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Do you know what a cat's normal body temp is? If you don't it's 99-101 degrees farenheit. Guess what my cat's is? 105.6 degrees. He was diagnosed with Distemper this morning. Moo Moo's temp is 106.5 degrees and Tiara's is 103 degrees. All of them keep getting dehydrated and stuff. Twice a day I have to use those dripper things you see in hospitals to give them fluids. Boboe requires 150cc of fluid and the other two require 50cc. I have to force feed them ever three hours and we have to give them Kaopectate every five hours. Also twice a day they require Centrine which is a medicine to keep them from vomiting. There is one other medicine that I can't remember the name of at the same time as the Kaopectate. Do you realise how hectitc my house is right now!?! And we aren't even sure they will live!!!
29-01-2006, 00:09
Thats sad and I'm sorry your animals are sick. I had to nurse a puppy who was diagnosed with Parvo and he lost the battle. It was truly awful and I watched this poor animal die a slow painful death. I had to force feed him meds and Gatorade (per Dr. Orders on the Gatorade). I hope your animals get better very soon.
Yeah, last week around this time we lost Kiyo to Distemper. He took four days to die and when he finally passed he was awake and vomiting. I hate to lose animals.
Heron-Marked Warriors
29-01-2006, 00:35
I hope they recover. Losing a pet is hard.
Thats sad and I'm sorry your animals are sick. I had to nurse a puppy who was diagnosed with Parvo and he lost the battle. It was truly awful and I watched this poor animal die a slow painful death. I had to force feed him meds and Gatorade (per Dr. Orders on the Gatorade). I hope your animals get better very soon.
How far in advance did you know the battle was over, and is there a reason you didn't have the animal put to sleep?