NationStates Jolt Archive

Philosophical question: What is evil?

13-12-2005, 00:27
"Nobody chooses evil because it's evil, but because he mistakes it for blessedness "

So what do you think is evil?

Brady Bunch Perm
13-12-2005, 00:32
Evil is breaking the law of God.

I dare say all of us are evil.
America of Tomorrow
13-12-2005, 00:33
"Nobody chooses evil because it's evil, but because he mistakes it for blessedness " ...

Hmmmm, I choose evil 'cos it's evil. :( But we're asking philosophical definition, right, not dictionary definition? *Feels an urge to grab a dictionary*
13-12-2005, 00:34
"Nobody chooses evil because it's evil, but because he mistakes it for blessedness "
Not entirely sure if I agree with that. People may choose something that could be considered evil without even giving its morality a thought.

Evil is, in my view, intense self indulgence fulfilled by deliberate harm to others.
13-12-2005, 00:34
New York City bus & subway drivers are evil.
13-12-2005, 00:34
Evil is suffering.
13-12-2005, 00:36
I love philosophical questions. It gives me this warm...fuzzy feeling inside.

Being the scitzo that I am, I view evil in three ways.

Defying Norms: More often than not, evil is used to assign a label to something that the majority feels is immoral or simply does not agree with. In this case, evil is merely a perception.

True Evil: On the other hand, evil can be considered something that exists definately in this world, and it is something that people can come to a concenssus on. Murder and rape, for instance, might be considered to be "evil".

Balance: Others still say that good cannot exist without evil, that evil is a natural and neccessary force in the universe that MUST exist in order for there to be balance.

I told you my head is a mess.
Kinda Sensible people
13-12-2005, 00:36
Evil is a desire to cause harm to another human being.
Brady Bunch Perm
13-12-2005, 00:36
New York City bus & subway drivers are evil.

In that case, so is that Taco Bell on the corner 5th and Main.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
13-12-2005, 00:37
I dare say all of us are evil.
I blame the Interweb. All of that pr0n sitting five inches away, how could I resist?
Secluded Islands
13-12-2005, 00:38
ask me again after next semester. ill be taking a good and evil philosophy class...
America of Tomorrow
13-12-2005, 00:40
Well, I dunno about you guys, but I think that there is no such thing as pure evil. I mean, a part of my beliefs is that one yin yang thing - there's always a little bit of good in the bad, and always some bad in the good. I think that's what the symbol means, anyway. :p Lol, so whatever.

... Balance: Others still say that good cannot exist without evil, that evil is a natural and neccessary force in the universe that MUST exist in order for there to be balance. ...

Yeah. Yeah, that's it
Heron-Marked Warriors
13-12-2005, 00:40
ask me again after next semester. ill be taking a good and evil philosophy class...

...yes, I do want fries with that:p
13-12-2005, 00:41
In that case, so is that Taco Bell on the corner 5th and Main.

Most Taco Bells in NYC have a rat & roach quota.....evil rats and roaches
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
13-12-2005, 00:41
Well, I dunno about you guys, but I think that there is no such thing as pure evil.
You haven't been around here long enough to meet Fass, have you?
13-12-2005, 00:43
Evil is a desire to cause harm to another human being.

Kinda what I wanted to say but a lot simpler. Bless you sir...
America of Tomorrow
13-12-2005, 00:43
You haven't been around here long enough to meet Fass, have you?

... Fass? ... :confused:
13-12-2005, 00:44
Not entirely sure if I agree with that. People may choose something that could be considered evil without even giving its morality a thought.

Evil is, in my view, intense self indulgence fulfilled by deliberate harm to others.

I don't think that what he said necessarily disagrees with what you said. Ultimately, we do the things we do, consciously or not, because we believe that they will make us happy, or at least happier. Now, we may do things that are evil even without respect to morality, but purely out of ignorance of what the good is. Thing is, this is just another way of reformulating the statement that man does evil things because he mistakes them for blessedness, or in more secular terms, happiness.

