Attn:Libertarian Party Members/Future Members
Chat today with Michael Dixon, Libertarian National Committee. Chair to discuss our plans for '06 and beyond. The chat room will be open to the first 100 visitors so be sure to enter the room a few minutes early to reserve your spot.
Date: Thursday, December 22nd
Time: 2:30 p.m. EST
Location: (
Hope to see some of you there! :D
Neo Kervoskia
22-12-2005, 18:43
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I won't be here then. Eichen, will you speak for me? We have pretty much the same views. :(
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I won't be here then. Eichen, will you speak for me? We have pretty much the same views. :(
Don't worry... I'll be representing young, angry male voices everywhere. :D
The South Islands
22-12-2005, 19:57
Sexellent! I shall be attending.
Sexellent! I shall be attending.
Sweet! Chat starts in 5 minutes... :D
Vittos Ordination
22-12-2005, 20:45
I expect much cynicism and back-patting.
Political parties suck.
I expect much cynicism and back-patting.
Political parties suck.
The alternatives suck far, far worse.
Actually, right now we're discussing marketing efforts in upcoming elections.
We put our leaders through the fucking wringers, not pat backs. :D
Vittos Ordination
22-12-2005, 21:09
The alternatives suck far, far worse.
That is true, but only because the others are career oriented and filled with opportunists, when the LP becomes a viable party, it will be the same bureaucratic chain of asskissers as the the others.
Actually, right now we're discussing marketing efforts in upcoming elections.
We put our leaders through the fucking wringers, not pat backs. :D
I know, I am following it.
22-12-2005, 21:16
Chat today with Michael Dixon, Libertarian National Committee. Chair to discuss our plans for '06 and beyond. The chat room will be open to the first 100 visitors so be sure to enter the room a few minutes early to reserve your spot.
Date: Thursday, December 22nd
Time: 2:30 p.m. EST
Location: (
Hope to see some of you there! :D
Too bad I had customers. Got there as it was ending. Is there a transcript?
That is true, but only because the others are career oriented and filled with opportunists, when the LP becomes a viable party, it will be the same bureaucratic chain of asskissers as the the others.
Of course, you can't assure or deny that path, and neither can I.
That's why less government is the best policy.
Too bad I had customers. Got there as it was ending. Is there a transcript?
They'll be posting it on
Transcript from our Chat with LNC Chair Michael Dixon
Dec 22, 2005
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On Thursday, December 22, we held our inaugural chat session that kicked off a series of chats with members of the Libertarian National Committee. In this session, LNC Chair Michael Dixon had a chance to speak with over 75 supporters of the Libertarian Party in a candid, online chat.
Next week we will chat with LNC Representative Mark Rutherford on December 29th at 1 p.m. EST. We'll be sure to send a reminder to our e-mail announce list so if you are not already on the list, be sure to join by clicking here.
Below is an edited transcript of the session (corrected for grammatical errors only):
Michael Dixon:
Good afternoon everyone, I am just setting up and welcome the chance to try out this format for communicating directly with as many of you who want to join in.
Michael Dixon:
I was not present in the pre-meeting time. Was there a final pending question I should weigh in on?
There was a lot of discussion about next years change to zero dues membership.
Michael Dixon:
I see several interesting questions. Let's take zero dues. The changes at national are to reorient our activity to be more grass roots developmental and to get out of the way of local organizations that are actually doing the work.
Michael Dixon:
That means training and resources. Beginning with the on line classes and face to face training at national and regional gathering.
Michael Dixon, how's that lead to the halting of the revenue-sharing program with state parties?
Michael Dixon:
Those two decisions were parallel not dependent. However, by ending the revenue sharing there are resources to be spent on developing new programs designed to equip our activists.
The small govt conservatives are really upset with the GOP in DC. The moderate Dems are watching their party go more extreme on the left. This opens a large vacuum in the center. Does the LP have a plan to capture the voters in the center?
Michael Dixon:
The LP has not one plan but thousands. The plans are the sum total of all of the actions of all of our members; first and foremost to have an impact in their local communities. Electing themselves, or those they are interested in supporting.
Could you give some specific examples? And where are we supposed to send our former membership money, our state parties or National or both?
Michael Dixon:
Concrete examples of training: The LLS which is kicking off in January with classes on a wide variety of topics as well as a special FEC training seminar for State Treasurers at the LSLA conference in Phoenix.
