NationStates Jolt Archive

What was your venture into the unknown?

Dark Shadowy Nexus
05-01-2006, 08:08
I'll go first cuase I made this thread :mp5: :sniper: :gundge:

When I was in 6th grade I went with my mom to a healing ministry at the Spencer Grange in Spencer NY. While I was there I got to thinking about my younger sister who was waiting for a phone call for my older sister who was baby sitting next door. I get this Idea in my head that I'd look in on her only not in the natural sense. So I'm playing around in my head imaging all the sights I'd see if I was heading back to the apartment setting up links from the apartment to the Spencer Grange. Some time during the praise and worship session I start to see this vision of a unkown young girl who is spooked standing in the middle of what seems to be a living room. Time goes by the vision disapears and I write of the vision to my wild imagination. Some three days later my younger sister tells me how she saw a ghost in the living room and she just stood there immobilized with fear.

My second experience was while I was at the bank filling out some odd bank form. While I'm facing away from the bank door I start to feel fear only this fear was well recognised as not my own. So I look about the bank to determine where the fear was comming from and I see the assistant manager of the Nice N Easy convient store clutching the deposit bag she always feared taking to the bank ( she thought she'd get mugged for it or something ).
Grainne Ni Malley
05-01-2006, 08:26
My first experience that I can remember was when I was visting an out-of-town friend around the age of six or seven. I had a dream about a girl our age coming out of a shabby looking trailer holding a doll and asking her mom if she could have the doll. The next day I went with my friend and her mom to deliver some food to a lady and, sure enough, a little girl came out of this woman's trailer holding a doll and asked if she could have it.

Another would be the Shadow People. I drew a picture in high school, never having heard of them. This ( is a rough copy of the drawing I did (I'm no expert with this paint program, but I lost the original a long time ago). I used to "joke" about seeing them because I always thought it was my imagination as it was more of a sense than an actual vision. It wasn't until later that I came across people with similar experiences. Since then, I've looked them up on the internet and have found some startling depictions that were very close to my own.

I saw a bright tiny orb fly around me one summer day while I was sitting outside. I still have no explanation for it, but I like to think it was a fairy. There's more, but those are a few examples.
The Artful Dodgers
05-01-2006, 08:39
When I was younger, I had several experiences when I dreamed or had a vision and it happened later, but it was mostly trivial events. I still get an odd sensation that I saw something before now and again.

When I was in 6th grade I went with my mom to a healing ministry at the Spencer Grange in Spencer NY. While I was there I got to thinking about my younger sister who was waiting for a phone call for my older sister who was baby sitting next door. I get this Idea in my head that I'd look in on her only not in the natural sense. So I'm playing around in my head imaging all the sights I'd see if I was heading back to the apartment setting up links from the apartment to the Spencer Grange. Some time during the praise and worship session I start to see this vision of a unkown young girl who is spooked standing in the middle of what seems to be a living room. Time goes by the vision disapears and I write of the vision to my wild imagination. Some three days later my younger sister tells me how she saw a ghost in the living room and she just stood there immobilized with fear.

This doesn't look good. I take the impression that you're a Christain; it may be a good idea to talk to your pastor/priest/whatever about this.
05-01-2006, 09:17
This doesn't look good. I take the impression that you're a Christain; it may be a good idea to talk to your pastor/priest/whatever about this.

I don't know. I'd rather like mystical powers.

I, being of the scientific nature, have never had any experiences that were able to escape my cynicism. Shame.
Of the council of clan
05-01-2006, 09:27
Joining the army

Dumb, dumb, dumb mistake.

I have this whole civic service thing where I truley want to help people and make other peoples lives better. Thats why i want to be a cop and what do I end up doing, joining the GODDAMN army national guard for college money and volunteering, yes i said I VOLUNFUCKINGTEERED to go on a deployment to virgina. What do i get out of it, I killed my motivation to be a better soldier, started smoking for the first time in my life, and see how people geniunely SUCK.

The human race is a Narcing, backstabbing group of Assholes.
Dark Shadowy Nexus
05-01-2006, 11:32
Joining the army

Dumb, dumb, dumb mistake.

I have this whole civic service thing where I truley want to help people and make other peoples lives better. Thats why i want to be a cop and what do I end up doing, joining the GODDAMN army national guard for college money and volunteering, yes i said I VOLUNFUCKINGTEERED to go on a deployment to virgina. What do i get out of it, I killed my motivation to be a better soldier, started smoking for the first time in my life, and see how people geniunely SUCK.

The human race is a Narcing, backstabbing group of Assholes.

Man that is worse than playing with voodoo dolls, ouji boards, or reading Harry Potter. You shouldn't dabble into accult things like that.
Dark Shadowy Nexus
05-01-2006, 11:35
When I was younger, I had several experiences when I dreamed or had a vision and it happened later, but it was mostly trivial events. I still get an odd sensation that I saw something before now and again.

This doesn't look good. I take the impression that you're a Christain; it may be a good idea to talk to your pastor/priest/whatever about this.

I was a Christian. Since the time I have left the faith of come to think of Christianity as no more real than volcano worship with all the feeding virgins to the hungery volcano thing going on.

As a matter of fact this dabbling thing has my interest and I see no point in abstaining from it.
Lunatic Goofballs
05-01-2006, 12:39
I never wore my seatbelt. I didn't believe in seatbelts, and if a policeman ticketed me, I was prepared to fight that ticket to the bitter end. To this day, I honestly believe that seatbelt laws are an unconstitutional violation of right to liberty.

However, one night I was following a friend to a party at another friend's house. I don't know why I decided to put my seatbelt on that night. To be honest, I didn't give it much thought. About 30 minutes into driving, I fall asleep at the wheel and I hit a telephone pole doing better than 50 miles per hour. Despite the fact that my car (A Geo Prism) was totaled, and I literally knocked the engine off the frame, I walked away from that accident with nothing more than a mild bruise on my chest from the seatbelt. I'm convinced that seatbelt saved my life that night. I always wear my seatbelt now(though I still believe it shouldn't be a law.).
Dark Shadowy Nexus
05-01-2006, 13:07
I never wore my seatbelt. I didn't believe in seatbelts, and if a policeman tickete me, I was prepaed to fight that ticket to the bitter end. To this day, I honestly believe that seatbelt laws are an unconstitutional violation of right to liberty.

However, one night I was following a friend to a party at another friend's house. I don't know why I decided to put my seatbelt on that night. To be honest, I didn't give it much thought. About 30 minutes into driving, I fall asleep at the wheel and I hit a telephone pole doing better than 50 miles per hour. Despie the fact that my car (A Geo Prism) was totaled, and I literally knocked the engine off the frame, I walked away from that accident with nothing moe than a mild bruise on my chest form the seatbelt. I'm convinced that seatbelt saved my life that night. I always wear my seatbelt now(though I still believe it shouldn't be a law.).

That is Trully bizare. Thanks for sharing
Dark Shadowy Nexus
05-01-2006, 20:44
What no one one has seen or heard anything wierd or bizare that they couldn't explain.

Please share your stories of psychic intuition, ghost sightings, or any other "parnormaol" or all most paranormal story.