, DK, but do you like him or not?
20-02-2006, 18:07
George Bush. Twat. Fluffy :fluffle: Ugly. Psychotic. Smells like a funny colour.

Has created a new way of speaking. Bushisms, eg. "Terrorists are hurting our country, and so are we"
20-02-2006, 18:07
he's real conservative; he spent almost as much as clinton (without doing anything to get money though, like clinton).

keep spending money and cutting income, and whaddya get?

economic implosion
People without names
20-02-2006, 18:08
Hate him. He's not conservative. He's an idiot. And a fluffle:fluffle: .
Plus he smells a funny colour.

wait a minute, you dont count, your not an American conservative. there is a difference
20-02-2006, 18:09
He still smells a funny colour. Met him once on a trip to DC.
20-02-2006, 18:14
There's nothing conservative about Bush's spending!
20-02-2006, 18:14
:sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5: The war on terror must be won!!!!!!! I hate Teaxs though.
20-02-2006, 18:15
keep spending money and cutting income, and whaddya get?
economic implosion

Actually, you get a stronger economy ($1 of government spending produces $2 of GDP, and $1 of taxes costs $1 of GDP, resulting in a net gain of $1).

However, long term deficit spending when the economy is approaching full employment (as it is now) produces an inflationary gap that will eventually cause a recession to bring the economy back to equilibrium, so you're partially correct.

Oh, and I don't like Bush, speaking from a free-market globalist neoliberal perspective.
Lunatic Goofballs
20-02-2006, 18:19
I'm not really sure what I am. Political compass puts me on the left, but I have some strong agreement points with conservatives(death penalty, 2nd Amendment rights, etc). I really don't care for labelling myself.

Anyhoo... I can't really say I became disenchanted with Bush, since I never really became enchanted. I never voted for him. I wouldn't vote for him. I would've voted for Kerry before I voted for him. And I didn't vote for that prick either. :p
The Nazz
20-02-2006, 18:20
This is only slightly connected to the topic, but it's interesting nonetheless. SUSA, a polling outfit, does 50 state Presidential Approval polling every month. According to their latest (, only 7 states put him at or above 50% approval: Utah, Idaho, Alabama, Wyoming, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Montana. Only 9 states put his approval ratings higher than his disapproval--the seven above, plus Texas and Kansas, and Texas only gives him a 3% edge of approval over disapproval--49 to 46. If Bush's approval rating is 49% in Texas, conservatives must be deserting at record numbers.

By the way, the state that hates Bush the most is Rhode Island, which gives Bush a 25% favorable to a 72% unfavorable. My current home, Florida, clocks in at number 25 with a 42 to 55% rating.
20-02-2006, 18:26
Where doe the European social capitalism fit? :confused:
20-02-2006, 18:28
If it turned out conservatives disliked Bush, I'd vote for him. =P
20-02-2006, 18:28
If it turned out conservatives disliked Bush, I'd vote for him. =P
Reactionary! :p
20-02-2006, 18:31
wait a minute, you dont count, your not an American conservative. there is a difference

Some Americans put the extra "u"'s in things. I do it sometimes without realizing it. It may have something to do with the fact that my state borders Canada, though. You see quite a few theatres and centres around here, too.
People without names
20-02-2006, 18:38
well thats just wacky
20-02-2006, 18:38
Reactionary! :p

yeah, well if i was a reactionary i would react but only if i was reactionary!
21-02-2006, 00:04
Bush gives any self-respecting fiscal conservative the heebie jeebies. It's those damn bible-belters...
21-02-2006, 00:35
Conservative, and no I don't like him that much. But basically all of the options in the elections were just as bad anyway, so it doesn't matter. I wouldn't have liked any of them.
Minarchist america
21-02-2006, 00:36
most conservatives i know despise him.

just go to PW, you'd find that he has few supporters there.
21-02-2006, 00:40
He still smells a funny colour. Met him once on a trip to DC.
The smell of him sucking silver spoon and getting his arse wiped with taxpayer $ since a younger whelp, as well as that air of irresponsibility that has a close hover of the stench of other people's real effort and work?
The Half-Hidden
21-02-2006, 00:44
I count myself as a libertarian with a moderate conservative streak, or vice versa.

I don't seem to be alone in my increasing disenchantment.

How many self identifying conservatives don't like GW?
Did you ever like him? Also worth noting is that Achtung 45 is not conservative at all.

He's no more libertarian than Clinton, but then again, there isn't much difference between Republicans and Democrats in my eyes.
I'm surprised you say this, since you seem to be really biased in favour of Republicans in your posts here.
The Half-Hidden
21-02-2006, 00:47
I'm not really sure what I am. Political compass puts me on the left, but I have some strong agreement points with conservatives(death penalty, 2nd Amendment rights, etc). I really don't care for labelling myself.
Just because you like the death penalty and guns doesn't mean you're not a leftist.
21-02-2006, 00:53
fluffles! :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
Deep Kimchi
21-02-2006, 00:54
Did you ever like him? Also worth noting is that Achtung 45 is not conservative at all.

I'm surprised you say this, since you seem to be really biased in favour of Republicans in your posts here.

Are you surprised that of the members of the Intelligence Committees who are Democrats, not one has said the NSA surveillance program should stop?

