Where do you get your news?
08-02-2006, 21:24
Seriously people spill it. I think there already was a thread like this before but i couldn't find it.
so.....which one?
*edit* I'm also trying to broaden my news horizons
I watch CNN(mostly for the bottom ticker thing), Daily Show and I go online for news.
I get it everywhere, especially hear-say.
Then if I give a damn I might look it up an some reputable site to see if it's actually remotely true.
Zero Six Three
08-02-2006, 21:29
Tactical Grace
08-02-2006, 21:30
BBC for general news, industry grapevine for energy matters, and FOX for an occasional laugh at America.
The blessed Chris
08-02-2006, 21:30
Daily Telegraph
Tactical Grace
08-02-2006, 21:30
It's all lies. :p
The Economist
The Daily Show
The Colbert Report
Google News
CNN (if I'm *really* desperate)
And occasionally here
BBC mostly - if I do get a paper i'll get The Guardian.
Tactical Grace
08-02-2006, 21:32
BBC mostly - if I do get a paper i'll get The Guardian.
Guardian is a fine publication, too little time to read it regularly, alas.
The Doors Corporation
08-02-2006, 21:34
i get it from nationstates and bbc
08-02-2006, 21:35
It's all lies. :p
how true
The Economist
The Daily Show
The Colbert Report
Google News
CNN (if I'm *really* desperate)
And occasionally here
that sums it up for me as well. except i usually get news from yahoo instead of google(email)
I get the New Internationalist ( http://www.newint.org/) once a month for a good overview of what's been going on globally...generally unreported in the mainstream media. For local native news, I get Otipemisiwak ( http://www.albertametis.org/Otipemisiwak-Current.aspx) every month, which is a Métis magazine, but covers a lot of ground. I watch the local news every once in a while just to get a chuckle...Global or CTV. I read El Mercurio ( http://diario.elmercurio.com/2006/02/08/_portada/index.htm) every morning to get a Southern perspective on world events. Generally, I try to avoid news sources that repeat the same boring stories...Canadian and US media generally doesn't generally give you much more of an outline as to what's going on. Quite often, I hear about things on NS, then go check it out. I like the free papers you get weekly in Edmonton...SEE and Vue. They generally have a few good articles as to what's happening locally or nationally that you won't necessarily see in the bigger publications...and SEE has Savage Love.
Sometimes I have time for news. Other times, I don't.
San Texario
08-02-2006, 21:44
For me:
The Boston Globe (when I bother to pick it up)
Yahoo & Google News
The Daily Show
Local NBC and FOX news channels (Not like FoxNews but Fox 25 here in boston).
08-02-2006, 21:44
The Economist
The Daily Show
The Colbert Report
Google News
CNN (if I'm *really* desperate)
And occasionally here
Kick some slashdot, newsmap, and NFL Network into that and you're money. :)
The Economist
Local newspaper (The Sacramento Bee)
http://www.nytimes.com when I'm at work
If I have time and feel like practicing my French:
http://www.canalplus.fr/pid577.htm (More for the humor than the news itself)
08-02-2006, 22:10
Kick some slashdot, newsmap, and NFL Network into that and you're money. :)
how is NFL Network i hear many things of it.
Sel Appa
08-02-2006, 22:16
You should have made it a mulitple option thing...oh well.
I read the NY Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com) most days and also read Yahoo! News.
08-02-2006, 22:31
Boston Globe if I have money, Boston Metro if I'm just taking the T and need to amuse myself...google news, word of mouth, and my roommate insists on watching FOX. it gives me something to cry about at night. Sometimes I manage to catch the local news or hit up CNN
at home, its the Hartford Current instead of boston papers, and my parents get NY Times on weekends.
New Granada
08-02-2006, 22:31
The New York Times
08-02-2006, 22:35
how is NFL Network i hear many things of it.
As a Seahawk fan, I'm less of a fan than I was. But it's everything ESPN isn't and you wish it was. Then next year they're going to have a package of 16 thursday and saturday games. It's pretty good, particularly with on-demand.
San Texario
08-02-2006, 22:37
...Boston Metro if I'm just taking the T and need to amuse myself...
Do you ever look at the random papers left on the T? I do that occasionally. Except if it's the green line, where I sit and look grumpy (Fecking slow green line). But the random papers left on buses and trains are sometimes worth looking at.
08-02-2006, 22:52
As a Seahawk fan, I'm less of a fan than I was. But it's everything ESPN isn't and you wish it was. Then next year they're going to have a package of 16 thursday and saturday games. It's pretty good, particularly with on-demand.
sounds like a pretty sweet deal. now if i only had money
08-02-2006, 22:59
That is to say, essentially from all over. I like it because it's not just american news, like with most of the american papers/tv. It's as if there's no world outside our boarders.
