How fast can you run 1 mile??
15-12-2005, 00:56
Dont Lie
Neo Kervoskia
15-12-2005, 00:57
Three hours if I really try.
Pure Metal
15-12-2005, 00:57
fuckin slow. like, 10 minutes? 20 minutes? i dunno, but i'd walk most of the way, heh.
or just cycle... running is for noobs ;)
Cuneo Island
15-12-2005, 00:58
Just over seven minutes. Eight plus something if I'm tired. Anywhere up to 20 minutes if I don't feel like running.
Pepe Dominguez
15-12-2005, 00:58
How fast could I run a mile, you say?
5:15 a couple years ago..
That wasn't the question? Oh, right.. how fast "can" I run a mile?
Mrhhm.. not sure.. *cough* :(
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 00:58
I used to be able to run a mile in 6:30, no joke. I did two in 13:36 once.
Now I'd be lucky to run a mile in nine minutes. I'm horribly out of shape.
15-12-2005, 00:58
5:30-6, at least I could last year. Now probably around 6:30
Heron-Marked Warriors
15-12-2005, 00:59
Am I chasing an ice-cream van?
I can do it. I can do cartwheels for a mile.
Here I go.
Here I go again.
Anarchic Christians
15-12-2005, 01:00
Run... a mile?
You fuckin' CRAZYYY!!
I'm woefully unfit I really am, really ought to get active again.
15-12-2005, 01:00
WOW theyre being honest!!! My fastest is 5:21 but i run cross country For two mile maybe 11:50 or so i think
Tactical Grace
15-12-2005, 01:02
Hard to say, I think 7-8 minutes. When I do cross-country running, I mostly focus on running 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, rather than caring about distance.
15-12-2005, 01:04
Never run a mile in my life. We run Kilometers here.
7.03.. i timed myself today coincidently...
Pepe Dominguez
15-12-2005, 01:07
Never run a mile in my life. We run Kilometers here.
So how fast can you run 1.609 km? :)
15-12-2005, 01:07
I think the one time I ran most of the mile instead of powerwalking when I felt I needed a break was around 9:15...
15-12-2005, 01:09
So how fast can you run 1.609 km? :)
I can't. I upgraded my feet to winter tires last week.
Tactical Grace
15-12-2005, 01:11
I'm pretty sure that by January, everyone will have to add a couple minutes to their time. :p
Pepe Dominguez
15-12-2005, 01:13
I can't. I upgraded my feet to winter tires last week.
Coincidentally, even back when I could run a mile consistently under 5:30, I couldn't break 6:00 on a treadmill during winter when it would snow.. dunno why, but I'm not a fan of treadmills..
15-12-2005, 01:15
Coincidentally, even back when I could run a mile consistently under 5:30, I couldn't break 6:00 on a treadmill during winter when it would snow.. dunno why, but I'm not a fan of treadmills..
No, winter tires. With chains on them. Yes, on the ends of my legs.
Juche Resistance
15-12-2005, 01:16
Four minutes and like 46 seconds was my best run on the track at school for a mile. Some of you might be like,"N0 W4Y!1!1!!!ONEELEVEN!1!!111!" but I'm telling the truth, when I took PF (Physical Fitness), I was the fastest runner (although I'm horrible at swimming, not much upper body strength). I also happen to be the fastest runner on my soccer team, which isn't going to last cause I'm switching to a better team.
According to me, if you run a mile over 5:30, you're either really fat, or a girl that only cares about going to the mall.
15-12-2005, 01:19
So how fast can you run 1.609 km? :)
I ran a 3km race last year and came 4th which was brilliant for me. My time was around 11ish. Not quick. I'm faster now, but more of a 200m runner lol.
15-12-2005, 01:19
According to me, if you run a mile over 5:30, you're either really fat, or a girl that only cares about going to the mall.
Wouldn't the girls who REALLY care about going to the mall be able to get there pretty quickly?
Me, I run the mile in about 5:25.
