NationStates Jolt Archive

What Hurts the Most?

09-01-2006, 19:34
Inspired by the Jo O'Meara song of the same title (which I think is the greatest song of the past year), I just wondered in the opinions of my fellow NSers, What Hurts the Most?

Oh and here's a link to a picture of Jo looking lovely as always:

What a random beast of a thread I have created....
09-01-2006, 19:37
what hurts the most is when you get a huge splinter stuck between your toes and the only way to get it out is by pouring alcohol on it and pulling on it with tweezers.

took me 15 minutes to get that sumbitch out. don't know how it got there.

that was a shitty result of a beach party.
09-01-2006, 19:38
Back pain.
09-01-2006, 19:49
Back pain.
I'll second that
09-01-2006, 19:50
I'll second that

I really shouldn't have back pain at my age...
09-01-2006, 19:51
Gallstones, dude, gallstones.
09-01-2006, 19:55
Juvenile arthritis.

I just turned 20 today and I'm gearing up for intense physical therapy, because my knees and hips have been degrading since age 12.

At this rate, I'll get partial knee replacements by 30, maybe even 27 for the worse one. Isn't that news a great birthday present?
09-01-2006, 19:57
Simonist']Juvenile arthritis.

That's horrible. What causes it?
The Elder Malaclypse
09-01-2006, 19:59
Take a bath, fill it with vinegar. Cut yourself all over your body (everywhere- even your winky - guys) and get in! Oh, and to make it extra special cut off your eyelids and dunk your head in.
Man in Black
09-01-2006, 20:00
Simonist']Juvenile arthritis.

I just turned 20 today and I'm gearing up for intense physical therapy, because my knees and hips have been degrading since age 12.

At this rate, I'll get partial knee replacements by 30, maybe even 27 for the worse one. Isn't that news a great birthday present?
Is today your Birthday? It's mine too!

Sorry about your prbolems. If it makes ya feel any better, I have acute Scoliosis, and have to get my back fused in a few months.

By the way, I vote back pain. It fucks up everything. :(
09-01-2006, 20:00
I think you should make a distinction between 'unrequitted love' and physical pain.
09-01-2006, 20:03
That's horrible. What causes it?
It's not known what causes it for sure, but it's theorized that it has something to do with the immune system or something, which is certainly something I believe, considering my immune system is also total crap. I'm really lucky, though....a lot of times it can even cause fusing of bones or something, but all I get is persistent leg, back, and neck pain, and usually heat pads or yoga or something helps to lessen it.

It's something we caught rather young, so it's not like I really remember what life is like without it -- I'm just lucky that my joints didn't significantly change shape or I didn't get a crooked spine or something.
09-01-2006, 20:04
Alinania: TG, dear :)

(just to catch you before you're off)
09-01-2006, 20:05
Anybody ever had gallstones?!? Geez, WORST PAIN EVER! It was a relief to have post surgery pain. I've heard people say that it's worse than child birth, and will well believe it. My husband had to call an ambulance and six guys turned up to see me stripping my underwear away from areas of extreme pain (back and chest) and presenting like a dog on the bed because I couldn't stand up, and then the pain went away within 30 seconds of them walking in the room, and I was left red faced, and not just from the pain...
09-01-2006, 20:05
Simonist']It's not known what causes it for sure, but it's theorized that it has something to do with the immune system or something, which is certainly something I believe, considering my immune system is also total crap. I'm really lucky, though....a lot of times it can even cause fusing of bones or something, but all I get is persistent leg, back, and neck pain, and usually heat pads or yoga or something helps to lessen it.

It's something we caught rather young, so it's not like I really remember what life is like without it -- I'm just lucky that my joints didn't significantly change shape or I didn't get a crooked spine or something.

You ought to tru prolotherapy
09-01-2006, 20:07
ooh! Why, you're fast!
uh... ehem.
right. I made up my mind.
hurt. unrequited love is what I wanted to say. ;)
09-01-2006, 20:07
Gallstones, dude, gallstones.

Oh somebody knows my pain!!!
09-01-2006, 20:08
Is today your Birthday? It's mine too!

Sorry about your prbolems. If it makes ya feel any better, I have acute Scoliosis, and have to get my back fused in a few months.

By the way, I vote back pain. It fucks up everything. :(


Anyway, I to have a fucked up back, and other joints, Me has Ligament laxity coused by a collagen thingy, I eat collagen supplements and that helps some..

But i am in above avrege shape, and good enough off, I should not complain
09-01-2006, 20:14
Any current pain is the worst. If I stub my toe now, it will hurt worse than if I broke it a year ago.
I suppose in short, the present hurts the most.
09-01-2006, 20:15
Anybody ever had gallstones?!?
Me, me! And yes, I have heard it described as worse than childbirth (although I don't remember my childbirth, so I can't be sure).

The first attack I had wasn't that bad. The pain had lasted for about 4 or 5 hours before I called an ambulance, but I was able to walk to it. Once in the hospital it really started to hurt. Fortunately I was close to the morphine by then! :)

Then I had attacks for the next four months and suddenly stopped. Haven't had any more for a year and a half now. And I got to keep my gall bladder.

