Why love?
Julius The Fish
23-12-2005, 04:44
So we live, and we die, and really, who's going to remember us anyway? Most of us aren't somebody who revolutionizes life for the whole planet, like... I don't know, famous people who do good things. Most of us are just average as far as the world cares, and special in our own little lives. We're not, like... Julius Caesar, for example. Just about everyone remembers his name - he's immortal now. And why? Why, really? Why didn't he just die with his era, as we do?
And we love. We love, and we get hurt... and then we love again, most of us. And we lose once more. And still we keeping trying, over and over and overandoverandover, and we STILL get hurt. And then we die. And no one remembers us, once all our relatives and friends and so on are gone. Your name is just a distant passage in a family geneaology, if you're even lucky enough to have THAT.
So, all this rambling has a point, and that point is a desperate question: WHY? Why the hell do we keep on trying? Why do we keep loving and having faith and trying again when love, life, everything just ends in loss?
And I'm not just ranting... I actually want to know what you think, because this is really bringing me down.
Why? Because people are emotionalist fools.
I don't feel like reaching for my glasses...
It's consdiered inappropriate to use less than standard size font in any post, unles, of course, you'e using sexual inuendo.
I don't feel like reaching for my glasses...
It's consdiered inappropriate to use less than standard size font in any post, unles, of course, you'e using sexual inuendo.
Meh, I actually found it faster to read. I wouldn't have bothered reading all of it if it was full size.
'Cause it's cool.
(I love you, Becca!)
Katkiller 5
23-12-2005, 04:54
Love gives us something to be happy about in our short, miserable lives. It's like a drug. It lets you forget the fact that your life is short and pointless and lets you be truely happy for a while.
23-12-2005, 04:59
Because there's nothing better to do. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts. Death comes very quickly.
The Jovian Moons
23-12-2005, 04:59
that's why we believe in God! so we don't all come to the same realisastion that life is pointless. If there is a God it isn't but if there isn't...
Anyway to add an even more disturbing spin...
We live on a insignifigant planet in an insiginfigant solar system, in an insiginifigant par tof an even more insiginifigant galaxay, in an insignifigant cluster in an insignifigant supper cluster in the universe that is too damn big and could be one out of an infite or at least several 10^100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ish other universes. now go forget this with some alcoholic egg nogg!!
The Jovian Moons
23-12-2005, 05:00
that's why we believe in God! so we don't all come to the same realisastion that life is pointless. If there is a God it isn't but if there isn't...
Anyway to add an even more disturbing spin...
We live on a insignifigant planet in an insiginfigant solar system, in an insiginifigant par tof an even more insiginifigant galaxay, in an insignifigant cluster in an insignifigant supper cluster in the universe that is too damn big and could be one out of an infite or at least several 10^100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ish other universes. now go forget this with some alcoholic egg nogg!!
by the way I can't spell insignifigant
Julius The Fish
23-12-2005, 05:01
I don't feel like reaching for my glasses...
It's consdiered inappropriate to use less than standard size font in any post, unles, of course, you'e using sexual inuendo.
Sorry about that. I'm new here.
Sometimes I feel small and therefore use small font. Anyway, okay. So far, I agree most with Katkiller 5.
Grainne Ni Malley
23-12-2005, 05:02
Most people are social by nature. In a world that can already be harsh and hectic it helps to have a companion, an anchor to sanity, a person to share your thoughts and feelings with and someone who you get to boink as much as possible. :fluffle:
Sometimes I feel small and therefore use small font.
23-12-2005, 05:04
many can't help it. others want something better, they believe their entire purpose to be just that. love.
I personally revoke emotion when I can. the first time was painful enough.
Julius The Fish
23-12-2005, 05:04
Most people are social by nature. In a world that can already be harsh and hectic it helps to have a companion, an anchor to sanity, a person to share your thoughts and feelings with and someone who you get to boink as much as possible. :fluffle:
Good point, I suppose.
But I'm not only talking about that sort of love. I'm including friend love, family love, pet love, unrequited love, you name it. Some of those have the power to hurt even more than the rest.
23-12-2005, 05:06
So we live, and we die, and really, who's going to remember us anyway? Most of us aren't somebody who revolutionizes life for the whole planet, like... I don't know, famous people who do good things. Most of us are just average as far as the world cares, and special in our own little lives. We're not, like... Julius Caesar, for example. Just about everyone remembers his name - he's immortal now. And why? Why, really? Why didn't he just die with his era, as we do?