Really, the only ultimate evil is ignorance of what the good is. Few if anybody would willingly choose evil if they had properly laid out before them: this is good, and it will make you happy. This is bad, and it will make you unhappy. Now choose which one you want. I say this not out of some naive view, but because I've met quite a few people who did some truly evil things, and I've often found them to be the most clueless with respect to what good is.
13-12-2005, 00:44
This Picture. (
13-12-2005, 00:47
milton kynes
13-12-2005, 00:57
I personally think that "evil" is out-dated term. People used to need something that they could make things concrete at, the developments of philosophy at the modern level and the understanding of human psyche is slowly making it more and more out-dated.

Even rapist are not evil, even phedophiles are not evil. They are just wrecked humans that are desperately seeking something, or just insane.... take our pick.
World is different shades of gray, nothing is solid and only thing that you can REALLY say is good is your own opinion. No one can tell you whats right and what is wrong, all they can do is tell you the common standards and laws. Rest is up to you, you can follow or not to follow.

"Nobody chooses evil because it's evil, but because he mistakes it for blessedness "

This sentence means that people who are "evil" are actually misguided, and supports the "we are better" image that we want to have against those we deem "evil" in reality... well we are all humans.

[b]Evil is a desire to cause harm to another human being.[b]

This is again only half-truth. Its insanity to want to hurt someone, even if its just for moments heat it is something off a glitch in the persons mind. Humans have natural affinity towards each other, i don't think anyone can live in a bottle. Those who want to hurt are a bit broken inside, and they are, again, filling something inside of them.

Evil is suffering.

This is wrong, suffering is natural. Its the way of life, everyone suffers on some degree. And if you mean that BEING evil is suffering i think you are right on some level... people who commit "evil" are hurting. (Or broken again -_-)

Balance: Others still say that good cannot exist without evil, that evil is a natural and necessary force in the universe that MUST exist in order for there to be balance.

Like i said, out-dated, time to look forward and forget good and evil and be human.

PS. if you want to throw rocks at me or argue about it or anything. Feel free, i am absolutely sure i am 100% right about this and its your duty to crack that certainty if you can. (And you think im wrong.)

(edit typos)
13-12-2005, 00:59
Evil is anything that goes against feeling goodness.
Like Bill O'Reilly.
And Satan.

(best buds there, eh?)
13-12-2005, 01:06
Evil is, in my view, intense self indulgence fulfilled by deliberate harm to others.
I agree. Causing "deliverate harm to others" is evil in my book.
13-12-2005, 01:06
I was thinking yesterday(in church) that you could probably trace all sins back to selfishness.

So I think maybe (and I haven't really thought this out much) that you can trace all evil back to people being selfish.
25th Soldier Select
13-12-2005, 01:06
Evil is the lack of campassion, consideration, and care of what is considered good by most. Ignorance plays a big part of it I believe.

Though the analysis of evil has many different aspects that cannot be fully covered. My own opinion would vastly differentiate from someone living on the other side of the globe, not to mention 6 billion others who inhabit this lovely turd we call the earth. Its about perspective, and the only answer that will suffice is based on your particular surroundings.
13-12-2005, 01:08
A strong case has been made that good and evil are meaningless. Some have argued that evil is just something the weak call the strong out of resentment for their oppressors. Not my kind of theory, but oh well. At this point, I haven't really be able to find much of a basis for ethics at all, so I'm really not sure what evil is or if it even exists.
13-12-2005, 01:11
A strong case has been made that good and evil are meaningless.

how does that relate to the real world though, if nothing is wrong then why not do whatever it takes to make yourself happy, not considering others?

*I know you said it wasn't "your type of theory", but if you say a strong case has been made, I would like to hear it for my own educational purposes.
13-12-2005, 01:13
Evil is suffering.
well then god is evil because of all the suffering he causes, and i think we are screwed with both the devil and god being evil(just showing how this response is stupid from a religious perspective)

evil is doing what you know is wrong and willingly harming another person, unless you harm that person to save another
13-12-2005, 01:18
IMO, evil is intentionally harming others, and Evil is taking delight in that.
13-12-2005, 01:21
"Nobody chooses evil because it's evil, but because he mistakes it for blessedness "

There are many ways you can approach this.

