Is it an issue of trust?
Lunatic Goofballs
25-12-2005, 00:31
Do you have an easy time trusting people? A difficult time trusting people? If someone violates that trust, is it easy for them to earn it back? Difficult? Impossible?
Do you trust the President of the United States to protect the civil liberties of American Citizens? Do you trust that he isn't disregarding any other laws in secret? Is even the President of the United States required to submit to the checks and balances that keep government in line, or is he above such suspicion?
Would you feel safe passing out drunk at a party with me nearby? :)
Do you have an easy time trusting people? A difficult time trusting people? If someone violates that trust, is it easy for them to earn it back? Difficult? Impossible?
Do you trust the President of the United States to protect the civil liberties of American Citizens? Do you trust that he isn't disregarding any other laws in secret? Is even the President of the United States required to submit to the checks and balances that keep government in line, or is he above such suspicion?
Would you feel safe passing out drunk at a party with me nearby? :)
Yes to all questions. after all, in America one is innocent untill proven gulty...
as for your last question... yes. You'll be passed out before me. :D
I V Stalin
25-12-2005, 00:33
Do you have an easy time trusting people? A difficult time trusting people? If someone violates that trust, is it easy for them to earn it back? Difficult? Impossible?
Do you trust the President of the United States to protect the civil liberties of American Citizens? Do you trust that he isn't disregarding any other laws in secret? Is even the President of the United States required to submit to the checks and balances that keep government in line, or is he above such suspicion?
Would you feel safe passing out drunk at a party with me nearby? :)
No, yes, no, yes, no.
Not American, so I won't bother
Hell, no.
25-12-2005, 00:42
1. Do you have an easy time trusting people? A difficult time trusting people? If someone violates that trust, is it easy for them to earn it back? Difficult? Impossible?
2. Do you trust the President of the United States to protect the civil liberties of American Citizens? Do you trust that he isn't disregarding any other laws in secret? Is even the President of the United States required to submit to the checks and balances that keep government in line, or is he above such suspicion?
3. Would you feel safe passing out drunk at a party with me nearby? :)
1. No, I usually grant most people an initial level of trust that experience with them can either raise or lower. Regaining my trust is usually relatively easy, but may take awhile.
2. About as far as I can throw him or her, regardless of their political persuasion. That's why the system of checks and balances woven into the Constitution is so important. NO ONE should be "above suspicion."
3. About as safe as if I were living next door to Jeffry Dahmer! Heh!
Do you have an easy time trusting people? A difficult time trusting people? If someone violates that trust, is it easy for them to earn it back? Difficult? Impossible?
I have a very easy time tusting people, to a fault. And in 29 years, I've learned to hate that about myself. It hurts more than feels good.
Do you trust the President of the United States to protect the civil liberties of American Citizens? Do you trust that he isn't disregarding any other laws in secret? Is even the President of the United States required to submit to the checks and balances that keep government in line, or is he above such suspicion?
Hell no. Please. And if he doesn't keep to the laws he takes an oath to abide to, I hope the gun owners of the county would put them to use, as they're constitutionally intended. ;)
Would you feel safe passing out drunk at a party with me nearby? :)
Sexy, I'd only petend to be sleeping.
I have never trusted anybody. I still don't.
25-12-2005, 01:16
I trust in the untrustworthiness of others. Most of the time, anyway. People I know I tend to trust to some degree.
Northern Isle
25-12-2005, 01:17
Do you have an easy time trusting people? A difficult time trusting people? If someone violates that trust, is it easy for them to earn it back? Difficult? Impossible?
Do you trust the President of the United States to protect the civil liberties of American Citizens? Do you trust that he isn't disregarding any other laws in secret? Is even the President of the United States required to submit to the checks and balances that keep government in line, or is he above such suspicion?
Would you feel safe passing out drunk at a party with me nearby? :)
I never trust a person unless I know him or her and have done so for about 20 years.
I drank once in the capital and got so drunk, I woke up in my car with one friend sleeping in the trunk, one resting on the floor in the back seat and our designated driver passed out under the stearing wheel in some place in the highlands. There was a sheep licking the windows man...I didnt drink for a year after that.
I never trust a person unless I know him or her and have done so for about 20 years.
I drank once in the capital and got so drunk, I woke up in my car with one friend sleeping in the trunk, one resting on the floor in the back seat and our designated driver passed out under the stearing wheel in some place in the highlands. There was a sheep licking the windows man...I didnt drink for a year after that.
Thank you. That story was like an early Hannukah present.
I never trust a person unless I know him or her and have done so for about 20 years.
I drank once in the capital and got so drunk, I woke up in my car with one friend sleeping in the trunk, one resting on the floor in the back seat and our designated driver passed out under the stearing wheel in some place in the highlands. There was a sheep licking the windows man...I didnt drink for a year after that.
I love weekends. :D
I trust most people, it's just that I trust them to do different things. Many people I trust to look out for their own best interests, regardless of how it affects other people, other people I trust to unintentionally hurt me on a regular basis. The president I trust will continue to be a complete moron and screw things up as far as humanly possible. Some people tell me I have trust issues. I think I trust people exactly as they deserve.
They really have to earn my trust. I hardley trust anyone. Usually people let me down if I trust them so I've learned to only trust very good friends or myself.
And I'd make sure to put duct tape around every hole in my body to make sure none of them are violated if I ever do that.
I just add that the rules change, and so do I, when it comes to business.