Michael Dixon:
As to where you should send your monetary support? I believe in individual action and decision. You should send your support to the organization that is doing the most with your funds.
Michael Dixon:
OR the organization that defines the best vision of what they would do with your funds.
Yes, what is the LLS? Could you tell us more about it?
Michael Dixon:
The LLS is the online school developed by our national staff. Initially there are 12 courses which will kick off in January. Fundraising, candidate skills, FEC training, etc.
What can I do at the individual level to convince more people in my community to vote or join LP?
Michael Dixon:
I have always suggested that Libertarians would do more good by talking to their neighbors about the efficacy of the free market and decentralized government.
Michael Dixon:
It's the little things, like attending your local governmental body meetings, and lobbying the activists there to join you in your efforts.
Can I ask what's being done by the LP to counter the major eminent domain breeches that the Florida courts have recently permitted?
Michael Dixon:
I am not specifically aware of the FL matters, but am interested in this topic nationally. There have been efforts led by our national staff to seek out candidates who are interested in this area. If you are one of those please contact us.
My experience has always been that people don't vote LP because they don't know what libertarianism means
Michael Dixon:
And the way to combat this is to talk to more people everyday about who we are and what we believe. In reasoned tones we are our best and most inexpensive marketing effort.
I agree that participating and local community events, neighborhood meetings, city council meetings and talking with neighbors helps a lot in getting awareness of your efforts and beliefs. It has worked really well for us.
YixilTesiphon says to TxLiberty:
Either that, or they're uncomfortable with "throwing away their vote."
Michael Dixon:
And to combat that argument we must provide better candidates who are competitive and can be seen as holding the office, not just campaigning annually.
Michael Dixon:
The LP, in its strategic plan 5 years ago defined brand awareness as a significant issue. Since that time there has been some work done.
Michael Dixon:
Currently there is a major effort underway, lead by the LNC Branding champion and a member of the LP on the west coast.
Michael Dixon:
The results of that effort will be available in the first Q of 06
I think there are many people who are LP wanna be's but don't know they are
Michael Dixon:
Obviously there are many who are but have not yet self identified. We help them by raising our profile locally in their circles of influence.
I am near Chicago, a popular radio host, who is syndicated, and very popular with young people, and says he is a libertarian, had on Mr. Badnarik before the election. It seems to me this could be cultivated to reach young voters
Michael Dixon:
We are constantly looking for media contacts who will allow us to use their venues to reach our voters. If you are aware of a contact, please send the information to the national staff, Sam New has been coordinating this for some time now.
We have a DJ here on the largest station in Central Ohio and he is pushing for our LPO Governor candidate.
Organizations with similar beliefs as the party, such as the chapters of Natl. Youth Rights Assoc., Students for a Sensible Drug Policy are also good to approach as well
On the topic of radio, there are at least three radio hosts in Colorado who are Libertarian, but say that they have NEVER received any contact from LP National. Are there plans for LP Media Coordination that we can plug these guys into?
Speaking of brands, has the LP decided on a Nationwide 'catch phrase' or 'symbol' that the local and states could take off of?
Michael Dixon:
Our only symbol is the Statue. We have historically used "Party of Principle" though that is not an official action.
And is Yellow the official color, or is that just convenient?
Michael Dixon:
Yellow has been used by some of our candidates. That is a local and highly temporal decision. The national party has historically been identified with the color blue.
what is the LP stand on city, municipal, state wide smoking bans?
Michael Dixon:
Sounds like a bad idea to me. Individuals should decide these things for themselves and their own property.
We should make official color be purple. A mix of red and blue. Making us the party in the center.
Michael Dixon:
I have an interesting graphic on my wall that attempts to do this. I don't remember who created it first, but it seems to have been produced out of the national office at one time.
When or how will Portland Convention packets for 2006 be communicated to membership an delegates. I need to start my vacation planning efforts.
Michael Dixon:
I am not sure I follow the question. But for basic Portland info, the convention will be July 1-2 in Portland OR. The opening night reception will be on the 30th of June. More details are in the next issue of LP News and soon to be on the web site.
Will the LNC ever go back to a dues program with an UMP or that issue dead?
Michael Dixon:
The LNC is always free to return to a topic, but attempts to do this in the last meeting failed to reach the necessary support to be acted on.
