NationStates Jolt Archive

Best damn word processor, period.

Neo Kervoskia
03-02-2006, 02:14
What's the best motherf%$king word processor you know of?
Pure Metal
03-02-2006, 02:16
notepad is wicked retro... old skool!
03-02-2006, 02:17
Wordpad. The bastard child of Microsoft Word and Notepad...badass.

Either that or using the text box on MS Paint...guaranteed to piss people off, especially if you use a lime green background.
Dark Shadowy Nexus
03-02-2006, 02:18
I like Open Office and Abi Word cuase they are both free and free kicks butt.
03-02-2006, 02:18
What's the best motherf%$king word processor you know of?
I personally use open office for general word processing

But for coding I use crimson and textpad
Neo Kervoskia
03-02-2006, 02:19
Right now I'm using something called Atlantis word processor. It's alright.
03-02-2006, 02:31
I use microsoft word.
03-02-2006, 02:35
I use microsoft word.
Me too.
Luna Amore
03-02-2006, 02:43
Word Perfect. It says it's perfect so it must be true.
03-02-2006, 02:50
I use Open Office, it's not too great, but it's sufficient for my current needs and it's free, so yeah.............
03-02-2006, 02:58
Microsoft word, coz you can get a cat. :D
New Stalinberg
03-02-2006, 03:36
microsoft Paint!!!
03-02-2006, 03:40
Open office is nice and very full-featured, but it's huge. And I find it to be a total resource hog.
Abiword is not quite as nice, but it has enough features and is smaller.
Notepad2 is the open-source child of notepad. With HTML tag color-coding, it is pretty damn nice for such a small program.
Kwrite is another nice word processor. Not much to say about it.
Khvostof Island
03-02-2006, 03:41
Sun Microsystems Staroffice writing program
Sel Appa
03-02-2006, 04:00
notepad is wicked retro... old skool!
Wordpad. The bastard child of Microsoft Word and Notepad...badass.
I like both wordpad and notepad, so simple and open faster than word does.
03-02-2006, 04:59
What's the best motherf%$king word processor you know of?

I didn't know wordprocessors could f%$k mothers. Guess you learn something new every day! :D
03-02-2006, 05:23
Well, I bounce back and forth between notepad and Microsoft Word. Each has their uses.

notepad is great because:

it works better as a visible clipboard
great for editing text-based files (.ini, .html, etc.)
opens fast
creates files that are more likely to be compatible with other software

Word is great because:

You can make anything look professional
has more features than you will use in several lifetimes of word processing
Visual Basic for Applications (although Word itself is a bitch to use as an object)
03-02-2006, 07:23 2 and gedit, bitches.
Cromulent Peoples
03-02-2006, 08:25
notepad is wicked retro... old skool!
These kids today! I used to use vi, and I liked it! I had to walk barefoot through the snow to the computer lab, ten miles uphill, both ways!

Now get of my lawn, you whippersnapper!
Dissonant Cognition
03-02-2006, 08:41

Augmented with one mechanical pencil (0.5mm HB) and a supply of 8.5"x11" paper, of course.
03-02-2006, 08:48

Augmented with one mechanical pencil (0.5mm HB) and a supply of 8.5"x11" paper, of course.
That processor lags far too much, and doesn't correct speling mistakes either.
Thyria Island Alliance
03-02-2006, 08:51
I love Textpad for programming and open office for typing letters. for serious production I use corel ventura 10...
The Most Glorious Hack
03-02-2006, 12:10
Notepad? Real men use pico.
03-02-2006, 12:14
Notepad? Real men use pico.

Nano ftw!

Although, I am partial to the LaTeX (I'm not going to bother with the chi) front-end "LyX." (
03-02-2006, 12:31
On an old DOS system, EDIT.COM (ever tried to use EDLIN.EXE?)
On Windows systems, MS Word. Wordpad does not give line numbers ...
Lunatic Goofballs
03-02-2006, 12:38
Bank Street Writer on the old Apple 2. :)
03-02-2006, 12:53
BBEdit is pretty good.
Thought transference
03-02-2006, 13:20
That processor lags far too much, and doesn't correct speling mistakes either.

Obviously the word processor you're using doesn't correct spelling mistakes either...

To answer, I don't have a particular one I'm crazy about. I use AbiWord and a few others --- whatever's handy. I avoid Word the way I avoid most other M$ products, and if I have to use it, I put on my surgical mask and gown and I double-glove.
03-02-2006, 13:23
I'm a strong believer in Open Source, and so I use OpenOffice 2.0 Writer, whether I'm on Windows at work or Linux at home. It's just as fully-featured as the market leaders, but your purse gets to hold on to £300!
03-02-2006, 13:32
Notepad? Real men use pico.
1)if you like pico like fass said nano has the interface without needing that insecure massive hog that is pine
2)Pico/Nano are for us wimps (me included)

at least I can say I dont like emacs lol
03-02-2006, 13:36
You can not beat Microsoft Word IMHO
03-02-2006, 13:38
You can not beat Microsoft Word IMHOIt completely has a mind of its own at times, in my opinion, but it's still my WP of choice. I'm thinking of trying the Open Office WP though.
03-02-2006, 13:40
It completely has a mind of its own at times, in my opinion, but it's still my WP of choice. I'm thinking of trying the Open Office WP though. it is what you get used to
03-02-2006, 13:43
I've used...


and I kinda like word and wordperfect.
03-02-2006, 13:44
Notepad? Real men use pico.but real Hackers use DOS.
03-02-2006, 13:46
You can not beat Microsoft Word IMHO
Depends on your environment and intended outcome

Do you know how much of a bitch that is to get installed when you are in a pure *nix environment
Not to mention that it is an un-necessary hog when coding rather then typing a letter

Personally I like open offices WP better their word prediction is awfully cool and I find aspells dictionary to be more comprehensive.
03-02-2006, 13:48
but real Hackers use DOS.
... right lol.
While I know you are joking it is awfully hard to get those nice packet sniffers such as tcpdump or ettercap, or port/vulnerability scanners such as nessus working :)

I mean how would you do a dictionary map too! we have this convienient aspell dictionary bult into *nix
Little Renown
03-02-2006, 13:49
Abiword, 'cause it's FOSS and it doesn't take twenty minutes to load.
03-02-2006, 13:51
Word, wordpad, and notepad.
03-02-2006, 13:52
That's going back a bit, isn't it?
Thought transference
03-02-2006, 14:08
You can not beat Microsoft Word IMHO

Sure you can.

Take one M$ Word installation package. Place on floor.
Take one hammer, grip firmly. Swing at M$ Word installation package. Repeat. Keep going!

03-02-2006, 14:23
I use microsoft word
03-02-2006, 15:49
Unfortunately Word. They seem to build more and more irritations into each new version.
The Squeaky Rat
03-02-2006, 16:33
Emacs. It recognises programming languages and colorcodes them, is fully LaTeX compatible and has its own inbuilt shrink.

Though for quick and easy editing I prefer vim on a *nix based machine, wordpad on windows.