Sleepless in <insert hometown>
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 02:39
Argh, I'm sick of this. For that last 3 months, I haven't fallen asleep earlier than 2am. Two of those three months involved me fairly consistently getting up at 8am. Just lately, it's been getting worse - if I went to bed now, I wouldn't fall asleep until around four. It doesn't matter so much right now (I can make up for it in the daytime) but when I go back to uni I have exams, and I don't want to be comatose when I need to be alert.
Has anyone had any experience with Insomnia or similar? Can anyone suggest some remedy that I can easily obtain/action I can perform that will help me sleep earlier?
04-01-2006, 02:42
For the past two weeks I havent fallen asleep before 3am because it is Christmas Break.
04-01-2006, 02:43
Argh, I'm sick of this. For that last 3 months, I haven't fallen asleep earlier than 2am. Two of those three months involved me fairly consistently getting up at 8am. Just lately, it's been getting worse - if I went to bed now, I wouldn't fall asleep until around four. It doesn't matter so much right now (I can make up for it in the daytime) but when I go back to uni I have exams, and I don't want to be comatose when I need to be alert.
Has anyone had any experience with Insomnia or similar? Can anyone suggest some remedy that I can easily obtain/action I can perform that will help me sleep earlier?
How about a ball-peen hammer and some dramamine? Works wonders.
04-01-2006, 02:43
Argh, I'm sick of this. For that last 3 months, I haven't fallen asleep earlier than 2am. Two of those three months involved me fairly consistently getting up at 8am. Just lately, it's been getting worse - if I went to bed now, I wouldn't fall asleep until around four. It doesn't matter so much right now (I can make up for it in the daytime) but when I go back to uni I have exams, and I don't want to be comatose when I need to be alert.
Has anyone had any experience with Insomnia or similar? Can anyone suggest some remedy that I can easily obtain/action I can perform that will help me sleep earlier?
I don't think anything exists that can properly fight the symptoms of insomnia without prescription, and even that's not foolproof, seldom recommended for longterm trouble, and doesn't help the cause of your insomnia.
Causes of insomnia include nutritional imbalance, chemical imbalance, psychological pressures, and brain disease - find out which one's your cause and try to fix it! :p
04-01-2006, 02:45
Yeah...i didnt sleep for about 13 months. They tried Ambien on me and it worked for a few days, but then back to no sleep. I finally tried my own experiments and in the end I started drinking hot tea with Valarian in it about 3 times a day. Then I stayed up for about 5 days straight with absolutely no sleep and when I was finally tired, I went to bed at 9pm and got up at 5 am. Somehow, I got myself on that schedule by staying up for so long. Some sort of shock to my sleep habits so to speak.
04-01-2006, 02:46
Argh, I'm sick of this. For that last 3 months, I haven't fallen asleep earlier than 2am. Two of those three months involved me fairly consistently getting up at 8am. Just lately, it's been getting worse - if I went to bed now, I wouldn't fall asleep until around four. It doesn't matter so much right now (I can make up for it in the daytime) but when I go back to uni I have exams, and I don't want to be comatose when I need to be alert.
Same here. I usually won't fall asleep till four, and often till around six. I compensate by sleeping and extra four hours during the day.
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 02:48
Elgesh']Causes of insomnia include nutritional imbalance, chemical imbalance, psychological pressures, and brain disease - find out which one's your cause and try to fix it! :p
I can guess which is mine, but I can't change the circumstances, so...
04-01-2006, 02:49
I can guess which is mine, but I can't change the circumstances, so...
Drunken insomnia is not something you want. Try weed, if you swing that way.
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 02:50
Drunken insomnia is not something you want. Try weed, if you swing that way.
Yeah. I find that it's the same as sleeping pills though - it's like sleeping without having slept at all.
04-01-2006, 02:50
the doctor told me that alcohol increases the effects of in the pints for H2O or decaf tea?
what works for me is putting on some classical music, but the trick is to keep the volume just above what you can barely hear.
04-01-2006, 02:52
I can guess which is mine, but I can't change the circumstances, so...