I'd like to know what the LP is going to do to work with and help the presidential candidates, before the convention. I know there have been problems with this before, which seems to have led to a "hands off" policy at the national level.(Is that correct?)
Michael Dixon:
The national party (staff and committee) are prohibited from being involved pre-nomination. That policy is very likely to continue. Until the Party (read Convention) has spoken, it is not proper for the leadership (staff or committee) to influence.
How does the LP plan on dealing with the current energy problems?
Michael Dixon:
If you mean, the rising prices, probably nothing, as that is a market force. If you mean the likelihood that we are reaching the end of the petroleum economy, I would say nothing as the market will definitely react and create alternatives.
I'd like to know why we don't see any stories about the LP on national news programs such as NBC Nightly News, ABC's World News Tonight, 20/20, 60 Minutes, etc. I think we can really publicize ourselves through national mainstream news programs.
Michael Dixon:
We are regularly in contact with these venues. However, until they perceive that our followers are sufficient to drive their ratings it is unlikely they will regularly host us. When we have had a compelling story to tell we have gotten attention.
Michael Dixon:
It really is a chicken or egg issue.
How will the LP engage the "traditional" parties with regards to the Patriot Act, the spying on US citizens, etc?
Michael Dixon:
I think it is best to keep in mind that engaging parties is not a good return on investment. We need to engage voters.
Michael Dixon:
On this topic, any voter is likely to see that the older parties are complicit in this issue and we are not.
One I think a presidential candidate trying to attend a presidential debate and getting arrested for it would be a compelling issue.
Michael Dixon:
One might think that, but a quick check of the "public" that makes up the viewers of these shows indicates that they are not that taken with this as a grave injustice. Unfortunate but true.
What about addressing the election process issues that allow the republican/democrats to practically have a monopoly on the political process in this country?
Michael Dixon:
The National party has turned away from solely working on direct support to ballot drives and instead is working to support opening the ballot via legislation and litigation.
But most voters also think that all qualified candidates should be allowed to debate, no?
Michael Dixon:
I think that the opinion polls are clearly opposed to this view. The voters think that the candidates who are likely to lead the horserace should be in the debates. If you are aware of polls to the contrary I would be interested in seeing them.
Mr Dixon, given what is transpiring within the halls of what is left of our government; do you think that venue is viable?
Michael Dixon:
If I were this cynical I would certainly be using my time, talent, and treasure to find another place to call home. Instead I am using my abilities to right this ship and bring it back to what it could be.
Some states though are making it possible for alternative candidates to be in statewide debates on cable: ie: Indiana and Georgia.
Michael Dixon:
Correct, and we should encourage that, and remind voters that they are only getting to see (on the major networks) the politically acceptable candidates.
Michael Dixon:
I am not suggesting that this is not an issue, it is. But it is an issue in our one on one communications with voters, not in our demanding to receive redress from the media elite.
Michael Dixon:
We will get redress from the media, when the voters demand it from them.
Michael Dixon:
This is a big issue, and one that could really vault our local activists. We need to be networking with the activists in this area. Though many of them are socialists, it is a great place to make a name for ourselves, and maybe even convert some of them.
The reason I asked how we can engage the traditional parties is because I see a phenomenon in the American voter which I call the "pendulum" effect. They go from one party to the other. We need to stop that pendulum.
Michael Dixon:
We need to provide alternative. That will shift the axis of the pendulum, or stop its swinging altogether.
Michael Dixon:
Remember I am not always interested in creating libertarians. I am interested in creating libertarian voters!
Don't you think Ross Perot was a disenchanted voter vote getter?
Michael Dixon:
Absolutely. And we (our predecessors) failed to gain enough of those voters to our cause.
I agree with the idea of providing an alternative...I just think we need a National voice to market Libertarianism to the public.
Michael Dixon:
You are on the same page as the national strategic plan. The national party needs to create viable national brand awareness and stay out of the way of local candidates and efforts.
Which is why we need a national ad campaign.
Michael Dixon:
And we are ready to have one, as soon as the donors step forward and fund it.
Michael Dixon:
What number of you on this chat today will make a contribution to fund advertising? A monthly pledge by even half of you at the $10 level would be a great start.
What voter is the party trying to woo, the disenchanted Small Gov rightist or the lost their party leftist?
Michael Dixon:
Michael Dixon:
I don't care what voters I attract. This is not a philosophical quest. It is a street fight for voters. Whether they agree with us in whole or in part. We need them to pull the lever (old world technology) to put us in a position of strength
$10? I'm in. Do all donations go to advertising?
Michael Dixon:
Call the office, make the pledge and tell them that it is for the branding project. We will work out the back room accounting details for you.
And then sir, you would work on keeping these voters?
Michael Dixon:
The elected libertarian would earn the continued support, and the media response would reinforce the validity of the choice.
I would do a $10 a month pledge.
Cheap, I can kick in more than that, as long as we see some results.
Results ARE the key to continued donations.
Michael Dixon:
No doubt. So is a compelling plan that the donor agrees to.
I definitely agree with brand strategy.
What of those of us who already pledge? What more would you suggest we do?
Michael Dixon:
We have talked about ways to allow the current pledgers to designate their contributions to specific projects (like branding or ballot access). If that is important to you, please contact the office and speak with one of the customer service people.
Michael Dixon:
They can help figure out he best way to target your contributions.
perhaps guerrilla marketing techniques.
Shane Cory:
We’ll be wrapping this chat up in about five minutes. If we missed a response to your question, please send a message to and we’ll get an answer.
Michael Dixon:
In order for them to be guerrilla don't they have to be spontaneous and not top down organized?
Michael Dixon:
Just having a little fun now.
I've convinced family members...I'm now working on coworkers (having been called a "crazy" Libertarian).
Michael Dixon:
That is where it has to start. I am constantly amazed as how many libertarians I meet who have not yet gotten base level support from the people in their own extended family. How many R and D activists would say the same?
I'm libertarian because of a teacher I had. Is there any way to secure a presence on university campuses? Maybe an endowed LP chair or something?
Michael Dixon:
The LNC has a structure to support campus groups, and this is better done through faculty than through students (turnover kills the efforts). We are always seeking local groups who will work with campus organizations.
Can donations be auto-debited monthly?
Michael Dixon:
Happy to do it, it'
Michael Dixon:
It's called the pledge program and being a part of it, gets you invited to a cool reception at the national convention.
BTW, Michael, is claiming that polls showed support for non-mainstream candidate inclusion in debates in 1996, 2000, and 2004
Michael Dixon:
I stand corrected and will seek out the reference
What, exactly, is the function of the LP? Is it only to provide the framework needed to get candidates elected under the party label? Are there better avenues for those of us who wish to donate to evangelistic efforts? What is the LP's vision?
Michael Dixon:
The function of the LP is to Move public policy in a libertarian direction by electing libertarians to office.
Michael Dixon:
The function of the National LP is to help our affiliates and their activists and candidates to achieve this goal.
Shane Cory:
Thanks for taking the time to join us today. We’ll let our chairman get back to work by wrapping it up.
Shane Cory:
Next week we’ll have LNC Representative Mark Rutherford. Additionally, a transcript of this chat will be posted later today at
The post should be corrected: The web address refered to is, not the typo.
Melkor Unchained
23-12-2005, 06:49
I can't help but notice that they edited out the vast majority of my comments: I even asked Mr. Dixon a question [which he answered] and none of it appears in the transcript.
I've just lost a bit of respect for the Libertarian Party on account: they claim the transcript was editted for "grammatical errors only," while conveinently axing the vast majority of my correlary observations and even my goddamn question. I am not pleased.
I can't help but notice that they edited out the vast majority of my comments: I even asked Mr. Dixon a question [which he answered] and none of it appears in the transcript.
I've just lost a bit of respect for the Libertarian Party on account: they claim the transcript was editted for "grammatical errors only," while conveinently axing the vast majority of my correlary observations and even my goddamn question. I am not pleased.
What? You showed up for something related to the LP? I thought you hated us?
Not that you prefer the alternatives, but...
Don't blame the party, blame the douchebag intern who hacked the editing job. Or blame the LNC Chair they had on this week. If you were there, I know you saw "Eichenlaub" there more than it appears above, and Dixon was pretty cool about answering a few of my questions that have disappeared.
Either way, nobody else is doing it here on NS, so I thought I'd share the unpopular event regardless.
It's still a party, Melkor. And come election time, we'll still get parties elected that'll choose to how to spend our money. Take your pick, bro.
Santa Barbara
23-12-2005, 08:06
I can't help but notice that they edited out the vast majority of my comments: I even asked Mr. Dixon a question [which he answered] and none of it appears in the transcript.
