How extreme are you?
Ok, last night I set up an NS Centrist Party, and I was wondering how many people on NS actually are moderate. I know that there's quite a few of you with... "severe" views on things. Do you consider yourself to be extreme, mellow, weak etc.? Share your views here with the group.
Ancient Valyria
09-12-2005, 21:58
Ok, last night I set up an NS Centrist Party, and I was wondering how many people on NS actually are moderate. I know that there's quite a few of you with... "severe" views on things. Do you consider yourself to be extreme, mellow, weak etc.? Share your views here with the group.
Pardon me, good sir, but it's spelled
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
09-12-2005, 22:16
I'll freely admit to being an extremist. Only Evil, which wins all wars through attrition, can prevail through compromise.
Look at the Bible, Jesus was this happy go lucky pacifist guy who didn't even try to escape the Romans nailing him to tree, and even he don't take no shit when it came to his ideals.
Forfania Gottesleugner
09-12-2005, 22:21
Ok, last night I set up an NS Centrist Party, and I was wondering how many people on NS actually are moderate. I know that there's quite a few of you with... "severe" views on things. Do you consider yourself to be extreme, mellow, weak etc.? Share your views here with the group.
By who's standards? I don't think to myself, wow I'm extreme, I think this is what I think needs to happen. If other people see it as extreme it is just as easy for me to see them as extreme.
Dishonorable Scum
09-12-2005, 22:34
Well, according to today's UN report, I am ranked 4350th most extreme in NationStates. That puts me in the top 4%. Make of it what you will.
The Sutured Psyche
09-12-2005, 23:30
So xxxtreem I spell the word with an unconscionable number of x's, damn the consequences, life's too short!
Drunk commies deleted
09-12-2005, 23:33
I'm very moderate and reasonable. I believe in good mainstream economic policies, like fair trade, living wage, and some redistribution of wealth through taxation and social welfare. I also have a moderate foreign policy viewpoint. It consists of using military force and agressive diplomacy to defend ourselves, our allies, and our interests abroad.
09-12-2005, 23:34
I'm extreme in the eyes of many people, but not my own. Within my realm of being, I try to be moderate and reasonable. If someone else sees my moderate as extreme, screw them. :mp5: :)
Drake Gryphonhearth
10-12-2005, 00:10
I jump off helicopters with a snowboard, and slide down, while a landslide threathens to overwelm me. Then a bolt of lightning hits me, and I fly through the air. When I get down, I scream at the top of my lungs:
Woah! X-TREEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drat! I thought this was an invitation to the X-Games.
The Doors Corporation
10-12-2005, 00:24
I am a centrist, but I like to think and act extreme.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
10-12-2005, 00:29
Drat! I thought this was an invitation to the X-Games.
All you've got to do to get on the X-Games is slip a hot pocket to an entry judge and invent an assinine new sport like "Riding Wheelchairs down the stairs."
Boom, fame, power, wealth, and total anoynmity because no one gives a flying fuck about the X-Games other then complete tools who've spent their entire lives eating lead paint and melting their brains with MTV while they damage their hips with those damn hulha hoops!
The Eliki
10-12-2005, 00:29
I think it would be appropriate to say that I am
X-TREEM 2 TEH MA><!!!1
Yes, anarchism is generally considered extremist.
10-12-2005, 01:11
I do not class myself as extreme, in fact like a good whisky I have mellowed with age, (now thirty-esque)
I am still as Economically Left wing as they come (I make Lenin look like a moderate) However I a not into all that tree hugging libertarian BS, and I am a statist, pro nuclear (weapon and power) and also very very very anti religion, I would normally just say atheist but don't want to offend the moderate atheists by association, I am Anti Religious, I am also a very overt Fur.
Principa Discordia
10-12-2005, 01:18
I believe that i should be in charge of EVERYTHING. you bitches dont know the first thing about anything. either that or everyone needs to be shot. either way i win.
10-12-2005, 01:18
I'm not extreme, in as much as 'extreme' would imply opinions and such - I'm generally moderate in that respect.
However, I would definitely consider myself 'X-TREME!!!' in as much as I am most definitely a complete adrenaline junkie lol.
Bungie jumping, zorbing, skiing, white water rafting, the list goes on. Adrenaline - its so good its better than drugs. I'd say its better than sex but I have nothing with which to make the comparison :)
10-12-2005, 01:20
I'd like to think of myself as extreme, but in reality, a wild night for me is when someone mixes a scoop of regular in with the decaf.
How extreme I am tends to depend on the category. In politics, I tend think I'm in the middle leaning a little onto the liberal side.
For sports I'm quite extreme - I'm into snowboard, roller blading, kayaking, rock climbing, and I'd love to try sky diving and bungie jumping some day. It's as they say - if it can't kill you it isn't a sport =P I also love offroading.