15-12-2005, 01:23
I have no idea... but I ran 3 km in 14 minutes when i was 13 or something. I am 20 now. I guess my answer will be 7+, but I'm not fat or so. Just untrained :)
EDIT: haha now I remember when I did my military service ! 13:45 on 3 km :) So I haven't changed much in 7 years :D haha kinda funny
German Nightmare
15-12-2005, 01:23
I used to be able to run 2000m in 5:45. Those days are over for a decade now. I'd either ride my bike or walk.
Edit: As for a mile today - I honestly wouldn't know: Haven't timed myself (or exercised intentionally) for a long time!
15-12-2005, 01:25
i read, that bush runs 6 minute miles.
Four minutes and like 46 seconds was my best run on the track at school for a mile. Some of you might be like,"N0 W4Y!1!1!!!ONEELEVEN!1!!111!" but I'm telling the truth, when I took PF (Physical Fitness), I was the fastest runner (although I'm horrible at swimming, not much upper body strength). I also happen to be the fastest runner on my soccer team, which isn't going to last cause I'm switching to a better team.
According to me, if you run a mile over 5:30, you're either really fat, or a girl that only cares about going to the mall.
5:30 and you think a person is really fat?I'm sorry to say but that sounds really shallow. Not all of us can be track stars, and most people need to pace themselves.
I'm glad that I am seeing people in here that can at least run, most of the people these days are really fat and out of shape.
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 01:28
I have to say I find these responses amusing.
Only on the internet will this many people be able to run a mile in under 6 minutes :rolleyes:
Seriously, there have been 13 [serious] answers and nearly half of them have done it in less than six minutes. Am I the only one finding this a bit hard to swallow?
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 01:29
5:30 and you think a person is really fat?I'm sorry to say but that sounds really shallow. Not all of us can be track stars, and most people need to pace themselves.
It's not really 'shallow' so much as it is 'shockingly uninformed.' Statistically, very few of us can run a 5:30 mile, even those of us who aren't 'fat.'
15-12-2005, 01:30
I have to say I find these responses amusing.
Only on the internet will this many people be able to run a mile in under 6 minutes :rolleyes:
Seriously, there have been 13 [serious] answers and nearly half of them have done it in less than six minutes. Am I the only one finding this a bit hard to swallow?
The goal for a mile run is just under 4 minutes for top athletes. I think I could run under 6minutes for 1.6km with maybe 2-3 weeks of training. But I didn't vote on the poll, as I haven't been timed for a mile. I think it's believable though.
Deep Kimchi
15-12-2005, 01:33
Dont Lie
I average about 6:15 for three miles, then it slows to almost 7 minutes for each mile thereafter.
I usually run three, occasionally more, five times a week, weather permitting.
I have to say I find these responses amusing.
Only on the internet will this many people be able to run a mile in under 6 minutes :rolleyes:
Seriously, there have been 13 [serious] answers and nearly half of them have done it in less than six minutes. Am I the only one finding this a bit hard to swallow?
Hey, buddy, I would like to see you run in cross country races like me. Maby you are just jelous or something, I do not know, but I can easily run only one mile in under 6 minutes. For practices, we have ran up to about 9 miles.
15-12-2005, 01:34
Depends on what's chasing me, but I prefer to drive. I can do a mile in a little under a minute depending on traffic.
German Nightmare
15-12-2005, 01:35
I'm glad that I am seeing people in here that can at least run, most of the people these days are really fat and out of shape.
That is not quite correct... I used to be able to run (sprinter, actually) and a good swimmer (never lost so much weight until I gained muscle mass) - but that was ten years ago (when I still played soccer on a regular basis).
I now am overweight and seriously out of shape. Don't chase me. There won't be any chasing, 'cause chasing includes running. I'm the guy who get's eaten by the monster...
About 6:20 on a flat 400m track. Otherwise, it's all up to debate.
15-12-2005, 01:37
I'm glad that I am seeing people in here that can at least run, most of the people these days are really fat and out of shape.
I am neither really fat nor out of shape, I simply choose not to run.
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 01:38
Hey, buddy, I would like to see you run in cross country races like me. Maby you are just jelous or something, I do not know, but I can easily run only one mile in under 6 minutes. For practices, we have ran up to about 9 miles.