I've just lost a bit of respect for the Libertarian Party on account: they claim the transcript was editted for "grammatical errors only," while conveinently axing the vast majority of my correlary observations and even my goddamn question. I am not pleased.
What observations did they ax? What question did you ask?
I hate political parties. Its like people are too lazy to come up with their own platforms on various issues and have to buy into an encapsulated package deal which they then defend vigorously and mindlessly in the same way fat guys with beer bellies defend their preferred baseball team.
What observations did they ax? What question did you ask?
I hate political parties. Its like people are too lazy to come up with their own platforms on various issues and have to buy into an encapsulated package deal which they then defend vigorously and mindlessly in the same way fat guys with beer bellies defend their preferred baseball team.
The problem with that is... People who give an effort to change the bullshit system righteously hate the fat, lazy bastards and bitches who whine about the parties, but never help nor hurt. Complancency is easy.
Eating Doritos and cursing the assholes you see on C-Span doesn't qualify you as an activist. Vigorously avoiding reality in your encapsulated ivory twoer makes you a piece of shit blowhard, at best. Too cool to vote, or summon the courage to make a commitment, lest you lose.
And who wants to do that?
Instead, emain unsullied, and post on an internet forum whee you can at least prop up the puppet of conviction. Besides, if you wee to cease the constant flow of unproductive cynicism, who else would take your place?
As an individual who doesn't even participate in the quest for accurate Neilson ratings, why should you be expected to organize when the loveseat is so much more comfortable?
In fact, why vote at all?
Santa Barbara
23-12-2005, 08:34
The problem with that is... People who give an effort to change the bullshit system righteously hate the fat, lazy bastards and bitches who whine about the parties, but never help nor hurt. Complancency is easy.
Eating Doritos and cursing the assholes you see on C-Span doesn't qualify you as an activist. Vigorously avoiding reality in your encapsulated ivory twoer makes you a piece of shit blowhard, at best. Too cool to vote, or summon the courage to make a commitment, lest you lose.
And who wants to do that?
Who says I don't vote?
And you really think it takes courage to make a 'committment'? Ooh, I'm republican. No wait, I'm democrat. Behold my strength and bravery!
Instead, emain unsullied, and post on an internet forum whee you can at least prop up the puppet of conviction. Besides, if you wee to cease the constant flow of unproductive cynicism, who else would take your place?
Ah yes, evilly posting on an internet forum as I am. I should note that nothing you or anyone posts here is 'productive.' And I am always cynical.
As an individual who doesn't even participate in the quest for accurate Neilson ratings, why should you be expected to organize when the loveseat is so much more comfortable?
In fact, why vote at all?
That would be your reasoning, not mine.
I notice you seem to be overly offended by the concept that I despise these lame-ass teams and all the courageous team-players who, like yourself, feel its their duty to be self-righteous and hostile towards anyone who's not with them.
Who says I don't vote?
And you really think it takes courage to make a 'committment'? Ooh, I'm republican. No wait, I'm democrat. Behold my strength and bravery!
Ah yes, evilly posting on an internet forum as I am. I should note that nothing you or anyone posts here is 'productive.' And I am always cynical.
That would be your reasoning, not mine.
I notice you seem to be overly offended by the concept that I despise these lame-ass teams and all the courageous team-players who, like yourself, feel its their duty to be self-righteous and hostile towards anyone who's not with them.
I don't post here to be productive. I post hee to "keep up".
I take the time to help oganize local, grassroots efforts with others in order to do my best to prevent the overwhelming tide that's robbing you and I of our consitutionally granted liberties.
I am offended by someone who knows so much, yet is naive beyond Marx himself concerning the political process. Idealistic he might be, but he tries.
I've seen you berate others for their lack of practicality and clarity (and usually I was there beside you). Yet you seem to be just fine with believeing that we'll change the system you've spent so many hous bitching about by sitting on your ass. Do you feel superior belittling anyone who tries to organize to enact the same changes you've been cheerleading for?
If you ask me, you're a fake. You're in it for the "cool factor", ruboff, or just the bitchy glory of pretending to give a shit.
Welcome to the real world. Lives are being lost, and principoals are being tossed. To you, it must seem like a spectator sport.
Okay, it's poker.
You didn't play the independant card. You chastized those of us who who took a hand and threw down some chips. Of course, I'm sure it took both tits to conjure the courage to roll your eyes and fold before you were dealt a card. really, the courage you summoned is staggering.
But what's more staggering, because of people like you we lose. Everybody loses.
Santa Barbara
23-12-2005, 09:10
I don't post here to be productive.
Neither do I. So why berate me for not being productive when I post?
I've seen you berate others for their lack of practicality and clarity (and usually I was there beside you). Yet you seem to be just fine with believeing that we'll change the system you've spent so many hous bitching about by sitting on your ass.
I believe that? Wow. I didn't know that. Good to know what my beliefs are.
Do you feel superior belittling anyone who tries to organize to enact the same changes you've been cheerleading for?
See, this is what I hate about political parties. I say "I hate political parties" and you take personal offense. You have subsumed your identity, suborned it to that of the Party. Comrade.
If you ask me, you're a fake. You're in it for the "cool factor", ruboff, or just the bitchy glory of pretending to give a shit.
Welcome to the real world. Lives are being lost, and principoals are being tossed. To you, it must seem like a spectator sport.
I don't ask you, actually. Your opinion of me is unwarranted since you're just fucking assuming whatever you like about me based on one little comment.
Okay, it's poker.
You didn't play the independant card. You chastized those of us who who took a hand and threw down some chips. Of course, I'm sure it took both tits to conjure the courage to roll your eyes and fold before you were dealt a card. really, the courage you summoned is staggering.
It's you who's claiming you have "courage" for being in a political party.
But what's more staggering, because of people like you we lose. Everybody loses.
People like me who don't enjoy political parties? Or is this all based on the assumption that I don't vote and believe that we'll change things by sitting on my ass and that I'm a fake and a wannabe courageous person?
You're personal attacks - unlike my criticism of "political parties" - are totally unwarranted and baseless and fucking annoying to boot. If you ask ME, I'd say you were drunk or otherwise incapable of basic discussion at this point.
The Black Forrest
23-12-2005, 10:05
Meh. Well he is a politician. Did a great deal of talking and yet said little.
Hmmmm Melkor's comments were edited? Interesting. What did you hit them with Melkor?
23-12-2005, 14:14
After reading through the transcript on the LP site I noticed that a fellow named 'eichenlaub' got the 1st question in - I can only assume that was you, Eichen, and good work!
Neither do I. So why berate me for not being productive when I post?
I believe that? Wow. I didn't know that. Good to know what my beliefs are.
See, this is what I hate about political parties. I say "I hate political parties" and you take personal offense. You have subsumed your identity, suborned it to that of the Party. Comrade.
I don't ask you, actually. Your opinion of me is unwarranted since you're just fucking assuming whatever you like about me based on one little comment.
It's you who's claiming you have "courage" for being in a political party.
People like me who don't enjoy political parties? Or is this all based on the assumption that I don't vote and believe that we'll change things by sitting on my ass and that I'm a fake and a wannabe courageous person?
You're personal attacks - unlike my criticism of "political parties" - are totally unwarranted and baseless and fucking annoying to boot. If you ask ME, I'd say you were drunk or otherwise incapable of basic discussion at this point.
Blah, blah, blah. You walked into my thread to whine, and you had your say.
Yes, I'm a commie. You've busted me. And if my posts were drunken (that's obviously your best tort), then girl, you could use a drink or two.
After reading through the transcript on the LP site I noticed that a fellow named 'eichenlaub' got the 1st question in - I can only assume that was you, Eichen, and good work!
Thanks Super-Power. One problem during the chat was Cory didn't do a very good job of filtering the questions... I asked a few, but everyone asked a few, so it got a little confusing. I hope next time they take it a little more one-by-one instead of mobbing the speaker.
Next one, you should be there. :)
Jello Biafra
23-12-2005, 19:27
Sounds like it was an interesting event.
Eating Doritos and cursing the assholes you see on C-Span doesn't qualify you as an activist. I may have to steal this and put it in my signature.
Santa Barbara
23-12-2005, 22:07
Blah, blah, blah. You walked into my thread to whine, and you had your say.
Yes, I'm a commie. You've busted me. And if my posts were drunken (that's obviously your best tort), then girl, you could use a drink or two.
So basically what you're saying is, you're completely unreasonable and you don't give a shit? I had my say... and I'm right. Because you're a fucking idiot. Have a nice day.