NationStates Jolt Archive

Who's been touched by his noodly appendage?

28-11-2005, 10:25
I think ive jus got touched by his noodly appendage but im not sre if anybody else has experienced sumtin of the sorts tell me wat it was lik.
28-11-2005, 10:35
*puts on pirate suit*

I have.

And I can't wait for the stripper factory and beer volcano. Ramen.
28-11-2005, 10:46
Yes, I have my pirates v global warming graph coffe mug.
28-11-2005, 11:17

What flavor?
28-11-2005, 11:19
What flavor?

Please Dude stop with the TXT speak.
28-11-2005, 11:21

Please Dude stop with the TXT speak.

*lops off your noodly appendage*

The Squeaky Rat
28-11-2005, 11:26
I think ive jus got touched by his noodly appendage but im not sre if anybody else has experienced sumtin of the sorts tell me wat it was lik.

The Invisible Pink Unicorn will crush your feeble rotten spaghetti under her holy hoofs !

Repent now !

and convert to the joys of pineapple pizza :)
Heron-Marked Warriors
28-11-2005, 11:29
The Invisible Pink Unicorn will crush your feeble rotten spaghetti under her holy hoofs !

Repent now !

and convert to the joys of pineapple pizza :)

JUST pineapple?
28-11-2005, 11:30
and convert to the joys of pineapple pizza :)

Oh dude...

*ralphs all over the floor*
28-11-2005, 11:31
So, what do Pasta Robertson and Spaghetti Falwell have to say about this?
28-11-2005, 11:31
The Invisible Pink Unicorn will crush your feeble rotten spaghetti under her holy hoofs !

Repent now !

and convert to the joys of pineapple pizza :)

Invisible Pink Unicorns are nothing compared to Flying Spaghetti Monsters. Plus, noodles are yummy.
The Squeaky Rat
28-11-2005, 11:34
JUST pineapple?

Well.. definately no pepperoni. The Holy war between the Hams and the Shrooms is still being fought.
28-11-2005, 11:35
*lops off your noodly appendage*

I was talking to Meldure, Meldure should stop the TXT speak.

*Fires a Lemon Meringue Pie at j00*
28-11-2005, 11:38
Oh dude...

*ralphs all over the floor*

Pineapple on pizza is good, particularly with chicken. I'm disappointed in you.
Grainne Ni Malley
28-11-2005, 11:39
If it's limp like a noodle I probably want nothing to do with it, but if it has to do with pirates I'm most likely obligated. I must do some research now.
28-11-2005, 11:43
Oh dude...

*ralphs all over the floor*
*jerks on your face.................*
The Squeaky Rat
28-11-2005, 11:52
If it's limp like a noodle I probably want nothing to do with it, but if it has to do with pirates I'm most likely obligated. I must do some research now.

No, you must bring pirates back to stop global warming :P
28-11-2005, 11:59
No, you must bring pirates back to stop global warming :P

It's a proven fact. Global temperatures have increased, whilst global pirate number have decreased. There's a direct causal link. I've got the coffee mug to prove it.
28-11-2005, 12:19
Not enough Freighters carrying Pieces of eight.
28-11-2005, 12:26
I think ive jus got touched by his noodly appendage but im not sre if anybody else has experienced sumtin of the sorts tell me wat it was lik.

ive jus im sre sumtin lik? Are you trying to learn a new language or inventing your own? :p Translated to Barvinian that would read: Ihzhen toi schelman da komprachdun is naives langestier ois invauchten toi'r wurcken? :p
Cabra West
28-11-2005, 12:29
ive jus im sre sumtin lik? Are you trying to learn a new language or inventing your own? :p Translated to Barvinian that would read: Ihzhen toi schelman da komprachdun is naives langestier ois invauchten toi'r wurcken? :p

He's speaking in tongues, you heathen
28-11-2005, 12:37
I wonder if in 1000 years time we (or our decendants) will see the armies of the Flyting Spaghetti Monster clashing with the followers of the Invisible Pink Unicorn (how can it be pink if it is invisible??!) over who controls the Holy Land (wherever that end up being).
28-11-2005, 12:41
He's speaking in tongues, you heathen

Thanks for clearing that up! :D
28-11-2005, 12:51
how can it be pink if it is invisible??!

The Faith of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is based upon both logic and faith. We have faith that she is pink; we logically know that she is invisible because we can't see her.
That is why the Unicorn is so great. She is invisible and pink at the same time! Surely, this proves She is the one whe should follow.
28-11-2005, 12:51
I am astounded that not one of you imbeciles has noticed that the IPU is merely an incarnation of the FSM. This is evident by the fact that even worshippers of the FSM have their socks raptured. For shame, ye craven pretenders! Arr.

I speak with authority, for, unlike any of you, I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage. It tasted faintly cheesy.

The Great Panjandrum has spoken.
Little cocktail weenie
28-11-2005, 12:54
[QUOTE=Kanabia]*puts on pirate suit[QUOTE]

28-11-2005, 12:56


*threatens by motioning a hook castration*
28-11-2005, 13:01
(how can it be pink if it is invisible??!)

You DARE question the pinkness?!

28-11-2005, 13:08
Congregation of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, we have come together here today to discuss a most serious problem: Global Warming...

Once the pirates were swarming
All across the monsterĀ“s blue seas
Now and again they would be harming
English tradeships and baby seals

But in the past hundred years
The pirates have all but gone
And of the many that once were
there now is only one

Let us pray this lonely pirate
Can once again hurt the english and the seals
To end the global warming
and emit many noodly squeals
Ahlu Sunnah
28-11-2005, 13:10
Iam all confused, could one of you guys explain what a noodly appendage to me.:confused:
28-11-2005, 13:11
Iam all confused, could one of you guys explain what a noodly appendage to me.:confused:

You shall know when you are touched by It.
Ahlu Sunnah
28-11-2005, 13:17
well can you say where it is?
28-11-2005, 13:19
well can you say where it is?