Change your coping strategy? Alter the way you think about the cause, or get support for it socially (telling-a-friend, getting sympathy, even sometimes help is our version of apes grooming each other - weird buut it helps!), or, finally, yes, giving yourself 'treats', distracting yourself(smoking/drinking/drugs/shopping/eating etc etc) is a way to help, in the shortterm anyway. And of course alcohol's a depressant, so it mighht help there too.
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 02:53
the doctor told me that alcohol increases the effects of in the pints for H2O or decaf tea?
Heh. That might be enforced as I run out of money :rolleyes:
what works for me is putting on some classical music, but the trick is to keep the volume just above what you can barely hear.
I do that with the radio at the moment, although more because I like a little noise wherever I am. I'll turn it down more - perhaps the volume was keeping me up a little longer than necessary.
04-01-2006, 02:56
what works for me is putting on some classical music, but the trick is to keep the volume just above what you can barely hear.
yes that does work. the thing is, we think its turned down low when we intially lay down. but our ears adjust to the quiet of the night so after a few minutes of laying down, perhaps turn it down just a bit more to achieve just the right zzzzzzzzzz volume.
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 02:58
Elgesh']Change your coping strategy? Alter the way you think about the cause, or get support for it socially (telling-a-friend, getting sympathy, even sometimes help is our version of apes grooming each other - weird buut it helps!), or, finally, yes, giving yourself 'treats', distracting yourself(smoking/drinking/drugs/shopping/eating etc etc) is a way to help, in the shortterm anyway. And of course alcohol's a depressant, so it mighht help there too.
Heh. My coping stategy used to be sleeping to stop the stress. Oh, the delicious irony.
04-01-2006, 03:05
Heh. My coping stategy used to be sleeping to stop the stress. Oh, the delicious irony.
Heh! Oh well - I'd recommend cognitive therapy (changing the way you view the stressors, make sure you're not 'awfulising' the situation; you can do this yourself if you read up a little on it - not right now, mibbe!), and bitching sessions with like minded folk :)
04-01-2006, 03:08
i think Tribes just needs a good old the states i think. a week here and you will sleep like a baby when you get home.
Ever since I moved to where I am now (a month ago) I've been having a similar problem. Well, I've been on medication for insomnia for 3 years or so, but moving here (Quite a difference, Toronto to Newfoundland, so quite a massive difference in environment, pollution, etc.) screwed it up. It worked for a few nights, but then it lost effectiveness, so I went off it for a week, then went back on because it was worse without, but unless I took enough to knock out a horse, it wouldn't help me get to sleep 'early' at this point.
If you find something not listed in this thread, do share. X.x;; Only workable suggestions I've seen in here were the music, but I have quiet background noise all night and it does nada to put me to sleep, and the valerian tea, although my mom has the same problem and it was hard enough to find a store that sold it in Ontario, let alone in Newfoundland, AKA the biggest small town in the world. >.<;
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 03:09
Well, I can certainly bitch...:p
I'll give it a try - I'll look up something about it tomorrow. Really, this thread was a sort of vain hope that someone would say "Insomnia? No problem! Take a paracetamol!" or similar. This is fine advice though, and I'll be looking into all of it more than I have.
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 03:11
i think Tribes just needs a good old the states i think. a week here and you will sleep like a baby when you get home.
I want ot fall asleep because I'm tired, Peechy, not because I'm shagged out (pun very much intended) :p
04-01-2006, 03:13
Well, I can certainly bitch...:p
I'll give it a try - I'll look up something about it tomorrow. Really, this thread was a sort of vain hope that someone would say "Insomnia? No problem! Take a paracetamol!" or similar. This is fine advice though, and I'll be looking into all of it more than I have.
Most stuff that does seem to work - often only for a time - is courtesy of the placebo effect :( Good luck on the reading-up-on-cognitive therapy for destressing, hope you get some sleep soon!
