Who really killed JFK?
25-01-2006, 00:06
Personally i beleive it was a conspiracy between the Mafia and the CIA/FBI. (Oswald was set up) Plz post links of good JFK assasination sites on the web. I am also trying to aquire the stabilized Zapruder film that shows that Kennedy's driver shot him.
25-01-2006, 00:08
Why would they want to kill him?
25-01-2006, 00:08
The Count from Sesame Street. You all know he is up to no good.
No one shot him, his head just exploded.
Heron-Marked Warriors
25-01-2006, 00:09
Carlos the Jackal
Andaras Prime
25-01-2006, 00:11
Chuck Norris
25-01-2006, 00:13
No one shot him, his head just exploded.
Damn scanners! Damn them all!
25-01-2006, 00:13
Why would they want to kill him?
WIth Kennedy's failed invasion plan at the Bay of Pigs, he stopped all attempts of regaining Cuba and making it a democracy. Before Castro gained power in Cuba, the Mafia ran many casinos in Cuba. But those were destroyed by Castro. Also, Robert Kennedy and John Kennedy were extremely tough on the Mafia. Also the Mafia is against catholics, like JFK. The CIA didnt like him for not going back after Cuba.
25-01-2006, 00:14
I think it was oswald.
no way dude he couldnt fire 3 shots out of a low velocity bolt action rifle, especially the magic bullet
25-01-2006, 00:14
WIth Kennedy's failed invasion plan at the Bay of Pigs, he stopped all attempts of regaining Cuba and making it a democracy. Before Castro gained power in Cuba, the Mafia ran many casinos in Cuba. But those were destroyed by Castro. Also, Robert Kennedy and John Kennedy were extremely tough on the Mafia. Also the Mafia is against catholics, like JFK. The CIA didnt like him for not going back after Cuba.
so they joined up with the Mafia? isn't that a little extreme?
25-01-2006, 00:14
WIth Kennedy's failed invasion plan at the Bay of Pigs, he stopped all attempts of regaining Cuba and making it a democracy. Before Castro gained power in Cuba, the Mafia ran many casinos in Cuba. But those were destroyed by Castro. Also, Robert Kennedy and John Kennedy were extremely tough on the Mafia. Also the Mafia is against catholics, like JFK. The CIA didnt like him for not going back after Cuba.
I assume you mean the Russian mafia because the Italian mafia is Italian and I think they are Catholic.
25-01-2006, 00:16
I assume you mean the Russian mafia because the Italian mafia is Italian and I think they are Catholic.
no, the AMerican underworld gangsters
Also the Mafia is against catholics, like JFK.
The Mafia is against Catholics now? You do know that the mafia comes from Sicily, which is in Italy, which is a predominantly Catholic country? Jeez, watch the Godfather movies at least before you comment on the mafia.
25-01-2006, 00:17
no, the AMerican underworld gangsters
So the mob? The mob is not the Mafia, Italian or Russian.
The Jovian Moons
25-01-2006, 00:17
JFK shot himself in the head point blank with the sniper rifle.
Desperate Measures
25-01-2006, 00:18
so they joined up with the Mafia? isn't that a little extreme?
The CIA also went to the mob to help them assasinate Castro. There have been a few dealings between the government and the mob in history. I remember something about having the mob guard the docks in New York City during World War II (or something).
no, the AMerican underworld gangsters
So why the hell did you say mafia?
25-01-2006, 00:20
So the mob? The mob is not the Mafia, Italian or Russian.
25-01-2006, 00:21
Why would they want to kill him?
Mafia-It is proposed that the Mafia helped Kennedy win(see "rig) the election in certain "key" states. There is a good deal of evidence supporting this, as there are certain discrepencies in the votes in certain areas(Such as Indiana, I do believe, where a good portion of dead people voted for him). Of course, there isn't much "hard" evidence to back this up, but enough to lead to some suspicion towards a fixed election. Why they wanted to kill him? Well... Kenedy appointed his brother as attorney general... and then professed publicly to trying to take down the Mafia. So, one could see why the Mafia would be pissed.