(Don't EVEN get me started on the olympics coverage coming up here, and how they only ever show things americans win/are good at/participate in. And how they only ever "spotlight" american people, as if we don't care about anyone else. It's just SO freakin' irritating...)
Adjacent to Belarus
08-02-2006, 23:02
The Boston Globe and a local newspaper (Daily Hampshire Gazette)
Various magazines - Time, Discover, Mind, etc.
Various fora (the correct plural form of forum! :) )
Where ever else I happen to see it
Greater Canadiana
08-02-2006, 23:21
CBC News (http://www.cbc.ca/news//)
08-02-2006, 23:26
combo.........cable news network, google news, my local paper, my hubby.....
08-02-2006, 23:26
That is to say, essentially from all over. I like it because it's not just american news, like with most of the american papers/tv. It's as if there's no world outside our boarders.
(Don't EVEN get me started on the olympics coverage coming up here, and how they only ever show things americans win/are good at/participate in. And how they only ever "spotlight" american people, as if we don't care about anyone else. It's just SO freakin' irritating...)
I never understood why we did that, since it is the olympics.
08-02-2006, 23:31
Do you ever look at the random papers left on the T? I do that occasionally. Except if it's the green line, where I sit and look grumpy (Fecking slow green line). But the random papers left on buses and trains are sometimes worth looking at.
all the time. I live on the green line (b) so there is always something left on a seat somewhere.
Achtung 45
08-02-2006, 23:33
Mostly ABC, but also many, many other sources mainly online. It's the best way to see through a lot of the bias. I also watch FOX if I'm in a bad mood and want to get even more pissed off.
When I watch the news on TV I watch SBS World News. It's non-commercial and much more balanced and international than the other "news" broadcasts.
I also get an emailed collection of news from www.apolitical.info, your local anarchist news mailout. It also comes with a quote at the end of each email. Yay!
Unified Home
09-02-2006, 01:15
Sky news or BBC news
BBC, it came with the Firefox browser...
And CNN too, it's set to my homepage.
09-02-2006, 01:47
BBC website. Reliable and unbiased.
Good Lifes
09-02-2006, 02:52
I watch the news hour on PBS. Also NPR radio on all day. Then if I really need some laughs I go to Sean Henady or if I want to know what the really crazy people are hearing I go to Rush.
The National Union
09-02-2006, 02:57
I get my news from a combination of Fox News Channel, CNN.com, and my local paper, The Orange County Register.
CNN, CNN International, CNN.com, BBC World Service, http://news.bbc.co.uk/ (International Version), New York Times
Psychotic Mongooses
09-02-2006, 03:01
BBC News website (International edition), Reuters, AP, sometimes Al-Jazeera and CNN for rough/general US news.
09-02-2006, 03:05
BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk)
Channel 4 (http://www.channel4.com/news)
Morning Star (http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk)
Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk)
New Statesman (http://www.newstatesman.com)
Scottish Socialist Voice (http://www.scottishsocialistvoice.net)
Rep Pepper (http://www.redpepper.org.uk)
New Internationalist (http://www.newint.org)
Mix of Internet (mainly MSNBC), CBS, NBC, New York Times, and Seattle Times.
New Granada
09-02-2006, 03:11
I do listen to NPR often while i'm driving.
CNN online, DemocracyNow!... sometimes the BBC.
New Granada
09-02-2006, 03:19
I cant in good conscience mention journalism in english without giving a very well-deserved commendation to my favorite addiction, The New Yorker.
Bobs Own Pipe
09-02-2006, 03:24
My primary source of news throughout the day and evening is the CBC.ca website. At lunch I read one of the free dailies, or if I'm in the mood for the conservative viewpoint, the Toronto Sun or the National Post, both usually available at my preferred lunchtime eatery. Over dinner I'll watch the BBC World News, and perhaps the CBC News afterwards.
I can't stand watching the American news programs, though. There's something about all of them - NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX - I find it's incredibly difficult to watch American news without alternately fidgeting, guffawing, throwing things at the screen, or rolling the eyes, either in exasperation or out of sheer boredom.
(That's not really meant as an aggressive slag on Americans, btw - just their lacklustre news programs with all their attendant incredible right-wing bias)
The Bitter Llama
09-02-2006, 03:30
#1: The Daily Show
the Economist- any bias is economically based, so it's easy to see things objectively
Local TV and Papers
^^ I definitely agree about American news programs- but you can't deny their talent in worthless human interest stories!!
I can't stand watching the American news programs, though. There's something about all of them - NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX - I find it's incredibly difficult to watch American news without alternately fidgeting, guffawing, throwing things at the screen, or rolling the eyes, either in exasperation or out of sheer boredom.
(That's not really meant as an aggressive slag on Americans, btw - just their lacklustre news programs with all their attendant incredible right-wing bias)
Ah, I understand that. I'm an American but I cant stand watching ABC or CNN, they veer off national and world news into shit-that-doesn't concern me way too often for my liking. Thats a complaint if I dont get to fed up with the utter bullshit they report, such as news on the some skier in WA or some stuff like that - it doesn't impact my life or a good majority of others and thus I don't care~
When London was bombed, I saw a 5 minute report on headlines and then nothing for a full hour... god!...
The Bitter Llama
09-02-2006, 03:43
I can't stand their foreign coverage- its infuriating.
If there is some kind of natural disaster or bombing overseas where some 30 people are killed, all they mention is the deaths of two Americans.
When the number of soldiers killed in Iraq reached 2,000, it was covered constantly on every network for a week; meanwhile, President Bush had mentioned the number of Iraqi casualties (both civillian and military) as being around 30,000-ish, a fact which was ignored by all but Jon Stewart.
Sane Outcasts
09-02-2006, 03:45
I haven't watched the 24-hour news networks for about a year now. Most of my television news comes from the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.
Online, I read headlines from Associated Press and get the New York Times emailed to me each day (highly reccomend it).
National Public Radio (American public broadcasting)
Fox News
BBC Radio
Atlantic Monthly Magazine
Bulgarian BNT News
How's that for a mix of conservative, liberal, moderate, and international?:-)
Northern Sushi
09-02-2006, 04:28
I get my news from my local papers:
The (LA) Times
The Daily Breeze
09-02-2006, 06:23
I get my news from a variety of sources that include newspapers, CNN, CNN Headline News, Fox News, MSNBC, NPR, BBC World News on PRI (Public Radio International) and the internet.
Every blue moon I might also catch something on one of the C-SPAN channels.
Anti-Social Darwinism
09-02-2006, 06:53
L.A. Times Comic Section.
AOL, Yahoo, MSN, CNN
09-02-2006, 06:56
Where do you get your news?
From a wide variety of sources, including:
FOX News
Time Magazine
The New York Times
Al Jazeera
Human Events
The Greensboro News and Record
And a rather startling array of blogs, online news sources, and others.
09-02-2006, 06:57
I need to watch BBC more (i miss cable:( )
Gargantua City State
09-02-2006, 07:09
Mostly CTV News. Sometimes if I'm bored, I'll look stuff up on the Internet, but mostly I leave the tv on in the other room and listen to the news while I'm playing games/working on the computer :)
09-02-2006, 07:10
PNN and La Repubblica Oggia.
09-02-2006, 07:44
Newspapers: Berliner Zeitung, Die Welt, The Independant, The Guardian
Internet: Nation States forum links, Google search results
TV: N24, Pro 7, BBC, CNN
09-02-2006, 08:05
I use AP-Newswire, Dow Jones Newswire, Reuters-World Service and The Wall Street Journal. I can't afford to have the edited rewrites hours after the fact.
09-02-2006, 08:12
NPR and PBS.
09-02-2006, 08:18
hrmm, probally some other sites as well... also various netradio stations.. such as
republic broadcasting http://rbnlive.com
and genesis communications (weekdays...weekends is fluff) http://www.gcnlive.com <<they carry the Alex Jones daily broadcasts!!
many of you probally havent seen alot of the information available on these sites, much of it may be shocking at first...but please take the time to check them out and judge for yourselves... the truth is the first step to defeating tyranny... http://conspiracycentral.net:6969/ is a tracker that carries much video/audio/text info that is actively supressed by the corporate controlled media... free your minds!
The Black Forrest
09-02-2006, 08:32
Many places.
BBC, Washington Post, CNN, sometimes local and sometimes Al-Jazera
09-02-2006, 08:45
Mostly from:
The ABC (Australian) TV news (http://www.abc.net.au/news/)
or The Age newspaper (http://www.theage.com.au/)
or SBS TV news. (http://www9.sbs.com.au/theworldnews/)
I also watch Le Journal French news to practice my french.
I get news from a lot of different sources. Overheard conversations, newspapers (oakland chronicle & ny times), the internet (cnn.com, guerrillanews.com, nytimes.com), and very occaisionally from random television news spots.
Edit: also the economist and the national geographic.
Nivek n Pals
09-02-2006, 09:41
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and the Colbert Report
Bryce Crusader States
09-02-2006, 09:56
I get my News from the National Post. It's a Canadian National Newspaper.
Here's the website. Although I get the Paper Monday-Saturday at my House.
09-02-2006, 10:00
I get my news from the San Francisco Chronicle
Though, lately, I haven't been able to get it as much.
I suppose I watch a "local station". I get my news predominately from the ARD Tagesschau or ZDF Heute Journal.