Oh, one other thing... you might try to read Steven King's 'Insomnia' - not a bad read, loads of 'cures' for insomnia mentioned (hey, one of them might work!), and it's not full on horror, more 'speculative fiction'. Worth checking out if all else fails:D
04-01-2006, 03:15
I want ot fall asleep because I'm tired, Peechy, not because I'm shagged out (pun very much intended) :p
well fiddlesticks......;)
and thats about the 4th time ive seen that drug paracetameteltol or must be popular over there. whats it prescribed for and whats it do? aside from knock ones knickers off i assume?
LOL @Elgesh
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 03:16
You may know it as acetaminophen...
04-01-2006, 03:16
well fiddlesticks......;)
and thats about the 4th time ive seen that drug paracetameteltol or must be popular over there. whats it prescribed for and whats it do? aside from knock ones knickers off i assume?
paracetamol = mild painkiller, like aspiran - no prescription required!
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 03:18
lol. Peech's raw sexual perversity must be screwing up NS :D
04-01-2006, 03:19
You may know it as acetaminophen...
are you serious?? pfft....thats like taking candy,. i thought i saw something where someone was concerned cause they took too many on another thread. at best youll be sick as hell. but it doesnt make you sleepy if its like acetaminophen. i tell you an arsekicker....Remeron 30mg. take one of those and youll be asleep for about 3 days. ask for it by name!
Argh, I'm sick of this. For that last 3 months, I haven't fallen asleep earlier than 2am. Two of those three months involved me fairly consistently getting up at 8am. Just lately, it's been getting worse - if I went to bed now, I wouldn't fall asleep until around four. It doesn't matter so much right now (I can make up for it in the daytime) but when I go back to uni I have exams, and I don't want to be comatose when I need to be alert.
Has anyone had any experience with Insomnia or similar? Can anyone suggest some remedy that I can easily obtain/action I can perform that will help me sleep earlier?
I had this happen to me for over a year. Things got bad and I went to a doctor. It turned out I was depressed and now I'm on medicine that helps me sleep. This may sound cheesy but aromatherepy type things work really well!:confused:
04-01-2006, 03:20
lol. Peech's raw sexual perversity must be screwing up NS :D
yeah..that MUST be it. :cool:
04-01-2006, 03:21
If you find something not listed in this thread, do share.
Getting a really comfy bed. If you're able too, spend a lot of money on it. After all, you'll spend more time in it than the rest of your house.
Writing a list of things you're worried about before going to bed. This will help stop you mind racing as you try to sleep.
Take up yoga. They'll teach you how to relax your body fully.
Get lots of sunshine during the day, but none an hour or two before you sleep.
Move your bedroom. You will find it easier to fall asleep. your current bedroom may be associate in your mind with the inability to sleep
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 03:22
are you serious?? pfft....thats like taking candy,. i thought i saw something where someone was concerned cause they took too many on another thread. at best youll be sick as hell. but it doesnt make you sleepy if its like acetaminophen. i tell you an arsekicker....Remeron 30mg. take one of those and youll be asleep for about 3 days. ask for it by name!
Yeah, I was joking when I mentioned it. :p
Anyway, paracetamol can be deadly. You OD on it and don't get your stomach pumped in time, the paracetamol leads to liver failure. And I think (IIRC) that an OD, even if you get your stomach pumped just in time, can lead to some permanent liver damage.
Damned drug companies - I bet Remeron is called something different here too. Ah well, maybe I'll use quibble's idea of a hammer.
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 03:23
I had this happen to me for over a year. Things got bad and I went to a doctor. It turned out I was depressed and now I'm on medicine that helps me sleep. This may sound cheesy but aromatherepy type things work really well!:confused:
Aromatherapy? Well, my room smells already, it may as well smell nice...
04-01-2006, 03:26
speaking of comfy beds....i know everyones seen the commercial for the memory foam beds and all. i went to a bed store and tried one out (no, i just laid down on it Tribes, thats all) and i admit it was comfortable, but you cant roll over on them! its like once you lay down, youre down. i felt like i was in quicksand when i tried rolling over on to my side. it was so weird. i suggest everyone trying it so you can see the weirdness firsthand.
not that that bit-o-info is gonna help you .....sorry.
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 03:29
(no, i just laid down on it Tribes, thats all)
Why do you assume I would think anything else?
