Which Was The Best Decade EVER?
05-12-2005, 02:23
I think it's pretty obvious from here that the 80's were CLEARLY the greatest decade of mankind's existence. Synthesisers, Big Hair, Glam Pumps, Plastic Clothes, Hoop Earrings, Grainy Film Stock, Fluro Lights, Action Movies and Friday the 13th!
05-12-2005, 02:26
I think it's pretty obvious from here that the 80's were CLEARLY the greatest decade of mankind's existence. Synthesisers, Big Hair, Glam Pumps, Plastic Clothes, Hoop Earrings, Grainy Film Stock, Fluro Lights, Action Movies and Friday the 13th!
Plus I was born in it!
Neu Leonstein
05-12-2005, 02:28
Bah, I hate the Eighties with a vengeance, for pretty much all the reasons you quoted.
Yes, I was born in them, but that must've been the only good thing to have come of it. :p
1990's. Clinton and Cisco and NASDAQ 5000, fun times for someone like me.
05-12-2005, 02:46
60s - drugs, great music, free love. Yes, I wish I was Austin Powers.
Little rubber duckies
05-12-2005, 02:47
def the 80's, they had some of the best music and movies and let's not forget all the bright colors and cool clothes...i just wish i hadn't been born so close to the end of it *sigh* thats okay a lot of the 80's crossed into the early 90's anyways
05-12-2005, 02:47
Whichever decade in which mankind first discovered grapefruit juice.
The Atlantian islands
05-12-2005, 02:48
80's good old Ronald, may he rest in peace.
def the 80's, they had some of the best music and movies and let's not forget all the bright colors and cool clothes...i just wish i hadn't been born so close to the end of it *sigh* thats okay a lot of the 80's crossed into the early 90's anyways
You are a sick, sick person. :p
05-12-2005, 02:56
What was the best decade ever?
I have to go with the 50s on this. At least it seemed to be the best decade, although many people lived in a kind of bubble of denial.
Neu Leonstein
05-12-2005, 02:58
The Twenties.
It was a little like the Eighties (party, no worries, sexual promiscueity (sp???)), but without all the horrible Eighties things. Plus it had Gangsters, and a stock market crash.
That would've been an exciting time to live in.
The Twenties.
It was a little like the Eighties (party, no worries, sexual promiscueity (sp???)), but without all the horrible Eighties things. Plus it had Gangsters, and a stock market crash.
That would've been an exciting time to live in.
Don't forget racism.
80's good old Ronald, may he rest in peace.
You like Falcon Crest? What about Dinasty?
Don't forget racism.
That and the Russian Civil War.
That and the Russian Civil War.
And the influenza epidemic.
The eighties sucked. I mean...
The mullet! THE MULLET!
Sorry. But - eighties hair. Urgh. Also, Argentina knocked England out of the World Cup in 86'. That ruined the whole decade instantly.
The Atlantian islands
05-12-2005, 03:06
You like Falcon Crest? What about Dinasty?
I like everything, and I like nothing.
The Zombie Alliance
05-12-2005, 03:07
I have to say the 30's...the 2630's!...B.C! That's when a clumsy Egyptian farmer first discovered alcohol.
I have to say the 30's...the 2630's!...B.C! That's when a clumsy Egyptian farmer first discovered alcohol.
And what's so great about it? That more people were going blind?
The Riemann Hypothesis
05-12-2005, 03:10
The (18)90's, definitely. The Prime Number Theorem was proved independently by Hadamard and de la Vallée Poussin in 1896!
Neu Leonstein
05-12-2005, 03:13
Don't forget racism.
That and the Russian Civil War.
And the influenza epidemic.
Hey, I didn't say the Twenties were perfect.
But the Eighties had Racism too, and war and epidemics (and Chernobyl). But as far as the outlook of the people at the time is concerned, the mid-twenties were one of the better decades.
The Atlantian islands
05-12-2005, 03:14
the 40's!!!!!!!!!!....what?
The (18)90's, definitely. The Prime Number Theorem was proved independently by Hadamard and de la Vallée Poussin in 1896!
I see what you mean. The endless parties... people drunk on streets going "The largest proper divisor of n can be no larger than n/2!" and joyfully grabbing women, kissing their lips, before they ran further, laughing and dancing.
The Riemann Hypothesis
05-12-2005, 03:43
I see what you mean. The endless parties... people drunk on streets going "The largest proper divisor of n can be no larger than n/2!" and joyfully grabbing women, kissing their lips, before they ran further, laughing and dancing.