First, you can negate it's relativity because it argues that everybody chooses to do good deeds; it states that whether or not one's actions are evil they are doing it in an attempt for good. I would argue that not everyone acts in the interests of decency, many people act for the good of themselves, which is a very different matter.

Second, this statement is created by a person who believes they know exactly what good and evil are, or at least have an idea of it. Yet everyone differs on what good and evil are. If you act in the interest of blessedness then others may see you acting in the interests of evil. In order to properly answer this there must firstly be a clearly defined social set of good values for you to determine whether or not this statement applies, or at least, is true.

These are just a couple.
13-12-2005, 01:28
Actual Definition:

1. Morally bad or wrong; wicked: an evil tyrant.
2. Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful: the evil effects of a poor diet.
3. Characterized by or indicating future misfortune; ominous: evil omens.
4. Bad or blameworthy by report; infamous: an evil reputation.
5. Characterized by anger or spite; malicious: an evil temper.

WordNet Definition:

adj 1: morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds" [syn: wicked] [ant: good] 2: having the nature of vice [syn: depraved, vicious] 3: tending to cause great harm [syn: harmful, injurious] 4: having or exerting a malignant influence; "malevolent stars"; "a malefic force" [syn: malefic, malevolent, malign] n 1: morally objectionable behavior [syn: immorality, wickedness, iniquity] 2: that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune; "the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones"- Shakespeare 3: the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice; "attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world" [syn: evilness] [ant: good]

Looks pretty simple to me.
13-12-2005, 01:32
Evil Or Fass.

More seriously, evil is the antithesis of whatever moral system you are currently using. Currently we acknowledge on an intellectual level that moral codes should prevent harm to humans, and as such we define evil as something related to harm to other intelligent life. We also want to be good, so we define evil as something that must be intentional. Because of the fact that we can't accept any position as correct besides our own, we therefore assume that those that are evil must be misguided or insane. What we often don't realize is that under the proper circumstances we would do much the same things.

The concept that evil is somehow related to harming humans is flawed. While we think that every human has equal moral value to us, our actions and emotions show better. As a illustration of this, think about how you would feel if a good friend of yours died. Compare that to how you felt after hearing about the devastation caused by hurricane Katrina, or 9/11, or the Tsunami. Even feeling equally for your friend and the victims of those events would leave you valuing the life of your friend at thousands of times the life of a stranger. We value others solely when we, consciously or unconsciously, label them as a member of our tribe. Those who are not in our tribe are not valued. The reason you may occasionally care for people starving in Africa or stranded in a New Orleans stadium is because by seeing their pictures you have briefly been duped into feeling that they are a member of your tribe, someone you will have to deal with or appease. If you wait awhile before donating you will realize that the feeling passes with time, the face recedes from your tribal concept.

The result of this whole concept of tribal morality seems to make evil impossible, as one would not harm a member of one's tribe without just cause. While this is the case when the event occurs, it is not the case at every point of reference because tribes change. If someone, either a stranger or yourself from the past or future, harms a member of your tribe, you will classify that as immoral, as an evil action. Thus evil exists, but only in reference to others or when applied in retrospect or speculation.
Swallow your Poison
13-12-2005, 01:38
Evil is a desire to cause harm to another human being.
Really? Every single desire to cause harm? Desire alone?
What about the classic "I'm angry at my boss/parents/coworkers/classmates/whatever and I want them to die!" Many people have had a desire to harm another, and have said something like that, but have realized rationally that it wouldn't be such a great idea. Are they evil?

And what if I'm harming another to protect my life? How about my "rights"? Or my property?
At what point does "Evil" become permissible?
The White Hats
13-12-2005, 01:49
Evil is suffering.
Life is suffering.[/Siddhattha(The Buddha)]
13-12-2005, 01:50
Life is suffering.[/Siddhattha(The Buddha)]

Therefore, life is evil. Sounds about right.
Swallow your Poison
13-12-2005, 01:53
Life is suffering.[/Siddhattha(The Buddha)]
Life is suffering, evil is suffering, therefore life is evil by substitution. And surely evil should be eradicated...
Wait, did mathematics just tell me to commit genocide on a titanic scale?

