quick question
any Vb experts, hell even people with minimal vb knowledge might know this
i need to run a for next loop, in Vb having only ever done Tb, im not sure how to do one or the quivalent in Vb
could someone please post an example
Private Sub cmdFindGName_Click()
Dim newname As String
Dim index As Integer
newname = txtGname.Text
For index = 1 To GCount
If newname = GolferL(index) Then
picResult.Print GolferL(index), GolferF(index), Total(index)
End If
Next index
End Sub
This is from a quick program I did that read in data and displayed it in a Grid. Hope that's helpful. It's 6.0, but I doubt that there are changes to the structure in .NET.
Silly English KNIGHTS
28-11-2005, 17:19
any Vb experts, hell even people with minimal vb knowledge might know this
i need to run a for next loop, in Vb having only ever done Tb, im not sure how to do one or the quivalent in Vb
could someone please post an example
Check out http://www.programmershelp.co.uk/vbforloops.php for a good explanation with examples.
The Squeaky Rat
28-11-2005, 17:20
what the task is . ive to write a program that loops 5 times it takes in a hard disk name, transfer rate and directory size and output all of those plus the transfer time and then out puts the one with the fastest time onto the second form
struggling as ive never really done a 'real' language only true
I'm a VB expert.
can anyone help me with this please
just like an idea of everything id need to do