For partying or other social events I'll go either way, depending on if alcohol is involved. If it is, don't expect me to be the life of the party as I've been told drunk me appears more sober than sober me. If it isn't, I'm generally the wildest person there and sooner or later I'll probably do something like jump off the roof into the pool or something crazy.
10-12-2005, 01:26
I'd like to think of myself as extreme, but in reality, a wild night for me is when someone mixes a scoop of regular in with the decaf.
Hurrah! Would I be right in thinking you got that from Calvin and Hobbes?
10-12-2005, 01:29
Hurrah! Would I be right in thinking you got that from Calvin and Hobbes?
Damn straight. It's more quotable than Shakespeare, and funnier to boot.
10-12-2005, 01:34
Damn straight. It's more quotable than Shakespeare, and funnier to boot.
Fantabulous! Makes you wonder why we still have to study crappy Shake in school and not... you know, good stuff.
Pure Metal
10-12-2005, 01:35
extreme? yes.
but then my particular brand of communism it totally extreme (communitarian, regressionist, anarcho-communism) and would take probably centuries to impliment, so my day-to-day politics are far more moderate (but still left of course :D)
10-12-2005, 01:35
I am extremely intelligent and good looking.
10-12-2005, 02:07
If I was to be rated on an x-treme scale from 1-10, 10 being the most x-treme and 1 being the least x-treme I'd be a 9.5 X-TREME!!!
10-12-2005, 02:10
If I was to be rated on an x-treme scale from 1-10, 10 being the most x-treme and 1 being the least x-treme I'd be a 9.5 X-TREME!!!
Hehe - if I were to rate myself on a scale of one to ten, one being not so X-treme and ten being extremely X-treme, I'd be totally X-treme dude!
I am a centrist, but I like to think and act extreme.
Occasionally, so do I...
I am extremely intelligent and good looking.
How extreme are you?
To the Nth freaking degree.
To the Nth freaking degree.
I don't think there's anything unnaturally radical about my views, but I am an extremist within current political norms.
I don't think there's anything unnaturally radical about my views, but I am an extremist within current political norms.
What is it you believe in? Just out of interest...
10-12-2005, 10:51
I am X to the Z Extreme!
What is it you believe in? Just out of interest...
I am a libertarian communist.
I am a libertarian communist.
And therefore, a witch. Burn him.
And therefore, a witch. Burn him.
Can't I get stoned instead? It's ever so much more fun.
Can't I get stoned instead? It's ever so much more fun.
Did you bring enough for the whole class?
Can't I get stoned instead? It's ever so much more fun.
Well before we do anything, we must first see whether you can float.
Did you bring enough for the whole class?
Uh....Yes. If by class you mean "two or three people".
Well before we do anything, we must first see whether you can float.
I can float in beer. *nods*
I can float in beer. *nods*
Then are in fact, not a witch at all, merely a cocktail umbrella.
Then are in fact, not a witch at all, merely a cocktail umbrella.
Excellent. Can I go now? I feel like bathing in a pig's blood, and then doing unspeakable things with a young virgin.
10-12-2005, 11:10
Uh....Yes. If by class you mean "two or three people".
I can float in beer. *nods*
I can Drink Beer. *nods*
Excellent. Can I go now? I feel like bathing in a pig's blood, and then doing unspeakable things with a young virgin.
Yes, as long as you drive responsibly.
Excellent. Can I go now? I feel like bathing in a pig's blood, and then doing unspeakable things with a young virgin.
That's pretty extreme. I was going to bathe in a virgin's blood and do unspeakable things to a young pig. But I like yours better.
That's pretty extreme. I was going to bathe in a virgin's blood and do unspeakable things to a young pig. But I like yours better.
I hate the smell of bestiality in the morning.
10-12-2005, 12:39
I am totally normal
I am totally normal
As if that's possible...
10-12-2005, 13:29
donĀ“t try to rumble me ;)
10-12-2005, 13:34
I'm a moderate... Slightly right wing economically and slightly liberal socially... Thats me...
I love how the poll says "moderate and reasonable."
So I'm an unreasonable anarchist zealot. Or something.
I love how the poll says "moderate and reasonable."
So I'm an unreasonable anarchist zealot. Or something.
Duh. I could have told you that. :D
extreme? yes.
but then my particular brand of communism it totally extreme (communitarian, regressionist, anarcho-communism) and would take probably centuries to impliment, so my day-to-day politics are far more moderate (but still left of course :D)
Same here.
But, as Preebs has pointed out, there's no "extreme and reasonable" option in the poll... So I'll have to abstain. ;)
10-12-2005, 16:14
I am moderate, I just live in a world full of leftwingers!
10-12-2005, 16:16
Although I don't consider my beliefs to be extreme the majority of people do - but only because they've been brainwashed by the capitalists.
10-12-2005, 16:59
Although I don't consider my beliefs to be extreme the majority of people do - but only because they've been brainwashed by the capitalists.
And people wonder why you're extreme. :rolleyes: