Meatheads Welcome
This a thread for us meatheads stalking through the general forum. In case you don't know what a meat is it's a person who spends way too much time in the gym. For the sake of the thread if you have even lifted once in your life you're more than welcome to post.
I'm just curious to see if anyone in the forums actually stays in good shape. If you do lift I'd like to know how much, I'm don't care how strong/weak you are.
My lifts.
Bench: 235lbs :(
Squat: 465lbs
Front Squat: 335lbs
Power Clean: 245lbs
Hang Clean: 235lbs
40 yard dash: 4.9 seconds
Mile Run: 7.06, 8 something right now
Weight: 201lbs
18-02-2006, 21:49
Currently? Well, here's what I know I can do.
Bench: about ten reps of 150 lbs. I'm not sure if I can still keep that up, because I haven't lifted weights in months.
40-yard dash: When I last timed myself, I ran a 4.78. That wasn't too many weeks after I turned 16, when my legs barely had any muscle mass. I'm guessing I can run a good 4.65 these days (I'm almost 18, with a lot of leg muscle mass).
Mile run: The last time I did a mile run was when I was in the 3rd grade. I managed to pull it off in 7:49; though that was indoors. I usually ran it in about 9:31 outdoors. I'm guessing I could do it in about 6:39 these days, thanks to my rigorous bike riding. It's given me a lot of stamina.
Weight: about 140 lbs.
Height: 5'10".
Age: Turning 18 in March.
Laugh it up, but I'm like 14, so suck it. :D
Just kidding.
Benchpress: I can bench around than 100 lbs.
I've actually never tried a 40-yard dash, or just don't remember it, but when I do, I'll get back to you on it.
A mile takes me about 5 and a half minutes outdoors, I've never ran an indoor track. I play soccer, so I'm a fast mofo. I run a 400m in less than a minute (a lap around a high-school sized track), as well.
Weight: 125 LBs.
Height: 5'8"
Age: 14, turning 15 in May.
A mile takes me about 5 and a half minutes outdoors, I've never ran an indoor track. I play soccer, so I'm a fast mofo. I run a 400m in less than a minute (a lap around a high-school sized track), as well.
The only way I could run that fast is if you put a rabid doberman behind me.
18-02-2006, 22:00
Laugh it up, but I'm like 14, so suck it. :D
Just kidding.
Benchpress: I can bench around than 100 lbs.
I've actually never tried a 40-yard dash, or just don't remember it, but when I do, I'll get back to you on it.
A mile takes me about 5 and a half minutes outdoors, I've never ran an indoor track. I play soccer, so I'm a fast mofo. I run a 400m in less than a minute (a lap around a high-school sized track), as well.
Weight: 125 LBs.
Height: 5'8"
Age: 14, turning 15 in May.
Nice. I never played sports at that age, so I was pretty slow then. I could only manage to run the 40 in about 5.18 when I was 14. I was all fat and no muscle, all 5'4" and 152 lbs of me. :p
18-02-2006, 22:11
just recently started working out again...haven't fully gotten back into it
bench, I was around 175
my mile is 6 flat usually, but I'm a distance runner, so my 2 mile is 11:13, with splits of 6 and 5.13. Indoor track, I almost killed myself. (a 100m track for the 3200...thats alot of laps. Go figure, I can't run a mile worth shit, but I love running 5 miles or more.
I can row a good 60 if I need to, but usually do 3 sets 12 reps 40 lbs
height 6'2" (1.88m), weight 165 (74.843)
I dropped about 10 lbs of muscle because of some knee injuries and such, so I'm trying to get myself atleast back up to 175, with an ultimate goal of 200 lbs.
current age, 19, 20 in june
Call to power
18-02-2006, 22:17
I'm good at long distance running though I have no idea what the time was on my last run I'm pretty quick though since I always come first and outrun the cops
my passion though is rugby where I play flanker
18-02-2006, 22:26
i just started lifting again this week but I started running again like a month ago. i got a 13:20 2 mile when i started so i know that time has gone down. my bench is crap right now becvause i haven't done it in about a year. i was struggling with 135 for reps of 5 :(
i haven't maxed my squat for a wile but i was doing 205 for sets of 10.
as far as sportage goes Lacrosse is my life. i am currently the president of the club at my school, and will eventually make it an actual team.
