NationStates Jolt Archive

Saskatchewan NDP opposes a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body

27-11-2005, 06:39

At issue is Resolution H5 from Health Minister John Nilson's own Regina Lakeview riding -- the fifth of 102 resolutions some 600 Saskatchewan NDP delegates will be debating at their annual convention in Regina this weekend. After a lengthy preamble that equates private diagnostic clinics with tobacco companies that engage in "deceptive marketing" and "exploit the fear, ignorance and pain" of sick people, the NDP resolution resolves the party to call on the government to "ban private medical diagnostic clinics in Saskatchewan."

Apparently, there are some members of the NDP who would like to make it illegal for a woman to get an MRI from the private sector, but fully support a woman's "right" to an abortion. Why is it that a woman only has the right to do something with her body when it involves killing a fetus?