*shakes fist at Vegas-Rex*
Curse you and your quick clicking-finger! My low-speed plans for dominance are foiled once again!
America of Tomorrow
13-12-2005, 01:56
Actual Definition: ... WordNet Definition: ...

"Philosophical question: What is evil?" Not the dictionay's definition, man
13-12-2005, 01:58
how does that relate to the real world though, if nothing is wrong then why not do whatever it takes to make yourself happy, not considering others?
Because tehy may have friends/guns/a big knife? Seriously. Might makes right. If America had not been strong and nigh untouchable during World War II, we'd all be marching the goose-step and heiling Hitler-Bob. Well, you would. I'm a dirty dysgenic mongrel.
13-12-2005, 01:58
"Philosophical question: What is evil?" Not the dictionay's definition, man

Dictionaries count as philosophers too. Don't discriminate.
13-12-2005, 01:58
Really? Every single desire to cause harm? Desire alone?
What about the classic "I'm angry at my boss/parents/coworkers/classmates/whatever and I want them to die!" Many people have had a desire to harm another, and have said something like that, but have realized rationally that it wouldn't be such a great idea. Are they evil?

it would depend on your system of morals.
I try to keep my thoughts pure, anything else I believe is wrong. Sin starts in the mind you know ;) I would suppose evil in general would too.
And what if I'm harming another to protect my life? How about my "rights"? Or my property?
At what point does "Evil" become permissible?
In my opinion, evil is never right. You have to weigh risk vs reward, and deal with the consequences. If you feel that saving your life is worth the risk, then maybe killing in self defense would be okay for you.
America of Tomorrow
13-12-2005, 02:00
Dictionaries count as philosophers too. Don't discriminate.
Okay, whatever, I'm not looking for an argument or anything...

I'm out
Dissonant Cognition
13-12-2005, 02:07
"Nobody chooses evil because it's evil, but because he mistakes it for blessedness "

So what do you think is evil?


Evil is the necessary counterpart to good, for without it, good has neither existance nor meaning; and vice versa. Two sides, one coin.
The White Hats
13-12-2005, 02:09
Therefore, life is evil. Sounds about right.
Welcome to the first of eight steps.

"As the great ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt, so does this Dhamma and Discipline have but one taste, the taste of freedom" (Vinaya-Pitaka, ii. 239)
13-12-2005, 02:11
Welcome to the first of eight steps.

"As the great ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt, so does this Dhamma and Discipline have but one taste, the taste of freedom" (Vinaya-Pitaka, ii. 239)

Nah. It tastes of salt too. That's why when you put too much soy sauce on Asian food, it ends up salty.
Andaras Prime
13-12-2005, 02:12
The Sith rely on their passion for their strength, they think inwards, only about themselves. The Jedi are selfless, they only think about others.

That's the best definition you'll get:)
13-12-2005, 02:13
So what do you think is evil?
Anything I say is evil. Mwahahahaha! :D
The White Hats
13-12-2005, 02:17
Nah. It tastes of salt too. That's why when you put too much soy sauce on Asian food, it ends up salty.
Ah, but you overlook that which they call, "monosodium glutomate". That which sets out to enhance flavour without discrimination, enhances all flavours.
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
13-12-2005, 02:20
Evil is anything that we strongly and adamantly disagree with. At least that’s what I have been able to gather from all the things that I find people referring to as being evil.
13-12-2005, 02:20
Ah, but you overlook that which they call, "monosodium glutomate". That which sets out to enhance flavour without discrimination, enhances all flavours.

So Buddhism is MSG?
The Similized world
13-12-2005, 02:21
Evil Or Fass.Since Fass is probably in bed by now, here's his old sig: "Some people play tennis, I erode the human soul". It just about sums it up, methinks :p More seriously, evil is the antithesis of whatever moral system you are currently using. Currently we acknowledge on an intellectual level that moral codes should prevent harm to humans, and as such we define evil as something related to harm to other intelligent life. We also want to be good, so we define evil as something that must be intentional. Because of the fact that we can't accept any position as correct besides our own, we therefore assume that those that are evil must be misguided or insane. What we often don't realize is that under the proper circumstances we would do much the same things.Agreed. I very much doubt Pat Robertson, George Bush & similar characters consider themselves evil. In fact, I'm certain they think they're benevolent people who honestly try to be forces for 'good' in the world.