NOTE to all you kids out there: I was lucky that my gallstones just passed without complications, but I also was seeing a doctor and had an operation programmed. If one of those stones had decided it wanted to stay put in the biliar conduct that could have been fatal. If you have prolonged abdominal pain, go see a doctor.
09-01-2006, 20:28
Me, me! And yes, I have heard it described as worse than childbirth (although I don't remember my childbirth, so I can't be sure).

The first attack I had wasn't that bad. The pain had lasted for about 4 or 5 hours before I called an ambulance, but I was able to walk to it. Once in the hospital it really started to hurt. Fortunately I was close to the morphine by then! :)

Then I had attacks for the next four months and suddenly stopped. Haven't had any more for a year and a half now. And I got to keep my gall bladder.

NOTE to all you kids out there: I was lucky that my gallstones just passed without complications, but I also was seeing a doctor and had an operation programmed. If one of those stones had decided it wanted to stay put in the biliar conduct that could have been fatal. If you have prolonged abdominal pain, go see a doctor.

My stones were large, too large to pass. I had my gall bladder out in September, after 9 months of attacks on and off, and 2 months of daily attacks. They told me that my gall bladder was really beaten up, badly scarred, not working at all and inflammed. It was only a matter of time before necrosis set in, and then shortly after, my gall bladder would have ruptured and I'd be dead before the day was out, having digested my gut. I agree, if your doctor even suspects gall stones, go about it ASAP, having stones stuck in the bile ducts is also a major problem, and if they stay there, an endoscope will remove them in out patient dept.
The surgery is a breeze, I was in the car, on my way home, four hours after my surgey started. I was in the operating room just over two hours, including putting me out, stitching me up and waking me. I had the laparoscopic procedure, most common. You're lucky if you pass your stones, I passed some small ones and bile sludge a couple of times, but didn't fix anything.

BTW, just keep an eye on things, gall stones tend to reappear if you've had them before. You'll probably need your gall bladder out at some point in your life because of them, but don't worry, by the time they take it out, it won't be working any more, so you don't miss it. Kinda like your appendix...
Oh, and VERY tiny scars too, great...!!
09-01-2006, 20:29
Any current pain is the worst. If I stub my toe now, it will hurt worse than if I broke it a year ago.
I suppose in short, the present hurts the most.

Good answer!
09-01-2006, 20:35
BTW, just keep an eye on things, gall stones tend to reappear if you've had them before. You'll probably need your gall bladder out at some point in your life because of them, but don't worry, by the time they take it out, it won't be working any more, so you don't miss it. Kinda like your appendix...
Yes, I was told that, and I was also thinking that then would be as good a time as any. But I figured that while the gall bladder is still good I might as well get good use out from it, and alternative treatment may be available in the future if they reappear. So far I've had no problems, but my dad, a cousin, and an uncle have had theirs removed, so I guess it's only a matter of time for me.
09-01-2006, 20:43
Yes, I was told that, and I was also thinking that then would be as good a time as any. But I figured that while the gall bladder is still good I might as well get good use out from it, and alternative treatment may be available in the future if they reappear. So far I've had no problems, but my dad, a cousin, and an uncle have had theirs removed, so I guess it's only a matter of time for me.

Ah, I looked up several sites on life post gall bladder removal. One woman in her forties had hers removed. She said that any girl who's father had gall stones should mark a date on their calendar to have their gall bladder removed. Apparently there's some genetic thing for them, and men get them only half as often as women, but pass it on to their kids, particularly daughters, much more easily. No one in my family has ever had gall stones. I'm putting mine down to excessive weight gain while on medication a few years back.

As for your current situation, if it don't need fixin'...!:D
09-01-2006, 20:48
Apparently there's some genetic thing for them, and men get them only half as often as women, but pass it on to their kids, particularly daughters, much more easily.
I read the same thing. However, in my family three men have had their gall bladders removed (including myself EDIT: Oops, I didn't have mine removed, just the pain) and only one woman (my cousin). Another of the risk factors is being Mexican (checked, I blame all that fatty food) and losing a lot of weight (also checked, I lost a quarter of my weight the year I spent unemployed/underemployed. And I was very fat, which still made matters worse).
09-01-2006, 20:55
I read the same thing. However, in my family three men have had their gall bladders removed (including myself) and only one woman (my cousin). Another of the risk factors is being Mexican (checked, I blame all that fatty food) and losing a lot of weight (also checked, I lost a quarter of my weight the year I spent unemployed/underemployed. And I was very fat, which still made matters worse).

