Pentagon admits mistake in spying on Americans
16-12-2005, 04:28
Of course they only "relize" it is there AFTER reporters find it and release it
The official said the database included police reports and law enforcement tips in a legitimate domestic security effort, but that it had mistakenly swept up and kept information on people who were not threats to launch terror attacks.
"We held onto things that should have been expunged because they weren't a threat,"
It sounds like most of thoes "accidentaly" in the database just HAPPEN to be peace activists:rolleyes:
16-12-2005, 04:32
Of course they only "relize" it is there AFTER reporters find it and release it
It sounds like most of thoes "accidentaly" in the database just HAPPEN to be peace activists:rolleyes:
Well, at least they admitted their error. And surely you would agree than the Pentagon has little reason to trust "peace activists," yes?
16-12-2005, 04:34
And surely you would agree than the Pentagon has little reason to trust "peace activists," yes?
16-12-2005, 04:35
Well, at least they admitted their error. And surely you would agree than the Pentagon has little reason to trust "peace activists," yes?
Again at this point as it was already in the news being silent would have hardly helped them
I doubt they would have bothered "fixing" this "error" if it had not been made public
16-12-2005, 04:36
Again at this point as it was already in the news being silent would have hardly helped them
I doubt they would have bothered "fixing" this "error" if it had not been made public
16-12-2005, 04:37
Oh? DO explain, oh font of all wisdom! :D
16-12-2005, 04:38
Peace activist have been know to attack bases.
16-12-2005, 04:39
That sort of error can NOT have gotten passed their database checks
If so they are absolutly incompatent, that sort of error is not acceptable in something as simple as our admissions database at a college, much less something having potentialy to do with national security.
16-12-2005, 04:42
Oh? DO explain, oh font of all wisdom! :D
What's the point? So you can get your jollies fighting thirty-year-old battles against hippies who aren't around anymore?
Thanks and all, but I'm not biting.
The Pentagon has nothing to fear but budget cuts, and I've never in my entire life heard of the Pentagon having to make do with less.
Go box shadows, grampa.
16-12-2005, 04:44
That sort of error can NOT have gotten passed their database checks
If so they are absolutly incompatent, that sort of error is not acceptable in something as simple as our admissions database at a college, much less something having potentialy to do with national security.
It could be something as simple as "interpreting" an order incorrectly. Or it could have been they interpreted a somewhat ambiguous order exactly as the chain of command wanted them to, but had the rug pulled from under then as soon as the "error" was discovered. Who knows??
16-12-2005, 04:45
What's the point? So you can get your jollies fighting thirty-year-old battles against hippies who aren't around anymore?
Thanks and all, but I'm not biting.
The Pentagon has nothing to fear but budget cuts, and I've never in my entire life heard of the Pentagon having to make do with less.
Go box shadows, grampa.
Oooooooo! Someone is a bit testy tonight! Who rained on your parade? :p
16-12-2005, 04:46
It could be something as simple as "interpreting" an order incorrectly. Or it could have been they interpreted a somewhat ambiguous order exactly as the chain of command wanted them to, but had the rug pulled from under then as soon as the "error" was discovered. Who knows??
All deffinatly possible, but a lot of things are possible, some things are just more probable.
Psychotic Mongooses
16-12-2005, 04:46
Peace activist have been know to attack bases.
If I'm thinking of the same thing you are, they daubed paint on a US navy plane...somehow causing €500,000 worth of damage.
Kinda Sensible people
16-12-2005, 04:48
Peace activist have been know to attack bases.
So have extremists in every other political group. That's not reason to be paranoid about all members of that group.
16-12-2005, 04:58
So have extremists in every other political group. That's not reason to be paranoid about all members of that group.
But with an occupation going on, peace activist are more likely to be attacking them than others. Right?
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
16-12-2005, 05:03
I wish all aspects of government worked like this. Like when I was arrested for stalking that woman, "I'm sorry, your honour, but I forgot that I wasn't supposed to follow her home, hide in her tree, and furitively masturbate every time she walked by the window. It was just a screw up in my day planner when I forgot to erase the entry for "Sneak into her room and raid her underwear drawer" for Wednesday's at 7 PM. Just a silly little paper work mistake, could happen to anybody really."