NationStates Jolt Archive


11-12-2005, 21:23
Extremism, fanaticism or fundamentalism can be considered one of the most dangerous forms of organization. When groups such as these have a plan, they follow it out with reckless abandon. In their minds, they are the ones that are right, so that must mean that everyone else is wrong. They may start at picketing, but what's to stop them from elscalating to violence.

My question to you; what is the most dangerous form of extremism?
11-12-2005, 21:33
I should know that extremism isn't dangerous... I'm one of them! :D
11-12-2005, 21:36
The kind where the crazy kids are doing the three-sixties and the benihanas or what ever they called, when they have no helmet! Yeesh, these kids.
Free Soviets
11-12-2005, 21:39
My question to you; what is the most dangerous form of extremism?

currently? in a particular location? in principle?
11-12-2005, 21:40
currently? in a particular location? in principle?

Your opinion, just in general.

Yeah, I'm vague like that.
11-12-2005, 21:50
Why is religion winning? I know we have Muslim terrorists, but their kill-toll is nothing in comparison to the likes of Hitler and Stalin.
Crunchy Nuts
11-12-2005, 21:55
wouldn't anarcho-extremism be the most dangerous, given it doesn't discriminate between victim-target base unlike the other extremist forms?
11-12-2005, 21:57
wouldn't anarcho-extremism be the most dangerous, given it doesn't discriminate between victim-target base unlike the other extremist forms?
How does religious extermism do that?
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
11-12-2005, 22:00
Wait a second. Would Ecological extremists be like Anarcho-Primitivists or ALF? I voted communist, but I think I may have disscounted the dangers inherent in someone who thinks that a rat is just as worthy as a person, or someone who thinks that the whole penicillin thing was an overblown event in human society.
Free Soviets
11-12-2005, 22:21
wouldn't anarcho-extremism be the most dangerous, given it doesn't discriminate between victim-target base unlike the other extremist forms?

German Nightmare
11-12-2005, 23:07
Any kind of extremism is bad.
11-12-2005, 23:24
Boring. How about "which is the coolest kind of extremism"?
The Soviet Americas
11-12-2005, 23:52
Why is religion winning? I know we have Muslim terrorists, but their kill-toll is nothing in comparison to the likes of Hitler and Stalin.
Free Soviets
11-12-2005, 23:54
Your opinion, just in general.

Yeah, I'm vague like that.

well, currently in the u.s. it's neo-nazis and their related forms.

extremist religious groups also scare the crap out of me, because for some reason that has never been clear to me they are never extremist in a direction i would even at least generally support. the only time religious groups get extremist is when they want to brutally crush people to enforce some set of barbaric 'ideals'.
11-12-2005, 23:54
I voted for Communist, because it's the only one on the list that an actual host of countries have taken up. When (not if, because they will. The EU will do nothing more than continue it's bleating, and the US will wait until it is 110% sure they have a bomb--like when a crater appears in central Tel Aviv) Iran gets nukes, I'll probly change my vote to religious.
Free Soviets
12-12-2005, 00:02
Boring. How about "which is the coolest kind of extremism"?

clearly, that one goes to the primmies