Anyone else sick of the religous debates?
I know I am. I'm a nonbeliever. I don't want to "convert" anyone to my beliefs, or be converted to anyone else's veiws. If you are (insert religon here), good for you. I respect your choice to have those beliefs. I may not like them or agree with them, but I don't have to. You also don't have to like or agree with my beliefs, just respect them. We can agree to disagree, and live well with that arangment.
The only complaint I've got against some religous people is when they try to convert me (I can't change your belief system don't change mine), when they try to put creationism in a science class (it's fine in a sociology or world religon class) as long as all creation myths are taught, and when they complain about store clerks who say happy holidays instead of merry xmas (xmas is not the only holiday celebrated that time of year and store clerks know this). That doesn't mean I'm right and they're wrong, it's just my opinion.
There's my bitch for the day, enjoy.
7 posts is quite premature of you to be sick of anyhing, really.
Anyhoo, I quite liked the one about the gay religious hegemony bizarro world.
17-02-2006, 03:19
No, I'm not.
17-02-2006, 03:25
I am sick of it as well... *resist Flamebait about letting US-Americans into this forum*
Neo Kervoskia
17-02-2006, 03:27
They fade away for a bit, then a bunch of other dick-measuring contests will ensue.
Europa Maxima
17-02-2006, 03:28
They fade away for a bit, then a bunch of other dick-measuring contests will ensue.
Do these include actual pictorial evidence? :p
Dubya 1000
17-02-2006, 03:30
I am sick of it as well... *resist Flamebait about letting US-Americans into this forum*
But I live in the United States! yes I'm sick off them as well.
*coughs, vomits, dies*
Do these include actual pictorial evidence? :p
I seem to recall they did once. Banninations ensued.
7 posts is quite premature of you to be sick of anyhing, really.
It isn't the # of posts, it's that they always turn into the same thing..."My veiw is right and your's is wrong. Plus you're a stupid poopy head." Gets a little annoying after a while.
Europa Maxima
17-02-2006, 03:31
I seem to recall they did once. Banninations ensued.
Bah, no fun. Then again, its religious threads were talking about. Fun was never meant to be part and parcel. <.<
New Genoa
17-02-2006, 03:32
I actually want double the amount of religious debates.
I am sick of it as well... *resist Flamebait about letting US-Americans into this forum*
Um, I'm US-American, does that mean you wouldn't want someone as intelligent, level headed, and drop dead georgous as me on the forum
It isn't the # of posts, it's that they always turn into the same thing..."My veiw is right and your's is wrong. Plus you're a stupid poopy head." Gets a little annoying after a while.
I was talking about our post number, and your join date. While you may not be new, but just a puppet or a returner, it is quite pointless of you to create a puppet or return just to bitch about something you claim to be tired of.
17-02-2006, 03:33
I want 0 times the amount we have now. For those not good at maths, 0 times any # = 0.
EDIT: Returner, obviously. At least it isn't every other thread now.
Bah, no fun.
It was while it lasted.
If we end religious debates on NS then things will become a little boring on here. We need atheists and the religious and those who find some way to be neither to shout, scream and throw furniture in the forum. ;)
Europa Maxima
17-02-2006, 03:34
It was while it lasted.
I'll take your word for it.
I was talking about our post number, and your join date. While you may not be new, but just a puppet or a returner, it is quite pointless of you to create a puppet or return just to bitch about something you claim to be tired of.
You need to explain puppet to me, I don't know what you mean. All I can picture is a sock with buttons glued on for eyes.
New Genoa
17-02-2006, 03:39
Um, I'm US-American, does that mean you wouldn't want someone as intelligent, level headed, and drop dead georgous as me on the forum
If we end religious debates on NS then things will become a little boring on here. We need atheists and the religious and those who find some way to be neither to shout, scream and throw furniture in the forum. ;)
I can see value in that, just stay out of the formal sitting room. The den's a better place to throw furniture anyway.
Instead of wasting time and bandwith on religious flame wars we should vent our anger into a first person shooter. We'll call it Atheists v. Theists. The theists will have suicide bombers and pedophiles, oh and charity wusses who cant shoot a gun ("But I'm in the Peace Corp") and the atheists will have experimental weapons made by Science Co. and the agnostics will be cows we can shoot. I'll start coding right now...