Hey buddy, I have run in cross country races and if you'd have read my previous posts, you'd probably know that.
I might be jealous if I cared how fast I could run a mile, but such as it is I place more stock in my intellectual capacity than my physical capacity. The reason I'm pointing this out is because you probably couldn't find a random sample of people with times like these anywhere on the planet, save possibly for parts of Africa.
It might be because the people who can run fast miles are attracted to this thread, which would have been a much more effective way of shutting me up than the method you chose to employ. Swing and a miss!
15-12-2005, 01:38
5.45 mins, but I only run on a treadmill - in crosscountry, I imagine it'd be way slower.
That is not quite correct... I used to be able to run (sprinter, actually) and a good swimmer (never lost so much weight until I gained muscle mass) - but that was ten years ago (when I still played soccer on a regular basis).
I now am overweight and seriously out of shape. Don't chase me. There won't be any chasing, 'cause chasing includes running. I'm the guy who get's eaten by the monster...
No offense to you, but you could of easily stayed in shape. My cross country coach is pretty damn old (wrinkles and little hair, and that hair is grey) and he is probably faster than most of us. The only people faster than him is the varsity team. Good day.
German Nightmare
15-12-2005, 01:42
Elgesh']5.45 mins, but I only run on a treadmill - in crosscountry, I imagine it'd be way slower.
Gee. I never ran cross country. At school, we only had those red clay 400m round tracks.
And I hated it, because I was one of the slowest guys but still faster than all the girls...
The times one had to run receive good grades were ridiculous: Close to German National Records and what they run at the Olympics for an A+.
15-12-2005, 01:42
I've never timed myself. I imagine I'd be still there after ten minutes. I fatten up for the winter.
Deep Kimchi
15-12-2005, 01:43
I run for the same reason that I carry firearms (and practice with them). Running is a useful ability, and you'll never know when you'll need it.
The Lightning Star
15-12-2005, 01:43
About 6:30 minutes is my fastest, but usually I do it in about 9 (running with bits of fast-walking in between). I'm not t3h uber-athlete, but I am in pretty decent shape. I can swim well, but not awesomely, I can jog a while, but not forever, etc.
Deep Kimchi
15-12-2005, 01:44
About 6:30 minutes is my fastest, but usually I do it in about 9 (running with bits of fast-walking in between). I'm not t3h uber-athlete, but I am in pretty decent shape. I can swim well, but not awesomely, I can jog a while, but not forever, etc.
If you were being chased by wild carnivores, you would run faster.
Hey buddy, I have run in cross country races and if you'd have read my previous posts, you'd probably know that.
I might be jealous if I cared how fast I could run a mile, but such as it is I place more stock in my intellectual capacity than my physical capacity. The reason I'm pointing this out is because you probably couldn't find a random sample of people with times like these anywhere on the planet, save possibly for parts of Africa.
It might be because the people who can run fast miles are attracted to this thread, which would have been a much more effective way of shutting me up than the method you chose to employ. Swing and a miss!
Let me guess, you were that guy that joined the team to just try to lose weight.
German Nightmare
15-12-2005, 01:45
No offense to you, but you could of easily stayed in shape. My cross country coach is pretty damn old (wrinkles and little hair, and that hair is grey) and he is probably faster than most of us. The only people faster than him is the varsity team. Good day.
Dude, no offense taken. I was attracted to this thread 'cause I used to be in very good shape and I now it's only my lazy bum that keeps me from getting back to where I'd like to be.
I guess that quitting smoking would be the first thing. (Maybe next year?)
Then start running around, or maybe run to the university pool, swim, run back.
Right now, I'm just happy that my mind is doing quite alright again, body is next to achieve mind-soul balance. :)
The Lightning Star
15-12-2005, 01:48
If you were being chased by wild carnivores, you would run faster.
A point well made, my friend, a point well made.
My fastest mile time was my sophmore year in high school during wrestling season. It was above 6 flat at like 6:08 or something, but my average now is roughly 7:30.
Damn asthma.
Deep Kimchi
15-12-2005, 01:50
I'm 44, and I haven't let myself get out of shape. I'm not as strong as I was when I was younger, but I have more endurance than I had when I was in the Army.