CIA-Bay of Pigs. Kenedy made the CIA look like damn fools in this rather poorly designed and executed rebellion placed in Cuba. In short, they were pissed.
Now, then, the connection to Mafia goes far deeper, with one man standing out. Jack Ruby. This name shows up quite a bit with the JFK assassination. He is most well known as the man who shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald, before he stood trial. Why is Ruby's name so important? He was in the Mafia. Not to mention he was seen not only at the scene when JFK was shot, but also the Hospital where kenedy was shot. The hospital is odd as well, because a spent bullet was found on a gurney at the hospital bed, which was believed to have come from Kenedy. Unfortunately, the gurney was used for a six year old who had broken a bone on a swing set. Jack Ruby... once again, was seen right next to this gurney before the bullet was found(which was completely undeformed). Jack Ruby, while in jail, was reported to confessing that the assassination went far deeper than Lee Harvey Oswald.
Basically, this leads to heavy suspicion of Mafia involvement, at the least.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
25-01-2006, 00:25
I killed Kennedy. There I confessed.
I got in an argument about Reagonomics with one of my proffesor's last month, and used a time machine to go back and kill JFK just to prove my point.
The worst part is, it seems that he was right anyway, and I didn't get any of the extra credit ffor the project.
No one shot him, his head just exploded.
Chuck Norris reference.
Heron-Marked Warriors
25-01-2006, 00:28
It was Carlos the Jackal
I killed JFK...at least I think I did
25-01-2006, 00:31
Why would they want to kill him?
everyone knows he was a crack addict. so..
Dragons with Guns
25-01-2006, 00:32
Lyndon Baines Johnson. That guy is just too smart for his own good. I'm not really suggesting LBJ had a hand in the assassination, but if it came out that he did -- I wouldn't be suprised.
The blessed Chris
25-01-2006, 00:33
It would be cool to envisage Mob involvement. Somewhat more fun than a lone assasin no?
25-01-2006, 00:37
It was Spartacus, I tell you!
25-01-2006, 00:40
I think it was the banks and power brokers that arranged it all. JFK had publicly stated he was going to withdraw from Vietnam, and the country was going to return to the Silver Standard. Both these policies if allowed to pass into legislation would have, bankrupted the Arms dealers and the banks.
Of the two the banks had more to lose, they control (own) the federal reserve, (which is privately owned, not apart of the government) which is literally a licence to print money. So much so that theyre still in charge today.
The One True Spartacus
25-01-2006, 00:41
It was Spartacus, I tell you!
I did what now?
25-01-2006, 00:48
Kennedy never died. It was actually Lee Harvey Oswald dressed as Kennedy; which is why Jackie looks so nervous. JFK then shot him from the Book Depository; whilst Jack Ruby fired another shot from behind the grassy knoll. When Ruby found out about Kennedy beating him to it, he was so mad that he shot Marilyn Monroe, who was dressed as LHO.
JFK now lives under the assumed name of Elvis Presley in a burger bar in Massacheusettes. The real Elvis having faked his own death, but then being killed by JFK, dressed up as Marilyn Monroe and left in her bed.
At least, that's what the voices keep telling me.
JFK was killed by Oswald alone.
Anyone who doubts me should see the Peter Jennings special where they reenacted the assasination and showed how Oswald could easily fire 3 shots in that amount of time. Remember JFK was under 100 yards away. Oswald was trained to shoot over 500 yards as marine. That was an easy shot for him. Anyone who believes the Oliver Stone bullshit needs to seriously look at the facts.
no way dude he couldnt fire 3 shots out of a low velocity bolt action rifle, especially the magic bullet
There was no magic bullet. The reason the bullet struck the governor where it did after going through Kennedy is that the front passenger seat was 6 inches inboard and also lower than the back seat JFK was sitting at. Watch the Jennings special and the mythbusters episode on it. They used computers to reenact the trajectory of the bullets and the reenactments prove the bullet could hit them where it did going straight.
