Trading Bibles for porn in San Antonio - Page 2
07-12-2005, 10:08
(And I am an Atheist and very anti-spiritual, before you comment)
Just out of curiosity ...
You tend to post some funny and seemingly well-thought-out things on occasion, leading one (some) to conclude that your pursuits and wit reflect some kind of spiritual pursuit .... haphazard, chaotic, sardonic, or capricious.
Still .... ?
San Maria Maggiore
07-12-2005, 10:14
That's, perhaps, due to a lack of testicular fortitude. Rather than blowing themselves up, they just blow other people up. ie: Oklahoma City, numerous abortion clinic bombings (and shootings), innumerable deaths caused by the KKK (though largely in the past), as well as the day-to-day hate crimes.
ok, first of all, it has nothing to do with testicular fortitude. you don't set a bomb off with your nuts, and I'm sure you didn't mean to imply by that remark that women somehow can't possibly be brave enough to do something of that calibre. second of all, things like the Oklahoma City bombings and abortion clinic bombings, etc., etc. are done by mentally deranged people who nobody in their right mind would say are really Christian (unless trying to make a false universal argument against Christianity with the sole aim of demonizing all Christians. But I know you wouldn't do that). Third, the KKK wasn't put together on a religious basis, but rather a racial one. Hate crimes? What are you talking about? Trust me, as a devout Catholic living in Washington D.C., there are far more 'hate crimes' towards Christians than anybody else in D.C. One perfect example of this is Scott Bloch, the head of the Office of Special Counsel to the US Government (e.g. Now, I'm not saying that there aren't 'hate crimes' committed by Christians, but I am saying that they are infinitely dwarfed by those of the anti-christians.
07-12-2005, 10:25
You may believe in God, and God exists, in which case you go to heaven: your gain is infinite.
You may believe in God, and God doesn't exist, in which case your loss is finite and therefore negligible.
You may not believe in God, and God doesn't exist, in which case your gain is finite and therefore negligible.
You may not believe in God, and God exists, in which case you will go to hell: your loss is infinite.
(derived from Pensées, Blaise Pascal)
Well ... interesting that a mathematician would embrace an idea like "infinity" in a calculation that doesn't have all the facts to qualify/finish the formula.
Moreover .... your gain couldn't possibly be "infinite" unless your faculty could be the same as or even in surpass of god.
And as to your ability to do that ... might as well look it up.
And as far as your loss to be infinite .... better look up the qualifications of "hell" REALLY specifically before taking that seriously, either.
07-12-2005, 10:29
That just reminds me of the joke:
Morris was passing a small courtyard and heard voices murmuring. He went in and saw an altar with a large zero in the middle. White-robed people were kneeling before the altar chanting hymns to The Great Nullity and The Blessed Emptiness.
Morris turned to a white-robed observer beside him and asked:
Is Nothing Sacred?
Yes I'm sorry, I couldn't help it
Bart to Homer:
Dad, what is mind?
Homer to Bart:
No matter...
Bart to Homer:
Dad, what is matter?
Homer to Bart:
Never mind.
Hope i didn't f*ck that up too much. Very cool, pre-first season (Ullman Show era)
07-12-2005, 17:41
You know, rude atheists can be nearly as irritating as rude fundy Christians--the difference is that while rude atheists are intimating that they're smarter than you because they don't believe, fundy Christians are saying they're more moral than you because you don't believe the way they do, and furthermore, that you're going to burn in hell as a result. If I have to deal with a rude group of people, it'll be the atheists any day.
Yeah, like your grandma won't write you out of the will if she gets wind of what you fed to them in order to get them to leave you alone so you could get back to your fornication...
07-12-2005, 18:54
Living in the UK I've encountered a few millitant Atheists but no millitant Christians.
Speaking from personal experience I find that people tend to be quite millitant just after leaving a religion (I certainly was) but they tend to grow out of after a couple of years (I hope I have :) ). A friend of mine used to be pretty millitant a couple of years ago and would rant on about the stupidity of religion at every opportunity. A few weeks ago he went to chruch with his girlfriend.