17-02-2006, 03:42
You need to explain puppet to me, I don't know what you mean. All I can picture is a sock with buttons glued on for eyes.
Basically, a puppet is when you already have one nation, but you start another one. Others can expand if they want.
Aww, now I'm sad;)
Instead of wasting time and bandwith on religious flame wars we should vent our anger into a first person shooter. We'll call it Atheists v. Theists. The theists will have suicide bombers and pedophiles, oh and charity wusses who cant shoot a gun ("But I'm in the Peace Corp") and the atheists will have experimental weapons made by Science Co. and the agnostics will be cows we can shoot. I'll start coding right now...
Sweet, I want the first copy!
You need to explain puppet to me, I don't know what you mean. All I can picture is a sock with buttons glued on for eyes.
I'll take that as a sign that you are a completely new user, and restate what I originally wrote about you having nothing to be tired of, 10 posts into this forum. Get back to us in a few thousand posts, and then you'll have something to bitch about.
17-02-2006, 03:45
no im not tired of religious threads. i dont feel that anyone has ever tried to convert me. mock me, yes, convert me, no
what i AM tired of is the "religious threads suck" threads. if you dont like them ignore them. stop trying to decide what other people can talk about.
17-02-2006, 03:46
no im not tired of religious threads. i dont feel that anyone has ever tried to convert me. mock me, yes, convert me, no
what i AM tired of is the "religious threads suck" threads. if you dont like them ignore them. stop trying to decide what other people can talk about.
Indeed. I just stay away from them now ever since the... accident.
17-02-2006, 03:48
Accident? Is that something I missed between accounts or sarcasm? My bet is on lame joke.
New Genoa
17-02-2006, 03:48
The only kind of thread I'm tired of is stickies. They think they're so much fucking better than other threads, those elitist fucks.
Sweet, I want the first copy!
Of course, I'll need investors.
Indeed. I just stay away from them now ever since the... accident.
Is there a such thing as a bad thread? If we don't like it (the thread) we get to say so! :)
no im not tired of religious threads. i dont feel that anyone has ever tried to convert me. mock me, yes, convert me, no
what i AM tired of is the "religious threads suck" threads. if you dont like them ignore them. stop trying to decide what other people can talk about.
I didn't say that they should stop, I merely stated an opinion. I'm sorry you got offended. Of course if you don't like my thread you can ignore it.
17-02-2006, 03:59
Oh, I dunno. I like religious threads. They make me chuckle. I have literally laughed until my sides ached reading these threads. Its great.
17-02-2006, 04:04
Some are good at the beggining, but they almost all degrade into "You're stupid for believing in a deity!" "No, you're stupid for not believing in one!" repeating over and over again. Maybe we should have a seperate religion sub-forum?
17-02-2006, 04:04
Every now and again I read one of the religious threads and put my two cents in. But it is pointless. People are not going to change their minds.
Some are good at the beggining, but they almost all degrade into "You're stupid for believing in a deity!" "No, you're stupid for not believing in one!" repeating over and over again. Maybe we should have a seperate religion sub-forum?
Every now and again I read one of the religious threads and put my two cents in. But it is pointless.
People are not going to change their minds.
That's the point I was trying to make. No one's going to change anyone one's mind, so why bait people into such a debate. I respect those who honestly want something explained or are just stating an opinion, but most seem bent on starting an arguement. I like forums, they're fun, so I usually read several pages and go back into archives and the religous threads on here (as in most forums) seem to just end up being "I'm right your wrong and ugly".
Oh, I dunno. I like religious threads. They make me chuckle. I have literally laughed until my sides ached reading these threads. Its great.
some make me really pissed of though. those people who can only see the world in one color.
im not talking bout the treads but some of the pple that post in them
some make me really pissed of though. those people who can only see the world in one color.
im not talking bout the treads but some of the pple that post in them
I can uderstand and even agree with that statement, but you may want to look at it this way; we don't really know how that other person sees things. I mean all we have is an very impersonal post about one thing they agree/disagree with. It's very one dimentional, we can't get a full spectrum view of that person. Yeah we don't have to like what they said, but is it really worth getting upset about? They will only ever see the one dimention of your post and could think of you the same way.
Dubya 1000
17-02-2006, 05:05
Actually, an anti-religion thread converted me to atheism three years ago.
However, they do get old.