Now this is heartbreak...
16-12-2005, 11:59
Lover gives stranger $15,000 ring
A disappointed lover in the US has left a $15,000 (£8,500) diamond engagement ring in a stranger's unlocked car, accompanied by a heartfelt message.
"Hopefully this will land in the hands of someone you love, for my love is gone now," read the note.
The car's owner, from Westborough, 48km (30 miles) north of Boston, told police about his find after having it valued.
"This appears to be random, but we don't really know," police Lt Paul Donnelly told local media.
The three diamond white gold ring enclosed in a box with a white bow was placed in the car which was parked at the train station in Westborough, Massachusetts.
The anonymous message read: "Merry Christmas. Thank you for leaving your car door unlocked. Instead of stealing your car I gave you a present.
"Hopefully this will land in the hands of someone you love, for my love is gone now. Merry Christmas to you."
Merry Christmas indeed...
Merry Christmas indeed...
I dunno...obviously a little short on details...
...but I think it speaks well of humanity in general that one person was able to take their pain and, while not ridding themselves of that pain, at least use it to do something good for someone else.
There are some other examples of that, or so I am told. ;)
I wonder if the police let him keep it.
16-12-2005, 12:26
Yeah, i agree on the short on details, but the story is a good one, for the very reason you mentioned...but $15k, that must have been some heartbreak.
Saint Jade
16-12-2005, 12:31
Oh that is achingly poetic and sad.
Cannot think of a name
16-12-2005, 12:41
Huh...if you offset your hands by one key and try and type 'for' you type 'die' instead...anyway...
For some reason I get the feeling that this is the end of a 'pathetic loser story' of a fairly rich guy. A guy who pulled the reigns WAY too early in a relationship and bought a girl who had pity coffee with him a $15 grand ring, totally creeping her out. I'm reminded of those guys who show you the ring their buyung the chick who is being nice to them and you're thinking, "Man, I don't know if that's such a good idea..."
This probably stems from the fact that I've never been around people buying jewlrey for someone they actually should be buying jewlery from. And when it goes predictably south on them they get extra mellodramatic and do things like leave the ring in a car.
That's being cynical, I'll admit. It would fucking suck if it was a ring he bought for someone he trully loved (and, important here, loved him back) and she really isn't around anymore. That would be sad. (it would be fuckin' creepy if he was the reason she wasn't still around...)
That should be long enough that no one will read it...
That should be long enough that no one will read it...
No, no it wasn't. :p
Pure Metal
16-12-2005, 12:49
thats almost a heartwarming story
hmm, I think I need new glasses or something, I keep reading titles that aren't there.
I thought the article read "Loser gives stranger $15,000 ring" on the first pass. I thought it was a bit harsh..
Cannot think of a name
16-12-2005, 12:58
No, no it wasn't. :p
This is what happens when I don't have weed, my posts don't ramble long enough...dammit...
16-12-2005, 13:11
hmm, I think I need new glasses or something, I keep reading titles that aren't there.
I thought the article read "Loser gives stranger $15,000 ring" on the first pass. I thought it was a bit harsh..
That started happening to me only 3 weeks after I joined this place last over a year ago.
Pure Metal
16-12-2005, 13:24
This is what happens when I don't have weed, my posts don't ramble long enough...dammit...
i have a solution for you :)
*emails* (
16-12-2005, 13:25
i have a solution for you :)
*emails* (
Whats he gonna do? set his monitor on fire so hopefully it will smoke? :D
Pure Metal
16-12-2005, 13:33
Whats he gonna do? set his monitor on fire so hopefully it will smoke? :D
yes. i would :D :p
or just print it out and shmoke that... duuuuh :rolleyes: ;)
16-12-2005, 13:36
yes. i would :D :p
or just print it out and shmoke that... duuuuh :rolleyes: ;)
LOL! Genius...:D
yes. i would :D :p
or just print it out and shmoke that... duuuuh :rolleyes: ;)
Heh...I'll have to remember that one! :p
Cannot think of a name
16-12-2005, 13:58
i have a solution for you :)
*emails* ( I wish that would work. Where are our replicators? Fuck the flying cars, I want to be able to walk up to a machine and say "Sticky icky" and get some gummy green bud.
Stupid bills and responsabilities. If I didn't have those I could have bought a big ass sack a while ago... I wish that would work. Where are our replicators? Fuck the flying cars, I want to be able to walk up to a machine and say "Sticky icky" and get some gummy green bud.
Fuckin' A.
Although you'd be rather disappointed if it started shooting semen at you after making that request.
Cannot think of a name
16-12-2005, 14:04
Fuckin' A.
Although you'd be rather disappointed if it started shooting semen at you after making that request.
Hmm. You make a good point. It certainly makes a clear case for being specific and asking for not take chances...
16-12-2005, 14:14
This thread has only taken 19 posts to go from romantic heart ache to green semen shooting from machines. My friends, that has to be an achievement of some great sort! :D
Pure Metal
16-12-2005, 14:17 I wish that would work. Where are our replicators? Fuck the flying cars, I want to be able to walk up to a machine and say "Sticky icky" and get some gummy green bud.
Stupid bills and responsabilities. If I didn't have those I could have bought a big ass sack a while ago...
yay replicators!
boo bills!
but flying cars would rule! :D
*stops hijacking thread*
*goes to work* (boo!)
16-12-2005, 14:20
yay replicators!
boo bills!
but flying cars would rule! :D
*stops hijacking thread*
*goes to work* (boo!)
You work?!?!?!;) :p