Either that, or I've gotten better at ignoring what my body tells me.
15-12-2005, 01:51
I can run a mile in 4:24. We have to run a mile every Tuesday and a mile and a half every Thursday for ROTC... so it pays off after a while. We had to run the 8 mile race at the base last weekend and I did it in 30 minutes and like 59 but yea, seriously.
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 01:52
Let me guess, you were that guy that joined the team to just try to lose weight.
Yeah, I was really fat [try 10 lbs underweight] in High School, and I still am [still about 10 lbs underweight]. I ran cross country because my parents made me. You can take that size 12 out of your mouth any time you want; but I rather like it there. If I lost any weight , I'd be liable to be carried away by a stiff breeze.
All of that aside, you're really being an asshole here; if you can't conduct yourself civilly I'm going to have to ask you to get the [i]hell off my forum. Kindly take a moment to read the three words under my username, and then tell me that treating me like this is a smart idea.
Yeah, I was really fat [try 10 lbs underweight] in High School, and I still am [still about 10 lbs underweight]. I ran cross country because my parents made me. You can take that size 12 out of your mouth any time you want; but I rather like it there. If I lost any weight , I'd be liable to be carried away by a stiff breeze.
All of that aside, you're really being an asshole here; if you can't conduct yourself civilly I'm going to have to ask you to get the [i]hell off my forum. Kindly take a moment to read the three words under my username, and then tell me that treating me like this is a smart idea.
Yes, sir, I am very sorry for treating you like that. Lets be friends!
Pure Metal
15-12-2005, 01:57
All of that aside, you're really being an asshole here; if you can't conduct yourself civilly I'm going to have to ask you to get the hell off my forum. Kindly take a moment to read the three words under my username, and then tell me that treating me like this is a smart idea.
:p sorry i've been waiting to use this one: (maybe not entirely appropriate but i made it myself damnit!!)
go melkor! :D
on topic tho: i still hate you lot who are always compaining of being 'underweight'... its better than being overweight so enjoy it while you can! :rolleyes: ;)
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 01:58
Yes, sir, I am very sorry for treating you like that. Lets be friends!
Let's not. I frankly couldn't care less about whether you're sorry or not, so long as it doesn't happen [to me or any other user] again. Saying "I bet you joined the team just to lose weight" could easily be construed as flamebait.
Doomy Doomlicious Doom
15-12-2005, 02:01
PR is 5:15. I run marathons though, so that's not quite as fast as I could be. Eh.
Okay, I am not joking here: I don't know what 'flamebaid' is. Can you please explain to me what that is? Look at how many posts I have, I rarely go to the forums. So if you can kindly explain to me what that is, it will be greatly appreciated.
German Nightmare
15-12-2005, 02:02
Damn asthma.
I won't even go there.
Deep Kimchi
15-12-2005, 02:04
Okay, I am not joking here: I don't know what 'flamebaid' is. Can you please explain to me what that is? Look at how many posts I have, I rarely go to the forums. So if you can kindly explain to me what that is, it will be greatly appreciated.
Read this thread:
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 02:05
Okay, I am not joking here: I don't know what 'flamebaid' is. Can you please explain to me what that is? Look at how many posts I have, I rarely go to the forums. So if you can kindly explain to me what that is, it will be greatly appreciated.
Fair enough. Flamebait, broadly speaking, is a post which serves little or no identifiable purpose other than to goad your opponent [in this case, me] into responding angrily. Since I can't see any other possible [expected] response to your post, I'm forced to conclude that's precisely what it was. this thread ( discusses it and a good deal of other rules violations in better detail.
I'm glad you asked; it's been my experience that most people don't and then bitch about "free speech" when they're banned or deleted. I'm glad to see you're actually interested in learning what the rules are and [hopefully] following them.
Pure Metal
15-12-2005, 02:07
Read this thread:
or of course this one: :)
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 02:10
...We had to run the 8 mile race at the base last weekend and I did it in 20 minutes and like 59 but yea, seriously.