Just because I like SOME of the current administration's policies doesn't mean I like Bush.

I just think we'd be picking up more smoking ruins in the US if we had had Gore as President on 9-11.
21-02-2006, 00:58
fluffles! :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.
21-02-2006, 01:06
We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.
Well, stab it with your steely knives, but you just-can't-kill-the-beast.
21-02-2006, 01:08
Well, stab it with your steely knives, but you just-can't-kill-the-beast.

Last thing I remember, I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before...

What can I say? I get flashbacks from fluffles...
The Half-Hidden
21-02-2006, 01:11
Are you surprised that of the members of the Intelligence Committees who are Democrats, not one has said the NSA surveillance program should stop?
No I am not surprised. If you look at my posts you will see that I frequently poke fun at partisans on both sides due to the fact that both parties are so similar. I have even claimed that the US is just a step away from a one-party dictatorship.

Just because I like SOME of the current administration's policies doesn't mean I like Bush.

I just think we'd be picking up more smoking ruins in the US if we had had Gore as President on 9-11.
If you don't like Bush then why did you vote that you do in the poll?

If Gore had been president on 9/11? Afghanistan would have been invaded. As you said, there's little difference between the two parties.
21-02-2006, 01:12
Last thing I remember, I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before...

What can I say? I get flashbacks from fluffles...
Nothin' wrong with that. You could've started chanting lines from "How Bizarre", from whoever did that insipid tripe.
I heard it in my local grocer's the other day, and yes, i got an emetic flashback myself.
21-02-2006, 01:13
yeah, well if i was a reactionary i would react but only if i was reactionary!
Heh! Make sense, you! [ trout-slap ] :D
21-02-2006, 01:14
We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.
Was that a voice I heard down the corridor?? :eek:
New Eldara
21-02-2006, 02:26
I cant really like him or dislike him. He is being more liberal on the spending issues and he is not addressing the immigration issue.
21-02-2006, 03:35
I cant really like him or dislike him. He is being more liberal on the spending issues and he is not addressing the immigration issue.
Nor is he going to. You might consider looking up some of his decisions and arrangements with Vicente Fox, both as "Guvnah" of TX and as the "president".
The Nazz
21-02-2006, 03:41
The smell of him sucking silver spoon and getting his arse wiped with taxpayer $ since a younger whelp, as well as that air of irresponsibility that has a close hover of the stench of other people's real effort and work?
As Molly Ivins once said, "he was born on third and thinks he hit a triple."
21-02-2006, 03:43
I've never met a conservative who liked Bush. I've met neoconservatives who did, but not genuine conservatives.
Daistallia 2104
21-02-2006, 04:05
Did you ever like him?

Well, there was a time when I didn't dislike him...
Secret aj man
21-02-2006, 04:11
I cant really like him or dislike him. He is being more liberal on the spending issues and he is not addressing the immigration issue.

agreed 100%
21-02-2006, 04:19
:sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5: The war on terror must be won!!!!!!! I hate Teaxs though.a lot of his policies suck: campaign finance reform, perscription drug entitlement, income tax credit for people, who dont pay income tax, helping specter against toomey... but as you say, the war on terror must be won and he was/is the only candidate, who is pro war on terror.
The Nazz
21-02-2006, 04:26
a lot of his policies suck: campaign finance reform, perscription drug entitlement, income tax credit for people, who dont pay income tax, helping specter against toomey... but as you say, the war on terror must be won and he was/is the only candidate, who is pro war on terror.
Oh bullshit. I'm for a war against terrorists (a war on terror is illogical), but I'm for a competent war on terrorists. That's Bush's biggest drawback--he's incompetent--but there wasn't a person running in 2004 who wasn't in favor of a war on terrorists.
Daistallia 2104
21-02-2006, 05:25
Oh bullshit. I'm for a war against terrorists (a war on terror is illogical), but I'm for a competent war on terrorists. That's Bush's biggest drawback--he's incompetent--but there wasn't a person running in 2004 who wasn't in favor of a war on terrorists.

Not to mention his incompetent handling of the war on Saddam.
21-02-2006, 07:27
As Molly Ivins once said, "he was born on third and thinks he hit a triple."
Heh. Molly's a funny lady.
And she did a GOOD job keeping track of Dubya from the get-go. She knew he was destined for infamy.
Lovely Boys
21-02-2006, 08:01
Actually, you get a stronger economy ($1 of government spending produces $2 of GDP, and $1 of taxes costs $1 of GDP, resulting in a net gain of $1).

However, long term deficit spending when the economy is approaching full employment (as it is now) produces an inflationary gap that will eventually cause a recession to bring the economy back to equilibrium, so you're partially correct.

Oh, and I don't like Bush, speaking from a free-market globalist neoliberal perspective.

And babe, you need to learn what happens when you have an expanding public service and the effect it has on the private sector.

Also, one day, that debt will have to get paid - you just keep praying that the economic growth won't fall below the rate of what the US is borrowing vs. GDP, once that gets out of whack, then you'll be up shit creek with a teaspoon.

Oh, and btw, China says thank you for handing the US balls to them, maybe in the future they might give them a damn good squeeze, considering the amount of US treasurey bonds they hold.