They also had a man fire blanks and reload with the same type of rifle and he got it done in a shorter amount of time it took Oswaldto fire 3 shots.
Heron-Marked Warriors
25-01-2006, 00:55
It was Carlos the Jackal
25-01-2006, 01:24
JFK was killed by Oswald alone.
Anyone who doubts me should see the Peter Jennings special where they reenacted the assasination and showed how Oswald could easily fire 3 shots in that amount of time. Remember JFK was under 100 yards away. Oswald was trained to shoot over 500 yards as marine. That was an easy shot for him. Anyone who believes the Oliver Stone bullshit needs to seriously look at the facts.
Some problems with this.
Oswald was trained to shoot at non-moving targets. Kenedy was rapidly moving away from the Book Depository at the time. Oswald was a good shot, but at non-moving targets. All tests(that I have seen) done to see if such a feat were possible were with non-moving targets. Any body who has ever been hunting knows there is a huge difference. You could fire three shots from that distance in the amount of time, but not with great accuracy from 100 yards away with a target that is quickly moving. Not to mention he would have had to almost lean out the window to shoot, to which no one saw him nor did anybody even look at the Book Depository, which is where the gunshots supposedly came from. Instead, several people pointed police to the infamous 'grassy knole'. Which can be seen in many home videos.
Also, why not shoot at JFK when he was approaching the Book Depository? Quite odd, as Oswald would have had a perfect shot lined up, from a much closer distance. Why wait for your target to be so far away?
Also, the rifle Oswald used was of very poor quality. A Model 91/38 Short Rifle Carcano, AKA the widowmaker(It tended to backfire at times). This was NOT a sniper rifle. It was a rather poorly made weapon which was fairly inaccurate as far as rifles go, and had a tendency to jam more than it should. Also, it was never used in service(In WWII, when the 38 was manufactured), due to many reasons, both to the fact that there were unreliable(and were going through many redesigns as well). So basically, you have a rifle not made for sniping, that was shoddy and unreliably, that was not very accurate. The M91/38 Carcano is an unlikely candidate for such a task.
Want more discrepencies? The Rifle was found completely on the other side of the floor, in a completely different room, completely wiped of finger prints, rapped in cloth and hidden. Lee Harvey Oswald was seen on the First Floor, not even a minute after the Assassination occurred, by his employer, who said that Oswald was calm and composed, drinking a bottle of soda. Oswald would have had to shoot Kenedy, run across the Building, wipe down the ENTIRE gun(Which takes more than just a few seconds), rap it, stow it away, run down four flights of stairs, buy a soda, and not even break a sweat or breathing heavily. Not to mention that it's hard to be "calm and composed" after killing someone.
To me, the evidence brings quite a bit a of doubt to the whole thing.
And of course we can forget that JFK's went back and to the left after being shot, which is not what would be expected of someone who was shot in the back of the head.
Doubtful, is what I say.
25-01-2006, 01:27
They also had a man fire blanks and reload with the same type of rifle and he got it done in a shorter amount of time it took Oswaldto fire 3 shots.
Yes, you can reload in that time and shoot. However, with what accuracy is the question. JFK was a moving target. The rifle was a very poorly made rifle, not made for shooting at distant targets. Firing 3 shots in the amount of time, while taking aim and adjusting for a moving target is not an easy task. Especially considering the model of rifle used.
25-01-2006, 02:42
I think it was oswald.
No, man it was Oswald. oswald was his deep cover name.
25-01-2006, 02:51
Bob Dole did. That rotten bastard.
25-01-2006, 03:36
Bob Dole did. That rotten bastard.
This is Bob Dole's Assassination. Bob Dole's M91/38. This is Bob Dole. Bob Dole.
25-01-2006, 03:39
Kennedy was torn apart by marauding space bears.