The Nazz
07-12-2005, 18:58
Living in the UK I've encountered a few millitant Atheists but no millitant Christians.The blessing of living in the UK. :D
Yes I know what you mean, for example a woman I knew once, she was very militant against religion (bad childhood experiences) , now she goes to Church with her husband and children every Sunday (pretty much out of respect, not belief I think).
07-12-2005, 19:05
Yes I know what you mean, for example a woman I knew once, she was very militant against religion (bad childhood experiences) , now she goes to Church with her husband and children every Sunday (pretty much out of respect, not belief I think).
I think one of the reasons I was so millitant was that I never really knew anyone who was particularly religous. As you grow up you start to meet people who are and realise that they aren't all 't3h 3vil brainwasherxors'.
07-12-2005, 19:06
I've never met any militant Christians either.
I have to say, being told that I am weak-minded and mentally ill is possibly one of the more unwelcome aspects of knowing militant atheists.
07-12-2005, 19:14
I've never met any militant Christians either.
I have to say, being told that I am weak-minded and mentally ill is possibly one of the more unwelcome aspects of knowing militant atheists.
Meh, just tape-record or video them a few times mid-rant. Play it back to them in a few years when they've calmed down a bit and have a good laugh.
07-12-2005, 19:18
vive le students
The Abomination
07-12-2005, 19:19
I am 100% faithful Christian Mystic. However, I'd want to get involved with this scheme. For a start, what are these guys doing with the Bibles after? Because someone with even a modicum of intelligence would start funnelling them out through proxies to be handed in again, thus acquiring more porn. In a short time you could acquire a stupidly large degree of porn using only a small number of Bibles. All that is required is a man on the inside... a man theoretically bribable with your newly acquired large amounts of porn.
That plan is so perfect, I think it could only be called divine.
On a more serious note, I think God would approve of this plan. Afterall, if you've read whats in the book properly, the book itself doesn't matter and could be put to good use acquiring pornography, which is itself merely an art form expressing joy in the beauty of God's own form (in which humans are after all made).
07-12-2005, 19:22
The student organisation is called "Atheist Agenda". Is it just me, or does that name sound like something concocted by Stalin and the Illuminati?:eek:
The Nazz
07-12-2005, 19:25
The student organisation is called "Atheist Agenda". Is it just me, or does that name sound like something concocted by Stalin and the Illuminati?:eek:
It's just you. :D
07-12-2005, 19:30
The student organisation is called "Atheist Agenda". Is it just me, or does that name sound like something concocted by Stalin and the Illuminati?:eek:
Dan Brown is writing the manuscript as you speak.
I've never met any militant Christians either.
I have to say, being told that I am weak-minded and mentally ill is possibly one of the more unwelcome aspects of knowing militant atheists.
It's all in your head buddy, don't worry about it :D ;) :fluffle:
07-12-2005, 19:37
I feel the need to go to university and start up a group called "Godwarriors Against Darksided Gargoyles and Psychics".:D
07-12-2005, 19:41
I feel the need to go to university and start up a group called "Godwarriors Against Darksided Gargoyles and Psychics".:D
Did you see that E-bay statuette of the woman? It had all the sound effects.:p
The student organisation is called "Atheist Agenda". Is it just me, or does that name sound like something concocted by Stalin and the Illuminati?:eek:
(dammit burn them Porn spreading New Age Nazis :p )
New Granada
07-12-2005, 20:07
Amazing, Bravo
12-12-2005, 05:22
I've never met any militant Christians either.
I have to say, being told that I am weak-minded and mentally ill is possibly one of the more unwelcome aspects of knowing militant atheists.
Hmmm I dont want to call you shealtered but ...
At least here you cant take a walk around the block without stepping on one:p
12-12-2005, 05:49
Did you see that E-bay statuette of the woman? It had all the sound effects.:p
If it wernt so anoying it would be halarious to have
The Plutonian Empire
12-12-2005, 06:09
Now why can't they do this on my campus (
There's an interview that follows, and I have to give Tucker Carlson credit here--he's not as much of a douchebag as he usually is in this interview. Here's a sampling:
I got giggly when the Jehovah's Witnesses had a table on campus set up next to the guys from NORML. Can you imagine what this would turn into?
I applaud these atheists. :D :fluffle: :D