And we love. We love, and we get hurt... and then we love again, most of us. And we lose once more. And still we keeping trying, over and over and overandoverandover, and we STILL get hurt. And then we die. And no one remembers us, once all our relatives and friends and so on are gone. Your name is just a distant passage in a family geneaology, if you're even lucky enough to have THAT.
So, all this rambling has a point, and that point is a desperate question: WHY? Why the hell do we keep on trying? Why do we keep loving and having faith and trying again when love, life, everything just ends in loss?
And I'm not just ranting... I actually want to know what you think, because this is really bringing me down.
Because, why not enjoy life while you have it? Why does life need a greater meaning? What's wrong with enjoying the time you have with your family & friends? Why is it important that you are immortal, that you are remembered forever?
Most people are social by nature. In a world that can already be harsh and hectic it helps to have a companion, an anchor to sanity, a person to share your thoughts and feelings with and someone who you get to boink as much as possible. :fluffle:
Until they cheat on you. Or die. Or decide they aren’t “in love” anymore.
23-12-2005, 05:10
So we live, and we die, and really, who's going to remember us anyway? Most of us aren't somebody who revolutionizes life for the whole planet, like... I don't know, famous people who do good things. Most of us are just average as far as the world cares, and special in our own little lives. We're not, like... Julius Caesar, for example. Just about everyone remembers his name - he's immortal now. And why? Why, really? Why didn't he just die with his era, as we do?
And we love. We love, and we get hurt... and then we love again, most of us. And we lose once more. And still we keeping trying, over and over and overandoverandover, and we STILL get hurt. And then we die. And no one remembers us, once all our relatives and friends and so on are gone. Your name is just a distant passage in a family geneaology, if you're even lucky enough to have THAT.
So, all this rambling has a point, and that point is a desperate question: WHY? Why the hell do we keep on trying? Why do we keep loving and having faith and trying again when love, life, everything just ends in loss?
And I'm not just ranting... I actually want to know what you think, because this is really bringing me down.
My friend, we are not insignificant, we are EVERYTHING, if only to ourselves. The only important thing is the experiences we have, not in spite of but because they only really matter to ourselves. Does it matter if our actions are remembered? not at all. The only important thing was having the subjective experience or phenomenology of doing them. Maybe the universe doesn't care either way, but as long as we have self-awareness, ability to act and an inner space to play in, that's all that matters. Don't think of consequences and ends, only of being, because that's what life is.
(now if I could only follow my own advice...)
Meh, I actually found it faster to read. I wouldn't have bothered reading all of it if it was full size.
Kanabia... It's obvious that you're conjuring afull-scale eugenics program based on who can (and can't) read that shit to your convenience.
Fuck you!
Kanabia... It's obvious that you're conjuring afull-scale eugenics program based on who can (and can't) read that shit to your convenience.
Fuck you!
Fuck! He's onto me!
*begins destroying lab*
*sets fire to things*
Oh shit.
Strasse II
23-12-2005, 05:12
So we live, and we die, and really, who's going to remember us anyway? Most of us aren't somebody who revolutionizes life for the whole planet, like... I don't know, famous people who do good things. Most of us are just average as far as the world cares, and special in our own little lives. We're not, like... Julius Caesar, for example. Just about everyone remembers his name - he's immortal now. And why? Why, really? Why didn't he just die with his era, as we do?
And we love. We love, and we get hurt... and then we love again, most of us. And we lose once more. And still we keeping trying, over and over and overandoverandover, and we STILL get hurt. And then we die. And no one remembers us, once all our relatives and friends and so on are gone. Your name is just a distant passage in a family geneaology, if you're even lucky enough to have THAT.
So, all this rambling has a point, and that point is a desperate question: WHY? Why the hell do we keep on trying? Why do we keep loving and having faith and trying again when love, life, everything just ends in loss?
And I'm not just ranting... I actually want to know what you think, because this is really bringing me down.
Human life is really completely worthless. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a complete fool. Even so called "important" people and their achievements will be forgotten sooner or later with enough passage of time.
We live on this one tiny planet in a universe where there are trillions of planets. Humanity could blow itself up along with Earth and the rest of existance will not give a shit(or will not even notice for that matter)
In the end nothing really matters. You could live your life as Mother Teresa or Adolf Hitler and in the end none of it really mattered.
