Ancient British Glory
31-01-2006, 22:46
The family is an organisational block primarily suited to primiive survival needs. Now, as we enter the age of the progressively liberal society, the block is showing signs of breaking down. Now that we have removed strict legal and moral obligations from the nature of the family, it is being to show that is can no longer be an effective way for which to bring up children and provide company for adults. But indeed, why is the family such a bad thing?
In his Discourses on Inequality, Rousseau attempted to find the origins of inequality within our society. To do this, he attempted to deconstruct modern man to the point prior to when inequality existed. He believed that natural man (as he termed it) lived an entirely solitary life, during the cause of which he was entirely independent. Members of the opposite sex only came together briefly for a passionless and brief encounter, the purpose of which was recreation. The family unit did not exist at this point, in Rousseau's view.
I provide the above information for context, for those anthropological have questionable accuracy. However, they lead Rousseau to make a very interesting point: that inequality appears once man becomes dependant on one another. Rousseau (being a man of his time) says that the family is the one instance where the creation of such inequality is acceptable.
But, I must ask, is the presence of inequality desirable in an organisational block that is entrusted to bring up children? The fact that there is inequality in the family is unquestionable truth, as dependence upon the patriarch/matriarch (the centralised source of power in the family) gives them a great deal of power, which they can exercise in what ever way they so please.
Now, this dependence is natural for a certain part of our lives (up to the approximate age of 11) but as we enter our teenage lives, the dependence on parental authority quickly shows itself to be negative in its effects. We call this teenage rebellion, the point where we begin to assert our natural need for independence. But the parental authority works to quash this desire, thus producing the rebellion. This rebellion against authority can provide ample lessons but it also damages the individuals concerned, sometimes to a great extent.
Why is this? Like all relationships of power, the patriarchal force needs something else to cement its control, another tool by which to cement the structure it exists upon. That tool is, of course, love. Love is, of course, a false concept but, because it is a widely accredited concept, it carries a heavy amount of emotional weight in our world. The family structure is bound together by that emotionalism, which is actually created by our dependence as dependence in the family structure can often engender gratitude within the dependent persons (especially as they begin to mature and the idea of family becomes cemented into their own mind sets).
Now, when the era of teenage rebellions begins, this emotionalism is strained and indeed is more often than not snapped. This results in a great deal of psychological damage during the formative years of our lives, as it shakes our social foundations down to the very core. Thus, all children are damaged by the family. People may try to justify this by claiming that parents are simply protecting their children from the flushes of youth. This is wrong: in doing this, children are being deprived of the opportunity to make mistakes and thus children have no mistakes to learn from. Experience is not gathered, which makes independence all the more difficult when it is finally achieved.
Also, it is questionable whether the parents are doing this to protect their offspring: in the natural world, independence is easily achieved by the offspring without having to fight their parents to achieve it. Thus, we may asset that parents have their own selfish, subconscious reasons for preventing the assertion of independence. Maybe they wish to maintain the dependency of their offspring, as once dependence is shatter, they have lost power. Or perhaps they wish to prevent the onset of loneliness in their old age. I subscribe to the theory of Mandeville - that selfish motives are the only reason any one does anything.
But why then, if the family unit can create such damage, has it not fallen apart before now? The simple reason is that harsh economic conditions, legal restrictions and socially enforced parameters forced most families to stay together out of the simple need for survival. Incidentally, this creates another form of emotionalism, the espirit de corps, that helps bind the family together. But examine what happens once these conditions are removed.
There are two examples: the modern society and priviledged society. We should look at noble and royal families as they have never been bounded by the aforementioned conditions - royal families are frequently above the law (no legal constraints), rich (no economic constraints) and, because of their absolute power, are able to go against society's expectations (no social constraints). And what do we see among the families of nobles and royalty? We see war and murder, brother against brother, father against son. The family unit thus fails when the conditions against it are relaxed.