Dragons with Guns
25-01-2006, 03:51
Kennedy was torn apart by marauding space bears.
He speaks truth. Secret Service should have been more aware of the impending space bear attack.
Stone Bridges
25-01-2006, 04:05
It's a consipracy cooked up by the liberal democrats! Oswald and Jack were Republicans, and the liberals did a smear campaign! However, the person who really killed JFK was........ Mr. Rogers! That damn Vietnam Vet Sniper!
New Stalinberg
25-01-2006, 05:19
Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.
25-01-2006, 05:26
Smoking man killed Kennedy.
I've always felt that the Mafia was involved, somehow. Given the Kennedys' stance on organized crime, I believe they had a hand in JFK's death.
Disraeliland 3
25-01-2006, 05:36
It was me. I had AF1 shot down before it landed in Texas, then I dressed up as Oswald, shot a double paid to impersonate Kennedy with a .50 cal MG, which I smuggled out in my trousers, leaving the Carcano. Later I dressed as Ruby, shot Oswald, then impersonated Earl Warren, cleared myself and put it all on Oswald.
I challenge the lot of you to prove me wrong.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
25-01-2006, 05:39
I challenge the lot of you to prove me wrong.
Well, since I'm the one who shot Kennedy out of that stupid car, I think I just disproved you.
Disraeliland 3
25-01-2006, 05:45
You were just my second fall guy, in case they didn't believe my Warren impression.
25-01-2006, 06:55
JFK's head just kinda exploded. It's the no bullet theory.
Disraeliland 3
25-01-2006, 07:24
I can explain that. Every third round I fired was APHEI-T.
La Habana Cuba
25-01-2006, 07:29
Dictator for life Fidel Castro of Cuba, the President, any U.S. President should order a naval blocade of Cuba,
nothing goes in, nothing goes out until that corrupt dictatorship government of 47 years and counting falls from withing,
25-01-2006, 07:37
In actual fact after the JFK assasination, Chuck Norris created a time machine to stop this very event from taking place. He successfully deflected all three bullets with his beard, but soon there after JFK's head exploded from sheer amazement.
obviously not true, but it's great ain't it? :p
There have been a few dealings between the government and the mob in history. I remember something about having the mob guard the docks in New York City during World War II (or something).
If you count extortion as a dealing, then yes. They "showed" the government how vulnerable the docks were, and the government paid them to `guard` them.:rolleyes:
obviously not true, but it's great ain't it?
No. The Chuck Norris thing is getting old.
i won't name names incase i'm right.
there WERE conspiracies and so on. along with anywhere up to a couple of hundred of the several thousand spectators who all had method, opportunity, and more then a few my well have felt they had motive.
none of which actualy succeeded in firing the fatal shot.
which was fired BY ACCIDENT.
which may be the biggest irony in all of human history, but here's what i believe happened, why and how.
comes down to the stupidity of machismo actualy.
why i think what i think happened did?
shot fired from seat level of front seat up through back of front seat accounts perfectly for head movement, bullet path et c.
which incidently sniper bullet from tenth floor of building cannot
shot from grassy knoll plausable but no ceee gar.
hit man likely did take shot from there
but actual fatal shot fired accidently from front seat.
six gun on hip. safety off or not functional. mr macho gets in, after riding a ways realizes uncomfortable pinch to ass from sitting on it. attempts to scrunch holster with gun in it arround to more tollerable position. gun accidentaly goes off twice. second discharge shoots self in foot.
would anyone have believed truith? even if party in question hadn't been himself a high elected official.
hence warren commishion, oswald, coverup, whole bit.
just a guess mind you, and i've no personal evidence that isn't public knowledge, just the old occam's razor ala sir arthur conan doyle.
granted fatal shot COULD have come from grassy knoll, and it's pretty certain someone did fire from there. the one place it for damd sure didn't come from was the tenth floor of any building, so if oswald did fire it, he would certainly have to have been firing it from somewhere else when he did!