I bet you bounced on it a little, didn't you. Hmm?:p
Getting a really comfy bed. If you're able too, spend a lot of money on it. After all, you'll spend more time in it than the rest of your house.
Writing a list of things you're worried about before going to bed. This will help stop you mind racing as you try to sleep.
Take up yoga. They'll teach you how to relax your body fully.
Get lots of sunshine during the day, but none an hour or two before you sleep.
Move your bedroom. You will find it easier to fall asleep. your current bedroom may be associate in your mind with the inability to sleep
Well, eventually I'll be getting a pillow-top mattress, but for now there's really no money to go toward a decent new bed (or yoga classes/equipment) until after we, y'know, get a coffee table and stuff. (I'm sleeping on my 8-year-old cousin's old bed at the moment, although it is pretty comfy, no springs popping out or anything major, so it's not really a comfort issue, I don't think.)
It's not that I'm worried/upset about anything, or even depressed. I'm happier here than I was before we moved, that's for sure. xD
Sunshine is a bit of a problem, living this far north. And my current bedroom hasn't had time to become associated with anything for my psychologically.
Really thankful for the suggestions, though. ^^; Not much has ever worked for me, though. It'll probably take major tranqs (Yay, drug plan kicks in in March, at least that's before I start uni up here) or something similar to get me back into a healthy sleep pattern.
04-01-2006, 03:37
Check out the University societies. You should be able to get free or cheap-ass classes on yoga.
04-01-2006, 03:39
Aromatherapy? Well, my room smells already, it may as well smell nice...
Lavander's a chemically harmless soporific, I think? Of course, a lot of folk'll think you're gay, but that's why I used a qualifier for 'harmless'...:D
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 03:41
Elgesh']Lavander's a chemically harmless soporific, I think? Of course, a lot of folk'll think you're gay, but that's why I used a qualifier for 'harmless'...:D
Bleh, I already go to University in the City with the biggest gay community in the UK. Lavender will just tip opinions :p
Anyway, girl's might like it better than eau de sock that seems to be the in-fragrance this season...
04-01-2006, 03:43
Bleh, I already go to University in the City with the biggest gay community in the UK. Lavender will just tip opinions :p
Anyway, girl's might like it better than eau de sock that seems to be the in-fragrance this season...
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 03:44
Anyway, I'm off to attempt to sleep, perchance to dream...
Keep the good stuff coming, though, I'll probably be back in a couple of hours. ;)
04-01-2006, 03:45
Bleh, I already go to University in the City with the biggest gay community in the UK. Lavender will just tip opinions :p
Anyway, girl's might like it better than eau de sock that seems to be the in-fragrance this season...
as a woman, im gonna go out on a limb and say ix-nay on the Lavendar. try something minty...or cinnamony. they say cinnamon is supposedly alluring. and a bit less fem than lavendar
Pure Metal
04-01-2006, 03:47
Argh, I'm sick of this. For that last 3 months, I haven't fallen asleep earlier than 2am. Two of those three months involved me fairly consistently getting up at 8am. Just lately, it's been getting worse - if I went to bed now, I wouldn't fall asleep until around four. It doesn't matter so much right now (I can make up for it in the daytime) but when I go back to uni I have exams, and I don't want to be comatose when I need to be alert.
Has anyone had any experience with Insomnia or similar? Can anyone suggest some remedy that I can easily obtain/action I can perform that will help me sleep earlier?
i used to have the same and my remedies ranged from nytol to smoking a fat spliff and having some beers. or just putting up with it at uni.
*looks at clock* ok so i still have it. just generally tired most of the day. if you can't sleep maybe you need to do more during the day cos you're not tried, maybe
04-01-2006, 03:48
as a woman, im gonna go out on a limb and say ix-nay on the Lavendar. try something minty...or cinnamony. they say cinnamon is supposedly alluring. and a bit less fem than lavendar
Maybe he could _spray_ cinnamon, but _snort_ lavendar? That'd get him sleepy and sexy, yes?
