Marrakech II
13-12-2005, 04:01
This is a sad state of affairs when this kind of thing happens. Although when I was working as a young pup in a grocery store. We use to catch kids and elderly for stealing all the time. So this type of thing doesn't suprise me.
Cannot think of a name
13-12-2005, 04:04
I actually wrote a play about this sime time ago (well, it wasn't about this, but one of the plot elements involved it). Yay, I'm ahead of the curve!!
13-12-2005, 04:15
I am not really surprised. When I had my surgery 6 months ago, people came out of the woodwork
"did know get a script for pain pills?"
"like narcotics?"
"how much to buy what you have left?"
"I won't have any left"
"you don't need all of them, it's bad to take too many narcotics"
"yeah, I didn't fill the script, because I don't take pain pills unless I really have to, because I used to be addicted"
"oh, then how much for the script?"
"I am NOT a drug dealer!!!!!!! Leave me alone!!!!!!!!"
I had a very similar conversation with about 8 people, you would be surprised how many people take prescription drugs, and don't realize that it's a dangerous addiction,they think it's like "super tylenol"
I don't see why anyone who really needed them would have a problem getting them anyway, in the year I was waiting for my surgery I was in the ER about once a week, and every time they would give me a script for pain pills. Even after I told them that I didn't want one. :rolleyes:
13-12-2005, 06:10
I have a relative who has had a pain-killer addiction. I know she not only did that to get the drugs, she also stole them whenever she could get alone in someone's bathroom, along with anything in the cabinet stronger than tylenol. I don't know if she's beat it yet, but last I heard she was still trying.