Chiropractics: Real Doctors of Quacks?
What does everyone here think?
Bodies Without Organs
06-01-2006, 03:44
What does everyone here think?
Personally, I didn't understand the question - Chiropractics: Real Doctors of Quacks? - did you mean to type 'Veterinarians Specialising In Aquatic Avian Care' instead of 'Chiropractics'?
The Elder Malaclypse
06-01-2006, 03:51
Personally, I didn't understand the question - Chiropractics: Real Doctors of Quacks? - did you mean to type 'Veterinarians Specialising In Aquatic Avian Care' instead of 'Chiropractics'?
I though I didn't understand the question, but it turns out I don't understand a whole lot more...
Personally, I didn't understand the question - Chiropractics: Real Doctors of Quacks? - did you mean to type 'Veterinarians Specialising In Aquatic Avian Care' instead of 'Chiropractics'?
Okay, maybe I'm one of those people who couldn't see sarcasm if it was on the bumper of the truck that just ran me over, but . . .
what in the blue states did you just say?
Unless they have a medical degree and licence, they are not medical doctors. Of birds or whatever (ok, ok, we know what you meant.)
Damnit, it should be 'Or quacks" not of quacks.
Damnit, it should be 'Or quacks" not of quacks.
You can edit it, you know.
06-01-2006, 04:02
God there are some dumb people here.:p
I'm pretty sure he meant Chiropractors - Real Doctors or Quacks, as in doctors who specialize in adjustments of the spine - are they actual doctors or quacks.
EDIT - beaten to it.
The Emperor Fenix
06-01-2006, 04:04
A healthy mixture of both.
To create a chiropractor you must take a pinch of shaky medical knowledge and a pinch of open minded enquiry, mix in some positive influence over the patient and bake for thirty minutes.
Careful for over cooking or you may blcken the heart of the chiropractor, leading to baseless chakanery and exploitation of the susceptable people in their care. Though this is an inherant problem with all people in the "medical" profession.
Bodies Without Organs
06-01-2006, 04:04
God there are some dumb people here.:p
Therein lies the problem: if I was to react to everything I saw on NS by stopping to think '...well that's just insane, what they must really be trying to say is this...', then I would end up missing the gems of A-grade idiocy in which this place specialises.
You can edit it, you know.
Yeah, that post was mearly there to let people know I finally understood what they were saying.
EDIT: Is there a way to edit the post title? I thought I did it, but apparently it only changed the title on the original post--not in the actual forum. . .
06-01-2006, 04:25
its a scary combination of both
i know people who swear by their chiropractor and ive seen some pretty bad quackery advertised by chiropractors
i wouldnt go to one unless my physician or physical therapist recommended it.
Galactic Gargleblaster
06-01-2006, 04:37
It's been demonstrated pretty strongly that whatever-it-is that chiropractors actually do, it works better at relieving back pain than whatever medical doctors do. "Works better", in the American lawsuit against medical doctors which cracked the AMA ban on chiropractic 20 years ago, means: a cheaper cure, a more likely cure, and a cure within less time, and a better result (for those whose problems are incurable).
If you place any faith or trust in the United States' Federal judiciary, you got back pain, and also you don't want it anymore, it would seem to be in your best interest to choose whatever method will be more effective. Whether the particular belief(s) or knowledge(s) of any particular chiropractor *amuses* you or not, or seems to walk and talk like a duck; it doesn't swim like a duck, and she will get you better.
06-01-2006, 15:08
Chiropractors can be of use, but it depends on problem.
If the problem is not based on the skeletal system, it usually does not work.
SPinal problems are usually helped, but it depends on the problem
What does everyone here think?
People here think? I thought they just copied-and-pasted opinions from dangerously left-wing/right-wing (delete as applicable) websites.
It's been demonstrated pretty strongly that whatever-it-is that chiropractors actually do, it works better at relieving back pain than whatever medical doctors do. "Works better", in the American lawsuit against medical doctors which cracked the AMA ban on chiropractic 20 years ago, means: a cheaper cure, a more likely cure, and a cure within less time, and a better result (for those whose problems are incurable).
If you place any faith or trust in the United States' Federal judiciary, you got back pain, and also you don't want it anymore, it would seem to be in your best interest to choose whatever method will be more effective. Whether the particular belief(s) or knowledge(s) of any particular chiropractor *amuses* you or not, or seems to walk and talk like a duck; it doesn't swim like a duck, and she will get you better.Unless, of course, you actually have a herniated disc, and then the "adjustments" are very likely going to make the problem worse ultimately leading to surgery and chronic pain. Seeing a chiropractic-friendly physician first is probably an excellent idea.
Getting medical advice from the federal judiciary is like getting legal advice from your plumber... it smells like shit and can be quite costly.
06-01-2006, 18:22
Chiropractors can do you some good with relieving muscle and bone pain in the back via manipulation, and most doctors will actually agree with me there. The problem is when they try to claim anything more than that - and that's when they're scumbag lying scammers trying to steal your money.
I like to think of them as specialist maseuses -and a good massage can really make you feel good.
06-01-2006, 19:10
Chiropracty is good medicine.
The Black Forrest
06-01-2006, 19:18
I used to view it as quackery. Until my daughter tried to launch off my chest so it was either screw up my back or drop her. I tried to tough it with drugs. Then she did it again.
I went in walking like I was 90 and after a few adjustments I walked out like I had a muscle pull.
My lower back had issues for a long time. Now it's rock solid.
Now of I went to my doc he would have only prescribed me drugs. Hmpf? Seems Docs are dealing for the Pharmies these days. ;)
Chiropractics is good stuff! :D