Actually what they were saying was that the number of primes less than n is asymptotically equivalent to n/ln(n) :D
05-12-2005, 03:53
I think it's pretty obvious from here that the 80's were CLEARLY the greatest decade of mankind's existence. Synthesisers, Big Hair, Glam Pumps, Plastic Clothes, Hoop Earrings, Grainy Film Stock, Fluro Lights, Action Movies and Friday the 13th!
trapper-keepers, smurfs, billy idol, tin lunchboxes, teddy ruxpin (did anyone actually ever buy one?), galaga, atari, lite-brites, glow worms, my little pony!, high-tops, neon everything, madonna, beverly hills cop, synth music from heaven, depeche mode, front242, music videos from hell, the goonies, the neverending story (sloth!), ... yeah, ok, i'm old. :D ;)
Actually what they were saying was that the number of primes less than n is asymptotically equivalent to n/ln(n) :D
Oh, shoot. How soon we forget the great moments in history! I'm ever so sorry, but, in my defense: I've only seen the event in movies and works of art, never read first-hand accounts.
05-12-2005, 03:55
The next decade will be the best ever.
I see what you mean. The endless parties... people drunk on streets going "The largest proper divisor of n can be no larger than n/2!" and joyfully grabbing women, kissing their lips, before they ran further, laughing and dancing.
You were there too?
90's. Maybe the 60's would have been fun, but I wasn't around to say...and then there's Vietnam.
05-12-2005, 04:03
The 60s. From 60 to 69 AD. Maaaan... those days in Rome, they knew how to par-tay! Sure, the first three years weren't that good, but everybody knows that early sixties were more like part of the fifties.
Good Lifes
05-12-2005, 06:53
1964-1974 Peaking in 1968. 10 years of the absolute best and the absolute worst. It's hard to explain to anyone born since how wonderful and how terrible society and civilization can be. It's even harder to explain how society and civilization can quickly change. The last 20 years have been DULL. Can't think of one advancement in the human condition. At the same time, can't recall any extreme evil.
I long for a time when people actually gave a da-- about anything. I don't care if I agree or disagree, I would like to see some passion about anything.
05-12-2005, 15:16
Ra-Ra Rasputin Russia's Greatest Love Machiiiiine!!!
*dances to horrible 80's music*
This decade has certainly be interesting so far. High-tech stock market crashes, terrorism, several massive earthquakes and a tsunami, political unrest, peaceful revolutions... Disturbing, but better than living during a boring decade.
The 1990's saw a leap in technology. Course the 1950's had America with a nice standard of living which is gone now but still...
I like the 1980s best:
Communism collapses
Great movies (Ghostbusters, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Breakfast Club, etc)
New Wave
Conservative backlash
The decade of greed - the 80s - is my fave. Most likely because I was a teenager then. (Our current decade has been pretty bad for moi but it's slowly getting better).
The 80s was just plain fun. I often compare it to the 50s. The economy was good (until the last few years). I liked the music. Fashion was weird-ass. I predict a return to the fashion in the 2010s. I mean if the 70s fashion can return than any fashion can. It would be cool to see the flapper fashion of the 1920s return. Grrrr!!!! I did wear my sunglasses at night!!!! :)
Elgesh']60s - drugs, great music, free love. Yes, I wish I was Austin Powers.
Too much turmoils in the 60s. People tend to romantisize this decade but there was a fell of a lot of violence. I'm sick to death of it!!!!!
1964-1974 Peaking in 1968. 10 years of the absolute best and the absolute worst. It's hard to explain to anyone born since how wonderful and how terrible society and civilization can be. It's even harder to explain how society and civilization can quickly change. The last 20 years have been DULL. Can't think of one advancement in the human condition. At the same time, can't recall any extreme evil.
I long for a time when people actually gave a da-- about anything. I don't care if I agree or disagree, I would like to see some passion about anything.
There have been tons of advancements in medicine in the last 20 years. The cold war ended. George W. Bush cannot run again for office!!!!!
You are allowed to type the word DAMN!
05-12-2005, 16:38
the 1870s... for the northern US anyway. we were all happy after winning the civil war, the boys were home, the south was subdued, and the economy was back on the rise again like it was before the war (at least in the north it was, in the south it was, obviously, slumping because of the destruction).
05-12-2005, 16:50
By far is was the 2370's.
Oh, wait, that was privileged information.
High command, please pepare for a chrono-cleansing.
Call to power
05-12-2005, 16:50
the 1990 pwnd cypress hill, NWA and stop...hammer time also there was seinfeld and the Simpson’s back when it was good
Pure Metal
05-12-2005, 16:51
60s: drugs... drugs.... probably some free love and some great music... but mostly drugs ;)
hendrix, cream, zeppelin, sabbath, many more...
i also like the 80s for a number of reasons (mostly music and movies of the era) but i cannot vote for that decade because of its politics :headbang: