Welcome to Flight 140, departing from Wilgrove International.
Stone Bridges
03-02-2006, 23:11
I decided to bring my camera along for today's flight, and I got some pretty good pictures.
This will be our ship today, 7291F.
Taxing to the fuel station.
Today's active is 17, so we will be back-taxing on the active.
Run-up and before take-off is done, and we are on our take-off roll.
Turning crosswind, departure to the east. There's our pilot looking at the turn and ahead.
On the climb-out to 3,000 feet. no traffic is ahead of us, and the radio is silence on Wilgrove and Charlotte freq.
After a little flying, we begin our descent back to Wilgrove, and we see some houses!
A little to the right.
Whoa, back to the left.
And we made it. Well I hope you enjoy's today flight, we'd like to thank Captain Sean Summer for the flight.
03-02-2006, 23:16
Thanks for sharing.
03-02-2006, 23:30
Thanks for sharing.
Was that sarcastic?
03-02-2006, 23:30
Was that sarcastic?
Stone Bridges
03-02-2006, 23:33
Yep, and the last pic is me. That's what six ear reconstruction surgeries, and three jaw surgeries get ya.
03-02-2006, 23:44
I decided to bring my camera along for today's flight, and I got some pretty good pictures.
NC is beautiful either from the air or on the ground.
I sure do miss flying! I remember one crystal clear day, visibility unlimited, ceiling infinite, when we took the OH-58C from RDI down to the small Army airfield at Bragg ( forget the name just now ), then across to Charlotte, North pretty much parallel to 85, then back to RDI.
Other than a tendency to porpoise when I was oogling the scenery, I did pretty good for not having been certified. ;)
Sure do miss all that. :(
03-02-2006, 23:48
Here's a picture of an OH-58 that looks close to what those we flew looked like:
http://img418.imageshack.us/img418/9738/oh5821dj.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Stone Bridges
03-02-2006, 23:53
Here's a picture of an OH-58 that looks close to what those we flew looked like:
http://img418.imageshack.us/img418/9738/oh5821dj.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
03-02-2006, 23:59
Good bird. A bit touchy though. You didn't actually "fly" the damned thing. All you really had to do was think about flying it. :)
Pepe Dominguez
04-02-2006, 00:05
I decided to bring my camera along for today's flight, and I got some pretty good pictures.
Those are pretty neat.. my brother took some flying lessons out of Palwaukee in Illinois, and I've always wondered what the view looked like from inside one of those.. pretty cool. MS flight Simulator doesn't do it justice. :p
Yep, and the last pic is me. That's what six ear reconstruction surgeries, and three jaw surgeries get ya.
How come all the surgery? Sounds pretty painful whatever happened.. I got pretty wound up and squeamish just getting my tonsils taken out.. meeting a girl who had five heart surgeries before age ten calmed me down a bit and put things in perspective a bit though..
Yep, and the last pic is me. That's what six ear reconstruction surgeries, and three jaw surgeries get ya.
9 surgeries... what happened?
oh and great pics. were you flying or taking lessions?
Stone Bridges
04-02-2006, 00:12
Those are pretty neat.. my brother took some flying lessons out of Palwaukee in Illinois, and I've always wondered what the view looked like from inside one of those.. pretty cool. MS flight Simulator doesn't do it justice. :p
No it doesn't ever since I started flying in the real world, MSFS been less appealing.
How come all the surgery? Sounds pretty painful whatever happened.. I got pretty wound up and squeamish just getting my tonsils taken out.. meeting a girl who had five heart surgeries before age ten calmed me down a bit and put things in perspective a bit though..
Goldenhar Syndrome, deformity of the jaw, ears, and stuff like that. So yea.
Stone Bridges
04-02-2006, 00:13
9 surgeries... what happened?
oh and great pics. were you flying or taking lessions?
Eh, right now taking lesson.
Jewish Media Control
04-02-2006, 00:24
Eh, right now taking lesson.
There's nothing quite like the thrill/rush of flying. Every time I go to an air show I promise myself.. one day.. one day.. :)
Jewish Media Control
04-02-2006, 00:26
Eh, right now taking lesson.
Oh, yeah.. I wonder if you've ever heard of Cirrus Design, Cirrus Sr20 and Sr22 light aircraft. Anyway I used to work there building airplanes.
Stone Bridges
04-02-2006, 00:38
Oh, yeah.. I wonder if you've ever heard of Cirrus Design, Cirrus Sr20 and Sr22 light aircraft. Anyway I used to work there building airplanes.
Yea, I've heard of the Cirrus Design Aircraft Co. They make good looking aircraft. Too bad they're too damn expensive!
04-02-2006, 00:43
Eh, right now taking lesson.
I wish i could fly
more like, I wish i had the time for flying
Jewish Media Control
04-02-2006, 00:48
Yea, I've heard of the Cirrus Design Aircraft Co. They make good looking aircraft. Too bad they're too damn expensive!
Well, that would explain my hefty paycheck. ;) Extremely nice place to work, though. Anyway.. good luck flying!
Stone Bridges
04-02-2006, 01:06
Well, that would explain my hefty paycheck. ;) Extremely nice place to work, though. Anyway.. good luck flying!
Can you get me a free model? ;) You know, something under the table? lol.
Jewish Media Control
04-02-2006, 01:16
Can you get me a free model? ;) You know, something under the table? lol.
*hmmm* I could get you some PTM&W adhesive.. bends quite nicely, really! :p