Of course, I also think such people should be commited, but that's just because my ethics are more centered about not causing others harm & trying to allow everyone justice.
The Eliki
13-12-2005, 02:21
Evil is the twisting of what is good. The urge to reproduce is good, but is twisted into lust. The desire to sustain one's self is good, but is twisted into gluttony. The desire to defend life is good, but is twisted into wanton violence. Et cetera.
13-12-2005, 02:28
Evil is the twisting of what is good. The urge to reproduce is good, but is twisted into lust. The desire to sustain one's self is good, but is twisted into gluttony. The desire to defend life is good, but is twisted into wanton violence. Et cetera.

So what constitutes twisting? Any change in a good thing? Or are there specific twists that constitute evil?
The White Hats
13-12-2005, 02:43
So Buddhism is MSG?
In the sense that black = white. I think I would argue (and, on a tangent, I argue here with the authority of one who has sat in the same seat as the living Buddha [/true story]) that Buddhism would say that MSG is the essence of (material) being, and therefore the essence of evil.
13-12-2005, 02:47
In the sense that black = white. I think I would argue (and, on a tangent, I argue here with the authority of one who has sat in the same seat as the living Buddha [/true story]) that Buddhism would say that MSG is the essence of (material) being, and therefore the essence of evil.

How would you fit? Or was it while he was an ascetic?
The White Hats
13-12-2005, 02:52
How would you fit? Or was it while he was an ascetic?
He sat in first. I sat in it some years later.

Or so I was assured by people who had reason to be nice to me.

(And I believe the living Buddha to be quite a lissom chap.)
Dark Shadowy Nexus
13-12-2005, 07:40
How does our entertainment define Evil?

In the movie Street Fighter evil was imparted on Blanks through audio and video feed.

In Power rangers there was an Evil beam that turned people evil who where exposed to it long enough.

In X files evil was this odd energy that took over people and made their eyes turn red.

Many villians like the legion of Doom of the DC or Marvel comics series where an interesting kind of evil.

There is also. The Wicked Witch of the West, The wicked step mother, The wicked queen form a few fairy tales.

In the TV show Charmed Evil took hold of a Child through a Teddy Bear.

When I say evil does not exist it is the definition of evil as given by the above examples that I am refering to.

Evil by other definitions does exist.
13-12-2005, 07:51
God is evil.
13-12-2005, 08:09
Evil is a doctor who is the chief villain of the Austin Powers series of films. He is a parody of James Bond villains, most particularly Donald Pleasance's portrayal of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, in the film You Only Live Twice. Dr. Evil is bald, and wears a gray Nehru Jacket jumpsuit, which is also a reference to Joseph Wiseman's costume as Dr. No from the 1962 film of the same name. Some of Dr. Evil's facial and vocal expressions are allegedly patterned after Lorne Michaels, producer of television's Saturday Night Live.

Like Blofeld, Dr. Evil has a white Angora cat (Mr. Bigglesworth), though it was later rendered hairless as a side effect from cryogenic freezing and henceforth played by a Sphinx cat. Dr. Evil has a son named Scott Evil and a clone called Mini-Me, who is 1/8th his size. His home town is Bruges, located in Belgium.

Dr. Evil in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.Speaking about his upbringing in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, the first film in the series, while at a therapy session with his estranged son Scott, Evil says:

"The details of my life are quite inconsequential.... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize; he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament... My childhood was typical: summers in Rangoon... luge lessons... In the spring, we'd make meat helmets... When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds—pretty standard really. At the age of 12, I received my first scribe. At the age of 14, a Zoroastrian named Wilma ritualistically shaved my testicles— there really is nothing like a shorn scrotum—it's quite breathtaking... I suggest you try it."
He claims to have attended evil medical school for "six frickin' years", and he didn't do so to be called "'mister,' thank you very much."
- Wikipedia