The modern western society suffers from the same break down. Divorce laws, the availability of ideas and information, the welfare state and social liberalism all work against the family, removing previously binding conditions. The patriarchal power is undermined by a lack of respect on the behalf of dependents, who gain that lack of respect due to being exposed to a greater wealth of ideas. The assertion of independence is even more damaging and shows itself in society as the idea of the family is undermined by its evident flaws.
The family produces a love of dependency within people but this conflicts with a natural love of independence. We want to be free but at the same time want to be dependent on others, especially for emotional comforts such as friendship and love. We are weened on dependence to such an extent that we begin to accept oppressive and demeaning dependencies, such as being dependent on another for wealth. The duality that humanity has created within itself has created the problems we see today, as dependence fights independence on an all-encompassing scale. Dependence is the creator of inequality in our society, independence is the liberator.
So, what do we do about the family? It is quite clear that the great question of the latter half of this century will be the search for an alternative to the family. So far, alternatives have proved to be failures: state orphanages and care homes maintain a bad situation, even in this liberal age of enlightened values. However, it could be argued that this is because we live in an age where the family is still producing the society which we inhabit. This means that trying to create non-family institutions in a family based society can be compared to placing a fish out of water: it cannot survive. But as the family declines into a near meaningless institution of the past, it is entirely possible that these replacements will begin to operate better. So perhaps the future does indeed lie with state controlled children-raising institutions.
Finally, what does this mean for the state of man? Independence is clearly what we all need to strive for - our mental wellbeing is far too compromised by dependence. We cannot expunge all dependence but we must try to eliminate all those forms of dependence that rely on emotional ties. Love and the family are the two targets that must be dealt with first. Both create dependence and both inflict psychological damage on those who indulge in them. Neither are necessary to happiness, once the society moves to eliminate the positive images that love and the family possess. Once man is independent, then the ways in which inequality can be produced are reduced. We would be free from those who would seek to hold power over us for malign purposes. Thus, I bring us back to the image of Rousseau and the natural man. Although we must avoid the savagery of that particular beast, we must also imitate his solitary behaviour and learn the lessons from it. Kept away from the family, man will not be suckled on dependence and so he will be able to escape the trap of agreeing to oppressive dependencies in the future.
In his Discourses on Inequality, Rousseau attempted to find the origins of inequality within our society. To do this, he attempted to deconstruct modern man to the point prior to when inequality existed. He believed that natural man (as he termed it) lived an entirely solitary life, during the cause of which he was entirely independent. Members of the opposite sex only came together briefly for a passionless and brief encounter, the purpose of which was recreation. The family unit did not exist at this point, in Rousseau's view.
I provide the above information for context, for those anthropological have questionable accuracy. However, they lead Rousseau to make a very interesting point: that inequality appears once man becomes dependant on one another. Rousseau (being a man of his time) says that the family is the one instance where the creation of such inequality is acceptable.
But, I must ask, is the presence of inequality desirable in an organisational block that is entrusted to bring up children? The fact that there is inequality in the family is unquestionable truth, as dependence upon the patriarch/matriarch (the centralised source of power in the family) gives them a great deal of power, which they can exercise in what ever way they so please.
Now, this dependence is natural for a certain part of our lives (up to the approximate age of 11) but as we enter our teenage lives, the dependence on parental authority quickly shows itself to be negative in its effects. We call this teenage rebellion, the point where we begin to assert our natural need for independence. But the parental authority works to quash this desire, thus producing the rebellion. This rebellion against authority can provide ample lessons but it also damages the individuals concerned, sometimes to a great extent.
Why is this? Like all relationships of power, the patriarchal force needs something else to cement its control, another tool by which to cement the structure it exists upon. That tool is, of course, love. Love is, of course, a false concept but, because it is a widely accredited concept, it carries a heavy amount of emotional weight in our world. The family structure is bound together by that emotionalism, which is actually created by our dependence as dependence in the family structure can often engender gratitude within the dependent persons (especially as they begin to mature and the idea of family becomes cemented into their own mind sets).
