The Number Phi.
Ok so i recently have began reading the da vinci code(suprisingly i like it) and i read about the number phi. Now i have googled it and have not got too much info on it..So can anyone tell me more about it. And also since i believe it is said to be present so much in nature and so forth(even in space on source said), does that reinforce Intelligent design. I would think it gives strong support. I mean if so many things in nature were exactly proptionate to this number, wouldn't that be a little more than evolutionary coincidence?
New Heathengrad
28-12-2005, 20:26
Ok so i recently have began reading the da vinci code(suprisingly i like it) and i read about the number phi. Now i have googled it and have not got too much info on it..So can anyone tell me more about it. And also since i believe it is said to be present so much in nature and so forth(even in space on source said), does that reinforce Intelligent design. I would think it gives strong support. I mean if so many things in nature were exactly proptionate to this number, wouldn't that be a little more than evolutionary coincidence?
Ok so i recently have began reading the da vinci code(suprisingly i like it) and i read about the number phi. Now i have googled it and have not got too much info on it..So can anyone tell me more about it. And also since i believe it is said to be present so much in nature and so forth(even in space on source said), does that reinforce Intelligent design. I would think it gives strong support. I mean if so many things in nature were exactly proptionate to this number, wouldn't that be a little more than evolutionary coincidence?
Phi occurs in nature where it is the mathematically optimal solution to a problem (such as the packing of seeds). We'd expect evolution to converge on this solution (many times over). On the other hand, a creator wouldn't need to worry about the best solution and could put any ratio they'd like.
Drunk commies deleted
28-12-2005, 20:28
Ok so i recently have began reading the da vinci code(suprisingly i like it) and i read about the number phi. Now i have googled it and have not got too much info on it..So can anyone tell me more about it. And also since i believe it is said to be present so much in nature and so forth(even in space on source said), does that reinforce Intelligent design. I would think it gives strong support. I mean if so many things in nature were exactly proptionate to this number, wouldn't that be a little more than evolutionary coincidence?
The Da Vinci code was fiction. Numerical coincidences are common. Don't read too much into such things.
The Squeaky Rat
28-12-2005, 20:30
I mean if so many things in nature were exactly proptionate to this number, wouldn't that be a little more than evolutionary coincidence?
Not if said proportions are the most efficient; then they are in fact a logical consequence of evolution.
heh..i just realized that my area code when dialed form out of state would be 1-618..that means southern illinois is divine. response to the comment by Drunk Commies, yeah i always read to much into things. I am like obsessed with finding some little secret that would totally reshape the world as we know it..cuz i mean..comeon that would be fricking awesome. thats why i love to look into these things left by the ancient civilizations. Maybe people in power have come across these secrets and sought to destroy them, due to its "threat" to their power. Ah...oh well...
Numerical coincidences are common.
But it's not a coincidence - as I said in a previous post, it's the mathematically optimal solution to problems such as seed packing, and hence the solution on which evolution converges.
Free Misesians
28-12-2005, 20:33
..the divinci code isnt based in reality, its just a regular fiction book.
phi (greek letter φ) is whats called the golden ratio and has a value of aproximatly 1.62 (you should be able to find a much much more accuratenumber).
-very popular ratio in western art, design, considered a balance of symmetry and asymmetry (for example the parthenon is build with these proportions in mind, and some argue the human face follows it as well as many kinds of flowers.)
-golden spiral =
- if you want to learn more a good place to start is probably wikipedia or another online encyclopedia, there should be lots of information available
btw i KNOW that da vinci code is just a work of fiction BUT it brought up some things that are FACTUAL.
New Heathengrad
28-12-2005, 20:36
Hehe! For reading too much into mathmatic coincidences and such... :D
*removed links upon recommendation (psst... check the /library section at r-tten dot com)*
The Squeaky Rat
28-12-2005, 20:38
btw i KNOW that da vinci code is just a work of fiction BUT it brought up some things that are FACTUAL.
Indeed. But fact without context is often meaningless - something ID proponents do not realise.
Free Misesians
28-12-2005, 20:44
btw i KNOW that da vinci code is just a work of fiction BUT it brought up some things that are FACTUAL.
aside from what ive provided if you have any other questions lemme know and ill be happy to answer them, i first learned about this when i was like 8, so ive got a pretty good idea of how it works, ive just checked the wiki site ( and its a fairly good source to get you started.
heathen, you might want to remove links to as afaik those are a no-no on this site.
New Heathengrad
28-12-2005, 21:02
heathen, you might want to remove links to as afaik those are a no-no on this site.
Awww. I guess I can understand that, but its library section actually has some pretty good information on the obscure and esoteric.
oh, i wasn't judging, especially as i have no clue what it is about. it only occured to me as i read the thread and i thought i'd better tell you lest you get punished without bad intentions (which i assumed you to not have had).
Not necessarily. The constant phi might simply be the most efficent ratio in existence for the things that it is found in, and so became predominant through natural processes like evolution. Now, this doesn't explain causality and why phi was the most efficent, but that's a different debate.
28-12-2005, 22:43
I just read Race Against Time by Peirs Anthony. If you're looking for a paranoid higher-meaning-hidden-in-life book, it's not too bad. (Not great, but readable.) I think everyone's had those "this entire life is just a setup" feelings at times.
If you're looking to have fun with math, I recommend looking into the number e as well as Phi. For instance, if an infinite number of people took off their coats, and left them in a coatroom, and then a terrorist attack happened, they all panicked, but because it was snowing out, grabbed a random coat on their way out, the odds of nobody getting the right coat is 1/e. Coincidence? Nope. But fun.
But I don't recommend mixing those two unless you don't have ANY grasp of probability theory. For example, if you're flipping a coin, what're the odds of flipping five heads in a row? If you only have one try, it's low, but reasonable still. If you've got a hundred tries though, the odds are quite decent. And if you've got a thousand tries, odds are you'll do it. So if you're looking for patters in language and things, odds are, they're there, even if the thing is totally random. Mathematically and Linguistically, things like the Da Vinci Code are entiertaining, but nonsense.
heh..i just realized that my area code when dialed form out of state would be 1-618..that means southern illinois is divine. response to the comment by Drunk Commies, yeah i always read to much into things. I am like obsessed with finding some little secret that would totally reshape the world as we know it..cuz i mean..comeon that would be fricking awesome. thats why i love to look into these things left by the ancient civilizations. Maybe people in power have come across these secrets and sought to destroy them, due to its "threat" to their power. Ah...oh well...
Obsession with numbers is a sign of autism. Just saying.
The Doors Corporation
28-12-2005, 23:13
numerology is evil what have numbers ever done for us?
what have numbers ever done for us?Given us computers and the internet
29-12-2005, 00:53
Obsession with numbers is a sign of autism. Just saying.
You don't mess around with 5.
I'm an excellent driver.