" Life is a tale told by an idiot -- full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." - William Shakespeare(one day he too will be forgotten)
Grainne Ni Malley
23-12-2005, 05:14
Good point, I suppose.
But I'm not only talking about that sort of love. I'm including friend love, family love, pet love, unrequited love, you name it. Some of those have the power to hurt even more than the rest.
Friend love comes with knowing there are people out there just as screwed up as you are and you are lucky if you find one. You can also be best friends with your lover. I reccommend it.
Family love because normally family members are the only ones who will be there for you no matter how bad you fuck up. It's called unconditional love. Not everybody is so lucky to have a family member who will forgive most anything, but many people do.
Pet love (let's not confuse this with bestiality you sickos) is helpful when you need a companion who won't tell you everything you did wrong or try to give you advice. All you have to do is feed it and usually the pet will give you unlimited amounts of affection. More exotic pets are capable of just as much affection as a cat or dog, they just show it in different ways.
Unrequited love is a little more tricky. Whatever feelings you have for a person that is not returning your attention, they're yours for your own reasons. People often want something they can't have and want it all the more because they can't have it. Don't ask me why. All I do know is that the hurt helps remind you that you are alive and human.
As trite as this may sound, most of us love because we can't help but do so (provided, of course, that we have the capacity to do so). Some people, sociopaths, presumably, lack the capacity to love. But for those of us who can love, it's virtually impossible not to. It seems almost pointless to ask "why" we do it. It's like asking why we breathe. We simply can't do otherwise.
23-12-2005, 05:18
Human life is really completely worthless. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a complete fool. Even so called "important" people and their achievements will be forgotten sooner or later with enough passage of time.
We live on this one tiny planet in a universe where there are trillions of planets. Humanity could blow itself up along with Earth and the rest of existance will not give a shit(or will not even notice for that matter)
In the end nothing really matters. You could live your life as Mother Teresa or Adolf Hitler and in the end none of it really mattered.
" Life is a tale told by an idiot -- full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." - William Shakespeare(one day he too will be forgotten)
But like everything else, it's a matter of persective. Does the galaxy matter? How about the universe itself? Who does it matter to? Everything's purpose is in itself. Our lives matter to ourselves utterly, and to a much smaller extent those around us. It's worthless, but in a way it's worth everything, it just depends on perspective.
Grainne Ni Malley
23-12-2005, 05:20
Until they cheat on you. Or die. Or decide they aren’t “in love” anymore.
It happens. Either you move on eventually or wallow in the hurt until you are a bitter, miserable person. I prefer to suffer a little and then try to move on.
Julius The Fish
23-12-2005, 05:24
Family love because normally family members are the only ones who will be there for you no matter how bad you fuck up. It's called unconditional love.
God, do I ever wish I could believe that.
All you have to do is feed it and usually the pet will give you unlimited amounts of affection. More exotic pets are capable of just as much affection as a cat or dog, they just show it in different ways.
Sigh. Even a fish?
That's what makes losing a pet so hard. You can nearly always rely on them (when they're alive, anyway). Unless it's a cat. But still.
But I know what all these kinds of love are, and what they involve. That isn't really my question...
Fuck! He's onto me!
*begins destroying lab*
*sets fire to things*
Oh shit.
Don't answer, please, but if I'm gonna be exploited, put me to utilitarian use as a blind, but endowed breeder. I may not be too pretty, but my sperm count is high. :p
Just sayin... when the revolution comes, and you'e leading the resistance...
Keep me in mind.
Santa Barbara
23-12-2005, 05:25
Human life is really completely worthless.
In the end nothing really matters. You could live your life as Mother Teresa or Adolf Hitler and in the end none of it really mattered.
Ahh, no wonder you tend to argue in favor of the nazi side of things.
Grainne Ni Malley
23-12-2005, 05:32
God, do I ever wish I could believe that.
Sigh. Even a fish?
That's what makes losing a pet so hard. You can nearly always rely on them (when they're alive, anyway). Unless it's a cat. But still.
But I know what all these kinds of love are, and what they involve. That isn't really my question...
Ok, fish are mostly something to stare at. I get your question. I guess at my age it's just a given. I've lost family, relationships, pets, all of that. I keep on loving because I believe that, even though it hurts to lose love, it hurts even more to never have loved or know what reciprocated love feels like. I guess I feel like if I gave up, I'd be a)removing myself from the opportunity to love again and b) a wimp.