Now, when the era of teenage rebellions begins, this emotionalism is strained and indeed is more often than not snapped. This results in a great deal of psychological damage during the formative years of our lives, as it shakes our social foundations down to the very core. Thus, all children are damaged by the family. People may try to justify this by claiming that parents are simply protecting their children from the flushes of youth. This is wrong: in doing this, children are being deprived of the opportunity to make mistakes and thus children have no mistakes to learn from. Experience is not gathered, which makes independence all the more difficult when it is finally achieved.
Also, it is questionable whether the parents are doing this to protect their offspring: in the natural world, independence is easily achieved by the offspring without having to fight their parents to achieve it. Thus, we may asset that parents have their own selfish, subconscious reasons for preventing the assertion of independence. Maybe they wish to maintain the dependency of their offspring, as once dependence is shatter, they have lost power. Or perhaps they wish to prevent the onset of loneliness in their old age. I subscribe to the theory of Mandeville - that selfish motives are the only reason any one does anything.
But why then, if the family unit can create such damage, has it not fallen apart before now? The simple reason is that harsh economic conditions, legal restrictions and socially enforced parameters forced most families to stay together out of the simple need for survival. Incidentally, this creates another form of emotionalism, the espirit de corps, that helps bind the family together. But examine what happens once these conditions are removed.
There are two examples: the modern society and priviledged society. We should look at noble and royal families as they have never been bounded by the aforementioned conditions - royal families are frequently above the law (no legal constraints), rich (no economic constraints) and, because of their absolute power, are able to go against society's expectations (no social constraints). And what do we see among the families of nobles and royalty? We see war and murder, brother against brother, father against son. The family unit thus fails when the conditions against it are relaxed.
The modern western society suffers from the same break down. Divorce laws, the availability of ideas and information, the welfare state and social liberalism all work against the family, removing previously binding conditions. The patriarchal power is undermined by a lack of respect on the behalf of dependents, who gain that lack of respect due to being exposed to a greater wealth of ideas. The assertion of independence is even more damaging and shows itself in society as the idea of the family is undermined by its evident flaws.
The family produces a love of dependency within people but this conflicts with a natural love of independence. We want to be free but at the same time want to be dependent on others, especially for emotional comforts such as friendship and love. We are weened on dependence to such an extent that we begin to accept oppressive and demeaning dependencies, such as being dependent on another for wealth. The duality that humanity has created within itself has created the problems we see today, as dependence fights independence on an all-encompassing scale. Dependence is the creator of inequality in our society, independence is the liberator.
So, what do we do about the family? It is quite clear that the great question of the latter half of this century will be the search for an alternative to the family. So far, alternatives have proved to be failures: state orphanages and care homes maintain a bad situation, even in this liberal age of enlightened values. However, it could be argued that this is because we live in an age where the family is still producing the society which we inhabit. This means that trying to create non-family institutions in a family based society can be compared to placing a fish out of water: it cannot survive. But as the family declines into a near meaningless institution of the past, it is entirely possible that these replacements will begin to operate better. So perhaps the future does indeed lie with state controlled children-raising institutions.
Finally, what does this mean for the state of man? Independence is clearly what we all need to strive for - our mental wellbeing is far too compromised by dependence. We cannot expunge all dependence but we must try to eliminate all those forms of dependence that rely on emotional ties. Love and the family are the two targets that must be dealt with first. Both create dependence and both inflict psychological damage on those who indulge in them. Neither are necessary to happiness, once the society moves to eliminate the positive images that love and the family possess. Once man is independent, then the ways in which inequality can be produced are reduced. We would be free from those who would seek to hold power over us for malign purposes. Thus, I bring us back to the image of Rousseau and the natural man. Although we must avoid the savagery of that particular beast, we must also imitate his solitary behaviour and learn the lessons from it. Kept away from the family, man will not be suckled on dependence and so he will be able to escape the trap of agreeing to oppressive dependencies in the future.