NationStates Jolt Archive

Fred Phelps fan is far too friendly

Drunk commies deleted
05-01-2006, 20:08
An anti-gay preacher was arrested in Oklahomo for propositioning an undercover male police officer. This raises a weird question. Is it illegal for gays to make passes at guys in Oklahoma?
05-01-2006, 20:10
Har Har Har. It's really sad how many anti-gays turn out to be gay.
05-01-2006, 20:20
Har Har Har. It's really sad how many anti-gays turn out to be gay.
Yeah, it's not even news any more. Everybody knows that any man who uses the word "faggots" is a closet case, and that any priest who screams about "the gays" is probably feeling up little boys in the cloak room. Why do they even bother?