23-12-2005, 05:38
We love because we were created to love. We were created to love God, but we turned our backs on Him. True love is unconditional and that's what God shows toward us. Even though we decide to hate Him, He STILL loves us. He proved His love to us through Jesus Christ. God is holy and cannot tolerate sin in His presence, but because He loves us unconditionally, He made a way for us to come back to Him. There is no way for us to redeem ourselves- our sin dooms us to Hell. Someone else must pay the price- and that is what Jesus Christ did. His sacrifice for us on the cross is the ultimate show of love. He didn't have to save us from Hell, but He did. The Bible verse John 3:16 sums it up well: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Ahh, no wonder you tend to argue in favor of the nazi side of things.
Ewwwwwwwww. Better to drag it out into the light, though, so we can see it kick and scream for shit it doesn't believe in later.
And it always tries to wrap itselfin the flag under guises we'd rather not have tied up with our own convictions.
Put the lotion in the basket, already.
23-12-2005, 05:55
We love because we were created to love. We were created to love God, but we turned our backs on Him. True love is unconditional and that's what God shows toward us. Even though we decide to hate Him, He STILL loves us. He proved His love to us through Jesus Christ. God is holy and cannot tolerate sin in His presence, but because He loves us unconditionally, He made a way for us to come back to Him. There is no way for us to redeem ourselves- our sin dooms us to Hell. Someone else must pay the price- and that is what Jesus Christ did. His sacrifice for us on the cross is the ultimate show of love. He didn't have to save us from Hell, but He did. The Bible verse John 3:16 sums it up well: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
I rather think that theistic religions have deceived us away from the truth - in a world where we provide the causes and the actions, where we have self awareness, we are in fact the Gods.
The Trivazi Union
23-12-2005, 06:09
This is why animals don't have to deal with depression unless they're being beaten. They aren't smart enough for philosophy and don't have to give any thought to depressing concepts. If you spend your time depressing yourself with questions you can't answer about the meaning of life or whatever, then you miss out on life. Quit pondering, get outside, and interact with people. Have friends. Have fun. If your lucky, have sex.
Life is for the living. Love is for the loving. Doubt is for the dying.
23-12-2005, 06:20
Its driven by our sexual drive to reproduce, which includes smells hipsizes ( a woman with bigger hips is more likely to produce healthy offspring and men are generally attracted to shapely women, not huge mind you, but shapely).
Love is the act of sacrificing this that or the other to prove we are worthy to mate.
Then after mariage,kids,ect, we lose our drive and we lose our willingness to surprise and sacrifice and so it just boils down to whether or not you can put up with the person.
23-12-2005, 06:32
Love: Because sometimes, revenge isn't a perfect fit.
The Trivazi Union
23-12-2005, 06:50
Its driven by our sexual drive to reproduce, which includes smells hipsizes ( a woman with bigger hips is more likely to produce healthy offspring and men are generally attracted to shapely women, not huge mind you, but shapely).
Love is the act of sacrificing this that or the other to prove we are worthy to mate.
Then after mariage,kids,ect, we lose our drive and we lose our willingness to surprise and sacrifice and so it just boils down to whether or not you can put up with the person.
:)What particularly disgusts me is that you would follow up that butchering of the concept of love using scientific analysis with a smiley. This is a prime example of ruining something wonderful by thinking too damn much.
23-12-2005, 06:57
WHY? Why the hell do we keep on trying? Why do we keep loving and having faith and trying again when love, life, everything just ends in loss?
And I'm not just ranting... I actually want to know what you think, because this is really bringing me down.
It's the journey, Grasshopper, the journey, not the destination. We live and learn and grow and hurt, and sometimes it's the hurting from which we learn the most. Be patient. As you get older, life will become less painful, especially if you learn as you go along.
23-12-2005, 07:25
If you're going through a particularly hard time now (you mentioned something about losing a pet, and your family may not be giving you enough of what you need?) I would actually say consider yourself lucky. If you miss out on these things then later in life the pieces aren't there for you to draw upon.
You'll strengthen and get past this, your skin will thicken a bit (not literally) and you'll be able to handle things better in the future.
I, for one, have never seen anything bigger than a mosquito dead. I feel like it's a major loss on my side never to have seen that, never to have a pet or a relative die and then be able to properly mourn them. It will happen eventually I'm sure, but it's MUCH easier to handle that for the first time when you're younger. I've had three relatives die and I couldn't go to any funerals, all my pets have run away or have been given away, and the only dead people I've seen have been on TV. My nightmares are very strange right now, because I don't have first-hand experience with the reality.