Are you an Olympic athlete? Because the world's fastest man ( can sprint 100 meters [say nothing of a cross country race] in just over nine seconds, which is approximately 23mph.
So basically, what you're saying here , is that you can sustain a speed of roughly 24 mph--faster than the current recordholder--for the [b]full 8 miles. If that's the case you probably ought to give Guinness a call. But in the meantime, don't expect any of us to beleive this nonsense.
You did not run 8 miles in 21 minutes. I guaranfuckingtee it.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
15-12-2005, 02:11
Lets just say: faster than the average hooker in a dark alleyway, and leave it at that, shall we?
In seriousness, last time I was forced to "run" a mile, I walked backwards the entire way and managed to be last at about 40 minutes. The only thing running a mile teaches you how to do is to run another mile. On the other hand sprinting is useful for jay walking and avoiding the shiftier people who frequent the Bronx at 3 AM.
15-12-2005, 02:12
If my coaches are watching a lil under 7. If it was in gym class I would loligag and take up to 7:30.
15-12-2005, 02:12
5:45 on a 400m track and ^:15-30 in Cross country...Now lets see how many people can swim a mile in under 16 minutes...*raises hand*
Lets just say: faster than the average hooker in a dark alleyway, and leave it at that, shall we?
In seriousness, last time I was forced to "run" a mile, I walked backwards the entire way and managed to be last at about 40 minutes. The only thing running a mile teaches you how to do is to run another mile. On the other hand sprinting is useful for jay walking and avoiding the shiftier people who frequent the Bronx at 3 AM.
There we go! Let's make a new thread on how fast people run the 40 yard dash.
Yeah, you got me on the swim. I am a crappy swimmer, but my old man is pretty darn good at swimming.
German Nightmare
15-12-2005, 02:17
Now lets see how many people can swim a mile in under 16 minutes...*raises hand*
Oh God, no! I can swim for more than 45 minutes, but I don't know where that would take me?
umm I don't really know but my guess is about 7-8 minutes...
I ran 4.6 km's... (don't know how many miles that is) in 30minutes this morning... I was pretty proud of that, and it was cross country so there were some hills too :)
15-12-2005, 02:23
when I was in highschool (before I hurt my knee falling off a halfpipe when skateboarding) I could run a mile in 7 flat.
Post knee injury and added weight from 2 babies, I run a 11 minute mile.
Pure Metal
15-12-2005, 02:28
Now lets see how many people can swim a mile in under 16 minutes...*raises hand*
i once did 2 miles in 40, back when i swam a lot.
Juche Resistance
15-12-2005, 02:29
5:30 and you think a person is really fat?I'm sorry to say but that sounds really shallow. Not all of us can be track stars, and most people need to pace themselves.
CORRECTION: I'm just really skinny and train for running almost daily, and all of you are just untrained. Is that cool with you?
The Tribes Of Longton
15-12-2005, 02:39
Back in high school (when I was fitter) I was the best cross country runner in my school. At 12 I could run 1500m in 5:28. The best I ever managed was 4:50 when I was 13.
Mysteriously I lost my running ability after 14 - about the time I discovered alcohol. Ah well. *munches pie*
EDIT: Oh shit, I forgot to mention my now time. After training myself up for a while, I can now run the 1500m in...........
6 minutes. Then I almost vomit. :(
15-12-2005, 02:47
Two years ago I ran a 6:40 mile - haven't timed it since but have ran a ton, so you'd think I'd have gotten faster...
I can walk a mile, buy some groceries, and walk home in just under 30 minutes.
15-12-2005, 02:54
I have to say I find these responses amusing.
Only on the internet will this many people be able to run a mile in under 6 minutes :rolleyes:
Seriously, there have been 13 [serious] answers and nearly half of them have done it in less than six minutes. Am I the only one finding this a bit hard to swallow?
Actually runnign under 6 minutes isnt that great obviously u dont run or u would now that
15-12-2005, 02:56
Actually runnign under 6 minutes isnt that great obviously u dont run or u would now that
he probably does run, or he wouldn't know how fast he ran. duh:rolleyes:
maybe he just doesn't run to compete, or maybe he isn't uberobsessed with other people's running times and therefore doesn't feel the need to compare.
