Stephen Harper to Paul Martin: Pwned
[NS]Canada City
04-01-2006, 19:20
Best quote in the article
"What I would just point out is that the era Mr. Martin talks about — 1995 — was the era when he was cutting employment insurance, cutting health care, cutting education, cutting all the vital social programs of Canadians," said Harper.
"So if he wants to talk about that era, that's his business. I prefer to talk about 2005. But if he wants to talk about the other era, he's got a lot of explaining to do."
Stephen Harper isn't the same guy you knew in 2004. He actually has a bit of personality now.
I agree, but I doubt most people on this board will. Harper is a conservative so automatically he is hated here.
04-01-2006, 19:30
No wonder he doesn't want to look bck at bygone eras other than the Liberal one because if he looked back further, he'd be massively pwn'd due to Conservative stupidity.
04-01-2006, 19:38
I don't see how Paul Martin doing things that could have been taken right out of the conservative party's platform is an argument for either of them.
If anything, it reinforces my opinion that neither of them is fit to rule our country.
[NS]Canada City
04-01-2006, 19:41
I don't see how Paul Martin doing things that could have been taken right out of the conservative party's platform is an argument for either of them.
The point is Liberals are trying to use their past as a platform today. In other words, they are acting like Kerry who used his purple hearts and Vietnam and build his own platform on that.
Maybe liberals did a few nice things 10 years ago, maybe not. But shouldn't the point of a campaign be telling your plan of the future, not your resume of the past?
[NS]Canada City
04-01-2006, 19:44
No wonder he doesn't want to look bck at bygone eras other than the Liberal one because if he looked back further, he'd be massively pwn'd due to Conservative stupidity.
What does the past have to do with the elections regarding the future of Canada?
I so hope the tories win...i want to stick it in my colleges face!
04-01-2006, 19:58
Canada City']The point is Liberals are trying to use their past as a platform today. In other words, they are acting like Kerry who used his purple hearts and Vietnam and build his own platform on that.
Maybe liberals did a few nice things 10 years ago, maybe not. But shouldn't the point of a campaign be telling your plan of the future, not your resume of the past?
Holy Have-My-Cake-And-Eat-It-Too Batman!!!!!
It's the Conservatives that made this about the past regarding the Liberal Party. You remember, that whole "Culture of Corruption" slogan that got tossed around!
So, if you DO care about the bast when it comes to the bad things, you have to accept the good things being brought out to balance it.
If you DON'T want to discuss the past, then the Conservatives have to shut the hell up about Adscam.
But they don;t want to.
But anyone like Hapless who a) wants to mention adscam every five minutes but also b) want to complain about people living in the past when there is any talk about things like a record of balanced budgets, lowering taxes, and lowering unemployment can kiss my ass.
Oh, and how anyone can possibly equate Kerry's talking about an unrelated issue (Vietnam) to a polititian actually using their past POLITICAL record in a campaign is frickin' hilarious.
Since clearly you have forgotten, it WAS Kerry's POLITICAL past that sunk him as much as his military history. That whole "Flip-flopper" label he got tarred with.
So if you want to REALLY channel Kerry into in this specific case, how about this:
Harper voted FOR bringing up the past in this campaign, but now he is voting AGAINST it!