Stigmata: Your thoughts
26-12-2005, 07:58
There are a lot of religious threads out there, and this is one of them. This one focuses on the phenomena known as Stigmata, that is, the wounds of Christ afflicting believers. Stigmatics, as I know it, are only Catholic and are deeply devote. So afflicted by their own struggle against personal demons (or something like that) that they are manifested physically by the development of wounds on the hands and feet, etc. resemblign the wounds Christ suffered during the Passion.
So, now that that really long-winded explanation is over, what are your thoughts? Please be nice to each other, all right? darned heretics*
*that's just a joke! chill people:cool: :D
PS: here's a site that tells more about it...
26-12-2005, 14:09
There have been historical stigmatics that were known to have faked wounds, such as Magdalena de la Cruz (1487–1560), who admitted the fraud.
Similarly self-inflicted wounds can be associated with certain brain disorders. Some people who fake stigmata suffer from Munchausen syndrome which is characterised by an intense desire for attention. People with Munchausen hurt themselves or fake an illness hoping to end up in a hospital where they can enjoy attention and care.
People also fake stigmata knowing that some who had stigmata were declared holy by the Pope. In this way they try to gain recognition. Self-inflicted stigmata heal naturally.
Article (
I think this is an adequate explanation. Also, as the arm wounds can appear on the hand or wrist we must accept that either:
1. At least some are faked or caused by non-divine means
2. God's getting a little confused with old age.
26-12-2005, 14:19
Complete and utter shit.
Self-inflicted, or even pyschosomatic lesions, brought on by religious fervor.
Even the famous Padre Pio, was discovered to likely have faked his wounds.
26-12-2005, 14:31
Self-inflicted wounds - perhaps done when not fully conscious, and therefore unable to remember doing it; in the case of younger sufferers, perhaps committed by parents in a similar way to munchausen's syndrome by proxy; as a means a disturbed/depressed (temporarily or constitutionally) person tries to get attention; someone faking it for other rewards.
I'd believe and investigate fully all these well-documented and plausible possibilities before I looked at a more supernatural cause for stigmata.
26-12-2005, 15:43
I don't think we're giving him the answers he wanted to hear.:p
26-12-2005, 16:51
Never clap your hands while holding jacks.
They sound like bullshit to me, but then again, I'm no expert on the phenomenon, so maybe there's more to it than I'm aware of.
I V Stalin
26-12-2005, 17:49
Never clap your hands while holding jacks.
Or, indeed, nails.
Also, never allow yourself to be nailed to a cross by the people ruling your country.
26-12-2005, 18:03
I want to know why it effects only catholics and no other Christian branch
26-12-2005, 18:45
I want to know why it effects only catholics and no other Christian branch
Firstly, I don't know that it _does_ only affect catholics. But, assuming that's correct, I'd point to catholic iconography of the suffering of jesus (for example, proddies tend to wear an unadorned cross, catholics tend to favour a crucifix bearing a likeness of jesus suffering on the cross); suggest a _cultural_ link with the old flagellation and mortification of the flesh strands of worship that grew out of catholicism at various points throughout its history; and finally, posit that context plays a part - I _imagine_ that the existence of stigmata is a known, if marginally disreputable, condition within catholcism - where other denominations would think of it one way, catholicism is obliged to give it at least lip-srvice credence in some cases. Growing up where stigmata is a known thing, thought of as real, will allow folk to inflict these wounds on themselves or others (for whatever reason - see my post above) in the knowledge that they'll be taken seriously.
In short, if stigmata is unique to catholics, it's because of a catholic aspect to their socialisation, with facets and sides to it that aren't present in other christian upbringings. A culturally-specific phenomenon, in other words.
(Obviously, other groups'll have their own strange, socially-transmitted afflications, but we're focusing on stigmata here)
Yeah, I used to get that as a kid. I'd just ignore them.
26-12-2005, 22:11
I don't think we're giving him the answers he wanted to hear.:p
On the contrary, it would be very unfortunate if all I recieved were "yes" or "no" answers. I thank everyone for contributing to this discussion and sharing their thoughts. That's the best way to learn you know, by asking question after question between people who are committed seriously to the pursuit of knowledge.
Argesia, did you really recieve the stigmata? Please explain.
Also, most of what I explained earlier is from hearsay and may not necessarily be true. Though, I have only heard of Catholics being blessed with it (the Church says that in cases of true Stigmatism, it is a blessing), but I could be mistaken. If anyone could find info on a non-Catholic stigmatism, that'd be great and much appreciated if it was shared here.
Again, thanks to all who have contributed to this discussion!:D
26-12-2005, 22:23
Im sure many of you have heard of seemingly oridinary people doing extraordinary things.
Take Buddhist monks that can put themselves in trances, and achieve many various things while in that state.
In its most honest form, this is probably the cuase of Stigmata.
Mind over matter.
In its most dishonest form, the individual deliberately inflcts the wounds upon themselves.
The human mind can achieve many incredible things, under the right conditions, indeed, proving the mind may have some control over matter.
The stigmata, may be one such display, when brought on by religious zealotism, and fervor.
In essence, the person wants to be near to Jesus, and so the mind complies and develops sympathetic wounds.
In either case, perfectly explainable, and in no way, supernatural.