15-12-2005, 03:01
Actually runnign under 6 minutes isnt that great obviously u dont run or u would now that
Pssh, put your money where your mouth is and tell me *your* fastest mile time
Dishonorable Scum
15-12-2005, 03:02
It's been so many years since I've timed myself running, I have no idea any more. Probably pretty slow - I never was very fast. (But I can keep going for a long time. It doesn't matter if you run faster than me if you can't run farther - I'll catch you eventually!)
The Riemann Hypothesis
15-12-2005, 03:18
One time all the gym teacher would tell me was 17+ :D I hate running.
Mythotic Kelkia
15-12-2005, 03:22
lol, run a mile? I hope you don't mean like, all at once. I can barely run a quarter of a mile in one go before collapsing.
Demented Hamsters
15-12-2005, 03:27
Depends what's chasing me.
I clocked 6:29 a few months back after I hadn't ran in months. I'd like to do better but I never had a real chance.
[QUOTE=Juche Resistance
According to me, if you run a mile over 5:30, you're either really fat, or a girl that only cares about going to the mall.[/QUOTE]
I'm not fat, can't run a mile under 5:30, but I'd gladly meet you on the Ice Rink, where we can discuss this wearing skates...
(He's going to stab you, don't do it)
Being a soccer players I have to run a mile in under 6 minutes, preferably. I've cleared a 400 meter dash in less than 1 minute, so there ya go. I'm quite a fast sonovabitch.
CORRECTION: I'm just really skinny and train for running almost daily, and all of you are just untrained. Is that cool with you?
How fast can you run a 400 meter?
And how old are you?
(He's going to stab you, don't do it)
Actually, hockey players don't stab, they spear. A minor technicality, but nevertheless the message on the rink is the same as in life: "keep your head UP!"
Goso and Comino
15-12-2005, 04:05
I usualy do half-mile or quarter-mile runs, and last time I checked I was doing those in 3:05-3:20 (half) and 1:25-1:30 (quarter) so I'll just multiply and say 6:10-6:40 on a good day, but probably more like 6:30-7:10 because I'll get tired.
The Nazz
15-12-2005, 04:07
lol, run a mile? I hope you don't mean like, all at once. I can barely run a quarter of a mile in one go before collapsing.
I don't even run to my car when it's raining.
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 04:08
Actually runnign under 6 minutes isnt that great obviously u dont run or u would now that
Statistically, running a mile under 6 minutes puts you ahead of the vast majority of the population, making it a decent time. It's a bad time for pro athletes, but for pretty much everyone else it's damn good. Obviously I have ran [but don't currently], as I was on the cross country team [however breifly] in High School. I know what's a good time and what isn't. 6 minutes is a good time.
And for the love of God, learn how to type; I feel like I lost brain cells just reading that. Is it really so goddamn hard for people to actually type out the word "you?" I mean, it's three measly letters!
15-12-2005, 04:12 fast can I run a mile....I can run about 7 minutes on a track, and around 6 minutes on a cross country course.
Roughly 5:24. Short distances aren't my thing.
And for the love of God, learn how to type; I feel like I lost brain cells just reading that. Is it really so goddamn hard for people to actually type out the word "you?" I mean, it's three measly letters!
The Nazz
15-12-2005, 04:23
And for the love of God, learn how to type; I feel like I lost brain cells just reading that. Is it really so goddamn hard for people to actually type out the word "you?" I mean, it's three measly letters!
Have you ever considered that you might substantially increase the quality of your life if you just stopped coming around here? :D
Melkor Unchained
15-12-2005, 04:53
Have you ever considered that you might substantially increase the quality of your life if you just stopped coming around here? :D
Have you? Has anyone? ;)
16-12-2005, 01:03
Never was very fast, never at all... I once ran a mile and a half in 11:30, then did 20 sit-ups and 20 push-ups - that's the basic fitness test for the Irish Army. And, at the time, I was probably a stone overweight, and horribly unfit - I still am, haven't ran properly in yonks, but I'm gonna get back into it soon. But I know two people who can run it in under 4:30 - two of my closest friends are runners.