I heard that too, that people of Native American heritage - both north and south - have an increased risk of developing gall stones. Weight loss, weight gain infection, yoyo dieting, cholesterol decreasing medications and pure bad luck all play a part too
09-01-2006, 21:01
Hey, Iztatepopotla, you realise we've turned this thread into a gall stones only discussion?!?
09-01-2006, 21:04
Hey, Iztatepopotla, you realise we've turned this thread into a gall stones only discussion?!?
I'm sure there are people with other affections that will be claiming their spot any time.
Cabra West
09-01-2006, 21:10
Many of the things mentioned in the poll can hurt... a lot.
But the thing that hurts most is the feeling to be completely and utterly worthless. The feeling to be a nuisance to everybody, to be useless, superfluous and unwanted. The feeling that it would have been best and easiest for everybody involved if you had never been born, or at least drowned at birth. The feeling that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, it will be mediocre at best, never ever good enough for anybody, it will never live up to expectations. The feeling that every shred of attention you get is given grudgingly, that it would be so much more desireable if you could just find a hole somewhere and simply slip in and disappear forever, so you'd just be out of everybody's way. The feeling that you are nothing but a bad joke of nature, a freak, ugly, stupid, clumsy, repulsive and hideous.

I think that's the worst feeling...
09-01-2006, 21:11
I'm sure there are people with other affections that will be claiming their spot any time.

Oh I'm sure we'll hear no end to other people's sufferings for a while yet...
09-01-2006, 21:12
Many of the things mentioned in the poll can hurt... a lot.
But the thing that hurts most is the feeling to be completely and utterly worthless. The feeling to be a nuisance to everybody, to be useless, superfluous and unwanted. The feeling that it would have been best and easiest for everybody involved if you had never been born, or at least drowned at birth. The feeling that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, it will be mediocre at best, never ever good enough for anybody, it will never live up to expectations. The feeling that every shred of attention you get is given grudgingly, that it would be so much more desireable if you could just find a hole somewhere and simply slip in and disappear forever, so you'd just be out of everybody's way. The feeling that you are nothing but a bad joke of nature, a freak, ugly, stupid, clumsy, repulsive and hideous.

I think that's the worst feeling...

Did/do you feel like this?
09-01-2006, 21:16
Having to sit through any Greg Araki film.
Cabra West
09-01-2006, 21:18
Did/do you feel like this?

Occasionally. Used to be much worse, though.
09-01-2006, 21:33
Occasionally. Used to be much worse, though.

Any consolation, I'll give you the time of day, and not begrudge you for it.:D

I used to live in Dublin too, out the Navan road for a while before I moved to Maynooth!
Cabra West
09-01-2006, 21:37
Any consolation, I'll give you the time of day, and not begrudge you for it.:D

I used to live in Dublin too, out the Navan road for a while before I moved to Maynooth!

No way! :eek:
I live just off the Navan road right now...
What were you doing in Dublin?
09-01-2006, 21:39
No way! :eek:
I live just off the Navan road right now...
What were you doing in Dublin?

I worked for IBM out in Damastownfor a while, then out in Jabil in Clonshaugh, then went back to college in Maynooth. Fave hang out spot: Epicurean foodhall on Middle Abbey St.! I used to have a friend who lived in Cabra, I went to college with her in May!
Cabra West
09-01-2006, 21:52
I worked for IBM out in Damastownfor a while, then out in Jabil in Clonshaugh, then went back to college in Maynooth. Fave hang out spot: Epicurean foodhall on Middle Abbey St.! I used to have a friend who lived in Cabra, I went to college with her in May!

Sometimes I can't help feeling that Dublin is a very small place indeed. I'm working in Ballycoolin, and guess for what company.
I love the Epicurean foodhall, the only place in town where you can get decent Doener Kebab :D
09-01-2006, 22:02
Sometimes I can't help feeling that Dublin is a very small place indeed. I'm working in Ballycoolin, and guess for what company.
I love the Epicurean foodhall, the only place in town where you can get decent Doener Kebab :D

Have to say, I like the indian place, even though I've seen those guys stick their fingers in to taste the food, and it's not pretty. The french patisserie is fantastic if you get there early, and great for the freebies close to closing time. Never actually been out around Ballycoolin Ind Est. All I know is 3M, which you could see from the road. I think 3M was in there at least...
Cabra West
09-01-2006, 22:06
Have to say, I like the indian place, even though I've seen those guys stick their fingers in to taste the food, and it's not pretty. The french patisserie is fantastic if you get there early, and great for the freebies close to closing time. Never actually been out around Ballycoolin Ind Est. All I know is 3M, which you could see from the road. I think 3M was in there at least...

Not there any more. Most of the buildings are now Symantec (3), one's Xerox, one's IBM. Oh, and one's Creative.
I have to admit that being from Germany, I was so thrilled to get some halfway decent Doener Kebab there that I didn't really try many of the others yet.
What made you go to Arlington, then?

On second thought, I think we're hijacking. Why don't you just TG me?
09-01-2006, 22:16
Not there any more. Most of the buildings are now Symantec (3), one's Xerox, one's IBM. Oh, and one's Creative.
I have to admit that being from Germany, I was so thrilled to get some halfway decent Doener Kebab there that I didn't really try many of the others yet.
What made you go to Arlington, then?

On second thought, I think we're hijacking. Why don't you just TG me?

Willdo, give me a couple of minutes to find you, my computer's a little slow!
09-01-2006, 22:42
What hurts the most? I'd say what happened to Nguz Karl-i-Bond. He had a metal tube inserted in his penile shaft, which introduced hot air currents, causing the blood vessels to rupture. And, at the exact same time this was happening, electrical shocks were applied to his testicles. Ouch.