I guess what I'm trying to say is fully experience whatever's going on around you, learn from it, get stronger from it, and continue living your life. Whatever the reason behind it, we really don't have a lot of choice... you can either live, or not, and it's really not cool to choose not to live.
23-12-2005, 07:30
Why Love?
Shit, man, why anything?
Life's a ride. Occasionally, you have decisions to make that affect the kind of ride you're on. You can stay on the merry-go-round, you can hit the bumper cars, you can stay on the midway and test your skills or you can even max out your tolerance on the roller-coaster. Regardless, every day is a decision. For me, a world without love is pretty damned meaningless. To love is to lose and to love is to keep forever. Life is a zero-sum game, so you may as well grab as much love as you can because it's never a stable element...life makes very sure of that.
Enjoy the ride.
23-12-2005, 07:31
It's the journey, Grasshopper, the journey, not the destination. We live and learn and grow and hurt, and sometimes it's the hurting from which we learn the most. Be patient. As you get older, life will become less painful, especially if you learn as you go along.
Hoorah, Eut. Steel on target, over.
23-12-2005, 07:42
Hoorah, Eut. Steel on target, over.
Fire for effect. Out. :)
Pure Metal
23-12-2005, 07:45
So we live, and we die, and really, who's going to remember us anyway? Most of us aren't somebody who revolutionizes life for the whole planet, like... I don't know, famous people who do good things. Most of us are just average as far as the world cares, and special in our own little lives. We're not, like... Julius Caesar, for example. Just about everyone remembers his name - he's immortal now. And why? Why, really? Why didn't he just die with his era, as we do?
And we love. We love, and we get hurt... and then we love again, most of us. And we lose once more. And still we keeping trying, over and over and overandoverandover, and we STILL get hurt. And then we die. And no one remembers us, once all our relatives and friends and so on are gone. Your name is just a distant passage in a family geneaology, if you're even lucky enough to have THAT.
So, all this rambling has a point, and that point is a desperate question: WHY? Why the hell do we keep on trying? Why do we keep loving and having faith and trying again when love, life, everything just ends in loss?
And I'm not just ranting... I actually want to know what you think, because this is really bringing me down.
nihilism is fun!
cheer up, bub :fluffle:
unless you're depressed, in which case, get help.
23-12-2005, 07:50
nihilism is fun!
cheer up, bub :fluffle:
unless you're depressed, in which case, get help.
Nihilism rox!
But don't get help because then you will realise that you have something to loose.
I didn't read what they said
Julius The Fish
28-12-2005, 03:12
Thanks, everyone. Most of you have managed to give me a bit of hope on the subject, and that's worth a lot to me.
*sends out warm and fuzzy vibes*
Free Mercantile States
28-12-2005, 04:23
So we live, and we die, and really, who's going to remember us anyway? Most of us aren't somebody who revolutionizes life for the whole planet, like... I don't know, famous people who do good things. Most of us are just average as far as the world cares, and special in our own little lives. We're not, like... Julius Caesar, for example. Just about everyone remembers his name - he's immortal now. And why? Why, really? Why didn't he just die with his era, as we do?
And we love. We love, and we get hurt... and then we love again, most of us. And we lose once more. And still we keeping trying, over and over and overandoverandover, and we STILL get hurt. And then we die. And no one remembers us, once all our relatives and friends and so on are gone. Your name is just a distant passage in a family geneaology, if you're even lucky enough to have THAT.
So, all this rambling has a point, and that point is a desperate question: WHY? Why the hell do we keep on trying? Why do we keep loving and having faith and trying again when love, life, everything just ends in loss?
And I'm not just ranting... I actually want to know what you think, because this is really bringing me down.
[shrug] It's hardwired. Humans are social animals who evolved to live in groups and form emotional attachments. It help(ed/s) us survive, so the Genetic Appropriations Committee approved its inclusion in the next generation's DNA budget, and the generation after that, etc. etc. :D because it continued to save lives and allow continued or increased reproduction. It's like picking random answers on a multiple-choice test - the person who bubbles in all the same letter has on average a higher score than the person who bubbles all over the place. Simple statistics.
The Plutonian Empire
28-12-2005, 05:14
Why love? I dunno why.
The only love I have is the love I get from my family relatives, which is nice. Although I'm always hoping for some extra love from other people, but I can't have that, because people are selfish nutheads. :(