18-02-2006, 22:28
Bench: 235lbs :(
Mile Run: 7.06, 8 something right nowPresident Bush reportedly presses 200lbs and runs 6minute miles.
18-02-2006, 22:29
President Bush reportedly presses 200lbs and runs 6minute miles.
Somehow, I find that extremely hard to believe.
Cheese penguins
18-02-2006, 22:32
Oh lets see, i well don't go to a gym and well gyms here dont exist, so well no PE at school either. So i have never done a timed 40 yard dash, or a mile run. I have very high stamina though, and i can benchpress 140 pounds, and dumbell well i only have access to 30 pounds overall. :( so erm well i dunno how fit i am then.
18-02-2006, 22:35
just relate your fitness to you not everyone else
18-02-2006, 22:37
Chuck Norris reportedly presses 200 tons and runs 6 minute light years.
edited for accuracy
18-02-2006, 22:41
i'll buy that:) :p
The Tribes Of Longton
18-02-2006, 22:44
Laugh it up, but I'm like 14, so suck it. :D
Just kidding.
Benchpress: I can bench around than 100 lbs.
I've actually never tried a 40-yard dash, or just don't remember it, but when I do, I'll get back to you on it.
A mile takes me about 5 and a half minutes outdoors, I've never ran an indoor track. I play soccer, so I'm a fast mofo. I run a 400m in less than a minute (a lap around a high-school sized track), as well.
Weight: 125 LBs.
Height: 5'8"
Age: 14, turning 15 in May.
Amazing. It's like you're me only, you know, 5 years younger and an inch shorter. And I can bench a bit more (if I'm converting right) but not much.
God that's embarrassing :(
18-02-2006, 22:50
age: 19
weight: 160lbs
hight: 5'11"
and just for kicks-
body fat %: 5.5
18-02-2006, 23:09
Amazing. It's like you're me only, you know, 5 years younger and an inch shorter. And I can bench a bit more (if I'm converting right) but not much.
God that's embarrassing :(
wait wait only weigh 125? on. I'll get it. 56.699 kg's heh's a wormy motherfucker (don't worry, so am I)
oh, and he benches 45.359
for the hell of it, since I dont know my body fat %, I'll go with BMI...21.2
The Tribes Of Longton
18-02-2006, 23:18
wait wait only weigh 125? on. I'll get it. 56.699 kg's heh's a wormy motherfucker (don't worry, so am I)
oh, and he benches 45.359
for the hell of it, since I dont know my body fat %, I'll go with BMI...21.2
Oh yeah, I know I'm a wormy motherfucker. While I was struggling to bench 50kg on my mate's set up, he was pumping every weight we had in the house - 90kg, plus a 6kg bar. Bastard.
EDIT: And this was done while we were drunk, and I fucked myself up doing it.
Pure Metal
18-02-2006, 23:26
i don't benchpress, nor know the names of things, but i have joined a gym recently... so on the leg-majigger i'm pushing 65-70kg i think, and on all the upper-body ones i'm approx 35-40kg on average.
frankly, i don't even know if thats crap or not. tis about half-way down the weights they have for the machines... and i haven't lost an armwrestle with anyone in years :P
plus i can fight off a friend of mine who's a bit of a fitness freak (and ju jitsu black belt... so "fight off" is in terms of strength alone cos he could kick my ass if he was trying :p)... used to swim a lot (for county) so thats probably helped with strength and that... bah
age: 20
height: 5'11
weight: 220 lbs :(
BMI (IIRC): 25% ish
18-02-2006, 23:29
I'm a 16 year old rower so i dont do hevy weights but endurance weights. I do around 800 reps of 20 kilo weights and 12 minutes of black outs. In actual trainning, i do 6 days a week. That includes 2 weight sessions, an ergo (rowing machine) session, 2 technical outing, power rowing and a run. My mile time is around 5:30-6 minutes though i havent timed a single mile run for a while, thats normally during a 3 or 4 mile run.
