The Official God FAQ
The Mindset
01-12-2005, 21:30
Q. Is there a god?
A. No.
Disclaimer: In the quite unlikely event that you were to discover any omissions or inaccuracies on this page, they may be reported to the international headquarters of The Official God FAQ, where they will be thoroughly investigated, submitted to rigorous scientific testing and, if substantiated, included in a subsequent update. Thank you.
Pepe Dominguez
01-12-2005, 21:32
This is gonna be constructive..
*waits for the 7 page flame war*
Actually, I find the FAQ lacking grammatic accuracy.
01-12-2005, 21:34
Popcorn, anyone?
01-12-2005, 21:36
In Comanche, we call God Narumi.:) Or Bob in informal conversation.
Popcorn, anyone?
Got any salt?
01-12-2005, 21:38
Heh. Proof denies faith.
You fail to include the sense in which God, as a concept, is.
01-12-2005, 21:44
Hah, hah. Though I'm inclined to agree with you, this isn't a very articulate thread. Okay, I've had my laugh; you can close it, mods.
01-12-2005, 21:45
Got any salt?
Sure. Butter?
01-12-2005, 22:03
I do not see the point of this FAQ.
In my religion there are many gods. I don't try to blare it out to other people to choke down. The point in my religion though is not really concerned with the certain gods but for what the gods stand for which makes you a better follower.
However, I am not trying to shove it down another persons throat. I agree in all the scientific evidence and everything that has been described but the point is, leave everyone to there own devices.
If someone wants to believe in Christianity to its fullest let them. Same for Islam, Hinduism, Jews, and other religions like Assatru.
If you don't believe in God that is perfectly fine. If someone else doesn't want to follow your evidence, which I must say is extremely lacking it is their democratic choice to follow whatever they want to follow.
Q. Is there a god?
A. No.
Disclaimer: In the quite unlikely event that you were to discover any omissions or inaccuracies on this page, they may be reported to the international headquarters of The Official God FAQ, where they will be thoroughly investigated, submitted to rigorous scientific testing and, if substantiated, included in a subsequent update. Thank you.
The bigger question is: "Why did God blow himself up?"
You fail to include the sense in which God, as a concept, is.
Dilbert Newsletter 62.0 (
Yup. No strings attached. Just follow the link below to download your free copy, in pdf format.
I’m giving it away because I found out that most people who read it end up either recommending it or buying the paper version as gifts for other people. Why not get a copy for your laptop, so you have something to read next time you’re traveling? You can’t beat free.
If you haven't read it, you should. Fiction, Philosophy, Theology and Psudoscience all rolled into an interesting Thought Experiment by the guy who brings you Dilbert.
(Hey, since the thread is going to be locked anyway, why not add a spamvert?) :p
Pschycotic Pschycos
01-12-2005, 22:04
*Ducks aside*
Q. Is there a god?
A. No.
Disclaimer: In the quite unlikely event that you were to discover any omissions or inaccuracies on this page, they may be reported to the international headquarters of The Official God FAQ, where they will be thoroughly investigated, submitted to rigorous scientific testing and, if substantiated, included in a subsequent update. Thank you.
Are you trying to cause a conflict...? How sad...
The Elder Malaclypse
01-12-2005, 22:10
Heh. Proof denies faith.
If without faith God is nothing then without man God is nothing. This is untrue as Deity exists before and after mankind.
heh i thought it was gonna be a faq on how to pretend you're a god in NationStates guess i was wrong. as for the "funniness" of this thread. not very. just let people belive what they want and dont chocke your belives one anyone.
*looks at jehovas witnesess*
Egg and chips
01-12-2005, 22:14
Now... Where did I leave the marshmallows...
hmmm... This flame war is not hot enough. NEEDS MORE OIL!
My marshmallows will soon melt :D
If without faith God is nothing then without man God is nothing. This is untrue as Deity exists before and after mankind.
Really...freaking philisophical I must say!
*shakes furiously*
Get ahold of yourself man! Are you ready to reap the whirlwind that approches?
If without faith God is nothing then without man God is nothing. This is untrue as Deity exists before and after mankind.
How would you know that? You weren't around before and you won't be around after. For all you know, Deity might be simply telling you it has been around for all that time in order to dissuade you from disbelief.
