Bush is un-American!!!!!
Eastern Coast America
02-02-2006, 00:31
1st ammendment for those who are dull.
Sorry to rain on your Bush hating parade (no seriously, I do like Bush hating parades) but there's already a thread on this. I figured I'd tell you and save you the trouble of being flamed.
The charges were dropped, so it doesn't even matter. However, at the same time a Republican congressman's wife was removed for wearing a "support the troops" T-shirt, so I guess it's even handed.
Honestly, I don't think she should have been removed, but it wasn't on Bush's order.
Mini Miehm
02-02-2006, 00:33
Republican Senators wife was removed too. And she was pro war. Now, run along before Eutrusca shows up to hate you.
Thomish Kingdom
02-02-2006, 00:37
Cindy is an ass. GO BUSH!!
Neo Kervoskia
02-02-2006, 00:40
The Jews run the media!
02-02-2006, 00:41
1st ammendment for those who are dull.
sedition, for those who are duller
The Jews run the media!
Sumamba Buwhan
02-02-2006, 00:43
YOU'RE Unamerican!
The Lone Alliance
02-02-2006, 00:47
What about those people they locked up in a Warehouse for protesting at the Republican Convention last year. Or that one time the president made a speech there was a 'Free Speech' area about 6 blocks away and was nothing more than a giant Fenced in Cage. Yeah you can speak your anti-War views but only in the Cage where the President will never see you, all the suck ups can go and see him now.
The Archregimancy
02-02-2006, 00:57
Don't know about un-American, but he's certainly the most un-Christian president I've ever seen.
Never mind the wholesale disregard of the 6th commandment, both as governor of Texas and President, there's that whole bit about 'it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven'. And the bit in Matthew 6.5-6.6 about praying in secret: 'And when ye pray, ye shall not be as the hypocrites: for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have received their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret shall recompense thee'
Eastern Coast America
02-02-2006, 01:03
YOU'RE Unamerican!
Eh. Touche.
I'm the one who thinks America should split into different countries.
Sumamba Buwhan
02-02-2006, 01:09
Eh. Touche.
I'm the one who thinks America should split into different countries.
lol @ you responding to the least serious post
That's not necesarily unAmerican. There are other Americans to think the same thing. Plus all those countries would still be in America.
How would you like it to split anyway?
02-02-2006, 01:10
Eh. Touche.
I'm the one who thinks America should split into different countries.
I second that motion.
The normal people can have one section, and we'll ship the extreamists (both left and right) to the other. Then everyone will be happy. Extreamists aren't happy unless they're fighting, and the normal people will be left alone.
Steel Butterfly
02-02-2006, 01:11
1st ammendment for those who are dull.
I'm glad you put five exclaimation points in your title. Four really wouldn't have gotten the point across...much less only one.
Eastern Coast America
02-02-2006, 01:11
lol @ you responding to the least serious post
That's not necesarily unAmerican. There are other Americans to think the same thing. Plus all those countries would still be in America.
How would you like it to split anyway?
Someone once told me that if America splits, there would be several countries.
East coast and a bunch of guys boardering canada.
West coast and a bunch of guys also boardering Canada
I dunno about Hawaii
And everybody else.
Personally, I think all the Blues should break away from the Reds. They can go preach their moral values to themselves.
02-02-2006, 01:30
Apparently, there're laws against protesting at the state of the union address, and usually no one gets arrested for it or even charged so there are often no law suits about how blatantly unconstitutional and stupid the laws are.
Apparently, there're laws against protesting at the state of the union address, and usually no one gets arrested for it or even charged so there are often no law suits about how blatantly unconstitutional and stupid the laws are.
Actually, there aren't.
“We screwed up,” a top Capitol Police official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
He said Sheehan didn't violate any rules or laws.
So the officers f****d up.
Bobs Own Pipe
02-02-2006, 01:37
Republican Senators wife was removed too. And she was pro war. Now, run along before Eutrusca shows up to hate you.
I consider Truss' dislike & disapproval a badge of honour on NS General.
02-02-2006, 01:39
Actually, there aren't.
So the officers f****d up.
I thought there were? Hmm, oh well.
In any case, the officers at least were fair about it and removed protest from both sides of the same issue :p
It's not like they jailed tons of protesters in concentration camp esque conditions.
02-02-2006, 03:56
1st ammendment for those who are dull.
She was removed as was someone else who supported the troops. Why do people make big deals out of something that goes both ways?
And the bit in Matthew 6.5-6.6 about praying in secret: 'And when ye pray, ye shall not be as the hypocrites: for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have received their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret shall recompense thee'
That commandment has been ignored almost completely since about Constantine. Bush is just continuing the trend.
She was removed as was someone else who supported the troops. Why do people make big deals out of something that goes both ways?
I understand some Christians find bisexuality to be morally wrong or something.
02-02-2006, 05:40
Actually, there aren't.
So the officers f****d up.
Actually, protests on capitol grounds are illegal. She also had a banner with her too that she tried to unfurl as well. Then the Anti-war t-shirt.
Then you have a Congressman's wife being tossed out for wearing a support the troops shirt.
02-02-2006, 05:42
I understand some Christians find bisexuality to be morally wrong or something.
Well I'm a Christian and i do not consider it wrong. My best friend is actually a bisexual.
Bodies Without Organs
02-02-2006, 05:43
She was removed as was someone else who supported the troops. Why do people make big deals out of something that goes both ways?
If citizens are getting shat on by the powers that be, the fact that they are getting shat on regardless of their political leanings doesn't help.
Rojo Cubano
02-02-2006, 06:03
Protesting within the Capitol for any cause is illegal.
Sec. 5104. Unlawful activities
(2) Violent entry and disorderly conduct. - An individual or group of individuals may not willfully and knowingly -
(C) with the intent to disrupt the orderly conduct of official business, enter or remain in a room in any of the Capitol Buildings set aside or designated for the use of either House of Congress or a Member, committee, officer, or employee of Congress or either House of Congress;
(D) utter loud, threatening, or abusive language, or engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct, at any place in the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings with the intent to impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of a session of Congress or either House of Congress, or the orderly conduct in that building of a hearing before, or any deliberations of, a committee of Congress or either House of Congress;
(G) parade, demonstrate, or picket in any of the Capitol Buildings.