18-02-2006, 23:31
Oh yeah, I know I'm a wormy motherfucker. While I was struggling to bench 50kg on my mate's set up, he was pumping every weight we had in the house - 90kg, plus a 6kg bar. Bastard.
EDIT: And this was done while we were drunk, and I fucked myself up doing it.
how about this...I went jello wrestling and now cant work out untill next wednesday because I fucked up my shoulder.
actually, going by your BMI, you aren't that much more wormy than I am. hmm...96 kg...thats...200 lbs? something like that. Not bad atall. I think the bars in america are standardized at 40lbs (or atleast the ones at my school.)
21-02-2006, 15:18
Non-athletic here.
Demented Hamsters
21-02-2006, 15:40
My lifts.
Bench: 235lbs :(
Squat: 465lbs
Front Squat: 335lbs
Power Clean: 245lbs
Hang Clean: 235lbs
40 yard dash: 4.9 seconds
Mile Run: 7.06, 8 something right now
Weight: 201lbs
That's not a bad squat, but you do need to work on your bench there.
Might I suggest something like this (what I'm doing to improve my bench):
(all exercises are 3 sets, 8-10 reps with a max of 2 minutes rest between)
Superset, front press + back press (so 10 front immediately followed bt 10 back)
Reverse pec dec
Upright row
positive B/P
negative smith machine B/P
Pec Dec (or cable crossover)
negative decline B/P
D/B extension
B/B skull crushers
superset, bent over tricep extension + cable pushdowns
close grip B/P
That twice a week. It's tough but I've noticed a change in pretty short time.
I got an old guy I know who trains powerlifters to give me the program. He's 68 and can bench 340lbs (weighs about 200). Of the people he's been training in the last two years, one has the NZ B/P record for his weight class (100 kg class) - 240kg B/P. Another won the Oceanic junior 82 kg class, a third the Oceanic Masters 80kg class and the last one the Women's Oceanic 100+kg class (set a record of 130kg - 300lb - B/P).
So pretty much whatever he tells me to do, I'm going to do it.
As for me:
Bench: 375lbs last time I tried (best was 420)
Squat: Don't know, haven't done them for a while. I have done 500 but that was a year or two back. I did 400 without a belt the other day and it felt fine.
Legpress: 1100
Deadlift: best recently (as in 3 days ago) 485, with no belt (best was 530, so I'm getting close).
Weight: 230.
btw what's a hang clean?
28-02-2006, 11:30
what's a hang clean?
Click the link here for details. (
28-02-2006, 12:28
I'm out of shape. Gyms here are so expensive, and I miss my free High School one that I go to.
Bench: I actually don't know my max. Something around 200.
Squat: Did something like 275 lbs. Then gave up when my right knee started giving me trouble. Football injury.
Dead-Lift: 350 lbs. Also stopped doing this due to my right knee. My technique wasn't hot either.
Wait...why am I listing all of this wieght crap? I just do whatever because I'm not a hardcore meat head.
Pull-ups: 35 in one shot. I think thats pretty good. (<<< how I judge how sweet people are at stuff) *waits for someone to blow that away*
Weight: 175 lbs-ish. In kilos its more like 75, I think. Anyhow, the metrics right, the lbs are wrong.
28-02-2006, 12:44
As for me:
Bench: 375lbs last time I tried (best was 420)
Squat: Don't know, haven't done them for a while. I have done 500 but that was a year or two back. I did 400 without a belt the other day and it felt fine.
Legpress: 1100
Deadlift: best recently (as in 3 days ago) 485, with no belt (best was 530, so I'm getting close).
Weight: 230.
btw what's a hang clean?
good lord.