Drunk commies deleted
01-12-2005, 22:30
How would you know that? You weren't around before and you won't be around after. For all you know, Deity might be simply telling you it has been around for all that time in order to dissuade you from disbelief.
Or maybe god's just trying to get laid. I've told some crazy lies to try to impress women.
01-12-2005, 22:35
God exists; he is a Flying Spaghetti Monster ( Proof of his existence (in reply to the disclaimer): 1) DNA seems a little noodly to me 2) Blood is thick and red, so is spaghetti sauce 3) Do a google image search of galaxies a few look amazingly like the FSM.
The Helghan Empire
01-12-2005, 23:15
Now... Where did I leave the marshmallows...
hmmm... This flame war is not hot enough. NEEDS MORE OIL!
My marshmallows will soon melt :D
Can I have some before they melt? I'm hungry.
01-12-2005, 23:30
Hmm... Apparently, the attempted flame didn't catch on. How about this?
The US is stupid, because I know a stupid person and he's from the US.
Dark Wolfen
01-12-2005, 23:33
Can I have some before they melt? I'm hungry.
Me too, Im hungry also:D
Hmm... Apparently, the attempted flame didn't catch on. How about this?
The US is stupid, because I know a stupid person and he's from the US.
Now this should be interesting!!
01-12-2005, 23:36
If this is a God FAQ can we have a:
segment? :D
01-12-2005, 23:37
If without faith God is nothing then without man God is nothing. This is untrue as Deity exists before and after mankind. No, without faith religion is nothing. Religion is not God.
God is dead and awaiting autopsy. Eyewitnesses say that one Friedrich Nietzsche is to blame with Charles Darwin's help.:sniper: :mp5:
Angry Fruit Salad
02-12-2005, 00:51
This thread makes me want duct tape...
Q. Is there a god?
A. No.
Disclaimer: In the quite unlikely event that you were to discover any omissions or inaccuracies on this page, they may be reported to the international headquarters of The Official God FAQ, where they will be thoroughly investigated, submitted to rigorous scientific testing and, if substantiated, included in a subsequent update. Thank you.
Q. Is there a god?
A. As of current, we cannot prove whether there is or isn't a "God" creature in existance somewhere. Those who belive A god(s) exist usually have no proof that he does exist... nor to their opponents, the atheists.
02-12-2005, 01:36
Q. Is there a god?
A. No.
does that mean you are supporting the fact that there may be more than one god, or that as in my view (limited as it may be) no god purely, born, eat, shag, die, rot. everything else inbetween is a bonus.
02-12-2005, 01:55
Q. Is there a god?
A. No.
Disclaimer: In the quite unlikely event that you were to discover any omissions or inaccuracies on this page, they may be reported to the international headquarters of The Official God FAQ, where they will be thoroughly investigated, submitted to rigorous scientific testing and, if substantiated, included in a subsequent update. Thank you.
Q. Is there a god?
A. No.
Disclaimer: In the quite unlikely event that you were to discover any omissions or inaccuracies on this page, they may be reported to the international headquarters of The Official God FAQ, where they will be thoroughly investigated, submitted to rigorous scientific testing and, if substantiated, included in a subsequent update. Thank you.
I had an argument with a five year old that reminds me of you. Just as much scientific testing can be done to prove that God does exist. None.
*eats God*
Mmmmh. Anyone else want some?
So whens this flame war gonna start?
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
02-12-2005, 02:07
*eats God*
Mmmmh. Anyone else want some?
Does it come with wafers? Crispy Jesus wafers? Fresh from Israel shipped to your home in 3 days or less?
02-12-2005, 02:10
Q. Is there a god?
A. No.
Disclaimer: In the quite unlikely event that you were to discover any omissions or inaccuracies on this page, they may be reported to the international headquarters of The Official God FAQ, where they will be thoroughly investigated, submitted to rigorous scientific testing and, if substantiated, included in a subsequent update. Thank you.
Maybe its just me, but this doesn't seem to be a very good FAQ, seeing as how he/she/it didn't even substantiate their claim with any evidence, yet implies that theres already been 'research' done. 9_9 *sigh*
02-12-2005, 02:15
Already more than 4 hours, but only 3 pages? Hum...
And, did you leave any popcorn for me?
Does it come with wafers? Crispy Jesus wafers? Fresh from Israel shipped to your home in 3 days or less?
Sure, God is omnipotent and stuff so he'll naturally be the perfect meal in every way.
What happened to your postcount and all that?
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
02-12-2005, 02:26
Sure, God is omnipotent and stuff so he'll naturally be the perfect meal in every way.
Jesus Wafers and God Roast, brilliant! This stuff is hard as hell to get in the States.
What happened to your postcount and all that?
Didn't you here? I, and several others, have become NS Z0MB13s as a result of Jolt doing something with some other thing at some point. Soon all the world will crumble before our plague of death, destruction, and poorly founded poltical arguments!
Q: Does anybody really care?
A: No.
02-12-2005, 02:28
NS Z0MB13s
Unfortunately, I still haven't became a Z0MB13 myself, in spite of all my efforts...
And the world still haven't quailed to your politics... :D
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
02-12-2005, 02:29
Q: Does anybody really care?
A: No.
Q: Was that question somewhat vague?
A: Maybe.
Jesus Wafers and God Roast, brilliant! This stuff is hard as hell to get in the States.
*crunch crunch* Mmmh.. want some crackling?
Didn't you here? I, and several others, have become NS Z0MB13s as a result of Jolt doing something with some other thing at some point. Soon all the world will crumble before our plague of death, destruction, and poorly founded poltical arguments!
Hehehe. I had no idea, I disappeared for a couple of days. Can i be the evil zombie overlord guy?
02-12-2005, 02:30
Q. Is there a god?
A. As of current, we cannot prove whether there is or isn't a "God" creature in existance somewhere. Those who belive A god(s) exist usually have no proof that he does exist... nor to their opponents, the atheists.
Quoted, for awesageness (yes, I mean awesage, not awesome).
There is no scientific evidence for the existance of god(s) but there is no evidence that says he/she/it/they can't exist, either.
Oh, and the original post seems to be flamebait so blatant that nobody is going to the effort to flame.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
02-12-2005, 02:32
Unfortunately, I still haven't became a Z0MB13 myself, in spite of all my efforts...
I think it was just a brief opening that me and a handful of others fell into. My best guess is that it has something to do with having tried to edit your profile a few nights ago.
And the world still haven't quailed to your politics... :D
Yeah, well the problem there is that I have yet to discover how NS Z0MB13ism is spread among other humans. Z0MB13 plagues are rather nonimpressive if they can't spread.
Big Jim P
02-12-2005, 02:33
Yep. I'm still here.:D
The Elder Malaclypse
03-12-2005, 18:23
How would you know that? You weren't around before and you won't be around after. For all you know, Deity might be simply telling you it has been around for all that time in order to dissuade you from disbelief.
How would I know anything if I weren't there?
03-12-2005, 18:48
How would I know anything if I weren't there?
too ... many ... philosophical statements!
my brain is melting and seeping through my nose at this point.
hey, is someone trying to start a fire over there?
Ploymonotheistic Coven
03-12-2005, 18:52
Hmm... Apparently, the attempted flame didn't catch on. How about this?
The US is stupid, because I know a stupid person and he's from the US.
Now u dun it! A'hm from th USofA n I arnt stoopit! U tree huggin hippy.I noes a stoopit parson from where u is from two. Now put that in yer pype n smoke it.
Der Drache
03-12-2005, 20:09
Heh. Proof denies faith.
That's a pet peve of mine. I think the apostles had pretty good evidence (proof even) in the existance of God. Does that mean that they had no faith? Faith means complete trust. So I would say proof would help my faith.
Der Drache
03-12-2005, 20:12
Hmm... Apparently, the attempted flame didn't catch on. How about this?
The US is stupid, because I know a stupid person and he's from the US.
Call us USians and then watch the flame war happen. Hm, maybe I should encourage such things.
03-12-2005, 20:17
Oh, and the original post seems to be flamebait so blatant that nobody is going to the effort to flame.
Well it's no fun if it's so obvious. It's more fun to roundabout mock the original poster by hijacking his thread in all sorts of ridiculous directions that barely pertain to the original post but at the same time parody it.