04-01-2006, 03:54
Elgesh']Maybe he could _spray_ cinnamon, but _snort_ lavendar? That'd get him sleepy and sexy, yes?
haha....who knows? could be the drug of the future.
"hey gimmie a dime bag of lavendar....and uh...lace it wit some cinnamon"
04-01-2006, 04:00
I have been having insomnia for about 2 months now, I talked to my doctor today and he wants me to ween myself off of caffiene. If after 3 weeks that doesn't help he will give me a script for a non-narcotic sleeping pill.
I would suggest, trying to limit caffiene, and make sure your room is dark, don't just lay in bed awake either, get up and do something (clean house, listen to music ect.) Laying in bed thinking about how you aren't sleeping yet, is always a bad idea.
*goes back to drinking de-caf tea*
Pure Metal
04-01-2006, 04:00
haha....who knows? could be the drug of the future.
"hey gimmie a dime bag of lavendar....and uh...lace it wit some cinnamon"
hehe i once sold this prat at school a bag of chalk dust for a fiver.
he was not amused :p
(and i was a good boy and gave him the money back... still funny though :D)
San Texario
04-01-2006, 04:09
I also can't help being up until ungodly hours of the night only to get 5 hours tops of sleep. My key to waking up is moving my alarm clock regularly and always in a difficult place so i have to really wake up. Then I have a hot shower and a gatorade, and I'm awake by second period.
04-01-2006, 04:12
I also can't help being up until ungodly hours of the night only to get 5 hours tops of sleep. My key to waking up is moving my alarm clock regularly and always in a difficult place so i have to really wake up. Then I have a hot shower and a gatorade, and I'm awake by second period.
My alarm is in my bathroom. Otherwise I'll get up, turn it off and be back in bed in such a short space of time that I won't even remember doing it.
Pure Metal
04-01-2006, 05:26
Argh, I'm sick of this. For that last 3 months, I haven't fallen asleep earlier than 2am. Two of those three months involved me fairly consistently getting up at 8am. Just lately, it's been getting worse - if I went to bed now, I wouldn't fall asleep until around four. It doesn't matter so much right now (I can make up for it in the daytime) but when I go back to uni I have exams, and I don't want to be comatose when I need to be alert.
Has anyone had any experience with Insomnia or similar? Can anyone suggest some remedy that I can easily obtain/action I can perform that will help me sleep earlier?
you went to bed/signed out of msn hours ago you wuss :p
real insomniacs stay up till 4 ;) :D
04-01-2006, 05:30
you went to bed/signed out of msn hours ago you wuss :p
real insomniacs stay up till 4 ;) :D
Tsk, It's half-four here and I don't even feel the slightest bit sleepy.
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 18:10
you went to bed/signed out of msn hours ago you wuss :p
real insomniacs stay up till 4 ;) :D
Oh don't worry, I only got to sleep around 5.
Admittedly, I then woke up at 3pm....
04-01-2006, 18:17
Sleepless in Southam, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
04-01-2006, 18:18
I've just learnt to cope on little sleep, somehow or another. Meh - even when I do get lots of sleep, I''m still fairly shattered.
I've been to the doctor and they just come up with the usual advice. I've tried everything I've been reccomended and they don't help me. Sleeping pills did kinda work (in that they made my sleep half decent; I didn't get to sleep any earlier/quicker), but the side effects I got weren't worth it.
Sorry to not read the thread properly first, but if you haven't tried sleeping pills, they could be the answer for you. Exercise or just going for a walk can help sometimes as well. It's also a good idea to not go from the computer/tv straight to bed....
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 18:22
I've just learnt to cope on little sleep, somehow or another. Meh - even when I do get lots of sleep, I''m still fairly shattered.
I've been to the doctor and they just come up with the usual advice. I've tried everything I've been reccomended and they don't help me. Sleeping pills did kinda work (in that they made my sleep half decent; I didn't get to sleep any earlier/quicker), but the side effects I got weren't worth it.
Sorry to not read the thread properly first, but if you haven't tried sleeping pills, they could be the answer for you. Exercise or just going for a walk can help sometimes as well. It's also a good idea to not go from the computer/tv straight to bed....
I took something for my sleep when I was alot younger. They never worked, and eventually I adjusted to lacking sleep then. Until I keeled over at school one day.
Hopefully, that won't happen again.
Pure Metal
04-01-2006, 18:30
Sleepless in Southam, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
bored as shit in Southampton, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
and really really longing to be with Amy :-(
04-01-2006, 18:45
Running, or some other physical activity earlier in the day always helps me sleep. If I don't run I'm tired all day but don't get to sleep until 3am at the earliest, but if I run I'm in bed by 11pm and not really tired all day.
04-01-2006, 18:53
bored as shit in Southampton, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
and really really longing to be with Amy :-( boring is what boring does ;)
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 18:54
bored as shit in Southampton, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
and really really longing to be with Amy :-(
Heh. Do something constructive man!
And don't rub it in, at least you've got someone you bastard :-(
04-01-2006, 21:43
(sodium) gamma hydroxy butyrate is a good sleeping aid. as with other drugs, dont overdose or mix.
see also
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 21:59
(sodium) gamma hydroxy butyrate is a good sleeping aid. as with other drugs, dont overdose or mix.
see also
Hmm, liquid Gold...that's another one on my list of experiments. Not sure about that one...
04-01-2006, 22:05
Didn't sleep last night. Finally felt tired around 8:00 am. Laid down. Woke up at 3:30 pm. Great. a) I had errands I needed to do today b) Now I won't fall asleep at a decent hour tonight, and it'll start all over again. Insomnia's a chronic problem for me. Like for about the last 25 years. Today was just worse than usual.
San Texario
04-01-2006, 22:09
My alarm is in my bathroom. Otherwise I'll get up, turn it off and be back in bed in such a short space of time that I won't even remember doing it.
Yeah. I also hide it behind things too, as that same thing happens to me. And it also gets really loud if I leave it too long. And when I wake up I remember to turn on my lights which is a nice waker-upper.
Fetus Murder
04-01-2006, 22:10
Sleepless in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. Which is strange because Brampton is the world's most boring place.
04-01-2006, 22:28
Sleepless in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. Which is strange because Brampton is the world's most boring place.
No it isn't. Most boring place in Canada, maybe But Bangor, Maine has got it beat.
04-01-2006, 22:34
So did you get any sleep last night Tribes? I didnt cause I was upset that my thread got shuffled off to the khaki brown forum. I guess the mods arent as happy to see me come back as the rest of you are. I knew I should have slept with Max Barry.
So did you get any sleep last night Tribes? I didnt cause I was upset that my thread got shuffled off to the khaki brown forum. I guess the mods arent as happy to see me come back as the rest of you are. I knew I should have slept with Max Barry.
awww... * :fluffle: to peechland.*
and I am rather curious if Tribes did get any sleep.
04-01-2006, 22:43
awww... * :fluffle: to peechland.*
and I am rather curious if Tribes did get any sleep.
thanks sweetheart:fluffle:
I have to admit....after reading this thread, I had trouble sleeping. I took a hot bath with some Bath & Body Works smelly good stuff and soaked for a bit. Then I laid there and played the electronic 20 Questions game thingy I have. That thing always helps put me out. Maybe I should send Tribes one.
thanks sweetheart:fluffle:
I have to admit....after reading this thread, I had trouble sleeping. I took a hot bath with some Bath & Body Works smelly good stuff and soaked for a bit. Then I laid there and played the electronic 20 Questions game thingy I have. That thing always helps put me out. Maybe I should send Tribes one.
that is an Ebil device...
(Try Plankton... it's common, right?)
The Tribes Of Longton
04-01-2006, 23:00
Heh. I got some sleep - I got plenty of sleep, in fact - but not only did I only get to sleep at 5am (unacceptable tbh), I was shattered when I woke up. I'm only just properly awake now. Since my alternatives are beginning to look like 'take some GHB', I think I could do with that 20 questions game.
Ah, I forgot to mention it yesterday; At the moment I'm spending less time outside the house than normal e.g. I was outside for a grand total of probably half an hour today. I'm still exercising, it's just limited more to upper body exercise.