HE's making midgets atm, sorry, can't disturb HIM.
28-11-2005, 13:20
You shall know when you are touched by It.
I don't know, in some cases there seems to be doubt.

I think ive jus got touched by his noodly appendage but im not sre if anybody else has experienced sumtin of the sorts tell me wat it was lik.
28-11-2005, 13:23
I don't know, in some cases there seems to be doubt.

*Arrr* He be walking the board!*
Grainne Ni Malley
28-11-2005, 13:51
Well, I'm doing my part to support the ozone layer.
The Similized world
28-11-2005, 14:11
Just out of curiousity, hava any of you ever cooked & eaten a silly letter to the Kansas schoolboard? If yes, did you have meatballs or sliced midget with it?
Grainne Ni Malley
28-11-2005, 14:50
I knew I had hear of the FSM before!
Dishonorable Scum
28-11-2005, 15:22
Invisible Pink Unicorns are nothing compared to Flying Spaghetti Monsters. Plus, noodles are yummy.

But Invisible Pink Unicorns are quite tasty also, especially with Worcestershire sauce. :p
28-11-2005, 15:35
Is it sad that I immediatly thought the thread title meant something along the lines of Max Barry's reply to all admin-applicants?
Dishonorable Scum
28-11-2005, 15:48
Is it sad that I immediatly thought the thread title meant something along the lines of Max Barry's reply to all admin-applicants?
I do not want to be touched by Max's noodly appendage. :eek:
28-11-2005, 20:01
well can you say where it is?

It is a blasphemy against the Invisible Pink Unicorn!!! Don't listen to the heretics!!!

*offers Ahlu Sunnah a slice of ham and pinapple pizza*

There's more where this came from!!!
28-11-2005, 20:17
I don't know, I prefer to see noodly appentage touching limited to schoolgirls.:cool:
29-11-2005, 06:36
Sorry for talking like that I was a bit confused after the touch but as soon as it happened I made a poster and some leaflets and started handing them out in a variety of areas.
29-11-2005, 06:45
I was violently anally violated by FSM and am eternally grateful...
29-11-2005, 06:48
Does anyone want to be touched by my noodley appendage? I can't promise salvation, but I might buy you dinner and a few drinks.
29-11-2005, 06:50
Does anyone want to be touched by my noodley appendage? I can't promise salvation, but I might buy you dinner and a few drinks.
I like Thai...
29-11-2005, 06:56
I like Thai...
Me too. Now prepare to get noodled, 'Tovie!
29-11-2005, 07:01
Me too. Now prepare to get noodled, 'Tovie!
I doubt you guys live in the same place but as long as you go to an italian restaraunt dressed as pirates you have my blessing
29-11-2005, 07:59
Invisible Pink Unicorns are nothing compared to Flying Spaghetti Monsters. Plus, noodles are yummy.

So are unicorns if you tenderize them enough.
29-11-2005, 08:13
So are unicorns if you tenderize them enough.

Yes, but I can't help but feel that if they're invisible then there wouldn't be much substance to them. Not like a good hearty bowl of noodles.
The Philosophes
29-11-2005, 08:27
ZOMG... is this a thread devoted to debating which atheist God is better? Oh noes... my life is complete. Someone, kill me now!
29-11-2005, 08:30
Yes, but I can't help but feel that if they're invisible then there wouldn't be much substance to them. Not like a good hearty bowl of noodles.
Well both IPU and FSM are both just ways to mock the christian religion and stop it from having to be taught as a science subject in school but it's still an awsome religion and I'd really prefer a FSM with a beer volcano and a stripper factory in the afterlife as well as the extra free day of the the week and the loose moral standards
The Squeaky Rat
29-11-2005, 16:58
Well both IPU and FSM are both just ways to mock the christian religion

Not entirely true. IPU is primarily intended to satirize the logical fallacies and inconsistencies found in many religions, primarily Christianity. If you have no problem admitting your religion defies common sense you should not feel mocked.

FSM is not intended to mock ANY religion - it intends to mock the pseudoscience called ID, which according to its advocates "has nothing to do whatsoever with Christianity, no sir" (paraphrased). ID after all says nothing about the designer, so following its logic Allah, JHWH, the Christian God, Kronos, Shiva, the spaghetti monsterism and so on are all equally valid. The fact that the Kansas board of Education tries to ignore it indicates that they are lying about their "not intended to promote Christianity" claim.

The whole pirate vs global warming thing is intended to mock the "scientific reasoning" advocates of ID use. It *is* in fact a result of the same method of thought ("find facts/correlations that suit your theory")- just more obviously nonsense.
29-11-2005, 17:27
I was led to the Pastafarian way through the general awesomeness of pirates. I was seized with the desire to construct a Most Wicked Pirate Coat, and as I attached the last shiny button, He appeared, and blessed my piratical garment with His Noodly Appendage, and said, "May You Plunder The Seven Seas For The Better Understanding Of My Nature, That You May See My Noodles In One And All; Forever And Ever, Ramen."
29-11-2005, 17:29
You can all keep your noodle-god. I've made my choice and am eagerly awaiting the Chaos Bringer's hunger to bring him here.
29-11-2005, 17:41
ZOMG... is this a thread devoted to debating which atheist God is better? Oh noes... my life is complete. Someone, kill me now!

Okay. *kills*

Who wants to eat his liver? I'm keeping his skull to make an ashtray.
Lunatic Goofballs
29-11-2005, 17:49

Invisible pink unicorns bearing Hawaiian Pizzas!

You religious nuts are obsessed with food!

*relaxes in the corner and munches on a taco*